Baby Driver (2017)
Action flick with endless panache and swagger
2 July 2017
There is never a dull moment in this action crime film about a getaway driver who has his own unlimited getaway soundtrack but who also wants to break free from the crime boss who owns his life.

There is enough style and visceral strut in this film that it neutralizes the one or two credibility gaps in the plot. Ansel Elgort is great as the title character, but Jamie Foxx steals the film with a lively performance as the loose cannon in the crew. Performances all around are solid and the dialogue is so rife with dueling wits, it's like watching a recurring display of verbal fireworks. These firecracker scenes of competitive criminals showing off their bravado are just as exciting as the chase scenes through downtown Atlanta.

The film also banks heavily on a heady, omnipresent soundtrack that keeps the tempo perpetually hyperactive. A word of caution: The action can be tough going at times; the film revels in its permanent state of anarchy before ultimately developing a mean streak. But for all the blistering gunfire and screeching tires, this is not a one-note film. It has its moments of quietly boiling tension and eerie backstory flashbacks. It's a film that wears its attitude on its sleeve and doesn't shrivel into conventionality. Not an absolute bull's eye, but recommended to everyone who wants a good rush.
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