Wonder Woman (2009 Video)
Mostly Tripe
3 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing some truly awesome and wonderful animated DC universe films to come out in the last several years I was completely taken aback by the writhing insipid tripe that this film gloriously and condescendingly decides to offer.

Basics! (Spoilers within)

Wonder Woman, an over achieving and somewhat UNnaturally over-endowed female warrior finds herself on the cusp of eternal adulthood (which is a lot like eternal infancy except you're really, really hot) when a member of the opposite gender suddenly drops into her innocent (i.e. puerile) existence.

Said man (making the kind of obscene jokes feminist over-achievers love to pretend don't offend them ) is your basic troglodyte. Find WOMAN. Find WOMAN. Find WOMAN. His brain doesn't strive much farther then that. And his role in the first thirty minutes of the film seems to reach as far as his thoughts, but don't worry. What good could come from a mere man making sense or adding to the plot anyway?

Suddenly, without any kind of warning (sarcasm) the god of war (the husband of WW's mother but somehow NOT her father.... don't ask) escapes! And this is bad! Because he's evil! Wonder Woman defies mother and sisters (not real sisters... don't ask) and goes out to stop the evil and save the world!

But stops momentarily after stepping out of her invisible jet to aide a young girl who wants to play with boys and the boys don't want to play with young girl! SO SAD! The evil can wait! This needs ATTENTION!!

This was nearly halfway through the film.... and it was there that I finally realized I could take no more and had to TURN it OFF!!

Luckily I survived intact. However, the DVD I unfortunately bought is resting peacefully at my local Hastings store like a copy of the Necronomicon, waiting for the next unsuspecting victim to find it... and unleash the horror within.....

In the end.... I dub this film useless tripe. It tried to be intellectual and entertaining but it turned out insipid and infuriating... or how about just plain insulting? Substituting jokes you find in the public toilet for plot lines is the M.O. of creepy men in basements, not DC heroes. This doesn't impress me. The film makers were obviously under pressure to get this film out before the live action version next year.... although I doubt the end result would have been better even with more time to get it done. This film is just rotten... and the animation isn't that great either.

If you want to watch a good animated DC flick, see the Justice League. Wonder Woman rocks in that film.
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