
25 Reviews
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Blue Velvet (1986)
22 November 2021
David Lynch writes some of the strangest movies of times. This movie is no different. The plot seems basic then it goes all over the place. The visuals and directing are brilliant, but the story is not concise at all.
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19 October 2020
I just watched this movie tonight. I will admits it is creative, but strange. It's aN acid high, hillbilly, horror flick. It kind of takeS the predictable lost traveler route. Then it goes way into left field. An entertaining watch though.
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Waves (I) (2019)
13 January 2020
A true roller coaster of a movie. It shows how the pressure of life can make things take a dark turn at a fast pace. I didn't know what to expect from this movie. I saw it at a free screening and was pleasantly surprised. Very well done movie.
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Filmworker (2017)
A Must See!!
3 June 2018
If you're a film fan or a Stanley Kubrick fan this movie is a must see. Leon Vitali truly gave and is still giving his life to the work of Kubrick's legendary films. Leon does not begin to get the recognition he deserves. He was truly Kubrick's right hand man. There is so much that goes into completing a film project and Leon became the jack of all trades strictly for the art of Kubrick's films. It has taken a physical, mental, and personal toll on his life, but the man is not bitter. In the current day of digital aid Leon Vitali perfected the films without this help. This film displays literally thousands of documents and notes that Leon wrote while filming. He is truly a one man film crew. Other crew members and actors bring the story to life on how this man gave everything he had and more. Fantastic and inspiring documentary.
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Fences (2016)
20 April 2017
Fantastic coming of age film about family and stability. The play and the movie mirror so many in society. May think about what could have been. Many hold their children back, afraid that they might pass them as far as success. Or they do not want their children to be disappointed if their dreams do not come true. Great acting and directing.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Unique and Addictive
12 May 2012
First of all I must say that I am a big fan of Dark Shadows the original television series, and I am a big fan of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp (separately and collaboratively. But I had my apprehensions when I saw the trailer for this movie. I was unsure of the direction of the movie, because of the serious tone of the television series.

Boy was I wrong. The movie starts fast and keeps you engaged throughout. Instead of necessarily focusing on one aspect of film-making it covers many. Suspense, Comedy, Horror, and Mystery are all a part of this film. Burton and the writers combine all of these elements while staying true to Burton's style and the television series.

The talented ensemble cast have great chemistry throughout the movie. Everyone has a purpose.

But I have to admit the standout is Johnny Depp. Talented might not be the word for him. He can absorb any type of role with ease. His character Barnabas gloats with honesty. His shyness of the new world he is facing, while being a vampire and having needs is a dilemma. Because of this Johnny's (seldom scene)comedic skills shine throughout. Barnabas is very blunt with his actions, but with his exquisite vocabulary and proper manners the comedy is non stop. I was literally laughing the entire movie. Some of my friends who knew nothing about the movie were laughing harder than I was.

I enjoyed this movie. The writing, directing, costume design,and acting are all top notch. One of the movies that make me still have hope in Hollywood. It's a must see. Don't hesitate. Another Burton classic.
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OK but Overrated
27 April 2011
I was exited to see this movie. It won an Academy Award for Best Picture and everyone was telling me how great it was. I watched the movie and it was an OK movie but extremely overrated. I honestly think that because we are currently in war people gravitated towards it and gave it praise it didn't deserve.Although I commend our troops a movie and real life are two different things. There have been so many war movies made, that you must come with a different angle to engage people. This movie seems very similar to Full Metal Jacket but not as good.

The acting was not even that great in my opinion. It was more adrenaline than acting. It's almost like taking some men who play football and putting them in a movie about war.

Honestly, Inglourious Basterds should of won Best Picture hands down. Tarantino was robbed. Inglourious Basterds was a type of movie that I have never seen before. From the plot to the acting were all superb. Tarantino went as far as to have actors speak in foreign languages to give the movie real authenticity. The Academy Awards are gonna have to vote with their heads and not their hearts. Pick the movie that's the best. But Hurt Locker was an good movie that can be watched once.
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Precious (II) (2009)
The Most Stereotypical Movie Ever (spoilers ahead)
21 January 2010
First and foremost I want to say that I am not disrespecting the people that organized this film or the actors. They are doing what they gotta do I guess. I do believe some people in this movie have talent, but it's not being expressed.

It seem like black cinema has reached an all time low. This is the most stereotypical movie to come out since "Birth Of A Nation" but yet it's embraced by the black community for one and Hollywood seems to be OK with it. Why? Is it because it represents every stereotype out there about black people. My aunt enjoyed this movie while my father and I were the only ones who realized how offensive this was.

