A sequel better than its predecessor!
21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We have a sequel to Justice League: War ... and it is very good!

So, this is a story focused on Arthur Curry, or as he comes to be known as towards the end of this flick: Aquaman. There is already an existing Justice League at the point of time consisting of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Cyborg and Shazam. Here, Queen Atlanna's son Orm/Ocean Master (along with Black Manta) is the one is set upon waging a war against the surface and she is looking to find her other son Arthur, the unknowing half-Human & half- Atlantean, to take the throne as he'd be the perfect person to bridge the two worlds in peace.

First off, I was really stoked we're getting a movie, especially a JL one, where the emphasis is on Aquaman. I mean, the character is very badly underrated - even Hawkeye in the Avengers, who is joked upon quite a bit, isn't ridiculed & unappreciated this much! And, add to the fact that not only we get a movie about him, but they have made him a real badass? AWESOME. The depiction of Aquaman in this movie was great - strong, noble and badass - a true King of Atlantis.

These new 52 movies are not really that amazing. The characteristics of our beloved heroes are not upto the mark and are quite lacking in some moments. Especially in War but we got a bit of development this time and they rectified mistakes from it. All in all, this movie was a big improvement over its predecessor and hopefully the movies to come keep getting better.

The story was well told. The first part movie is what really impressed me and hooked me to it! I was enjoying it. And, to be honest, most of this was because I really was into finally watching Aquaman on screen, even if it's an animated movie. The second part of this movie just dropped in terms of quality - it was very rushed, predictable/cliché and had illogical parts. But, again, cannot ignore the fact that it started off real well and the story was very satisfying. I quite liked the movie.

Again, if you like the fact that Aquaman is at the centre of this film and are quite pleased about that, you will enjoy it.
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