A Dirty Shame (2004)
Let's go sexing!
27 September 2004
A review of this movie has to know it's source. It's John Waters! That should put your expectations in order. This movie pits the people who have a head trauma (sex addicts) against the people that didn't (Neuters). The sex addicts are are out to enjoy their sexual selves and the neuters are out to stop them. The movie can draw parallels to drinkers vs non drinkers, Pro-life vs pro-Choice, straight vs gay or any other difference in the way people lead their lives. Only this movie pokes fun at both sides. I laughed out loud a lot which is why I gave it a 7.0. It's all in bad taste and the acting is sub par, but it's all in good fun. Seeing Tracy Ullman do the "Hokey Pokey" and pick up that bottle was a hoot!
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