Zoo (2007) Poster


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Doesn't quite put the 'best' in bestiality...
ninjas-r-cool8 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Do you love horses? If so, then you'll probably want to check out this documentary, because it's about a bunch of guys who, just like you, love horses. They love the way you can see all those powerful muscles on display, working in tangent to create such a gracious, majestic stride. They love the affectionate nature of these beasts as they nuzzle up to you and blow satisfied gusts of hot air from their nostrils. They love to put their hands against a stallion's testicles and feel the sensual heat emanating from those glorious globes. Most of all, they love all that feral energy when there's a two foot horse-cock jack-hammering away at their insides, sending waves of sexual bliss through every part of their bod... Heeeey... Wait a second. This isn't about animal lovers. It's about perverts! Well, that should make for a much more interesting doco, right? Eh, afraid not.

First up, this movie looks and sounds amazing. It's loaded with beautifully constructed imagery and evocative music, so it's quite a feast for the senses. But that's not enough to make a good documentary. There's a lot of voice-over work from the zoophiles and others, but none of it really offers any insight into the subject matter. Much of it is just these guys talking about how they discovered and connected with other folk with similarly rare sexual proclivities. And they talk about loving horses. That doesn't interest me. Hell, I like horses; I just don't want to have sex with one. And there's never any discussion about the line where this love for animals becomes sexual. So, whilst the whole thing is nice to look at, ultimately it fails as a documentary, simply because I didn't learn a damn thing.

One issue the movie does inevitably bring up is the whole morality of the situation. Let's admit it, the idea of a guy wanting to be boned by a horse is fairly sick and disgusting. But more importantly, it's also really, really funny, so I wasn't too concerned. There's a minor reference involving a horse giving a blow job to another horse, suggesting that these guys trained horses to put on sexual performances for them. That's a touch more worrying but, once again, the mental image of a bunch of dudes having a circle-jerk to some wicked horse-on-horse action is just so damn hilarious that I'm unable to work up any moral outrage.

Fact is, the horses weren't hurt, physically or emotionally, in any way. Are the actions of these guys any more exploitative than training a horse to run real fast so we can all place bets on it? Nope, don't think so. So, if you watch this movie, then enjoy all the sumptuous visuals, but don't judge these guys too harshly because, at the end of the day, they're just harmless perves. Aren't we all?
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There's less here than meets the eye
rdekoch27 May 2007
I appreciate that the filmmaker is going for more than shock, but I'm not sure what this film really has to offer. It's clear that the filmmaker has some sympathy for the zoophiles, but as a whole, the film is mess. It's beautifully filmed. Almost every frame is mesmerizing, but it feels distracting rather than enlightening. The impeccably filmed images work to mask a lack of insight. Not a terrible film, but the novelty of the subject matter will bring it more attention than it ultimately deserves. It's also derivative. It borrows heavily from Errol Morris. It's probably better than most stuff out there now. At least I saw it instead of Georgia Rule.
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Dreamy documentary that fails to convince
NJtoTX25 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Zoo is a dreamy, slow-moving documentary about those who "love" animals and the fraternity that developed to make it possible for others to do so. It tries just a little too hard to show a sympathetic, understanding and otherwise balanced view of this activity. It's almost as if this were a film assignment given to the filmmakers, i.e. "your task is to take this activity, as well as the death involved, and convince the class to empathize and sympathize with those involved." Just in case you don't get the point of view espoused by the film and the awareness it wants you to attain, it ends with the one person close enough to the animals, a female veterinarian, stating her newfound understanding of these people. The extra prod did not sway me, and as such, Zoo fails at an impossible task.
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Film suffers from treating its subject too gently and gingerly
jennyhor20049 November 2011
Based on the case of a Boeing employee who died from a perforated colon while being anally penetrated by a horse in Enumclaw, a town in rural Washington state, "Zoo" (the term is short for zoophilia, the sexual love of animals) is a brave attempt to address a highly controversial and polarising issue in a dispassionate way that neither condemns nor sympathises with the people involved in bestiality. The film recreates the events leading up to the man's death and its aftermath in a way that's part documentary / part drama with re-enactments of scenes and emphasising a soft, dream-like mood with delicately muted, wafting music. Director Devor uses four narrators, talking to an unseen listener, to retell the events from the point of view of the people who knew the man, referred to in the film as "Mr Hands", and this approach thrusts (um) the viewer right into the twilight world of zoophiles: how they found each other through Internet contacts, how they organised their tryst and their reactions when the man was injured and when their secret activities became known to the outside world.