This movie is about a young, fat, extra dark, illiterate, welfare, woman who loves chicken,is getting molested by her father,and has two kids. Is this all black filmmakers can do today? We come off as monolithic because we're always falling into the bag every time. I can watch the news every day and see these representations of black people. And this is suppose to be inspirational? Anyone could of made this movie. The script literally seemed like the whole movie was improvised. If the girl precious drops a crumb on the floor her mother literally goes into 100% ghetto mode. "You ain't sh*t you fat b****. That's why nobody wants your fat, black a**.You fat ugly b**** you ain't never gonna be nothing in life". I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not. We've got to get beyond promoting ignorance. And it wouldn't be as bad if we saw a balance in black cinema, but this is all we're seeing.

But on the other hand the black audience embraced it. But when a positive movie like "The Great Debaters" or "The Miracle at St. Anna" come out we don't support it. Let's wake up and see a wider view of what black people are capable of and stop supporting everything that's a stereotype.
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I Truly Enjoyed It!!!!!
12 June 2009
First of all I must say I never have seen or heard of the original "Taking of Pelham 123" so I didn't know what to expect. When I left the theater I was truly satisfied. The direction, the acting, and the flow of the movie were all top notch. It was also great to see Travolta step out of his element and play a hard core, sadistic, criminal; he was amazing. Denzel was great as well playing the reluctant, laid back character. Tony Scott delivers once again. I honestly figured that with these three talents collaborating, the product would be incredible. I was truly satisfied in all aspects with this film. If you have the money to cash in on a movie ticket this is one to see for certain.
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One of the Worst Movies I've ever seen. (Runied the franchise)
27 May 2008
Oh boy where do I start. This movie should have never been made. Whoever approved the script should have looked at the first five pages and realized that the movie would be doomed. A cause for a rewrite should of been ordered then. But somehow it got the green light. Akiva Goldsman was obviously under the influence of some type of narcotic when he wrote this. It's awful. It must of taken a total of 3 minutes to write. There's absolutely nothing to like about this movie. The only part I liked is when the credits rolled and I realized I didn't have to withstand this nightmare anymore. It might not be so hard if there was something I liked about it. But this movie is an abomination in all aspects. How do you go from the classic Batman (1989) to this trash? I don't understand it. It's so bad that you begin to become upset because you realize this is two precious hours of your life that you can never get back. Arnold's one liners are beyond annoying and stupid. "Let's Kick Some Ice". What is going on? And there's endless one liners as pointless as this throughout the entire movie. This is the movie that ruined the entire franchise until "Batman Begins" successfully revamped it. This should have never been released. It's awful in every way.
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Surprisingly Good Movie!!
10 April 2008
I saw this movie at the library on the shelf while I was browsing. I never heard of this film but the case looked interesting and it was a Criterion Collection. I watched this movie and was completely blown away. I know this movie had to be very controversial when it first opened. The movie shocked me, I had no clue what to expect. The team of the two main characters and the atrocities they commit are sick but brilliant. What else shocked me was that I find out that this movie was based on a true story. I looked up the real criminals and was equally blown away. Great movie and very original. I know this had to rub people the wrong way in 1970's I presume.
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Pretty Bad and Offbeat
7 April 2008
This was not a good idea to say the least. This was a pretty atrocious movie from start to finish. The major problem was Prince tried to have his hands in everything in this film and it doesn't work. He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in this movie. This was a bad move. Now the music in the movie was slamming because Prince is always on point when it comes to music, but the rest doesn't make a lot of sense. It's very offbeat. Many times in the movie for no apparent reason Prince would lift up his girl and they would just stare at each other for minutes at a time with no dialog. There's a lot of weird and pointless situations that happen like this throughout the movie. Because of this the movie crashes and burns.

Now I'm a fan of Prince's music. He's definitely a brilliant artist but he honestly should have had someone else write the script. He's always gonna come correct with the music, but the rest he might not wanna work in. Purple Rain was cool and so was Under the Cherry Moon, but this one shouldn't of been given the green light. If there's anything good that comes from this movie it's the soundtrack.
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Shutter (I) (2008)
Worst Movie Ever!!
22 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
People please save your money and don't see this movie. It's absolutely horrible and so cliché. The script seems like it took all of 3 minutes to write. Whats up with these ghost that all look Japanese(The Grudge anyone?).Haven't we seen this enough. And these ghost that appear for no reason only to find the husband had an affair with the woman and treated her wrong and that's why she haunting people.(What Lies Beneath anyone?).

