The Guardian Brothers (2015) Poster

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A review of the English-dubbed version
Rectangular_businessman11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I had the chance of seeing "Little Door Gods" before making this review. Unfortunately, I only had the chance of watching "The Guardian Brothers", the English dubbed version that was released in the United States, so I won't able to make a proper comparison between them. With that being said, it still seems pretty obvious something went lost on translation.

Without being terrible as the 4Kids anime dubs (or the atrocious Saban adaptation of the 3 Digimon films) "The Guardian Brothers" has its share of problems. The first of all (and the most notorious) it's the excessive (and many times inadequate) use of songs, which in many occasions completely kill the mood of several scenes. Most of them feel randomly chosen and honestly, they were a poor attempt to add humor to a story which already had plenty of that.

The second problem is the intrusive narration, which at moments reminded me of "The Tale of Despereaux", pointing out the obvious in a couple of scenes. Ironically enough, certain parts of the movie felt a bit confusing or not properly explained, yet the narration was completely absent during those moments.

On the other side, the voice acting was a mixed bag: Most of the voices did an adequate job for each character, even if the script wasn't exactly stellar.

Dub problems aside, "The Guardian Brothers" was still a watchable family flick, with a neat animation style and some charming moments, but I wish the story fully explored the potential of its premise, and this dub could have a done a better job adapting the original version of this film for English speaking audiences.
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Might have worked better had it not been "Weinsteined"
Wizard-812 January 2019
I have enjoyed many movies from China, and I've certainly enjoyed a lot of movies from America. Unfortunately, when China and America get together to make a movie, the results are usually a misfire. This particular co-production does not do anything to change the trend. There is nothing wrong with the visual look of the movie; the animation and art design is colorful and pleasing despite not having the polish of Pixar or other top American animation outfits. And the core idea of the movie is pretty original and could have worked if there was one clear direction the story unfolded at instead of being pulled in two directions. Thanks to the American Weinstein brothers, the movie (at least in the English dubbed version that I watched) has pretty awful voice acting for the most part, narration that seems a desperate addition to make the movie make sense, and embarrassing use of American songs like "Kung Fu Fighting" and "(Theme from) Shaft". Also, it appears that the Weinsteins severely cut down the movie for western audiences, because there are a bunch of plot threads and characters that make little sense and/or are not finished by the time the end credits start to roll. But while there are signs that the original Chinese version might have made more sense, much of the movie would probably unfold at an even slower pace than it presently unfolds, and be cluttered with even more plot than it is now. In the end, the movie is a big disappointment. Kids may be more forgiving towards it, but I don't think they will request repeated viewings.
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Wasted potential at its finest
the-best-of-purple28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Guardian Brothers is a Chinese movie filled with Chinese culture and atmosphere. When I saw this movie on Netflix I was excited to watch the original Chinese version, as I believe dubbed movies can never be as good as the original. Unfortunately for me, Netflix does not have the original Chinese version, just the English dub. So I watched that instead.

I was right.

The English dub of this movie is atrocious. Not only does the animation not sync with the voices, but even worse, there is simply no emotion in said voices. The voice of Bella Thorne as the main character "Rain" is especially bad. She sounds like she was high during recording, and knowing her, she probably was. Her voice does not suit a small child, nor does she have the talent to put emotion into her voice. She sounds flat and uninterested. I didn't like any of the other voice actors either with the exception of the person who voices Shen Zu. He isn't all that great, but he all least tries and I'll acknowledge that. Edward Norton as Yu Lei was a huge disappointment as well. He is a great actor in my opinion, but in this, the emotion was just not there. He never sounded angry, happy, sad or scared enough. I know voice acting is hard, but come on, put in some effort.