The film has the air of a noir mystery: the majority of scenes are filmed in shadow, at night or in dark colours with blue being predominant. The story unfolds slowly and elliptically and anyone who is unaware in advance as to what the film is about may be puzzled at the indirect way "Zoo" tiptoes around the subject until near half-way when a news report drops its headline in deadpan style. The pace is very steady, perhaps too steady and slow, and the film often dwells on several still camera shots which look deliberately staged as if for static display purposes. Close-ups and landscapes often look very abstract with washes of blue across a background; an orchard looks like a misty fairyland beneath a light coating of rain. The mood is even and quite blank until a scene in which police investigators viewing a DVD recording appears; the police react with horror and shock watching the act of buggery and only then do viewers feel something creepy crawl up their spines.

For all its delicacy, "Zoo" gives the impression of something much bigger than its subject matter struggling to make itself seen and heard: the zoophiles give the impression of wanting companionship, a sense of belonging, a need to share something special that gives meaning to their lives, and thinking they have found it. They seek a utopia in which everyone is equal and no-one is judged by how much money s/he earns or how educated s/he is. The places in rural Washington where many of them live look impoverished and some zoophiles may well be drifters or marginalised people barely managing to make a living and survive. (Difficult to tell as many scenes are recreations of actual events with actors playing the zoophiles.) If the film had directly addressed the need of the zoophiles for meaning, for companionship, it might have been able to gain more co-operation from the people involved; as it is, the level of co-operation it got is very restricted. The dead man's family refused to be interviewed for the film which is a pity as the wife and child might have presented him as more well-rounded than he appears in "Zoo".

The film also suffers from subjectivity and could have done with a more objective view of its subject. Interviews with psychologists and psychiatrists on zoophilia and perhaps other conditions such as lycanthropy (identifying oneself as an animal rather than as a human) might have shed light on why some people are sexually attracted to animals and to some kinds of animals in particular. The goals of the project would still be met: the issue would not be sensationalised and viewers might come away with a greater understanding of zoophilia and other bizarre philias. Instead the film can only concentrate on the horse-trainer, Jenny Edwards, who took charge of the horses after the incident became public: she admits that after having followed the case in its detail and ordering one of the horses gelded, that she's "on the edge" of understanding the zoophiles' obsession. It appears also that the director and film-crew were as much in the dark as Edwards was while making the film; even after its completion, the film-makers still were scratching their heads trying to make sense of what they'd done. Not a good portent for a film.

Yes, zoophilia is a difficult subject to talk about, let alone film, without making it look disgusting, degraded or ridiculous and pathetic. "Zoo" tries hard not to take one side or the other but with a subject like this, the attempt to be "balanced" is a tough act indeed to pull off. Some viewers will be irate that the film advocates no position at all, as if it's the film-makers' duty to tell them what they must believe. I think though that to achieve the "balance" that "Zoo" strives for, the film-makers should have pulled back from their subjects and taken a more generalised view of the issue of zoophilia; the police officers, the courts, psychologists and medical who dealt with the dead man and his friends should have been consulted for their opinions about zoophilia.
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Mysterious, hypnotic and moving
tomgillespie200219 May 2011
Upon getting hold of a copy of Zoo, my girlfriend asked me what it was about. I ummmed and aaahhh before informing her that it is in fact a documentary about a man who died from internal injuries, caused by having sex with a horse. That's putting it nicely. I may have even used the phrase 'bummed to death'. She then asked me why I would want to watch a film about such a thing. I couldn't reply. The fact is, since Zoo was released back in 2007, I had been dying to see it. I don't know what that says about me. Perhaps it's revealing my disturbing levels of curiosity about all things that shouldn't really be discussed. Anyway, I had the last laugh, as the film is genuinely very good.

