It didn't make any sense whatsoever!
26 November 2003
DARKNESS FALLS is one hell of a bad movie. It's a complete disaster. The thing that makes it a disaster is the fact that it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Why is the evil tooth fairy killing everyone?!?! Isn't she supposed to kill only the children who peeked at her? Why kill the mother or, in the present time, everyone that's around the guy? It's beyond stupid. And the way the filmmakers play with the concept of how the evil tooth fairy is afraid of light is something straight out of Scooby Doo! This film reminded me a lot of GRAVEYARD SHIFT, that terrible Stephen King movie. The pacing, the look, the blandness of both films, and the awful script, are very similar in quality.

But the thing that's really disappointing is that the idea of an evil tooth fairy is actually cool. Everyone HATES going to the dentist. No one likes having teeth pulled, etc. There is an underlying built-in fear in all of us about anything having to do with teeth , and had the concept been handled better, it could have worked brilliantly. The concept is good but the execution is horrendous! This PG-13 movie never exploits this innate fear and the whole thing ends up being ridiculous and overwrought. The Brothers Grimm knew how to take something from our childhood that was innocuous and twisted it enough to make it look creepy & terrifying. Had the producers had a smidget imagination and had turned the story into a Grimm-like horror story, it would have worked.

It's truly a pathetic attempt at horror, certainly when filmmakers put children in jeopardy as recklessly as this one. The whole bland thing made me think that this was a "christian" produced horror film.
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