In the Cut (2003)
2 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers

In trying to decide what movies to watch this weekend, my girlfriend mentioned In The Cut. Hmm...okay i know that Meg Ryan departs from her squeaky clean, cute innocent image and gets nude. What's it about? 'O well she goes out with some cop and body parts get buried in her garden and she thinks its the cop she's with.' 'Great, a crime thriller' I said. BOY WAS I WRONG! In The Cut constantly struggles to figure out just what in da HELL it wants to be. Is it a crime thriller about a serial killer or some erotica love story? To put it bluntly, this movie is HORRIBLE!

Just WHAT was the deal with Meg Ryan and her sister? They looked like a couple of crackheads...cmon, isn't Ryan a English professor/writer? why does she spend most if not all of her time over by her depressed, sex starved sister who lives on top of a sleazy strip club? Were they sisters or lesbian lovers??? and just what did the cop do to allow her obviously demented mind to suspect him of murder? what, lie about not being at a club getting 'oral pleasure'? uh ok....i'm not exactly sure how you went from that to the guy being a serial killer. give me something more, that's not enough. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, ANYONE?? ive yet to see anything that would have me suspect the cop of those murders. this is why everyone watching the movie KNEW it couldn't be him. and then to top all this off....da guy who's had only about 6 minutes of total screen time before the end ends up being the murderer? between Ryan's boyfriend cop and his partner, who else could it have been? Ryan's student, who later comes on to Ryan? Was that supposed to fool me? PUHLEEEZE!! I have NEVER been so uncomfortable and frustrated watching a movie. It takes SO DAMN LONG to get the ball rolling, and in the end it never really does.

This film is a bunch of cliched ideas thrown together, and then trying to throw in some feminist 'sexual exploration' to spice it up with all it does is misdirect the movie even more. It seemed that the only point of this movie was to get Meg Ryan nude on screen and do some racy sex scenes. In The Cut tries to do too much, its full of pointless flashbacks about Meg Ryan's mother (what exactly happened again that has you and your sister TOTAL nutcases?? no one ever thought to expand on that), lack of a real plot/direction and too many sex scenes that seem to have been in the film just because they were with Meg Ryan (in the nude of course! Dammit this is HISTORY!) It's as if the makers were like 'ok, we're getting Ryan to do nude, insert sex scene here, here and dont forget there, and here, and here, and here..... o and lets not forget the male frontal shot! GOOD GRIEF! The so-called 'climax' was like 30 seconds long, gosh I could go on and on but ive wasted enough of my life on this piece of TRASH! Whoever made this movie needs to be dragged out in the street and shot. I said Cabin Fever was the worst film I've seen this year. Well In The Cut just might have taken that title. An AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL 'movie'. Fellow IMDb'ers, our time on this Earth is precious. PLEASE, I beg you not to waste one minute of it watching this God forsaken 'movie'. Meg Ryan's finished.

-0.5* out of **** stars.
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