Heaven Help Us
28 February 2005
OK, I'm truly not trying to be mean, but this is the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. This movie is straight garbage, matter of fact to call this movie garbage would be complementing it. It's nothing more than a broke Karate Kid remake with unbelievable horrible acting. Whats going on with this old Chinese guy who looks like a broke Mr.Miyagi. This guy played the same exact role with a different name in the movie "Sidekicks". I'm not mad at him though, hey bills gotta get paid. Not one person in this movie can act worth a crap. I've seen better acting in Rice Krispies commercials. What were they thinking when they made this movie? I really want to know what they were thinking. Besides the predictable plot and god awful acting is the corny fight sequences. They try so hard to recapture "Enter the Dragon" or "Bloodsport" but fail horribly. The one scene that had me ready to stab somebody and jump out my window was: Billy Blanks character was in a room where steam was put in in order to suffocate him. No not in this movie, this dude starts yelling "No,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,!!!!!!!!!!" then he begins to punch the steam so he can breathe. Believe me for people who haven't seen this movie, this scene looks far more ridiculous than I can explain to you. All I can say is this movie is trash. Billy Blanks is having success with Tae Bo, so he better stick to that, because he never needs to act in a movie again if this garbage is going to be the result.
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