To add insult to injury, the music in this movie was absolutely terrible. I don't know what the music is like in the original Chinese version, I don't know if it's the same. But the music felt tone-deaf. Imagine this: the Nian has just appeared. It looks even more gruesome than you imagined. Yu Lei is on the verge of death, Rain may or may not be injured and Shen Zu is panicking. The monster roars and seems to become bigger. Yu Lei wakes up, weakened. He has to defeat the monster.

Then, as you inch closer to your tv Kungfu Fighting by Carl Douglas starts playing

What in the actual hell were they thinking? Where is the drama? Where is the sweeping action music? I know this is a movie meant for kids, but this is not Kungfu Panda, people. And even Kungfu Panda took itself more seriously some times. This film doesn't know what it wants to do. Does it want to be a children's comedy in the vein of Despicable Me? Or does it want to portray Chinese culture and tell a dark story about forgotten gods? It succeeds in neither.

The tone shifts in this film are horrible. It will shift from Rain celebrating her new soup recipe to Yu Lei dying in a temple, BAM, just like that. The comedy in this film is the worst part besides the voice acting, in my opinion though. I know humor is necessary to keep the little kids entertained and to keep the story from become too dark. It's pretty dark as it is. Bloom, the maybe love interest of Yu Lei ?, dies by fault of Yu Lei and it is never addressed + Yu Lei is a morally grey character (which is very rare in a children's film).

I think I could've enjoyed the original Chinese version of this film quite a lot more. The animation is beautiful and the story isn't half bad. The tone shifts are a bit jarring, but I would've been able to look past that if it weren't for the other major flaws of this film. There are some plotholes. Some of which are very obvious (Yu Lei aged every time he destroyed a seal. Shen Zu destroys the last seal, yet he does not age?). But it's a children's film, I could've looked past that as well.

But what we ended up with with the English version is barely watchable. Maybe it's enjoyable for small children who will enjoy anything colourful that's moving on screen. But that's it. That's the entire audience for this film.
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Horrible English Voice Acting
keakaraage22 November 2018
I tried watching this on Netflix today and the English voice acting was absolute garbage. I had to give up watching it after only 5 minutes. I don't understand how they could release like this. The little girl sounds like she is 20. If only they had the Chinese version but they don't so I guess I wont be seeing this movie.
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A wonderful animated movie...
paul_haakonsen17 June 2018
Prior to sitting down to watch "The Guardian Brothers" (aka "Xiao men shen") I had not heard anything about it. Actually, I didn't even know it existed. I read the synopsis and decided to watch it. Plus, it was set in an Asian setting, which also appeals to me.

This animated movie had a very nice story to tell, and it is very enjoyable even if you are not overly familiar with Chinese mythology. You quickly and easily immerse yourself into the storyline and the world in which the story takes place.

The art style used in this animated movie was quite good, as it was definitely unique and lovely at the same time.

It was just a shame that it was an English dubbed version that I saw, although they had some pretty good voice actors on the cast list for the English dub.

