Supergirl (1984)
Oh dear! Such potential wasted
5 January 2003
The hardest thing to swallow about how bad this film really is, is the talent on hand such as Peter O'Toole and Faye Dunaway - what on earth possessed them to put their genius into this appalling production is beyond me.

Helen Slater's acting is as cardboard as it gets. The principal storyline just stinks and the plot is so full of holes it's untrue. The special effects are just plain awful and everything in the movie looks like a bad prop from the 1930's version of Flash Gordon. But - enough about the good points. The one thing that really annoys me is the patronising but generally incorrect use of "Sci-Fi description". Some of the words they dream up are just so lacking in imagination and condescending it's nauseating. "Omegaheadron" I ask you!

In short, if you want to make history and tell everyone you have witnessed quite possibly the worst film ever made, then watch Supergirl. If, however, you value the relatively short time we have on this planet, then please don't waste 2 hours of it watching this trite, worthless drivel.
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