In the Cut (2003)
Utter garbage
1 December 2003
As I've stated elsewhere, 2003 has been a fantastic year for the Australian film industry. We've turned out a few stinkers, but as a general rule the down under productions have been absolute gold. If only the US film industry could follow suit.

This year, I am yet to be truly taken by a film. Kill Bill was a fabulous romp, The Italian Job was an excellent BMW commercial and Pirates of the Carribean was just plain fun. Most everything else I've trudged along to the cinema to see this year has simply been rife with garbage. I needed a good, slick, well written and executed thriller to restore my faith in cinema.

In The Cut was definately not it. The trailer looked good (incidentally it contains the only exciting sequences from the film) and the few reviews I could find were promising. With my enthusiasm in hand, I proceeded to drag my better half and my housemate out for a meal and a movie.

Well, after it all, at least the meal was pretty good.

I'll break 'In The Cut' down into its base elements, and you can make up your own mind if you want to read any further. 1: Meg Ryans breasts. They get a lot of completely pointless screen time. 2: Masturbation. 3: Neurotic characters. All of them, seriously. 4: A plot that attempts to simulate depth by using vague referances and sexual deviancy.

That's about it.

The blurb informed me that the movie revolved around a terrible serial killer, and the turmoil involved in finding him. From where I was sitting it appeared to revolve a little more around loose women and bad dialogue. I could be wrong about the loose women though, with the quality of the camera work they very well could have been men.

I am not too familiar with the directors previous work, and after sitting through this garbage I'm really not keen to look into it any further.

The movie attempts to give us some insight into a group of terribly traumatised minds, all of them obviously quite desperate for some human contact, but falls over itself by giving very little in the way of background to support these characters. I couldn't give two s**ts about any of the people I was seeing on screen. I didn't want to know any more about them, and I didn't want to see another person touching up Meg Ryan. That got old after the first seventeen overly dramatised and completely inappropriate sexual interludes.

The cinematic equal of prison rape, except I actually had to pay for the privelige.

That about sums it up people. If you only completely avoid seeing one movie this year, make it this one.

Completely woeful. I want that two hours of my life back.
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