"The Guardian Brothers" is definitely worth taking the time to sit down and watch, whether it is by yourself or with your family and kids.
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Horrible Voice Acting
PremAdri10 March 2021
The English voice acting is horrible! I only loved Meryl Streep's narration!
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Amazing Visual
syarwanhamid2 January 2019
I'm agree. It's one of the best visual. Very Oriental and colorful. I like the storyline of this Movie, but I found some mismatch in the storyline, and make this movie is confusing at the storyline
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Dubbed... awful as ever.
xxxsukkubusxxx17 June 2020
I don't choose to watch dubbed versions but in this case, Netflix didn't exactly give me a choice. Nicole Kidman's awful attempt at voice acting was awful. Literally sounded like she had just received the script and read it during recording.
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RosanaBotafogo25 August 2022
So appropriate, despite being a legend (or not) to believe in a superior force, be it God, Allah, Saints, Destiny, Santa Claus, makes us recover the belief in faith, and in a better future, in love to the next, in mercy and kindness, not about church, not about creation, but about the power of thought combined with belief and faith in a better world... Adorably beautiful and cute animation... Similar to "Dois Irmãos", however inferior...
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Nice Story with a Lack of Heart
funnily_notbusted19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The story of two spirit brothers was a different take on many different Chinese cultural animations out there. However, the story wasn't well delivered. In the English dub we have a young girl named Rain, voiced by Bella Thorne who sounds suspiciously older than the girl's mother, voiced by Nicole Kidman. The spirit world doesn't have a logical sense to it. Some minor characters, like Blossom, seem to have little to no significant influence on the story at all. This story has little to no depth and has all the heart of a child's picture book. The most interesting part to me was the Chinese traditions that are so different from my own and I could have gotten that much information from a Google search.
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Fresh, heart-warming, different and beautifully animated
Elden_Lord20 January 2018
An animated gem which is a pleasure to watch. Expect great visuals, a cool story and family-friendly fun with lots of soul. Looking forward to the next installment by the creators. I highly recommend this movie!
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nicole421430 December 2020
My heart breaks for the animators of this movie. I couldn't imagine working so hard only to see it ruined by Americans who just want to make a quick buck.This movie should've been wonderful; why in the world was this allowed to happen?
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I can't believe they've done this.
Cheshire657 October 2018
I'm hoping the Chinese version of this movie was better because the dubbed in english version was just awful. Maybe it was the voice acting, perhaps it was the script, or even the not so funny "jokes" and unnecessary music choices... it was just a bad experience for me. To paint more of a clear picture, this movie basically had my hopes up on a 60 story building, then threw them off with a 50 pound rock tied to them so they can just fall even faster.
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Missed by a mile
Snootz22 February 2020
When it comes to children's animation I usually like to cut the film makers some slack for making an attempt at family films. But there is little to love about this film. From the poor choice of music to the head-scratcher story (what exactly was the moral trying to be portrayed here?) to the ultra-cliche characters, this one misses on just about every cylinder.

The real problem was the plot and story line. Exactly what were the writers and directors trying to teach here? That the way to accomplish good is to create extreme bad? Such philosophical nonsense is not a story to teach young children. It's a little difficult to tell who is the good guy and who is the bad here. The sub-plot of the bad-guy competitor is unnecessary to the main story... or is the main story a sub-plot of the evil competitive restaurateur? Hard to tell.

While the sight-gags are understandable for young children (the fart gags might gain a laugh from the 7-&-under audience), they might leave older children and adults cold. (Characters fighting over a lone bathroom because they all have quote "diarrhea" unquote... isn't all that funny.)

The cliche characters and questionable theme serve to make this an hour and a half wasted. The animation is good, the sound is well-mixed (except for the iffy American song choices). Beyond that, one can give this a pass. I don't know whether this is a case of Asian film lost in the Americanization... or if it was simply poor to start with, but it was a yawner by the 20 minute mark and didn't much improve in the remaining time.
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Well animated, but terribly dumb
daisukereds14 March 2021
Yikes, the voice work in this movie is awful. It's like a layer out of place.. And while it is visually interesting in some parts the movement and dialogue is just BAD... The pacing, developments and everything in it feels wrong. The Seal-breaking scenes are the only saving grace (mostly anything Yu Lei related), and the drawn animation of the "monster".. aside from that, the story is not explained enough, doesn't make sense and feels dumb at times.

