Brilliant film
20 January 2002
Danny DeVito is sensational as Lawrence Garfield, aka. Larry the Liquidator.

The movie was chugging along nicely, but nothing special until the proxy fight where Andrew Jorgenson, the we've-always-done-it-this-way founder of the company, and "Larry the Liquidator" give speeches to the assembled shareholders. After Jorgenson's speech I was about to write the movie off as another flawed Hollywood portrayal of business and economics, but then comes Larry's speech which is the high point of the movie. Larry's speech is absolutely fantastic and surprising.

The rest of the movie is filled in nicely if not spectacularly. The romance between Larry and Jorgenson's smart and attractive lawyer Kate Sullivan is a nice touch and serves to add another dimension to DeVito's character. The resolution with Jorgenson's company at the end is contrived and the only real detraction from the movie, but that's Hollywood.

One of my all-time favorite movies. I give it a 9, and that puts it in my top 5%.
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