Review of Narc

Narc (2002)
been there, done that
30 December 2002
All the flash-frames, jump-cuts, and jerky hand-held camera moves in the world can't disguise the fact that this is strictly another lesson in Cop Clichés 101. From the "nothing is what it seems" investigation to the cop's wife who annoyingly whines stuff like, "I can't stand by and watch you do this to yourself again!", there's a "been there, done that" smell to the whole film that no amount of faux "edginess" can cover up. And speaking of that "edginess", when are filmmakers going to just calm down and tell us a story that makes sense, instead of just trying to hide their shortcomings in an avalanche of hackneyed stylistic fetishes? I saw a review on here someplace comparing this film with the best work of Lumet and Freidkin. I wouldn't say that aloud in a room with either of those guys if I were you.
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