Hemlock Grove (TV Series 2013–2015) Poster


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Visually stunning, very original and highly addictive
gogoschka-129 July 2014
** May contain mild spoilers **

'Hemlock Grove' is a rare and strange beast among the many current fantasy/horror shows on TV. This new series is refreshingly original; although vampirism and werewolves haven't exactly been underrepresented in movies and TV-shows over the last couple of years, 'Hemlock Grove' manages to find a very interesting new approach and uses old European myths and legends - and even a bit of Sci-Fi - to inject some fresh blood into a genre that started to feel a bit stale. The mix is strangely compelling – and highly addictive.

The cast is very strong, especially the two leads Bill Skarsgård and Landon Liboiron – and of course, the always great Famke Janssen. The production values are also worth mentioning: the music, the cinematography and the set-designs in this show are absolutely beautiful, the gory make-up effects look realistic and CGI is thankfully kept to a minimum. I'm a bit surprised this show hasn't found a bigger audience yet, given how well it is produced (and this wasn't exactly a cheap affair either: season 2 had a budget of 52 million dollars for 10 episodes), but maybe it's just a bit too original for that. As far as I'm concerned, 'Hemlock Grove' certainly deserves to be seen; offering unique 'Horror' with a fantastic, slightly surreal atmosphere and amazing images, this highly original series is a prime candidate for binge-watching. 8 stars out of 10.

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tchitouniaram30 December 2021
The only thing I've expected starting to watch this show, is couple of episodes-boredom, distaste , quit , forget. Unexpectedly ,I've gotten so engrossed in it ,that didn't even notice, that the first season ended and I've started on the second!!! It is not for everybody , it is somewhat strange show , but it is masterfully takes over your mind and time ,without you even being aware of it! Definitely recommended!
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Highly addictive
deloudelouvain25 January 2016
For once they make a series without milking it till the last drop. Three seasons was perfect for Hemlock Grove. Never in the three seasons you get that milking feeling like with so many other series. This one keeps you interested from the beginning till the end. And even though it's again about vampires and lycanthropes you can't compare it with that garbage that is Twilight. This one is so much better, without having a lot of vampire and werewolf shots. The absolute star to me is Famke Janssen. Besides her natural beauty and elegance she shows us that she is also an excellent actress. The other star to me is her fictional son Bill Skarsgård that also gave an excellent performance. The other actors are good as well but to me the whole show turns around Olivia and Roman Godfrey. I truly enjoyed every single second of Hemlock Grove. Once you start watching this show it becomes immediately highly addictive.
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It's The X-Files meets American Horror Story meets Twin Peaks
laballatician20 April 2013
Okay, this show is really getting mixed reviews, and I'm pretty confused because I loved it!

People seemed to really enjoy Netflix' other series, House of Cards, and I thought it was brilliant as well. But Hemlock Groves isn't getting the same kind of love, but I'm a fan.

It's creepy and weird and beautiful. The two male leads are awesome and have great chemistry. The actor who plays Roman is equal parts sympathetic and sociopathic.

It also includes one of the more awesome werewolf transformations. No stupid Twilight silliness. Very disturbing.

So, give it a try. Maybe you'll dig it like I did.
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A series that lost it's heart
fannydellenbo14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching Hemlock grove ten years after the first season came out. I was perplexed that I haven't heard about it before since I've enjoyed similar productions from that time (such as supernatural, TWD, American horror story, teen wolf) and especially because it was so good!!

The series has an originality which makes it really interesting. The plot is very mysterious and you don't understand everything at once, which I enjoyed- it's fun not to have everything laid out for you, guessing the characters back story and be surprised where the story takes you.

The main characters are two high school outsiders who are hard not to like. One rich boy with low self esteem, brought up in family with some serious toxic relationships - Roman Godfrey. The other one, Peter Rumancek, a charming 17-year old Romani boy, secretly a werewolf who just moved into the town with his loving mother.