We've seen this countless times and it never stops it seems. And whoever wrote this script knows this. This is why the quality in movies are going down because of horrid movies such as this. When you watch a movie like "No Country For Old Men" you think Hollywood is getting back on track, then you see a movie like this and all your hopes turn to sand. Please don't waste your time or money going to see this people.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Very Good!!!
30 May 2007
What can I say I enjoyed this movie. I didn't get a chance to see it when it originally came out, but there's a theater that only cost $1.00 here so I figured I'd check it out. I knew it didn't do well at the box office and I wondered why. It was very good and original I think. Both directors did a good job but I think it went over people's head. These movies are for entertainment only; I think people were expecting something serious. And the trailers before and in between the movies were hilarious; especially the "Thanksgiving" trailer. I thought I was gonna die laughing. I would have gave this movie a 9 or maybe more but that hood-rat ghetto chick in "Death Proof" really got on my nerves. She added nothing to the movie except hood language and attitude. But other than that great film.
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Yeah this is Pretty Bad
9 May 2006
I saw some of this movie last night on SHowtime, and it's def nothing to jump around about. But it's so stupid that it's kinda funny. The acting is definitely horrible, don't know what they were thinking with this 1. The chicks are fine, but I guess thats the only plus. It's nothing more than a C class horror movie with a predictable plot, sprinkled with lesbian love. Also the characters are so dry and are just dumb. There's the Nuns helper that I guess is suppose to represent Egor, but is really not scary or funny.This is definitely a movie that could of stayed in the vaults, but because it's so stupid it's kinda funny.
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Leprechaun (1992)
Ha Ha !! This Movie is so Stupid its Hilarious
17 September 2005
I've seen this movie a couple times before but today I realize how really stupid it is. Not that thats a bad thing, its entertaining. It's one of those movies thats so stupid its funny. You got this crazy leprechaun running around this farm messing with these kids all day long. He comes up with all these leprechaun rhymes that are so corny. All he keeps saying is "I want is me gold". The whole movie: " ME GOLD,ME GOLD, ME GOLD" I know you gotta pay dues, but I know Jennifer Aniston doesn't remind anyone that she's in this movie. 1 key part that was funny is when she's in the elevator after being chased by the leprechaun through the nursing home,and the old man that the leprechaun killed gets thrown through the top of the elevator. Think his name was Mr.O'Grady. Even though the dude is near death he has the final dramatic final speech for Jenn. For some reason at this point he develops the leprechaun's accent. "In order to kill em ya needs a 4 leaf clover, freshly plucked from the garden", or something like that its so funny. Then close to the end the fat dude is like we can find the 4 leaf clover if you believe we can find it. And as soon as he says it they find 1. They kill him and all that good stuff, then the police automatically show up after its all over and done with. They call the police all night but when it's all over, like 5-6 cop cars show up. Situations such as these just crack me up.
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Malcolm X (1992)
A True Work of Art!
10 August 2005
This movie is hands down one of the greatest movies ever made. This is truly how you make a biopic. And Denzel's performance is absolutely incredible. It's one of if not the best acting performance I've ever seen. He definitely should have won the Academy award for his performance in this movie. Another winner for Spike Lee as well. This is just another example of his talents. I know they had to go through a lot to have this movie made. It's truly ashame it didn't get best picture or best actor at the Academy's. It is truly. Maybe someone should have reached out for Spike to direct Ali? I think it would have improved the picture. Maybe Ali wouldn't of been as dry of a movie.
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Sin City (2005)
Great!! Now this is how you make a movie.
17 April 2005
This is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. This is how you make a movie. This movie has great special effects, but that doesn't make the entire movie like that crap Van Helsing. At the end of the day this movie has great acting and great stories, this is what makes the movie. The special effects only complement the great story. Hollywood take a good look at this movie and take notes, this is how movies should be made. Take time and develop a good script and stop trying to spend 200 mill on special effects when the story and the acting isn't worth 2 cents. Once again Sin City is great, I have to give credit to all who were involved.
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Secret Window (2004)
Very Instense and Entertaining Film
20 March 2005
I didn't know what to expect when I saw this movie, but I watched it and was completely satisfied. This movie is great, very unpredictable. Johnny Depp is an incredibly talented actor, I think he's underrated. I think he's one of the best actors out today and this film is another example of this. All of the actors, the script, the set designs were superb. Definitely a must see film. It definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat through the entire film. Even the ending is weird, but I loved the twist it have. It's very different from any other thriller I've seen in a long while. 2 thumbs up. It's about time we finally see a creative story in Hollywood.
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Heaven Help Us
28 February 2005
