Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
Shaking the Camera = Bad Television
2 April 2007
Apparently, from what I 've read, the producers of Friday Night Lights are under the impression that shaking the camera to and fro is giving their show a sheen of "reality".

Let me be the one who disabuses them of this notion.

Shaking the camera does not add realism to a show. It actually subtracts from it. For you see, realism comes from the writing and the acting, and shaking the camera, well... it's just shaking the camera. It's annoying and detracts from whatever realism exists in the show. It also makes a lot of people reach for the remote.

At this point, there are two mysteries about Friday Night Lights: 1) Why did NBC put this on the air? After all, they must have seen how unwatchable the pilot was. 2) Why is NBC still airing FNL? After all, they must have seen the ratings.
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