It's a real thrill seeing the friendship grow between the boys, it's stated that neither of them have had a real friend before. They becomes partners in crime against the dangerous werewolf that's terrorizing the town, with their common goal to protect the girl Letha.

Some spoilers ahead! >>

But in the last episode, everything breaks- someone dies, leaving everyone devastated. I mean, everything that has been built up in the first season falls apart- the friendships, the victories, the fighting spirit. The next season is just someone trying to mend all the peaces together and fails miserably. The new "love interest" is never loveabel, the two boys are never as charming as they once where and the whole thing is just a s*** storm.

Why did they kill that character? Yes, a series must contain sad points and hardships but they should come in small parts, in turns. In second season, can't say for the third because I don't bother watching it, everyone is sad and miserable. The series lost the love, the heart and also me as a viewer :(
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Witty, spooky, moody, gory. What more could you want!
Rose_strffen20 April 2013
This show is a great addition to Netflix's stable of shows. Each episode is well written, with characters that are fully fleshed out. You care about what happens to the main characters and want to root for them. One reviewer mentioned that people don't really speak like they do in this show. Who cares! The witty dialog adds levity during some dark moments in the show and adds to the storyline and the dynamics between the characters. So few Networks create material for their Horror SciFi fans. If they do, the show usually lasts only 1 season. Bravo to Netflix for taking a chance on this show and posting the entire first season rather than making us wait each week for the next episode.
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Perplexing, Gory, And Different. Just with the plot was better
glasswingbutterfly56512 July 2013
The graphics are epic and the characters are perfect, but the story line doesn't fit together very well. When I watched it I felt like they were trying too hard to make it look good and be plausible which is great but, the plot slipped through the cracks. It's a nice try but it could have been better. Also they had to many mysteries going on at the same time. It was hard to remember who knew what and how it all came together. They rushed things that needed time and dragged things out that needed rushed. It's a perplexing show and I don't regret watching it, I just wish things had turned out differently. It's a bit gory but interesting too, if you put up with it long enough to find out.
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Stop Comparing This Show!
Aptosblue20 April 2013
I can't help but find it funny that everyone that has written a review has been comparing it to other shows. If you go into this show expecting it to be like House of Cards, you are not going to like it. Same with comparing it to other Sci-fi TV series'. It's comparing Apples and Oranges.

You have to give credit where credit is due, Hemlock Grove is unique, it isn't a generic or cliché TV show likes we've all seen one hundred times. The writing may not be the best and at times it can be quite confusing.

Give the show a chance, it's not as much of a "horror" as IMDb and other sites peg it to be. It's really not that scary. It's an interesting show to say the least.
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Mysterious, spooky and Awesome!
km244219 April 2013
I'm not really in to making comparisons but this show sort of feels like Carnivale the way it's unfolding and telling you it's visual tale. There is some carnage, but it isn't as brutal as you would expect coming from Roth. Mostly it feels wonderfully strange, like a world you can't help but feel drawn in to. I've only watched the pilot so far, but I love that all the episodes are right there, one right after the next for immediate consumption! That is awesome. There is much going on below the surface and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. It's definitely a show worth watching. I'm looking forward to hopefully a second season, and more Netflix originals!
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Roth brings gore to film noir
rwburc219 April 2013
Sleek and surreal, this new installment from Netflix (produced and directed by fright-man Eli Roth) breathes of noir-style films of yesteryear - if only it were in black and white. About halfway through the first episode I admit I was drifting, having serious doubts of the substantial play of the series. A fan of Netflix's hit 'House of Cards' I was eager to see what was up their sleeves and didn't want to give up too early. The show will pique your interest. It will dabble in sex and bloody-good fun. But this feels like an HBO version of Nickelodeon's Degrassi, with two parts Twilight and a dash of True Blood. Pretty people in over-saturated roles being seen through an over-exposed lens (it's kind of like watching it through a foggy beer glass). But hey, if you can't find a character in this show you wouldn't want to have sex with, then you don't have a pulse. In all seriousness, it will be interesting to see if the characters develop past their inherent sex appeal and find traction in a show that has a lot of potential. It's like riding in the slow lane on a Sunday afternoon in your daddy's Ferrari - when all in takes is an exit and an open road to come alive. Give it the gas and quit toying with us Netflix! A large part of why 'House of Cards' was so great is it hit the ground running and within 10-minutes of the pilot - I'm three episodes in and still waiting for it to make the turn. (Update to come)
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Has its moments but generally mediocre
grantss25 July 2018
Teenagers in the small Pennsylvania town of Hemlock Grove are being murdered by a strange beast. The townsfolk believe it is a werewolf. To them, this makes the prime suspects the local gypsies, and Peter Rumancek in particular. He steadfastly denies that he is the murderer but he harbours a dark secret...he is a werewolf.

