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good but flawed
SnoopyStyle8 January 2022
Julia Meadows (Keri Russell) is a recovering alcoholic and school teacher in remote Oregon. She is estranged from her sheriff brother Paul Meadows (Jesse Plemons). One of her students, Lucas Weaver, is getting bullied. She tries to connect with the child who is showing some disturbing signs.

The opening text threw me off and the story is a bit muddled. I do like the dark atmosphere and the overall creepiness. I like the monster designs. The story may have a few too many elements. Some simplifying could be helpful.
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A Slow Brooding Mess with Little Pay Off
fxdx42 February 2022
Antlers nails the setting and mood, using Oregon as a back drop for this slow moving film about a school teacher (Keri Russell) who begins to investigate one of her students disturbing art. While the acting is strong, and there are some basic elements of horror that work, overall the movie is a lot less than the sum of it's parts.

While the movie sets up a strong base for a creepy story, the film does very little with it. We are treated to cliche soup, including creepy kid with art book, 'powerless' authority figures and even the hints of past tragedy to try to add layers to the characters.

In the end, the film falls back into the same patterns of all mediocre horror films, and putters out without much impact.

This movie takes itself very seriously, and wants you to as well. Unfortunately, other than some good elements of mood and solid acting there isn't much here.
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Decent ideas, but the delivery is mediocre
laurenswitt3 November 2021
I'm somewhat of a fan of Mr. Cooper. Especially his last movie Hostiles made me really appreciate his movies. Even if his works aren't masterpieces I'm more intrigued to watch one of his movies instead of something completely generic. He feels like someone that truly wants to tell a story what sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

With Antlers I'm really ok the fence as we have some decent ideas that could make maybe not the most creative horror flick but something enjoyable. I just feel like a lot of the plotpoints were handled so poorly that it left me quiet bored for a huge part of the movie. So often I just asked myself why this was written the way it is.

Not many characters here feel like they make rational decisions and stuff just happens so we can get to the next scene in the script. The climax doesn't really feel like it was deserved and the monster acts really inconsistence at times. It felt like they should have done a better job setting up the lore about it which is weird as a huge chunk of the movie is just build up.

The acting is fine. It feels like the script didn't really give them a lot to work with. Character interactions feel rather stiff at times and could've used a bit of warmth to them.

Something I have to praise the movie about are the special effects. It reminded me a bit of the Thing, even though there is still a huge difference, but with both movies I felt really uncomfortable at times looking at a corpse or such. So good job for that.

We are also awarded with some nice looking shots. They made a good job of using the area they shot in to their advantage.

So all in all a slightly above average horror movie that just feels rather sloppy with it's execution at times and could have definitely been better just having the core setup in mind.

I wouldn't say you need to see this in the theaters. Just wait until it's streaming somewhere and watch it then if you're really interested.
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Bleak, bleak, bleak
antellis14 November 2022
I am a red-blooded horror fan, I like 'em all. This was a solid mid-tier movie but boy, was it depressing. The kids in peril in this movie are not the same as the kids in peril in, for example, It Chapter One, who are (with one obvious exception) redeemed. The poor kids in this one are downtrodden, damaged and real victims to the bitter end - and the adults aren't any better. Overall it's dark, desperately sad, and there's not much in the way of redemption for anyone beyond the temporary. Lucas is just so world-weary at the age of 12, you want to pluck him from the screen and give the blighter a hug and a cheeseburger. I did get it, I do dig it, but it's an instant trigger for depression. Abandon hope, then stick on Harold and Kumar.
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Wants To Say Many Things, Ends Up Saying Nothing
CinemaClown15 December 2021
Steeped in dark, grim & brooding atmosphere yet failing to capitalise on it to fully realise its ambitions, Antlers begins on a promising note but it doesn't take long for the film to devolve into a frustrating slog. It tries to be too many things yet doesn't have the discipline or clarity to deliver the desired goods. There is plenty it wants to say yet has no idea how to articulate it right.

Co-written & directed by Scott Cooper (Black Mass), the story does create the right sort of intrigue with its foreboding mystery but the human drama that unfolds is not only bland but also inauthentic. Cooper is unsure of what road to take and plays with several ideas hoping some would somehow stick. The balance between its genre elements is off, and the themes aren't properly handled either.

