The 6th Day (2000)
Don't expect another Total Recall or Running Man
3 December 2000
Do you remember back in the 80's all the cool movies Arnold did? Movies with tons of action and really basic plots? And the over the top, comic book style violence? Well... I think Arnold doesn't, 6th Day really bit. I don't know if it's Arnold getting a little soft in his age or if he's trying to set some example, or maybe we can blame it on James Cameron and T2's so called non-violence theme where Arnold doesn't kill anybody but this movie really lacked what made him so popular in the 80's.

6th Day had an almost made for TV feel to it. Yeah, I know it's got a PG-13 label on it, but all that means is you here a couple of naughty 4 letter words here and there, big deal, easy to cover up when it shows on TV. What really ticked me off was that each time you get to a classic AH-nuld scene of somebody getting shot, run over, or mutilated, you get a quick edit and therefore you miss a good chunk of the reason you came into the theater for. Why bother, save your $5 to $10 plus snack fee and just wait till it shows on TV, your not gonna miss much, except a couple of 4 letter naughty words, but we can all read lips, so you can figure it out. You'll also have to note the quick edits of an overview of some city traffic thru out the movie, a perfect spot for commercials.

If this is supposed to be a part of the move for Arnold to put out for family oriented movies, I gotta say he missed the boat on that one too! So what if there's no nudity, you still got the gun's and violent tones to it. If he's going to do family movies, then he should stick with the Kindergarten cops, not the Big Guns, unlimited ammo flicks.

Arnold just needs to make up his mind, family flicks or brainless violence for the 18 - 34 male movie goers.
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