On a small farm in King County, Washington, groups of men would get together every now and then to escape their hectic lives and family. They would talk, drink, joke and play games together. They also had one thing in common - they were in love with horses, and enjoyed having sex with them. When a withdrawn character called Mr. Hands arrived at the farm, the men were curious. He seemed unsure and unattached. In 2005 he was rushed to the hospital, dying of internal injuries. He subsequent death caused a media storm and the investigation uncovered the farm and what was happening there. The state was forced to immediately pass laws against bestiality and the recording of the act.

While it would be quite easy to make a joke of the situation, or to make a straight-laced documentary uncovering the seedy goings-on at the farm and the incident that later became known as 'the Enumclaw horse sex case', credit must go to director Robinson Devor for creating something entirely different. It was completely not what I expected. Zoo is a mysterious, dreamlike documentary that allows its real-life participants to give their point of view over slow-motion reconstructions of the incidents. It's a brave artistic move that never feels pretentious or meaningless.

I can only describe the feeling of the film as a mixture between Errol Morris' The Thin Blue Line and Andrew Jarecki's Capturing The Friedmans. It had the slow-building, crime-oriented feel of the former, and the storyline that you just can't quite believe actually happened of the latter. It's a fine mix and works surprisingly well given the taboo subject matter.

In regards to the subject matter, it is handled both sensitively and with an air of curiosity. It allows the participants on the farm to tell their story, and doesn't misrepresent them in a way to make the viewer feel disgusted. Not to say that I didn't feel that way. Hearing these men talk about having genuine feelings of love for the horses, and relating to them on a basic, animalistic level just made me pity them. Not to say that I wasn't fascinated by what they had to say.

A strange, hypnotic film about a shocking and unbelievable incident. I urge people to see past what the film is about and allow themselves to be moved by this quite unique film.

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The point--as with the ultimate intent--is unclear...
moonspinner5521 January 2010
Actors silently recreate controversial true-life events which took place in Washington State near Puget Sound when a family man died a shameful, incomprehensible death: he successfully managed to get a horse to have sex with him, resulting in internal injuries. Called zoophilia, this act of sexually bonding with an animal not of the human variety is the basis for this entire production--and yet is tiptoed around in a most facetious, irritating, and finally dreary manner. The audio interviews with actual persons connected to this story fail to flesh out the narrative, what with clueless lines such as: "These were animals I loved. I wasn't breaking any laws." True, at that time, Washington did have not laws on the books regarding bestiality (which has since been rectified), but we are never made to understand this obsession. This "classless society" of men is envisioned here as members of a secretive sect (mysteriously filmed), and what we hear on the soundtrack are the murmurings of troubled and regretful lost souls. The swooping, gliding cinematography is handsome, but only serves to make the overall effect rather drowsy. The subject matter, though wanly dissected, isn't for the faint of heart...but if you're going to do a documentary-styled take on a small circle of zoophiliacs, you might want to figure out in advance what point you want to make. Director and co-writer Robinson Devor obviously didn't want to venture too far out into unchartered cinematic waters, yet his hesitance is much more of a turn-off than his theme. *1/2 from ****
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Mind boggling weirdness!!!!!!
jrs999 November 2007
This documentary presents itself and it's subject matter so seriously and so earnestly as to teeter on the edge of becoming self parody.The film is given an arty treatment with very stunning cinematography and subdued narration.The narration is rather oblique and clouds the theme, most likely in an attempt to keep you watching and asking yourself what the hell is this.The filmmakers sincerity at attempting to present these people in a sympathetic light doesn't really work it actually comes across like surreal dark humor.I think It's probably because bestiality is so far from the average persons experience.If you look at other touchy subjects like pedophilia as aberrant as it is the average person knows it exist.We've all heard about the Mexican girl and the donkey but know one really thinks that it happens, I don't think the the public is willing to accept people who have sex with animals and this film gives know real reason why anyone should.I give the filmmakers kudos for attempting this,even though the end result is jaw droopingly weird.I give the film a 7 because it gives Eraserhead and Visitor Q a run for there money.
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Slick, sick and still a bit boring ...
Vic_max20 January 2009
The visuals and music of this documentary could have come from an inspirational or motivational movie. Amazingly, it comes from something as estranged as this subject matter. "Zoos", as they're known, is a shortened form for zoophile; they are people who have an amorous and sexual interest in animals.

