Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Beautiful but annoying
18 June 2001
Christian (Ewan McGregor) falls in love with Santine (Nicole Kidman) at the Moulin Rouge. She loves him too, but she's promised to the evil Duke of Worcester (Richard Roxburgh). What will she do? Who cares? The film looks incredible but has quite a few major problems...virtually the whole movie is shot in extreme quick cuts making it difficult to know what's going on; the film veers wildly from comedy to satire to tragedy without ever finding a comfortable medium between them; it's too long; all the "songs" are just snatches of popular songs from the past--it's not cute or clever, just annoying (and confusing); Kidman (a very good actress) gives a very bad performance and that's no depth in any of the characters so it's really hard to give a damn. Also John Leguiziamo gives one of his worst performances (and that's saying something). The movie has just two pluses--the truly stunning visuals and McGregor gives out a very good performance--and what a beautiful singing voice! He ALMOST saves the movie. Not recommended.
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