On the plus side, the creature design, gore effects & moody camerawork is worth a mention but the plot & characters don't have that gripping quality to it that would make us care. Still, the actors do what they can to make the journey worthwhile but it doesn't amount to a lot in the end. The problem lies with the script itself that required more fine-tuning to figure out its identity and what themes to address or discard.

Overall, Antlers strives to be a supernatural horror rooted in indigenous folklore, an allegory about unresolved trauma, drug addiction & child abuse, and also an environmental parable, all at the same time, yet falls remarkably short on nearly all fronts. Its premise had potential but its execution is dry & directionless, thus resulting in a tedious & disappointing genre fare that in an effort to say several things ends up saying nothing at all.
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Not Bad.
onebengalcat31 October 2021
It starts off a little slow. Packs a punch the rest of the way. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the mythology of the movie. Not too many movies have Native American Folklore in them. It's better than the cheesy horror movies out now. If you're looking for something different in the horror genera, I definitely recommend.
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What an anti climax
phantasmda14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had been looking forward to seeing this ever since the first trailer dropped well over a year ago, but because of the'virus of unknown origin' brought the world to its knees, it was pushed back, pushed back again and pushed back yet again until it finally released last month to very little media attention and almost no advertising.

I finally got to see it last night and while I did enjoy it for the most part, the ending just completely killed it for me.

The film is well shot, well acted, well directed, it's atmospheric in parts, genuinely creepy in others and moves along at a brisk enough pace to keep you entertained.

The effects were good and the monster itself is really cool when you finally see it but boy what an anti climactic ending.

:::::::Spoilers ahead:::::::

The ending has our lead female come face to face with the huge, hulking creature of the film, it's big, it's scary and it's intimidating as hell and......It's....completely useless.

It hits her and knocks her flying across the floor and she then gets to her feet, picks up a large spike and stabs it a couple of times while it just stands there as if to say, 'come on, kill me' and it drops dead. There's no epic battle, no getting back up, this huge hulking pile of spikes that has murdered and torn apart everyone else in the film, without so much as taking a scratch, gets defeated by a small skinny woman with a big stick in less than a few seconds, without even managing to mess up her hair. It's pathetic.

This whole film that has been building dread and suspense all the way through, is completely undone by a lame, short and just stupid ending. It's like they either ran out of money or ran out of ideas on how the film should end and just said 'to hell with it, just film something quickly and get it into theaters.

It's such a shame as I really enjoyed the rest of the film, it's one of, if not the best Wendigo movie I've seen (which isn't hard to be honest) but the ending just ruined the whole experience for me.
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Much better than all recent horror films
ksgillihan29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have been waiting patiently to see this movie. The trailers really were fantastic. All in all, I enjoyed this movie. It has great atmosphere and that is something that is absent from most movies today. It's not a perfect movie but what it offers is a unique story that isn't found often today. I really enjoyed the native lore in this movie and I think that it is a subject that has a lot left to give. The child actor does a fantastic job as well. Give this one a shot.
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Atmospheric, but somewhat bland horror mystery...
paul_haakonsen25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was initially intrigued and drawn to the 2021 horror mystery "Antlers", given the movie's cover/poster. And also the title itself was unique enough to get my attention actually. And without ever having heard about the movie, nor knowing what it was about, I sat down to watch what writers Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca and Scott Cooper had in store for me.

Let me say that the movie is definitely atmospheric, and that helped carry the movie a great way actually. Now, the storyline itself certainly was interesting, but director Scott Cooper decided to spend over 1 hour of playtime to set the stage, leaving just about 30 minutes of playtime of the movie where the movie started to pick up pace and become interesting. Yeah, for about 70 minutes, then the movie was really, really slow paced and sort of bordering on being so mundane and bland that I was about to give up on it. But the atmosphere that permeated the movie made me stick with it and hang on to see what happened.

And the last 30 minutes, give or take, of the movie was the best part. Just a shame that it took director Scott Cooper that long to get the gears in motion for "Antlers", because the movie lost a lot of appeal along the way, truth be told.