Mediocre. Had some potential to be a edgy supernatural thriller, Stranger Things or True Blood-like (the fact that Alexander Skarsgard's brother, Bill, has a leading role in Hemlock Grove helps the True Blood comparison). The murders provide for intrigue but this is substantially diluted by the fact that very little happens in the way of solving the mystery for the first 10 episodes. During that time the series is really just a teen soap-opera, with very limited character engagement.

Things do kick up several notches in the final three episodes of Season 1, making the Season worthwhile in the end. With a bit more closure on that season it would have been a decent mini-series.

After Season 1 there was nothing new to do, except invent other nasties to terrorise the town, and that's what happens. Add in more soap-opera like sub-plots and it's pretty boring stuff.

I lasted until Episode 4 of Season 2 before giving up.
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mth33329 April 2013
I literally watched all 13 episodes in 3 days. I was glued to the TV. The story line, along with the romance, along with the creativity is worth it. I have to say, that I did not make any connections until the 13th episode. Each episode allowed you to either fall in love, pity or despise certain characters. It even allowed you to question a few characters without understanding why you were questioning them. It was a cliff hanger for sure and totally suspenseful. The casting done by Denise Chamian was incredible as well as the directorial work of Deran Sarafian. Truly impressed and can't wait for more seasons. I don't know now what I'm going to do without this show on. I really really hope it continues. LOVED IT!
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Most cryptic series ever. Even when it's done.
annyha_paux30 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers

I am surprised at how the story developed. I enjoyed making my own theories about what people are, their true intentions and more so, what on Earth is happening there? At times it reminded me a little of "The skin trade" By George R.R. Martin (YES, He who wrote "Game of thrones")

As good as I think the main story is (wolf gone wild) and how it turns out in the end. Which explains a lot, (and I am grateful for that bit), by the episode before they unmasked the killer I already had a fairly good idea of who it was, but before that, I truly had no idea. It was really good, surprising, everything was great.

The part I am not completely satisfied with, is all the side stories. The Godfreys.(Seriously what the hell?!) I don't have the first clue about what the hell Shelley is or went through (why the crap is she fluorescent? Is she like a human LED?) and I was kinda waiting for that explanation throughout the whole season. I kept checking how long was left of the last episode in the hopes I would get answers. An answer. Anything, really. But nothing came.

It would be also nice to know more about Olivia (A tail with no explanation, HELLO?). Honestly, I love the character, the actress really owns it, (doesn't hurt to wear fabulous dresses that I will be forever jealous of),and I think it could've been exploited much further. (MUCH FURTHER....SO MUCH FURTHER)

I am also not satisfied with how little they let out about project ouroboros. The end scene really did NOT tell me anything,(seriously, not a thing), I actually couldn't care less about it now.

