Whiplash (2014)
This is review #572....so is there really any need to say more?!
18 July 2015
"Whiplash" is a terrific film...no doubt about that. Normally, I'd spend several paragraphs talking about how great it is except that I am the 572nd review and many people have already gone on and on about what a terrific film it is....so what can I add?! It's the 40th highest rated film on IMDb after all!

J.K. Simmons clearly deserved the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor because although he was no the star of the film, he dominated every moment he was on the screen. Was he a likable guy? No way..but he was mesmerizing. Kudos also for the young actor in the lead and everyone else with this film. It's among the best films of the year and one that impressed me so much because it did not have a complicated script of mega-million dollar special effects--it just had terrific acting, writing and direction. See this film and see how a quality film is crafted. 'Nuff said...
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