Ultimately, then "Antlers" wasn't an impressive horror movie, nor was it one that I would recommend you rush out to get to watch. If you enjoy the myth about the Wendigo, then give "Antlers" a chance, otherwise if you're just in for a horror fix, you might as well spend your time, money and effort on something more worthwhile than "Antlers".

I will say that they had a good ensemble of actors and actresses for the movie, with the likes of Keri Russell and Jesse Plemons. It was really good to see Graham Greene in the movie, and I just wish that they would have given him a more prominent role in the movie and way more screen time, because he could have boosted the movie quite a lot.

My rating of the 2021 horror mystery "Antlers" lands on a less than mediocre four out of ten stars. While I managed to sit through the entire movie, this is not a movie that I will ever be returning to watch a second time.
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Good creature feature, though I may have had too long to hype this film up in my own mind.
liam-critchley29 October 2021
I just left the theatre after seeing antlers, firstly I will say I enjoyed the film very much. Being my favourite genre, I think it's important to appreciate when a team of talented filmmakers comes together for a foray into horror. That is very much on display here; antlers is a very well made movie, with excellent performances top to bottom, a dreary score, brilliant visuals, and some truly incredible practical effects. It makes most mainstream horror seem extremely tame by comparison as well.

That being said, I was so excited when I first saw the trailer for this movie, and have had so long to hype it up in my own mind, that nothing could have lived up to my expectations by the time it released. I feel this will be the case for many others too.

All said and done, antlers is an excellent movie and a must see for fans of the horror genre, especially creature horror. It delivers on the effects, gore, and scares.
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Middling Effort
jfgibson7319 December 2021
I think most viewers will find things they enjoy as well as criticisms with this movie. The problems include overused tropes, ridiculous character decisions, and not enough originality. The story tries to introduce too many themes without making any of them really necessary to the narrative. On the plus side, there are some nice visuals, well done effects, and a fair amount of nasty stuff to look at. I did not regret watching it, but I don't expect to revisit it either.
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Moody and effective, albeit underdeveloped in some regards
drownsoda909 January 2022
"Antlers" follows Julia, a recovering alcoholic who has returned to her hometown in rural Oregon and moved into her childhood home to be with her brother, the town sheriff. Upon accepting a job as a teacher at the local elementary school, she soon takes notice of one of her students, Lucas, whom she suspects is living in an abusive home--however, the secret Lucas is harboring is much more complex.

I am not someone who typically loves creature features or monster movies (whether they are woven with folklore or not), so I was not sure how I would take to this film, despite it appearing to have high promise. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by it. While it does veer into full-fledged creature horror in the last act, it also has a number of other interesting things happening in it--there is a subtext of drug addiction and child abuse at the core of the story, with the Native American Wendigo tale functioning as a means of exploring this theme. It is a unique idea, though the theme does feel as though it is somewhat half-baked, almost as though the screenwriters were unsure of how to thread it all the way through. A glaring example of this is the shared history of abuse between Keri Russell and Jesse Plemons' characters, siblings whose father was obliquely abusive--there are numerous references to this, and the abuse seems to weigh heavy on them, but the history is never fully fleshed out.

Where the film is far better-realized is in its cinematography and atmosphere, which is dense, mossy, and almost rotten-feeling. Its bleak visuals match its themes, and the Pacific Northwest setting is dreary and effective. Solid performances from the entire cast also help boost the film, with Russell and Plemons giving outstanding performances, as well as Rory Cochrane, Graham Green, and Amy Madigan providing equally fantastic supporting performances. Furthermore, the special effects are high-caliber and effective, without veering into absurd CGI territory--the creature appears truly menacing, and the violence disturbing.

