Secrets and Lies (TV Series 2015–2016) Poster


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Good Pilot start,, cool unexpected ending .. definitely makes you eager to watch the next episode.
Aktham_Tashtush2 March 2015
The pilot started in a good way ,, The plot is catchy ,, irritating .the storyline is flowing perfectly .. the Detective is so pushy and uptight in an amazing way ,, that you gotta hate her so much :D

I never really watched closely in the media at what happen in real cases like these (child murder ) but here in a way you start to create affections for the supposedly suspects and how the Media is dealing with them just to make it to a front page in some paper.

I believe the whole idea was picked up by the Australian version of the show which ended last summer. it also got a huge compliments last year with high rating.

The cast is fresh,, you won't easily connect or confuse them to any previous roles ,,Ryan Phillippe and Juliette Lewis did a good job ;)

The ending of the episode is genius, so you'll definitely want to see what's gonna happen in the next episode.

I also watched the second episode just now and again they leave you with a breathtaking ending just to keep you tied up to the series ;) !!

____________________ Update ___________________________

The series went really good,as expected, the finale and more specifically the finale couple of scenes were dark and a surprise for a guy who watched the original series , opened the gate for a second season,, Aaaaaaand they renewed.

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Very involving, entertaining summer series!
hnt_dnl13 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I think that SECRETS AND LIES (2015-?) had very low expectations going in. I certainly wasn't sure about it. Thankfully, my reservations were alleviated almost immediately! Ironically, my main reservation going into ended up being completely unfounded and that was the casting of Ryan Phillippe in the lead, central role of Ben Crawford. Never one of my favorite actors, I was pleasantly surprised at Phillippe's exceptional, gripping performance in Season 1 of this series! I dare say that it was Phillipe's persuasive portrayal of Ben that kept me tuning in each week.

In counter to Phillippe, I was ironically not as engaged by Juliette Lewis as Det. Andrea Cornell, at least not until the end of Season 1 when she was less one-dimensional and the writers gave shades of humanity to her character. In retrospect Lewis was really playing a cold, relentless, emotionless person, and she certainly pulled it off. My only issue was that why for so long into the season did she think that Ben was the ONLY reasonable suspect!

'Secrets and Lies' tells the tale of Ben Crawford (a superb Phillippe), who is the prime suspect in the murder of 5-year old Tom Murphy, the son of Ben's neighbor Jess Murphy (alluring Natalie Martinez). In the opening scene of the series, Ben finds Tom's dead body in the woods during his morning run. Immediately contacting the police, the lead detective on the case is Det. Andrea Cornell (an incredibly stoic Lewis). Cornell pretty much sizes Ben up within minutes and figures him for the killer. Most of the series involves Ben trying to clear his name to counter Cornell continuing to gather mounting evidence against him.

Other key characters include Ben's wife Christy (excellently played by Kadee Strickland), Ben's 2 daughters Natalie and Abby (very well played by Indiana Evans and Belle Shouse), and Ben's best friend Dave (played in scene-stealing comic fashion by Dan Fogler). It's really Ben's part of the story that kept me engaged, especially his tumultuous relationship with Christy and his funny BFF relationship with Dave. Also Ben's relationships with his respective daughters was involving, with the older Natalie being more rebellious and the younger Abby clinging to Ben as "Daddy's little girl".

Each episode involved Ben, who has no memory of the events of the night of the murder, trying to piece together clues that could simultaneously jog his memory and clear him of Tom's murder. Subplots involve the various neighbors of Ben, including Jess, all who have their own "secrets and lies" and how they could be suspects since they all live in the same neighborhood as Ben.