OK, I'm truly not trying to be mean, but this is the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. This movie is straight garbage, matter of fact to call this movie garbage would be complementing it. It's nothing more than a broke Karate Kid remake with unbelievable horrible acting. Whats going on with this old Chinese guy who looks like a broke Mr.Miyagi. This guy played the same exact role with a different name in the movie "Sidekicks". I'm not mad at him though, hey bills gotta get paid. Not one person in this movie can act worth a crap. I've seen better acting in Rice Krispies commercials. What were they thinking when they made this movie? I really want to know what they were thinking. Besides the predictable plot and god awful acting is the corny fight sequences. They try so hard to recapture "Enter the Dragon" or "Bloodsport" but fail horribly. The one scene that had me ready to stab somebody and jump out my window was: Billy Blanks character was in a room where steam was put in in order to suffocate him. No not in this movie, this dude starts yelling "No,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,!!!!!!!!!!" then he begins to punch the steam so he can breathe. Believe me for people who haven't seen this movie, this scene looks far more ridiculous than I can explain to you. All I can say is this movie is trash. Billy Blanks is having success with Tae Bo, so he better stick to that, because he never needs to act in a movie again if this garbage is going to be the result.
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Eddie Griffin: Voodoo Child (1997 TV Special)
10 December 2004
This is one of the greatest standups I've ever seen. Eddie really puts his all into this one. I saw it on HBO and couldn't stop laughing. You will laugh through the entire show. I want to see it released on DVD, cause I would definitely buy it. I thought it would already be on DVD but its not. I liked his comedy special dysfunctional family too, but this is much better. A lot of the jokes from here are recycled in Dysfunctional Family. We need a DVD release of this soon. I haven't seen it in years and would be thrilled to buy it. Eddie goes around the usual topics: race, sex, aliens, slavery, Michael Jackson, schools. He does it with great character development. He is one of the best standup comedians I've ever seen.
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Great Movie
9 May 2004
This was a great movie, and I think it was overlooked. It is one my favorites due to the unique storytelling and action. This movie is way better than 90% of the crap that comes out today. The acting is also superb, and I think it Chris Tucker's greatest performance. Even though the story has a lot of action, it's very believable, which is hard to do in Hollywood. For those who haven't seen this movie I suggest you go and rent it now, it's a modern day classic. Sit back and be prepared to watch a great moment in filmaking. It's definitely underrated. I think if it was promoted better it might have done better, especially since most war movies do well.
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Van Helsing (2004)
8 May 2004
This movie was ok, but very overated. I waited for about 6 months to see this movie and was very dissapointed. From the previews, reviews, and hype I thought this was going to be classic. 1st of all there were too many unecessary special effects. Dracula couldnt ever have a regular conversation without climbing up the wall or causing explosions with his power, this got really annoying quick. Another thing was the story was so predictable, a 5 year old could figure it out. As soom as they found Frankenstein you knew what was going to happen and after this you're just waiting for the movie to end. They had all the right tools to make this a great movie but blew it. All they had to do was spend a little more emphasis on the plot. Then they could have eased back on the special effects. You dont have to have a big special effects scene every 15 seconds. Dracula and his wives didnt have to show their vampire teeth in every conversation they had. The teeth they had werent even planted they were computer generated. These things are repetitive thoughout the movie and this is what hurt it. What a waste, could have been something special.
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This Movie Is Hilarious
24 February 2004
This movie is not one bit scary, but it is one of the funniest movies i've ever seen. The one liners are unbelievable.If you haven't seen it I can't explain it to you, but if you have you know what I'm talking about. There are so many unnecessary lines and actions that make no sense. For example when they are getting doors upstairs to nail the windows down, to prove that the wood on one door was bad Ben punched through a door. Completely unnecessary, but funny if you watch the movie. It's also funny to hear him say " You know what, Cooper, I've only been around you a minute or two, but that's enough time for me to decide that I don't like you very much." It's funny hearing him say Coopa over and over. One of my favorite lines is "Cooper, I've got a shotgun out here. Open this door, you mother****er, or I swear to God I'll blow it to s***." It's also ridiculous to see Ben beat up about 10 or 15 zombies by himself. Maybe I'm the only one who sees the movie like this, but this is the way I felt about the movie.
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This Movie Is Hilarious
24 February 2004
This movie is not one bit scary, but it is one of the funniest movies i've ever seen. The one liners are unbelievable.If you haven't seen it I can't explain it to you, but if you have you know what I'm talking about. There are so many unnecessary lines and actions that make no sense. For example when they are getting doors upstairs to nail the windows down, to prove that the wood on one door was bad Ben punched through a door. Completely unnecessary, but funny if you watch the movie. It's also funny to hear him say " You know what, Cooper, I've only been around you a minute or two, but that's enough time for me to decide that I don't like you very much." It's funny hearing him say Coopa over and over. One of my favorite lines is "Cooper, I've got a shotgun out here. Open this door, you m**********r, or I swear to God I'll blow it to s**t." It's also ridiculous to see Ben beat up about 10 or 15 zombies by himself. Maybe I'm the only one who sees the movie like this, but this is the way I felt about the movie.
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