Overall, "Antlers" is a solid, well-acted, and well-shot film, and certainly one of the best horror films of 2021. While its themes do feel underdeveloped at times, they still remain profound, and the film is characterized by a bleak, dense atmosphere that is hard to shake off. 8/10.
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"Me and you..., we was born under the lucky star."
classicsoncall27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While the movie generates some interest in the horror genre, there's something to be said about its theme of child abuse as well. It shows up not only in the case of the two young sons of meth dealer Frank Weaver (Scott Haze), but also with the principal characters, Cispus Falls, Oregon sheriff Paul Meadows (Jesse Plemons) and his sister Julia (Keri Russell), both of whom were violated by their own father. Some of the situations are surreally grotesque, like when Lucas (Jeremy T. Thomas) cuts up the carcass of a dead animal to feed his younger brother Aiden (Sawyer Jones); that one approached the neighborhood of vomit inducing. With the half eaten remains of unfortunate victims showing up a number of times, the story turns to a Native American legend of the wendigo, described as a diabolical wickedness that devours mankind. It's what took over Frank Weaver's body and turned him into a monstrous living cadaver, for a time locked away in the attic of the Weaver home before it escaped on its murderous rampage. For once, I didn't mind the dark filming, even if it meant masking the appearance of the wendigo. It was almost as if the monster didn't have a real shape of its own, as it was portrayed in various scenes exhibiting spikes, horns and the titled antlers, which led me to wonder why they just didn't call the picture 'Wendigo'. It might have made more sense. It also made me search my memory on whether or not Scully and Mulder ever investigated the legend of the wendigo. Close, but not quite. In a first season episode of "X-Files", they got involved with a creature called a manitou, essentially a Native American version of a werewolf.
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Horror_Flick_Fanatic14 December 2021
It has the atmosphere and the cinematography for a good horror film. It just doesn't have a good story. It's kind of like a delicious treat consisting entirely of empty calories. I forgot about the film soon after the end credits. I literally had to look it up on IMDb the next day to write my opinion on it today because it was so forgettable. I can swear Jesse Plemons played the same character on multiple recent films.

Anyway, It was a letdown. I thought it would be better as the film progressed. But it does not.
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Antlers (2021) - Had high hopes going in, not totally disappointed by any means
jjjlentini18 February 2022
When I saw that this title was available to stream on HBO MAX, I wasted no time in sitting down to watch it. I remember seeing the trailer for it well over a year ago and being genuinely excited. Any new high budget film in the horror sub-genre stirs my curiosity, and especially one like this where hardly any details about the plot or story line were revealed in the trailer.

The initial thing that caught my eye about Antlers was the gorgeous landscape around where it was being shot. A sense of isolation was also present in the remote part of Canada where filming took place. Feeling isolated and alone almost always will make a horror movie scarier to the viewer.

Antlers had more type of feel to it than straight up horror which to me was fine. It was not what I was expecting going into the film, but to be fair, I had done no research beforehand. The horror elements do shine through at times, however. There are no jump scares or anything of that nature. But the violence and gory at times are definitely real and remind you this is no PG fairy-tale you are watching. Fantasy horror is not typically my thing, though if anyone can do it right, it sure is Guillermo Del Toro.

The pacing was my favorite aspect of Antlers. Lulls can be a killer to a horror flick, and this was no issue for this film. If nothing else, you will be entertained for 100 minutes. I gave Antlers a 6/10 overall. The acting by both adult leads, Keri Russell and Jesse Plemons (who is always a shoe-in for a great performance) were solid and probably even above expectations for most movies of this genre. Lucas (Jeremy T. Thomas), was also surprisingly effective for someone his age. This film further proves that director Scott Cooper will almost make an engaging piece of cinema, and that having Del Toro on your team is never a bad idea.
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He's here.
nogodnomasters24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cispus Falls, Oregon is a coal mining town that has seen better times. Plans are to remove the mountain top to get to the remaining coal. Meanwhile Frank (Scott Haze) has turned the deserted mine into a meth lab. The spirits are angered and Frank encounters them. His 12 year-old son Lucas (Jeremy T. Thomas) still goes to school and dad turns into a Wendigo. (Sorry for the near spoiler). His teacher (Keri Russell) with a long back story and whose brother is the sheriff thinks something is amiss. Half eaten bodied start to turn up.