Juliette Lewis' contribution shouldn't go ignored either. Like I said, I just wish we had more shades of her character earlier rather than later, but when the writers really dug into her character's past, that's when I think Cornell became very interesting. And it looks like Season 2 will focus more on Cornell and her personal life, which I'm definitely looking forward to! Again, Phillippe's performance is the real surprise in all of this. He really made me root for Ben and hope that he wasn't the killer in the end. He did a great job of carrying Season 1. This is easily my favorite thing he's ever done and, in my opinion, the best performance of his career. Highly recommended!
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great show!
FiftyShadeSeattle11 March 2015
Love the show, it's not the usual murder mystery. Guilty or not, the suspect is only the suspect because he found the kid, and the media blowing everything up and having to have a villain for their story and people don't realize that's how it is in real life most the time. So im not usually to quick to jump to conclusions, I'm all about knowing the facts. Detective suspects him based off of no real evidence just going by what she assumes. You see the effects it takes on Ben husband/suspect and his life at home and work etc. The story is great, lots of secrets, very intense, keeps you wanting more. The acting is amazing, Ryan Phillipe does an awesome job! You feel for him even tho your not sure if he's innocent or guilty. I think there will be a major twist, cuz of Now after I've seen 3 episodes it seems like anyone could be the killer, you never know.
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Non-spoiler Mini Review after seeing the COMPLETE series
Dr_Sagan4 May 2015
This is a 10-episode mini series about a fictional crime in North Carolina, USA. It is a remake of an Australian series.

A married man with 2 daughters (played by Ryan Phillippe) finds the body of a young boy, the son of his neighbor across the street (played by Natalie Martinez) while jogging. He becomes the main suspect for the Police (Detective Cornell is played by Juliette Lewis) and his community.

The series is made to build up tension in every episode. The spotlight of who is the killer changes constantly as more clues are coming to surface.

The direction of photography and direction create a haunted atmosphere, but this isn't a supernatural thriller. It's all about the human nature. Emotions, blame, jealousy...

The acting is OK. You get to see Juliette Lewis with her hair up and a Philip Marlow raincoat playing a relentless homicide detective who won't stop until the killer ends up behind bars.

10 episodes are too much (the Australian series had 6) but in my opinion if you have the time to invest, check it out.
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alessandra-7100128 April 2015
Love this show! It's full of suspense! It gets you thinking that everyone is the "bad guy". It's not predictable, which is a good thing. I recommend!! You'll want to keep watching it. I am keep up with the show and can't wait to find out who the actual killer was. Some people say it's a predictable show when it's not. The best part is that everyone on that show is good looking. So it spices things up, especially having a Hispanic woman as one of the main characters. Even though I don't know if there will be a season 2 yet, I hope there is. If you're a potato couch or watch TV consecutively when there's time, make this show a must watch on your list!
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This is a good show
christmasmamapoo16 March 2015
I have read the other reviews, 10 at the time of this posting, and I strongly disagree with any of them that give less than a score of 7 and any negative feedback about this show. The acting is done very well, anything annoying about any of the characters is meant to be. If all of them were likable then there wouldn't be a show. If you like a twisting turning story-line that leaves you having to watch more, then you will not be disappointed. I have seen all 4 episodes so far and can't wait until next week for more. This show is definitely trying to keep up with the premium channel's series, and do it in a manner so you can watch it with your teen without a bunch of over the top sex scenes or unnecessary language. Now don't get me wrong, I loved The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, True Detective, and others. But I had to watch them alone for fear of what might be said or shown in front of my daughter. It's good, watch it!
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Good so far.
rchaddock2 March 2015
Its off to a good start. Hopefully this isn't a who done it without ending.

I would like to find out who is the killer is before the statute of limitations is up.