This documentary delicately approaches the secret lifestyle of those who engaged in this activity at a Washington state horse ranch around 2005. After a rambling start, it ultimately focuses on those who associated with a Boeing engineer named Kenneth Pinyan. He died of "internal injuries" related to "interaction" with a horse.

Just as a good, atmospheric horror movie can put your mind on hold while it glosses over things that you would normally object to, so too does this movie. There's a lot of indirect talking, smoke and mirrors, etc. that get you off your guard and caught up in the beautiful imagery and music... so don't get too carried away with the film-making aspect... remember what it's about.

Subject matter aside, it is a bit long-winded. There's a bit too much dialog (mostly scripted with actors) about each person's generic philosophies. It's OK at first, but then it sounds a bit like pointless rambling. Even though it's an unusual subject matter, I can't really recommend watching this because I'm not sure what you'll get out of it... I'm not quite sure what I got out of it.
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A humanizing look at something awful
adamdonaghey30 April 2007
Zoo is probably as tasteful a movie as can be, given its bestial subject. For those of you who aren't aware, there's a small population of the world who prefer the love of an animal--both mentally and physically--over the love of a human. This film stylistically recreates the life and death of one horse lover, Mr. Hands, and his pack of animal molesting friends, during one of many meetings and BBQ's in a small town near Seattle. Mr. Hands died from internal injuries, caused by the numerous and repetitive thrusting of the enlarged member of a stallion into his anus.

The film is tasteful because it's not sleazy. In this respect, it's almost worse on the audience because it humanizes these so-called animal lovers. What you'd think would be more like a shockumentary, more than anything else, really becomes a shallow dissection of a zoophile's playful mind. It's certainly not psychological, nor really in-depth; but its shallowness really makes it that much more grim.

As I watched the film, I felt like a voyeur peering into the lives of ordinary human beings doing absolutely bizarre and reprehensible things--and they just talked about it as if it were as benign and workaday as eating a bowl of cereal or taking the dog for a ride (insert pun here). Yet, much like a pedophile talking about his love for children, these zoophile's innocently and sincerely spoke about their love for animals.

Initially concerned about the content of the film, I left the theater without witnessing the exploitation or mockery of bestiality, nor did I see anything graphic or overtly sexual. I did leave the theater a little sickened, however, because I didn't loathe Mr. Hands or his friends. In fact, I somehow sympathized with their pitiful plight.
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weird but not particularly revealing
didi-525 April 2009
This documentary, which tells the story of a man who died after an encounter with a horse, does go some way to presenting the views of both zoos (people who have an affinity with animals which stretches to engaging sexually with them) and animal welfare experts. However it does not present anything salacious or revealing, nor does it go into any real analysis of why some people have these needs and feelings.

As an investigative documentary, I feel it fails on this level. As a piece of sensationalism, it fails - as there's nothing here really to offend. It's a shocking story in many ways but the way it is presented is so detached you can't feel anything for the people involved, even a slight curiosity or interest.
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Does this film add value? Nayyyyyyyyy!
Kashmirgrey17 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Zoo is a documentary based upon the true story of some perverts who meet on the internet and form a club for like-minded perverts out in the country where they can engage in sexual acts with animals. One of the perverts, a Boeing engineer by day, bleeds to death after his abdomen is ruptured during his having sex with a horse. The surviving perverts cower in shame and attempt to rid themselves of the video evidence of their perverse activities. Law enforcement discovers the videos. The perverted club is disbanded and its members retreat in shame utilizing this film as a forum to whine about getting caught.

The film is well-made in respect to its photography and the unsettling mood the soundtrack and dialogue project. I found the film quite moving when I considered the poor Mr. Hands who died. However, I am even more saddened when I consider his poor surviving family members who continue to suffer for his indiscretions and the shameful legacy he left behind.