All in all, I had a good time watching it, I don't consider it a waste of my time, however, I am left with gaps that will probably haunt me until the end of my days, (a feature in stories which I do not appreciate, it was like fear of death before HP7 was published) I enjoyed the story, the thrill, the suspense. I hope we get to see more of it and more importantly, I hope I get to quench my thirst for knowledge of a lot of things there.
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Has potential, but seems confused.
Ladym26515 July 2014
To me, Hemlock Grove is like a gorgeous dress that doesn't quite fit. You'll wear it anyway because you love the idea of it so much, but you'll always be aware that it just doesn't look as great as it could.

The premise and the script scream for camp and witty - a la Buffy or True Blood - but the direction tries to make it gritty and serious like it's The Sopranos. The problem is that the story lines are just too ridiculous for such a somber tone.

Joss Whedon found the perfect solution to this in the Buffyverse - he made it tongue-in-cheek so that the silly stuff could just be silly and still work, and when things got serious, we really cared. I feel like the director(s) of Hemlock Grove could learn a lesson from that way of making a supernatural/fantasy drama. Or, if they wanted to go the dark gritty road, I wish they'd done it like the much missed Carnivale and focused much more on character development, keeping the supernatural elements teasingly in the background.

That's not to say this isn't enjoyable because it is. It just keeps frustratingly missing the mark in its attempts to be far more earnest than the premise warrants.

Some of the acting comes across as pretty bad, but I'm not sure if that's the actor's faults so much as it's very difficult for them to deliver their lines in the tone the director wants.

I'd hoped the criticism the first season got would be taken on board for the second season, but aside from Famke Jannsen getting rid of the ridiculous accent, that doesn't seem to have been the case.

This could have been the next big thing in supernatural shows. It's got the cool creepy town like Vampire Diaries but without all the Dawson's Creek stuff that goes on in Mystic Falls. It's got some familiar and well loved supernatural entities, and some we've never seen before. Landon Liboiron is great in his role as the gypsy Peter and Joel de la Fuente gives a good performance in an original take on the mad scientist trope.

I just wish they'd either stick with the scripts they're writing but camp it up in tone, or stick with the dark and gritty tone but change the scripts to suit that.
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I have NO idea why everyone is reviewing this show so badly.

It is quite possibly the most entrapping T.V. show I'v seen in 2-3 years.


The actors are extremely well adept and it is insanely satisfying to watch them grow into their characters so splendidly. Even in only one season.

The story line is exquisite. Rarely do you come upon a story that leaves you guessing and yearning for more! This series has met every single one of my expectations and more! Two thumbs way the h*** up!!
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Surprisingly worthwhile
larsde22 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, where to begin.

"Hemlock Grove" has some of the lowest points I have seen on TV the last couple of years, from laughable dialog, direction without, editing that makes you cringe and a plot that seems so badly put together that you wonder if there is ever going to be a payoff.

I really liked House of Cards, so I thought I would give Hemlock Grove a chance. I am not in the main demographic, I guess; being a male in my late thirties, my fascination with werewolves and vampires was pretty much over in the nineties.

After having seen four episodes, noticing to myself that I actually uttered "WOW, I can't watch this crap" out loud to myself, I turned the series off and took a nap.

Luckily, when I woke up, there was nothing else to do, so I continued watching.

And they make it work, somehow. Characters that early in the season were just irritating, like Famke with her extremely fake British accent, start to grow on you. In no way is this masterfully done, it just goes from being bad in the first few episodes to decent in the latter. Some characters will still annoy you, but at the end of the season, I ended up actually liking most of them; even the Dictaphone wielding and constantly over played Dr. Pryce.

In a series where one of the main guys is a werewolf, this is largely inconsequential. These things are downplayed, and while it has some forced relevance to the plot, things could easily played out differently. Still, for what it is, it is good enough.

What surprised me, tho, at the end, after having watched the whole series back-to-back, is that I actually liked it, despite its many, many flaws. The plot is largely driven by foreshadowing, but most open ends are tied at the end of the season. And some of the themes are good, although being presented in an overly simplistic manner. Some of the imagery is at times excellent.