I also hope if this a series that there will be a whole new plot and cast for the renewed season. I would rather see a new series that has finality on the first shot out. Soaps belong during the day, especially a who done it. Also sub plots that have nothing to do with the main plot tends to confuse the viewers. This review process forces the reviewer to not be as subjective as one would wish. Its better to be short and concise then convoluted with lines of text that are unnecessary.
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Juliette Lewis is always worth my time
SimonSaysSmallScreen18 August 2020
While Ryan Phillippe (I mean, two L's and two P's; isn't it ever enough for him?) always gives me the creeps, Juliette Lewis always manages to breath life into her characters. Case in point, I just HATE Cornell, the detective roll, and it's all down to Lewis for making her so delectably hateful. The story and dialogue are pretty good; entertaining and intriguing without being either stupid or obvious, but Lewis makes it compelling.
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julesreed9 December 2016
I just started watching this and couldn't stop. I haven't slept all week, because we could not turn this off. In one week we watched season one and two. We wouldn't start until the evening after work, and would watch units 1 or 2 in the morning, and get up at 5. Each night I said don't do it, but all day I couldn't wait to see what happened. Each episode left you wanting more. Season one was good, but season two had so many twists and turns. Normally you can figure things out, but no not with this show. Many times the first season is be best and then it tapers off, but no they found a way to make season two even better. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'd love to see what is going on with the little girl from episode one.
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..they really should have not gone so off in a different direction
bjarias30 October 2016
Between seasons one and two, it is night and day. The first season, although there were flaws, the story-line and the work of all the actors carried it through. Right from the start, season two was weak, pretty people alone do not make good programming. All through season one the script held up, into the final couple episodes, then a reality check caused a crimp. It would have made sense had they decided to continue on into the next series, but coming into a completely different story-line just left wasted all the good work that had gone before. I think they're going to loose a huge amount of viewers with this blunder. The new series is typical and bland.. maybe it gets better, but so what, most will be gone by then.
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No way you can wait another week for next episode.(No Spoiler!!)
Arik_P30 October 2015
Just simply outstanding! Ryan Phillippe giving a fantastic performance .Bravo!The whole cast is great but Ryan Phillippe is absolutely convincing in all that he does. The story itself gripping thriller with twists and turns behind every corner .Just when you think you know where its going, you find yourself on a totally new avenue of suspense ,drama trying to figure out who could have done what and WHY!!!This drama will keep you thinking about yourself in a similar situation.How would you react if your neighbor/ friend would be a murder suspect ? Or from the other side: how would you feel/behave if you would be a murder suspect but not yet officially accused for it? Season Finale update: Just when you think it can't get any just does! Season 2 review: Season two started with high hopes but very quickly turned, in my mind , to mush of one story getting in to the second then the third getting in to the first whilst the fourth waiting for the fifth to get in to the third. Too many unknowns, too many plots, too many of everything. Just lost the interest as there is no main thread to follow. Yes there is a possible victim and a bunch of possible suspects, but as this season is created even the Pope can be a suspect. (No disrespect! ).So after 4 chapters I have given up on it!
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disappointing conclusion
waynebeau23-14 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was very disappointed in the writing that came up with an absurd conclusion about who killed Tom. I just simply don't/didn't "buy it" for an instant. I was impressed with the performance of Ryan Phillippe who had his work cutout for himself since the writers didn't seem to ever really decide if "he done it" or "he didn't done it". Actually, I got the impression that they were making it up as they went along week-to-week. Sadly, leaving it as they left it makes me rather indifferent as to whether-or-not there will be a second season. I was pleased that they did finally explain the weirdness that was Juliette Lewis and justify what seemed like just bad acting in the early episodes. SECRETS AND LIES did hold my attention but the reveal is preposterous!
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Juliette Lewis' bad acting ruins this show
biebelse11 September 2021
It's hard to fathom why they cast Juliette Lewis in this. She's decent playing a ditzy character, but that's kind of it. This was a very, very poor casting choice. She's so bad in this that it's hard to get past it.
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Season 2 is disappointing.
cascadehush17 November 2016
Season 1 was a nuanced psychological thriller with a fantastic resolution. So far season 2 is a soap opera. A shame, I was looking forward to seeing Michael Ealy, the one season wonder, again.

In season 1 there was palpable tension between the lead suspect and the lead investigator, to the point you weren't sure which was the bad guy. The tension in the community, the actions of the media, the dubious motives of others surrounding the main suspect created a genuine tension right to the very end.

Season 2 is sensationalist, lacks any genuine tension and revolves around soap-opera style revelations. After 7 episodes I don't think I really care anymore who the murder is.
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Edge of your Seat Thriller!
maryraymond12320 July 2021
I loved this! Season one was a great "who done it" because you keep thinking you know who killed the boy.