Yes, the film is undeniably effective if you are one of those individuals who believes we must tolerate and "attempt to understand" what sickos do in the privacy of their bedrooms, homes, or in this case, barns. The Sundance Film Fest judges hailed the film as a "humanizing look at the life and bizarre death of a seemingly normal Seattle family man who met his untimely end after an unusual encounter with a horse." Humanizing. I wasn't quite sure what the judges were attempting to convey with this term so I looked up the verb on dictionary.com and this was the definition: "to make humane, kind, or gentle; to make human; to become human or humane." Then I clicked on the Thesaurus tab and I got the following suggested synonyms: adorned (to lend beauty to); advancing; "broadening"; "dignifying", elevating, enlightening; "edifying (to instruct or benefit morally or spiritually)"; socializing; "stimulating"; "ennobling"; influential; "promoting", and my absolute favorite... inspirational! Many reviewers have commented that Zoo was very non-biased and objective, however, the bias of the film was blatantly in your face. It merely took the politically correct and touchy-feely stance of "tolerance".

My heart (along with other anatomical regions) truly aches for the man who was so lost and died a "death by horse c@&k", but I will never tolerate the diversity of Sally's love for Lassie, Frank's passion for Seabiscuit, or Johnny's affections for Flipper. Personally, I think that makes me pretty damn normal and human! No matter how Zoo attempts to spin it, sex with animals is for the birds.
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Moody exploration of zoophilia in Washington State
fertilecelluloid10 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you have ever seen the "Mr. Hands" video, you will get more out of this film. "Mr. Hands" was a short video depicting a man having anal sex with a horse. Suddenly, the horse thrusts violently into the man and ruptures his colon. He died several hours later of internal bleeding. The man was part of a Seattle-based group of zoophiles who met occasionally in a non-judgemental environment where they would discuss and indulge in their fetish for animal love. Robinson Devor's examination of this group uses audio recordings, on-camera interviews, and actors to recreate the events that led up to the death of Mr. Hands, a father of one and employee of Boeing, the aircraft manufacturer. What's so amazing about this doc is the cinematography by Sean Kirby and the brilliant score by Paul Mathew Moore. Devor uses these powerful elements to create a deliberately discomforting vibe to accompany his always interesting revelations. Although the director scoots around the precise details of the Mr. Hands incident, he packs his film with fascinating detail and even-handed debate. The film explores what zoophilia (animal love) is and avoids demonizing its subjects. Although I found the recent British TV doco, "Animal Passions" (also reviewed), a more thorough exploration of this incendiary subject with unbelievable on-camera interviews, "Zoo" is effective for the atmosphere and sense of time and place it creates. Highly recommended.
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This really happened
luxinterior4221 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well, a government operative loves horses, really loves them. He forgot to use a shim, and wound up taking "the whole thang". I'm not sure if the Affordable Care Act covers internal injuries inflicted from "farm accidents", but this guy didn't make it. Most of the people involved wouldn't agree to appear in this docudrama, however, one of the animal husbands actually played himself in the film. It's an interesting story, and kind of a PSA for those who might want to try this at home-use a spotter!! If you loved this film, you'll certainly love the Boner City USA podcast, where similar topics are covered on a twice weekly basis.
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unintentionally funny
possiblyj31 October 2008
It's as if the creators of Zoo attempted to legitimize bestiality by depicting it as some sort of mystical nature-bonding experience.

Actors portray the story of the events leading up to and following Kenneth Pinyan's death, as snippets from interviews with those involved are used to narrate.

The film has a surreal, dark feel accomplished by the use of abstract camera work, dim lighting, and a soundtrack that sounds like it was produced by Boards of Canada. Though these techniques produce a somewhat interesting aesthetic for the film, they feel like a feeble attempt to mystify or romanticize the world of horse f*cking.