At the end, it is the characters and their relationships that pulled me in. Again, it is by no means masterfully done, often it is forced. But somehow it works, almost by necessity. The two main guys come off as OK with their somewhat homo erotic and under developed relationship. But you understand that they are driven to each other out of necessity. Stand out characters are Shelley, who at the same time is extremely powerful and very vulnerable, and Letha, who is embodies a raw and sensual youthfulness that is convincing. These two female characters are no doubt the strongest, both from an acting point of view, and just as fleshed out characters. They are likable, because they are well done, both in the fiction and in the craft bringing them to the screen.

To summarize: Yes, it is bad. Most comments on here bashing it are 100% correct. Still, I really liked it; it has some X-factor that appeals to me although I'm not in the demographic, and a lot of it is laugh out loud bad. I don't care for Twilight. True Blood makes me cringe to the point I need to turn it off. With Hemlock Grove, I'm actually hoping we'll see a second season.
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A rollercoster of greatness and mediocrity
kapateze27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, this show is definitely quite strange and not for everyone.

Starting off with the bad, some dialogues sometimes feel very forced and even though this show has great actors, it is almost like they struggle to deliver these bad lines with a straight face. Roman, Pete and their relationship starts off very well and just degrades over the seasons as we are left wondering why they are even friends in the first place.

Finally, something happened production wise between seasons 1 and 2 and it shows as suddenly Upirs no longer mesmerize anyone and Peter can just go wolf whenever he feels like it.

The good things are...the dialogues. Although every once in a while it feels cringe worthy, most of the times it is actually amazingly well written.

The show also sports very strong and interesting characters and it doesn't shy away from mature content.

Speaking of mature content, for fans of gore, Werewolf transformation in this show is probably the best I've ever seen period.

Famke Janssen as Olivia Godfrey is, to me, the best thing about this show. The characters was amazingly written and acted to the very last moment and is the one thing I'll miss the most from this show.

To summarize, I picked up this show on a whim while browsing through Netflix and fell in love with its mystery filled first season. Although it has some weird moments and sometimes cringe dialogue, it is scarce enough that powering through it is definitely worth it.
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Horror in a small town
bolingerkarenl15 May 2013
This is much better than Vampire Diaries. Where all horror beasts live in the same town. I love the empiricism, the wit, the sarcasm, the irony, and the fact that the "upir" doesn't even know he is one. The incredible art of watching the "turn" was spot on to our imaginations. The crew was cast fantastically. The mother couldn't be more ferocious and envious. It's like a novel written by Poe in the 20th century. Eli Roth, you bear the torch, and I bow to your vision. It keeps me entertained and barely on my seat! I can only hope they continue to create more episodes. What has to be done to continue this series or at least the books should carry the series! Well Done!
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Something Twisted This Way Comes
alvelaisa25 April 2013
Oversexed, grotesque, and downright unnecessary at times, Hemlock Grove is a twisted tale that is sometimes hard to bare. Yet, here I am three episodes in and admittedly drawn into this world full of pitch dark writing and equally sinister characters. This show is a small time Offspring of Grimm and American Horror Story, where monsters run rampant inside some deeply disturbed sex crazed teenagers. The backbone of this story, however, lies in the mystery and unforgettable bonds and betrayals these actors dish out (though not without its flaws). Certainly a show not to pass up, and a solid entry point into the genre of " fantasy loves depravity."
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Persistence Pays Off
fung019 August 2014
This isn't so much a review, as a bit of advice to all those who've given up on Hemlock Grove: patience!

Whatever you're expecting from Hemlock Grove, you're probably wrong. This is a show that dares to go its own way. A show that delights in blowing away your expectations. It's not about what you think it's about - even after you think you KNOW what it's about.