The second season was better than the first, in my option. I was totally captivated! Excellent!

I am just super disappointed that the show ended.
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Excellent and gripping series.
khunkrumark26 September 2015
A good title 'secrets and lies' as it seems that everyone has something to hide.

On the way to uncovering the killer of a five year old boy, a small community and even the cops are thrown to the audience as sacrificial red herrings. Even if they aren't guilty of murder, they'll be found guilty of something!

Everyone plays their part well and all ten episodes are filled with drama and excitement.

I haven't seen the Aussie version but ABC (and the networks) seem to be finally catching up with the quality of content put out by the less restricted cable, internet and pay networks.

Even though it's aired on a family friendly network, there's an extended scene of torture which Americans seem to find OK for kids to be subject to. I'm not sure why Americans find torture and violence OK for kids but sex seems to be limited to almost Victorian standards of restriction.

Nevertheless, ABC have overcome these hindrances with remarkable skill and produced a gripping drama.

Juliette Lewis (who seems to be in everything in one form or another) has signed on for the second season, but as yet nobody else has. Maybe this will turn in to her show. I hope so.
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lrodri-5788116 February 2022
Really need to bring it back. Great series. Love the twists and turns and Juliette Lewis is riveting. Both seasons were engaging and leaving me wanting more. Please continue with new seasons.
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Had me on Pins and Needles
junemo4 July 2022
I binge-watched Season 1 over the weekend and was suprised at how much I enjoyed it. If you like whodunnits, then please give this one a shot. Each episode had a cliffhanger, making me want to see what happened next. I agree the detective played by Juliette Lewis is beyond annoying, but it's still a good detective the suburbs! I wouldn't want to live near any of these neighbors, that's for sure!
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least favorite thing on the show Juliette Lewis
SnoopyStyle26 September 2016
Ben Crawford (Ryan Phillippe) finds a dead kid during his run in the neighborhood. He seems to have the picture perfect family with wife (KaDee Strickland) and two beautiful daughters. His best friend neighbor Dave Lindsey (Dan Fogler) is somewhat an idiot. However, he's hiding secrets including an old affair with Jess Murphy (Natalie Martinez). Police detective Andrea Cornell (Juliette Lewis) investigates. In the second season, Kate Warner (Jordana Brewster) falls to her death from the rooftop during a party. Eric (Michael Ealy) is her loving husband but secrets are uncovered. Once again, Andrea Cornell is investigating.

It's a very odd way to play the anthology game. The connective tissue from season to season seems to be Juliette Lewis but she's my least favorite thing on the show. She's trying too hard to be the hard-nosed detective. It's almost a caricature with her pulled back hair and strict attire with just enough buttons unbuttoned. She interviews everybody like a suspect and they know it. It immediately puts everybody's back up and anybody with a brain would shut the hell up.

One of the annoying thing about the first season is that Ben Crawford would not shut up. The good thing about him is the back and forth between guilt and innocent. Ryan Phillippe can play both sides and sometimes at the same time. The secrets and lies are good. It feels like emotional blackmail at times but the twists are compelling. The second season follows Michael Ealy but he's playing it much more like he's innocent. It doesn't have quite the back and forth although anyone around him could be guilty. Again, Juliette Lewis is my least favorite thing about this show.
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If you didn't watch the original, you'll like it just fine.
mellyk13 April 2021
As someone who never saw the original version of the show, I thoroughly enjoyed this series (have only watched season 1 so far - completed)

The show keeps you guessing who the killer could be which is always fun. It was an enjoyable show throughout. I never watched the original and don't plan to, as I often find foreign versions hard to get into.

Minor spoiler below.