Despite the film's attempts to create a surreal, brooding atmosphere and the grizzly facts of the story, the absurdity of the film's subject matter is at times laughably funny. In one memorable scene, news helicopters circle the farm of two Zoophiles. Knowing the gig is up, one man grabs a bucket of horse porn and runs frantically into the horizon. I nearly fell off the couch laughing.
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Nickolas523 October 2007
Aside from the cinematography, which is outstanding, this documentary is not worth watching. The subject obsession is incomprehensible, if not reprehensible. While I can certainly feel compassion for the man's family, I can only shake my head at what he subjected himself to, time and time again. What can a man be thinking to allow a half ton animal to mount him and shove its two foot long penis into him?? For those of you who are tempted to download and watch the actual footage of the featured encounter (which is flashed briefly a few times in the film itself) my advice to you is don't. I have to admit that I allowed my curiosity to get away with me. Now I wish I could unwatch it.
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I Have No Words
lainesux13 February 2018
I found this Youtube, thank God I didn't pay for this. It's exactly what you think it is.

A documentary about a guy getting anally penetrated by a horse and then dying as a result. Also, there's other interviews with other Zoophiles. Yes, they are just as pathetic and creepy as you think they are. They attempt to justify their behavior by flimsy excuses. "It's natural." "These horses aren't coerced." "We love them like family." As though having sex with an animal isn't something one can control. It's society's fault, not theirs, that they are judged.

These animals are trained to have sex with their handlers, but these men claim otherwise, despite there being tools in the barn contrary to that.

They claim horses react to human male sex hormones and this results in mounting. Yeah, I have no idea either.

That's my main problem with this film. The men who are, largely, responsible for a man's death do not feel guilt. They feel unjustly judged. They let a man die on their property, but that's the thing that gets to them. Their animal brothel is shut down, and that's what prompts their outrage.

These men are creepy, sound creepy. There is nothing romantic about having sex with an animal. Thank God, they including the horse's new handler Jenny to say 'Yeah no, that's bullshit.' She's a blessing. XD

An interesting movie if you have an hour or two to waste, and you can find it for free.
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Great For Insomnia
heffay11131 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The background on me is that I'm open minded to a fault. I honestly don't think what these men were doing with that horse was wrong. If the horse is aroused and doing the thrusting, well, I think the animal cruelty folks lose the argument right there.

I just wish there was a "move audience cruelty" organization to protect us from torture and inhuman treatment, because I do not know anyone who made it through this documentary without falling asleep or rushing out of the theater scratching at their own sin to relieve the boredom.

What should have been interesting, revealing, and provocative is boring. And slow. And uninteresting.

I do not want to pass judgment on those who seemed to like this film, but it seems to me that I would only recommend this film to someone who has consumed enough hallucinogens in their time to find rolling hills, burbling creeks, and whispered voice-overs entertaining.

I guess in reality I am saying see this if you want to see a filmmaker touch you emotionally while leaving your brain alone. Still, it amazes me that story of a man being blanked to death by horse could put me and everyone I know to sleep.
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Beautifully filmed but its subject doesn't work in the documentary its advantage.
Boba_Fett11385 April 2011
Never before I have seen a documentary like "Zoo". It's not just because of its unusual subject but more so due to the way it got filmed. This is such a beautiful documentary to look at, that doesn't take any of the other classic and familiar documentary making approaches.

The documentary and all of its events are entirely acted out by actors and perhaps a couple of people who were involved by the real life events but I'm not even sure about that. It doesn't feature any dialog but only narration by some persons who were involved with the real life events and yes, that I'm sure off. It has one big advantage that this is an acted out documentary, since it allows director Robinson Devor to set up every scene beautifully. It's really an amazing directed movie that is also incredibly nice looking, with great cinematography and also a good musical score, that all help to set the mood.

It's also not necessarily a straight-forward told documentary. People are just recalling their personal feelings, thoughts and experiences of that time. You can easily start watching this documentary and half way through still have no idea what tragic event has happened or were the documentary is leading up to. There is not one main storyline or person that this documentary is following, which can make this confusing to watch for some people, I'm sure. You constantly have to pay attention to start to figure out what happened. I kind of liked this unusual and original approach, since normally documentaries really aren't part of the most original genre and only are too often different to watch by just its subject.