As I write this, I'm about halfway through the second season. And I still haven't entirely made up my mind about Hemlock Grove. I'm less sure than ever that I know what it's 'really' about. But I no longer care. It's a devious, twisted, brain-scrambling ride, and I'm on board right to the end.

Here's the right way to watch this show. Enjoy the weird atmosphere. The spooky, expressionist visual style. The kinky, off-beat characters. The bizarre plot twists. Don't try to pigeonhole any of it - even when (especially toward the end of the first season), you may be tempted to do so.

And above all, don't give up. This really is a very good show. Good in ways that other shows don't even attempt. Hemlock Grove is the Netflix paradigm truly paying off - a show that doesn't expect you to wait a week between episodes, that doesn't need to sell breakfast cereal or feminine hygiene products, that doesn't have to satisfy either censors or audience preconceptions.

Hemlock Grove is definitely not a show for everyone. But you'll never know if it's a show for YOU unless you stick with it, much longer than you would with most shows you're 'just not quite sure about.' If you still feel no spark after finishing the first season, okay, go watch something else. But you may be surprised to find you've fallen under its demented spell.
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if Netflix was a dog I would pet it and say "good boy"
kevsilverr200020 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. I was pleasantly surprised with this series. Kudos to Netflix for another quirky, fun show.

that being said.......It took me about four or five episodes to care about the characters and actually get a bit interested in the series. The writing is good, but could be better in my opinion.

I knew NOTHING about the show going into it. I was afraid at first that it was going to be another teenage vampire romance story like Twilight (puke). All I can say is it isn't so far...

Love the genre and I'm interested in watching season II if they get picked up
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I am frustrated. Here is how it ends.
mrcheminee18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So season 1 started out pretty interestingly. A mystery, some gory murders, good effects, nice characters, very cool music. I should have seen it coming...

Those last episodes were ****ing pieces of ****. As is revealed that the white haired girl is the other wolf, the pregnant girl is struggling and screaming as an idiot. Not listening to a word that is said. As Peter goes into battle she is screaming like an idiot. Peter instead of really doing anything is just waiting for the white hair girl to become the white wolf and only then thinks about fighting her. Peter is suppose to offer his face to become a wolf, but he just gets it back. He dies, he gets saved by LOVE. Roman has an axe and waits for the bad wolf to bite it instead of taking a swing. As Peter is fighting the white wolf everybody is just standing around. Get the ****ing axe, you ****. The sheriff is also an idiot who just starts shooting around in the end. And then everybody is just going to lie in his favor. Yeah right. Somehow most of this **** could have worked, if effort was put in. But it wasn't. so **** this ****.
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comedic gold.
elykie20 March 2022
Its god-awful. Absolute fever dream, this entire series is nothing but a Benadryl hallucination. And I love it. Don't get me wrong, the acting is terrible most of the time, the writing is terrible all of the time, and its seriously trying too hard to be like the more successful of this genre such as penny dreadful, american horror story, true blood, whatever. It fails miserably at that but at least it hasn't fallen down the rabbit hole Riverdale did. It's still incredibly entertaining to watch once you get past the bone contracting line delivery and crazy plot lines.

Some of the characters are insufferable, like Olivia Godfrey, Peter Romancek's mother, Christina Wendell and Clementine. The mothers' in this show are constantly teetering that line between loving and incestous with their sons. Peters as dull as an earring back, Letha has no personality and it grows to be quite annoying. She's just always there, face planting into something that doesn't involve her. Olivia is embarrassingly trying to be as milf-y as she possibly can and its pretty pathetic. She comes off as desperate and entitled. Her wardrobe is hideous and unflattering despite her efforts and she literally sounds like a back alley version of Edna from The Incredibles, I expected a lot more from Famke Janssen, even with the character she's been given. Though it is hilarious to watch.

