The Golden Palace (1992–1993)
Great Hotel...
13 May 2002
I am a HUGE fan of the Golden Girls. When Dorthy got married & the show ended on an emotional side I was saddened...BUT, guess what...Blanche, Rose, & Sophia carried on. The 1st episode started off a little sad. It all begins with the remaining Golden Girls packing up the house because it was Sold! They all are moving to Southbeach into a hotel that they decided to purchase. With Blanche mostly running the front entrance, Rose as the maid, & Sophia (along with Cheech) as the cooks, the zany hotel gets a good taste of the Golden Girls! The show wasn't terrible by all means...actually it was nice to be with the girls again. Where it went wrong was to many story-lines in each show. It was almost to busy! The better parts of the show are (few & far in between) when the girls are actually together to discuss the problems over cheesecake. As much as I want this to be perfect (like the Golden Girls) it's not. Dorthy is a BIG part that is missing...even bringing her on a couple of episodes towards the end wasn't enough to save the show. The Golden Girls will always be remembered as a WONDERFUL show. I think only the die-hard fans (like myself) will remember this one though. Z. 1-10 (9)
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