A Weak Trek Entry
23 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Star Trek movies were growing tired by the time this 9th installment was released. The effects have become common place and the characters too familiar. So the key to making the movie work, to make it new, is a great villain. As much as I admire F. Murray Abraham, Ru'afo not cut it here as the wrinkly-faced bad guy. He is a cartoon character.

Insurrection follows the story of a small race of people living on a planet where the aging process as slowed so much that it has nearly completely stopped. As a result, Worf breaks in zits, Troi and #1's hormones run wild, Jordi's vision starts to come back and Picard, well, he is still bald.

The Federation is trying to supplant the small number of inhabitants of this planet so that others can make use of its special life restoring radiation. Hardly a plot worthy of a feature film. Data goes nuts, Picard does not follow orders (I do not feel that this is a spoiler since the title is Insurrection) and Worf sings HMS Pinafore. They bad guys try to hide their secret and nobody believes Picard as he uncovers the truth. Yawn.

There are worse entries in this franchise, but Insurrection signaled the beginning of the end that Nemesis seems to have completed. What this movie tells us the most is that they should have stopped at First Contact. ** out of ****.
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