Good but annoying
23 January 2002
Island of the haunted was quite good even though I'm not sure I like the fact that the super natural takes a larger and larger part of the story. I doubt that any fans of The Pretender will be disappointed with this movie.

The thing that really bugs me is that few of the original questions was answered. Sure, we got to learn a lot more but most of the new knowledge was from questions made in this movie. Another thing that is annoying is that I now get the feeling that they will never tell us the background and what is really going on. It's turning into the same kind of series as the X-files. Episode after episode with small hints and a developing plot but no end in sight, ever!

Since the series are now only being produced in the form of movies, the directors should think about closing it. Decide what they want to tell and make one or more movies and tell the story. I don't think they will ever do that though, instead they will just try to milk The Pretender for $ after $ for as long as possible. When they can't make more money from it they will put it to rest, without giving us an end..

But as I said early on, this picture is quite good if you don't mind being left off with more questions than answers.
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