I can confidently say that Shelley, Roman and Johann Pryce are the very best characters in this show. Roman and shelley's relationship, Bill Skarsgard's performance in every scene he does, and Pryce's entire character save this show. And make it so damn fun to watch. Shelley's epic, she just great. Roman is also great, he has issues yes. And he has done some pretty bad shit. Like really bad. But his character is just so fucking realistic in the best way. He acts like an actual teenage boy and its refreshing. The lingo, the walks, the confidence that really shouldn't be as much as it is and the fact that he's the richest, most attractive guy in town and has not acquired a single friend is down-right perfect. He's also extremely funny. During that dream sequence in early season 1. And he just yells at the birds something along the lines of "stupid ass birds!" and they just stop flying. Like mid-air and just fall into the river immediately. Great stuff. And Pryce is so attractive, his strength, Joel's acting, his facial expressions. It all ties together so perfectly. I just find him so hot and thats the sole reason i watch this show so much. Don't get me wrong, terrible show I don't recommend it.

But it's something to watch when theres nothing else, and maybe grab a friend while you're at it. Having a good laugh with someone you care about is a nice feeling. Just maybe not a sibling or parent, its rather sexual and like i said... incestuous at times.
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A mess, but an interesting mess!
Hey, this is not as bad as I thought it would be! But I can say with certain say that nobody can watch the first episodes and say to themselves "Yeah, this is a proper introduction!". So if you feel completely lost in the beginning, just keep on watching because most (not all however) questions will be answered later on!

What I found really strong with this series is the characters and the acting. They feel very real and human. Everyone's got a motive and show a big variety of emotions, which makes us sympathize with everybody. At least I did. There's not one single character here to dislike, and yet, they all have their conflicts with each other. That's some great writing! And the actors are doing a superb job, especially Bill Skarsgård, Famke Janssen and Dougray Scott.

I don't want to spoil anything because the story is really interesting, along with all the secrets that are yet to be unfold. I'm really looking forward a season two, especially when it left on such a cliffhanger!
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Unfortunate how bad this is
stefanbreed6 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this series, especially after seeing how awesome House of Cards was. The fact that this was supposed to be a horror series made it even more appealing to me.

Unfortunately this is like a bad version of The Vampire Diaries. This series had potential to be really good but is just terribly written. The dialogue was absolutely awful. There are so many forced one liners thrown in and the way the two main characters say "shiiiiit" in almost every episode is just terrible.

****Warning Spoilers**** They also don't do a very good job of explaining anything in the series. The first couple episodes I was wondering if werewolves were normal in this world, then later you find out that they're not normal and no one believes in them but for some reason this town is willing to blame the murders on some kid that some other kid said was a werewolf. I was like WTF, terrible terrible storytelling.

And the f***ing bacon grease scene, WTF was that. When I saw it I couldn't believe they actually put that in the episode. It could have been so much better. They find out who the killer is and she confesses what she did and says she wants to die as long as he doesn't hate her. All he has to do is cut off her head. Instead the writers are like let's see how stupid of a scene we can actually get them to put in this series. Let's imply that he has to fight her as a werewolf and that he has to sacrifice his face and needs bacon grease to turn when it's not a full moon. Then instead of cutting off her head, he's going to let her turn and rub bacon grease on his face, then she's going to eat his face off and attack his best friend and girlfriend and almost kill them. Then finally he's going to turn and she's going to kill him anyway. So F***ing terrible, F***ing bacon grease. Seriously if you want to see how terrible the show is, just watch the first 10 minutes or so of episode 13.

****End Spoilers****

I watched the whole season hoping it would get better but it only got worse. The actors did an OK job with what they had to work with, but overall they didn't help make the series any better. The finale, which in my opinion is usually the best episode of a season and should be, was absolutely terrible. It had one good scene that made me think, finally they did something right.

Bottom line if you can get past the terrible dialogue and forced one liners you might be able to enjoy it a little, but there are much better things to watch. If you're just looking for something to pass the time as long as you don't expect too much you shouldn't be too disappointed.
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