But still, this documentary isn't really featuring a subject that works out in its own advantage. It's a bit of a still controversial subject and I don't think that this documentary does anything to break this particular taboo, since I don't even think that this was the documentary its goal. And that's also a bit of a problem; I don't even know what this documentary its goal was and what it was trying to achieve. Perhaps it tries to create not sympathy but some understanding for its subject but its unusual approach of its storytelling don't really allow this to ever work as anything effective enough. The documentary is memorable because of its looks but is not powerful and just doesn't impress with its subject.

So you could say that this is a case of style over substance but in this particular case I can take this and accept this documentary for what it is. I'm definitely willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and recommend it to people, since it still manages to do something so beautiful with such a controversial and gross subject.


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toddrandall6825 January 2009
I am puzzled to find so many comments that are positive about this. To describe something so grotesque as "beautiful." I remember hearing something about the actual incident but I had always written it off as urban legend. Now I find that they made a documentary about it. I love documentaries but to make one about the rape of defenseless animals is beyond reprehensible. I tried to find more information on the internet about the actual incident but could find less information than about the movie they made about it. I had never even heard of this movie until now. This is rape people. Not natural in the least. I don't see how anyone is anything but repulsed by this.
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An understanding view of something almost impossible to understand.
ben-15807 March 2007
What job as a film maker is harder than to show the human side of something most would agree is so perverse as to appear unhuman? This film delves into the psyche and social constructs of a group of people and depicts it in such a way that I can honestly say I understand WHY it happened. I don't sympathize personally, but the characters were made human in a way I truly didn't think would be possible to portray. Even if you don't agree (and most won't) with the sentiment of the characters involved, and even if you find the subject matter abhorrent, you honestly could view this film and walk away with something useful from the experience.
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A very daring film!
greencardink9 October 2008
I recently caught the film "Zoo" and noted that it portrays bestiality members as normal people and victims of an unfair world... a world who does not understand their lifestyle (much like the homosexual debate). This film seem to gloss over the real psychological issues behind people who choose this life. The psychology aspect into deviant sexuality is non-existent. Though in todays time it is still fashionable for society to ridicule and hate human animal relationships, but sooner of later the cries of these people will grant them the same acceptance that homosexuals are slowly getting today.

Psychology has abandoned any public research into the reasons behind deviant sexual practices, because of the public pressures during the 70s protests. For some reason or another we've thrown our faith into genetics as a means to define a persons sexual orientation. We don't use genetics to explain murderers, child molesters, homelessness, and other unorthodox social lifestyles, so why is homosexuality given a pass? Just some food for thought.

The similarities between homosexuals and bestiality lovers is uncanny! Take a look at the Cleveland Street Scandal in London... Homosexuals were criminalized much like bestiality lovers are today!
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Rave Reviews? Sundance? For What?
livecooklove9 October 2008
The only thing I can credit Zoo for is setting a decent atmosphere and the cinematography.

The movie did manage to handle a touchy and perverted subject in an amazingly well done fashion, however it tells half of the story. We hear from people involved, people in to the zoo fetish, but where are those who are concerned about the effects on the animals? There are some obligatory 'what is your opinion' style interviews and a few minutes on laws banning beastiality. I was hoping for a more balanced documentary.

The wording and flow also leave everything quite shadowy. I had never heard of this happening and was watching at the behest of a friend who is in to the 'lifestyle' and wanted to humor him. So perhaps I'm biased in my opinion.