Yes another Wendigo story that is perhaps more abuse drama than horror. Okay for a rental.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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A good idea with poor execution
KeriJoe15 December 2021
I was totally hyped for this flick for 2 years since I had heard that Del Toro and Scott Cooper is working on a wendigo horror. After waiting so long I finally watched it I'm a bit disappointed. Scott Cooper wanted to make a drama, Del Toro focused on the horror elements but eventually none of these genre aspects could prevail. What a pity. This movie could have been much better with more care. I've learned my lesson, never be hyped for a movie anymore.
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legends can be real
ferguson-628 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. I'm sure Scott Cooper is a well-adjusted, happy guy. At least I hope so. However, if he were to be judged only by his movies, we would assume the man is humorless and focused on serious topics only. He's also extremely talented as a filmmaker, as evidenced by CRAZY HEART (2009), OUT OF THE FURNACE (2013), BLACK MASS (2015), and HOSTILES (2017). This latest is his first monster movie, and again - no happy thoughts, despite the expert craftsmanship. Mr. Cooper co-wrote the script with Henry Chiasson, and Nick Antosca's, adapting Antosca's short story, "The Quiet Boy".

There is a lot to take in with this one: Native American legend, child abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, economic woes, strained family relationships, and yes, a violent monster. Keri Russell ("The Americans") stars as Julia Meadows, who has returned to her hometown to teach school. She left 20 years ago due to an abusive father, and still carries the guilt of leaving her younger brother in that situation. Trying to mend their relationship, she has moved in with him. Paul (Jesse Plemons, I'M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS, 2020) is the reluctant town Sheriff who doesn't say much, but carries out his thankless responsibilities in a dutiful manner.

We witness Frank Weaver (Scott Haze, OLD HENRY, 2021) in his meth lab hidden deep in a coal mine, while his youngest son Aiden (Sawyer Jones) waits in the truck outside. In a terrific scene, filmed brilliantly, Frank discovers what else is hiding in the mine, and it changes things forever. Julia teaches Frank's older son Lucas (Jeremy T Thomas), and immediately hones in on him as a kid with all the signs of being abused. And it turns out, Lucas does get bullied by a Scut Farkus lookalike played by Cody Davis, and Lucas' art work leaves little doubt things aren't going well in his life.

What we soon learn is that Lucas is carrying a burden that no one should have to. Julia's history plays a role in pushing a school administrator (Amy Madigan) to investigate his home life. Filmmaker Cooper has created a perfectly oppressive atmosphere, and there are some terrific elements - including the performances of Keri Russell and young Jeremy T Thomas. However, at times, it feels like the story strains to include all the messages it's trying to deliver. Proof of that comes in the form of Graham Greene (WIND RIVER, 2017) and his role as the former sheriff. His appearance is too brief and he seems to have drawn the short straw as the character having to spell things out for the audience - the Native American legend of Wendigo, and how the spirit has been awoken by man's destruction of nature.

Florian Hoffmeister's cinematography is top notch and captures small town life in rural Oregon, as well as the monster moments. Composer Javier Navarrete is to be commended. His score never overwhelms, as happens so frequently in horror films. The film is produced by horror master Guillermo Del Toro, and his fingerprints are evident. The loose mythology and heavy-handed lessons for mankind are salvaged by the terrific practical effects and gloomy atmosphere. Director Cooper has delivered again, though this may not be his natural genre.

Opens in theaters October 29, 2021.
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Could easily have been much better
smoesman13 December 2021
Though the first, 2019 trailor was extremely promising, the movie didn't meet the expectations. A great trailor doesn't make a great movie. Poor script with reaseonable acting. No thriller, no horror and extremely forgettable.
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Not bad at all for a horror movie.
deloudelouvain20 January 2022
One of the better horror movies from this year, that's how I would qualify Antlers. There's a dark ambiance hanging over this movie for the entire duration, some good creepy moments, an interesting story that hasn't be done countless before, and also some good acting from the entire cast, even from the kid actors. The young Jeremy T. Thomas had quite a big role and he was very convincing. Keri Russell (that I loved in the brilliant series The Americans) is a good actress and she nailed it again here. Antlers is the kind of horror movie with a story and a title that don't sound very appealing but that turned out to be more than okay.
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Mediocre and Predictable
RussHog16 February 2022
As soon as the old guy from Dances with Wolves showed up and looked at the dead body in the woods, I knew he was going to tel the protagonists "My people call this creature The Wendigo." Sure enough, one hour later, that is exactly what happened. And that is all she wrote for this predictable bore fest of a horror film. Some decent moments but overall a bit of a disappointment. What was the guy from Fargo S2 doing in this? :(
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Mine Fever
thesar-213 February 2022
First off, this movie is breathtaking. Every time I see the Pacific Northwest, I know my heart belongs there. Well, if there aren't any creatures with antlers lurking about.