My only complaint is with the ending. Apparently people don't know how the legal system works. The decision of one of the key characters in the end made almost zero sense.
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Can't really say I liked this show Warning: Spoilers
This show was slow, inconsistent and very boring at times. The affair that came light, the relationship with his wife the way it was all set up and displayed in a very fake manner. It was like the father was instantaneously comfortable with the idea of the boy being his son. The crazy neighbor what was the point in that? The dead boys mom went from sad to lustful to crazy in like 5-25 sec... The father accused EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE, it was so redundant! The wife, the whole show could have happened without the wife. They went from hating each other to let's have New Years dinner together! When the little girl confessed, there were clear holes in her story but the parents bought it anyway. All all it probably COULD OF have been a good story but they blew it..
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Jogger finds dead child while out for a run. Jogger gets blamed and trouble ensues. Everyone is a suspect. Last episode killer is revealed.
Kingdomdv14 May 2015
I spent most of this series yelling at the characters in this who dun it because their decisions were so stupid and the consequences of their stupidity were fairly obvious. That said, I watched the whole thing and enjoyed alternatively hating and liking each character. If you suspend your sense of reality you can enjoy the surprisingly good performances especially that of the youngest daughter, Abby. With each episode another suspect emerges and your sympathies and loyalties are challenged, which was entertaining enough to maintain this viewer's interest. I can't see an entire second season as it could have ended on the last episode but I'll watch it if they make it.....and start yelling at the TV again!
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Why do people rate this awful series
jpcs8 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this as it had good reviews on a few news websites I like but having finished the series I just cant see why anyone is recommending it? The story was pretty terrible from the start, everyone in it looked like a model so seemed completely unrealistic, the detective would turn up and ask 1 question then go again wasting countless hours in travelling, I believe the house got searched twice by supposedly professional police forensic teams and they failed to find a load of money stashed in a loft and blood soaked trainers in a vent underneath the house even though the vent was half out! The last and most ridiculous part is Ben's sacrifice saying he was the murderer as having told at least 3 other people and the Detective knowing he was making it up there is now way in this world that the Prosecutor would have taken it to court as he would have been sued for millions if the truth then came out. I wont bother with series 2 thanks, I was so disappointed as hoped this would be another quality crime drama like True Detective, Southland, The Wire or Homicide - Life on the Street.
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Lots of Secrets & Lies
aGuiltySoul8 March 2015
This show is entirely wrapped around the chief suspect in the murder of a little boy, that is Ben Garner, played by Ryan Phillippe. We follow him from the moment he discovers the body of a murdered neighbor boy during an early morning run, and through the ins and outs of the investigations. I say investigations because there is the one the police conduct (lead by a stoical woman homicide police detective played by Juliette Lewis in a surprising casting choice) and the other that Ben feels driven to conduct himself.

Ben watches as the constant media attention not only starts to destroy his life but also threatens his family, particularly the well being of his two young daughters. From the beginning, secrets are revealed, all of them damning in one respect or another. Ben's own first reveal not only sets him back but rattles his already shaky marriage.

We watch as Ben becomes a bit maniacal in his attempts to get ahead of the police and to protect his family. We have very little for us to go on to show us the progress or reasoning of the police. That make this series the opposite of a procedural, as well as a murder mystery with a highly emotionally invested central figure. I find that refreshing, but also a little exhausting. However, it's nice to feel so involved in what is happening on the screen.

None of the above would work if not for the quality of the acting which is very well done. That's the glue that holds this whole roller coaster ride together.

There are times you will find yourself yelling at the screen, "What are you doing?!?" Under the pressure of a trial in the court of public opinion and for the ultimate well being of his family, Ben doesn't always make the best decisions. But we do see what is driving him and ultimately it's too late to pretend disinterest. You find yourself very much wanting to see what happens next and how this all comes out in the end. Because at the end of the 10 episodes, we will know who killed that poor child as well as all the dark secrets the neighborhood has been harboring.

Addendum: We are 1/2 way through the series at this point and the drama and heightened emotions have stayed strong. This is an entertaining well done television show.
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What lies behind each of us...
SoverniX29 August 2021
An artfully crafted detective. I would never have guessed that the outcome would be exactly like this. With each episode, you become more imbued with the spirit of human relations. The darkest of their features are brought to the fore here. I'm looking forward to the second season, which has already been released... Would I be able to do the same as the hero of the series did at the end of season 1? Probably, every viewer asks himself this question.
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