I wonder if watching this in another language would make this a tad better. Also, there's too many farts..
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Watch the chinese version
misumena31 January 2022
I started watching this movie on Netflix, but the music and the voice acting was just so extremely bad that out of curiosity I decided to see how the original was in comparison. Man, it was so much better. The english version is not just bad voice acting, they completely changed the dialogue and inserted a lot of out-of-date pop references (to star wars and ubers for example) and horrible pop songs and cringe. The original version had none of these references, and nice and calm melodic music instead of the pop songs, so the literal mood of the movie was lost in translation. The Netflix version also literally cut out some parts of the movie. I'd give the american version a 1, but the chinese version gets 5 stars (that's quite high for me).
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Previous Review is a Life Saver...
v-869341 April 2022
Thanks to the recent review I got curious and came to the original version. Indeed Netflix cut some important parts that introduce the characters and voice over was so bad! Unnecessary modern sound track, I feel bad for this movie Netflix just totally ruined it please consider watch the original one it's on Youtube.
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Not a good movie
maliyaouellette7 January 2020
I was watching this for extra credit for class and the movie was boring, weird, and confusing.
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Horrible Dubbed Version
llamallamaisyourmama10 April 2022
It sounded as if none of the voice actors even met each other or saw the animation. I couldn't get past voices not matching the characters and characters talking over each other to watch this. (Part of the time, I couldn't distinguish who was supposed to be talking.) The plot looked promising, but I was highly disappointed by the acting, especially with the number of famous actors voicing the characters. It looked more as if a bunch of amateur high schoolers got together and dubbed this film. How disappointing, and what an insult to the original creators.
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So boring
schock_mail28 June 2021
Kids asked to change it 5 minutes in. Even weirder is the racist dub of Americanized voices for clearly a Chinese movie. They all sound like some SNL skit about a soup kitchen. Don't waste your time either.
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It's ok and we'll done
bryant-christenson18 April 2022
For some reason a group of reviewers decided to gang up on this animated movie. The thing that makes me suspicious is they all use the same wording to describe the voice characters of actors. First of all, the voices are not awful. Some of them are a little stereotypical in their effort to project a character, but they are far from awful. Next, the animation is just great and there's nothing wrong with it. The story itself, and the moral they are trying to teach in the story, it's very clear and deals with traditions brought from the old age into the modern age. For children this movie would be much appreciated and opens areas for discussion by parents . For teenagers it might not have the grab that some of the bigger studios have when they create an animated movie. I found the modernizations and some of the images and dialogue to be in keeping with all the other modern animated movies. So it is well worth a try and it is well worth watching by youngsters as opposed to the new red movie by Disney.
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Like the story. Did not realize it was a dub.
mj-others29 December 2017
Love the story. I did not realize it was a dub as it was done well. Whole family likes this.
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An Chinese film with superb animation despite flaws
ja_kitty_7110 May 2018
I came across this animated film on Netflix, and I thought it was a great film, despite some lame lines and Bella Thorne's voice acting being out-of-place (sorry). But the animation is really awesome, which is why I gave it a 10 out of 10 rating.

The story is about two spirit brothers, Yulei and Shentu. They are also "Door Gods" that are facing unemployment along with other spirits because humans no longer believe in spirits in this modern age. After hearing from the now-fired Earth God (Beckett in the dub), Yulei hatches a misguided plan to unleash a demon called the Nian. Despite Shentu's objections, Yulei went to the human world to break the three seals to release the Nian. Along the way, he came across a girl named Yu'er (or Raindrop) after saving her from some dogs. Then he handed her a medallion and left to continue on. Yu'er, meanwhile, was having troubles of her own. She and her mom Xiaoying (Luli) are facing the closure of their soup shop and competition with nasty restaurant owner Boss Hu (Mr. Rogman). So that's all I am telling you folks. You will have to see the movie for yourself if you have Netflix.

Anyway, I love every bit of this film with its superb animation, despite the flaws I mentioned. Also, I really wish it was on DVD.
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The perfect film.
punch873 January 2019
I think kids will love it. It's beautifully made, superbly acted and a lot of fun.
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Absolutely refreshing!
M1racl3sHapp3n30 March 2018
If you are longing for a very good story, garnished with love and poetry, you must not miss this incredible movie. The animation is impeccable, even in the smallest details. One more time, like in many classic Chinese movies, the theme concerns heaven and earth but this time, it's presented from a very modern perspective which will make you laugh and reflect at the same time!
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