While I disagree with many of the choices these characters made or didn't make, I loved the acting, story, pacing, mood, score and throwback to older small-town creature-features. It's story kinda overwhelming with how much is going on and it's kinda an easy ending, but it's definitely worth it all.

One of the most story-developed teachers ever on screen takes probably way too much interest (not sexual) in one of her students. In this case, it checks out as this boy is wildly in trouble. You see, his dad's sick and on a scale of 1 being Chicken Noodle soup to cure him to 100 being a nuke, he's probably close to 75. 75-80.

My mouth was agape half the time for how gorgeous this movie looked. I also loved the complex story and yearned for more as so little was given to us at a time. The practical effects were fantastic and despite barely seeing the creature, I was okay with that. What I was given and when was just fine for me.

I would've liked a little harder ending, but I'm okay with it. Passionately approved by me and go ahead and watch it with Malignant. They're not similar in stories, but they are in tone and atmosphere.


Final Thoughts: I swear Jesse Plemons is Matt Damon's own Chris Penn.
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A good Movie, a not so good Horror-Try😩
renemioskowski16 August 2022
Good Setting, Cut, Soundtrack and Camera, but a wasted Story-Progress.

No Tension and No Character-Build-Up lead to a overall mediocre Horror-Flick.

A shame😥 the Body-Horror-Scenes and Creature-Effects are very well done👍 But in the End, it doesn't come close to Budget-Equals like "Mama", "Sinister", "Clown".... ...maybe i waited a bit to long for this Movie Here in Europe😉
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Folklore As An Afterthought
WeAllPodDownHereOfficial19 January 2022
Antlers is a movie I've been looking forward to since I first heard about it in early 2020. When it was finally released I was very excited to finally see it. I think I built this movie up in my mind to be really great and that might play into why I felt it was a bit lackluster. I feel like they were trying to use the Wendigo as a metaphor for abuse and addiction, but it just felt all over the place. The legend is something that has been really twisted over the years and while I know the antlers have long been a defining feature, this is not present in the original folklore.

Obviously, based on the title I didn't think we were going to get much of the original folklore, but there was a chance to insert that when the legend is talked about. The talk about it is very brief and really felt like it was just being glossed over, which bothered me. The actual design of the Wendigo was good though, which I'm sure was helped by Guillermo del Toro's presence. The acting is also top notch, especially by Jeremy T. Thomas who plays Lucas Weaver. That said though, the biggest fault is still with the plot itself. This movie didn't really know what it wanted to be, was is trying to talk about the folklore, use the legend as a metaphor, focus on family issues, a monster story, a possession story or something else?

I've read "The Quiet Boy"; Nick Antosca's short story which this film is based on and this is one of the many times that the book, or in this case, short story, is better than the movie. Without spoiling anything, while the father and brother are described as having antlers, it's never stated that they are Wendigo and one could easily interpret it in a very different light, but for that you'll need to read the story.
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A really surprising horror!
alexscott-3529929 October 2021
This movie was quite surprising to be fair, I was expecting a typical horror with the basic format of scare here and there with a cliche ending, but no this creature feature is actually quite unique with very interesting themes about trauma and abuse and has great parallels between the two main characters. The effects were pretty good and the creature looked really good when it's finally revealed. The acting was solid even the kid actors weren't bad at all. The score was pretty cool and fit the creepy vibe of the film. Not too long and not too short of a film, perfect length for these sorts of films as they drag on if they're too long and feel bogged down with exposition. Not much to say really about this one. Just a solid horror, go see it!
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