Review of Transformers

Transformers (2007)
Forget those pompous naysayers who are rapped up in hollywood feminist agenda, who seem to hate the movie just for being a Michael Bay movie. This is a super fun movie.
21 February 2018
Michael Bay has become something of a love to hate guy among certain section of critics, namely those who wants to promote politically correct feminist agenda who think they are better than others and want to inflict their ideals on others.

Forget those idiots, just watch the movie for what it is, which is a super fun action pack movie which just about anyone can enjoy. Shia Labeouf is fabulous in this movie and the chemistry between him and Megan fox is great. And lets not forget the Transformers themslves which, even after 10 years, the visuals on these robots are still some of the best you'll ever see.
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