Review of The Blob

The Blob (1988)
"Better than the original?" not really relevant, its just "different!"
1 June 2002
Given the 30 years gap between the two certainly isn't "thirty years better"..... just 30 years different!

Certainly a good attempt at a remake but not within a bull's roar of John Carpenter's THE THING which blew the original out of the water! (Why, so many climed on its back I could never fathom!)

Dillon does an exemplarary job in an "I'm angry with everyone" McQueen reprise. Part LOST BOYS part EASY RIDER, Dillon handles the Blob pretty well. Lots of people die, some you might not expect but hey, like ET its the Government's fault again isn't it? Anyway, all the bad guys get their come-uppance, so no problem! Neat little ending too. Shame no movie producer has capitalised on it!
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