I've just seen many documentaries on things I don't support or don't agree with but they're done much better than this one.
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Horseback-riding… Only, in reverse!
Coventry26 February 2008
Please don't let the graphic title of this user-comment mislead you (I just couldn't resist writing this), as "Zoo" is – in fact - everything but an exploitative and perverted excuse to finally revolve a movie on the controversial topic of bestiality. As strange as it may sound, this documentary/drama is actually very sober, tasteful and not the least bit disrespectful towards people with peculiar (to put it mildly) sexual likings. Robinson Devor, the young and clearly promising young writer/director of "Zoo", based himself on real events as they occurred in Seattle in 2005. A middle aged and divorced man died there as a result of internal bleedings after – and here comes the kicker – experiencing sexual intercourse with a horse. The media promptly jumped onto this story and in practically no time the authorities unraveled a small but nevertheless fanatic network of people who regularly gathered for a weekend of beer, pizza and … animal sex. The "shocking" news spawned a giant debate and even some riots because apparently there weren't any laws against bestiality in the state of Washington at the time and all sorts of animal rights organizations launched hate-campaigns. Rather than to bluntly categorize the Zoos (short term for Zoophiles) as sick & twisted individuals as well, Devor's film digs a lot deeper into their pasts and personalities. The documentary primarily depicts these Zoos as confused and introverted people with a devoted affection for animals. Of course this doesn't justify their sexual preferences, but at least you don't simply label them as a bunch of perverted freaks. In the hands of any other random exploitation-filmmaker, "Zoo" probably would have existed of nothing more than images of slavering rednecks cheering and queuing to bend over in front of a horse. There isn't a single explicit shot to be found in "Zoo" and the story hardly even hints at sleaze or schlock. If anything, you almost feel like Robinson Devor is to blame for patronizing & protecting these Zoophiles too much, but then still you don't as they already suffered more than enough scandal in various other media. The narrative and filming style of "Zoo" is also quite original and refreshing. The on screen characters are, with the exception of some supportive ones, hired actors but the guiding voice-overs come from actual interviews with the real Zoos. The bitterness and noticeable martyr-tone in their voices gives a whole unique dimension of realism to the film. The photography is truly enchanting and the sober music, oh my God the music, literally sent cold shivers down my spine. Regardless of the questionable subject matter, "Zoo" is a dreamy & highly elegant film that comes with my highest possible recommendation.
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Boring As!
PaulPogues11 September 2012
I was really looking forward to this documentary as i like things out of the ordinary and would pretty much watch a documentary on paint drying (well, maybe be not that far, but i feel like i just have) To put it politely, it was so F**king Boring! They don't even get round to what happened till about 40 minutes in, before that it's just different interviews on things nothing to even do with the story. And even more annoyingly, all the way through it has a constant drone of music! another IMDb user titled his review "good for insomnia" and i'm gutted he beat me to it! hah :) What annoyed me most about this documentary is that it has the potential to be a good story. I just feel they went the wrong way about it. To say its 1 hr 15 mins long they could have told it in 25 minutes. I really wouldn't bother with this one.
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Why The Long Face?
tieman6414 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's a story as old as the hills: A man breaks into a farm, masturbates a horse to arousal and inserts the horse's penis into his anus. Sufficiently pleasured by the animal, the man returns the horse to its stable and drives back home. Days later, the man dies due to internal bleeding, the horse's penis having ruptured vital internal organs. We later learn that the man could have saved his life by checking into a hospital, but of course he was too embarrassed to have done so. He died, alone in his home, having been humped to death by a horse.

Despite its sensationalist subject matter, this is a rather boring documentary. Not wanting to seem exploitative, the film-makers back away from their own material, too timid to ask any truly interesting questions.

Why, for example, did horses fascinate the man? What is the appeal of bestiality? Is there such a thing as horse penis envy? Why was the horse not jailed for manslaughter? Is it possible for an animal to consent to having sex with a human? Why did the police charge the man with "coercing an animal into sex"? How exactly do you coerce such a huge and powerful animal into sex? Either the horse wants to do it, or it doesn't. Doesn't anyone notice the irony of a horse mounting a human being?

But no, this documentary doesn't delve into anything interesting. There is one great shot, however, of a horse being elevated above an operating table and then later operated upon by a group of masked doctors. With its surreal juxtaposition between hospital gowns, antiseptic tiles, sterile medical equipment and a giant levitating horse, the sequence recalls several scenes in David Cronenberg's "Dead Ringers".

6/10 - I watched this film thinking it was Frederick Wiseman's famous documentary, also called "Zoo", which examines the lives of the men and women working within an inner city zoo. But nope, it's about a guy who has sex with a horse. Kinky.

Worth one viewing.
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