Like Dogs (2021) Poster


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Promising storyline but tries to do too much
jaimiebougie4 October 2021
Promising storyline at the start. I think this film would have been much better if they used an adult cast instead of university students, and either had a few less twists or spent more time developing all the twists.
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Nah, nothing much of anything new here...
paul_haakonsen27 January 2022
I sat down to watch the 2021 thriller "Like Dogs" from writer and director Randy Van Dyke here in 2022 without ever having heard about the movie. So I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but it being labeled a horror/thriller was sufficient to make me have an interest in the movie. And also since I hadn't already seen it, of course I opted to do so.

And while "Like Dogs" definitely was off to a killer start and maintained the suspense for a good long way, I have to say that the steam started to vanish from the kettle once it was revealed what was actually going on. Sure, I was a bit thrown off by the reveal, but thought 'hey, why not? We can work with that' and continued on with the movie. However, by the time you get to the laughable ending, the movie had gone from good to being one where you just shrug your shoulders. A shame really, because "Like Dogs" had a lot of potential.

"Like Dogs" is a movie that clearly is a low budget movie, and it shows on the screen. I will say, however, that the first third part of the movie was definitely working out quite well, despite this being a low budget production, so thumbs up to the movie crew on that accomplishment.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "Like Dogs", and that is something I do enjoy in movies. And yeah, it was working to the movie's advantage here as well. Just don't expect to be in for an evening of Shakespearian performances and you'll be set.

I found "Like Dogs" to be a semi-watchable movie. It was adequate enough for a single viewing, if you can look past the downhill slide that the movie was on. But that is one of the problems with "Like Dogs", it is a movie that you watch once and then never again.

My rating of "Like Dogs" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Where is the ethics council of this university?
FritzSchnitzt5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where is that university located? The funny thing is, the head of the university wants to report the main actress to the authorities because she is taking hostage. Never saw something that funny.
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It had potential, but went the totally wrong direction
adelaidet-436572 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the movie was great: An experiment that involves treating humans like dogs. Then, not even 45 minutes into it, it completely falls apart. The whole original idea was just literally thrown out the window. The only reason I even give it a 2 star is because it could've worked so well.

It went from some sort of behavioral experiment where abducted humans are treated like animals, to the victims actually knew they were part of it and it was a college research experiment created by one of the professors, to it was all created for a desperate woman trying to get a man to love her back and all of her failed relationships are also victims.

The main character was supposed to be another victim in this 'sick examination", but instead, she was actually in on it, which totally goes against the first half hour of the movie (as we literally see her get abducted, finds out that she's been kidnapped, get drugged and get attacked by her 'handlers'). But not only is she in on it, but the other victim is the guy she fell in love with, and the whole reason she came in was to get him vulnerable enough to love her back, which fails. Wait, there's more. All of the other victims are also her ex boyfriends and old flings that have failed and was turned into brainless subhumans. And apparently, one of the other side characters desperately loves her too.

The main character is not lovable in any shape or form. There is no redeeming quality that she has to make every male character and her father love her. Even a character she betrayed seems to be fully on her side, only to be betrayed again. They tried to play her off as this 'psychotic lovesick badass', but it just comes off as like she's on some sort of high pedestal with plot armor.

Random flashbacks of her having sex with one of her ex boyfriends (not even the guy she fell in love with) also appears every now and then, which makes absolutely no sense. Do not recommend this movie unless you are binge watching terrible indie horror movies.
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kirstenholmes-237163 October 2021
This movie is embarassingly bad. At one point, the female lead finds the male lead's acting so ridiculous she has to physically restrain herself from laughing when she's supposed to be facing certain death. They didn't even bother fixing the scene. A smashed in head looks like a piece of flat, white plastic with a crayon face. Whoever made this movie needs to spend his time learning how to make movies instead of on generating fake reviews.
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Low Quality Production
justinlong-280525 October 2021
Nothing much to say in this review, other than this is a very low-budget project. Painful to watch, a waste of time. Preposterous, to say the least.
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Worst acting ever
saskinmeczup26 October 2021
I understand that it's a low budget movie and I don't have any problem with that since it has a pretty interesting topic. But I still had to rate 1 because of the main character's (Lisa) acting. No exaggeration, I've never seen a worse acting in my entire life and since she's the main character, it's ruining all of the movie experience. Yeah sure, none of the actors are doing a good job overall but at least they're not doing as bad job as Lisa. Her body language, face expressions, everything is overacting and feels like you're watching a movie from 80's where acting wasn't as develop as the 21st century. I still think the idea is pretty good, even the writing isn't too bad, so it could've been a striking movie with a high-budget production. Shout-out to all writers and whoever came up with the idea and to all of the actors, please take no offense but just a constructive criticism.

Oh and lastly, I'd enjoy the scenario more if it was more wrapped up around the 'experiment' instead of the psychopathic love triangle. Like how the experiment would actually go and what kind of insights we would get from it. That was my expectation before starting the movie.
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Warning - Curves Ahead
A_Different_Drummer3 October 2021
Old joke in film class is that the cheapest indie to make is filming two people talking on a park bench. God provides the lighting, the park provides the set, and luck provides the stars. In this one, it looks at first glance like Randy Van Dyke is going for the Guinness Record in cheap indies ... and then the twists come. Taking a page from the Joss Whedon school of genre deconstruction, Van Dyke keeps things moving briskly, making sure the viewer never gets bored. And that, in a nutshell, is the charm of this oddball extreme-low-budget production.
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Stupidest movie ever made
rotini-525865 October 2021
Boy...someone really has some spare time on their hands. Movie is garbage.
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Feel Like A 90s Housewife
wop-315292 October 2021
The premise of this movie is intriguing enough... like so much typical Horror. You then slowly wade your way through thinking you may have an idea as to where things are going... like so much typical Horror. Then, a twist in Act 2 makes you think they've written themselves into a corner and now you are certain you'll hate this movie... like so much typical Horror.

BAM BAM BAM... you are now pummeled over the head with so many silly and convuluted twists, each one-upping the last. While you accept the premise has been rendered meaningless and the character motives are unearned, you no longer care.

As someone who has never watched a soap opera, I now get the appeal. I actually want this to be a new Horror genre. This is exactly the kind of movie you want to watch and enjoy with friends. However, if you're like me and don't have any, then just act like I'm there with you. Sorry about the heavy cologne. And you're out of toilet paper.
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Good film but amateur dramatics
LLgoatJ26 October 2021
This is about a mysterious experiment where a woman is made to live like a chained up dog. She is then given a kennel mate. There is a big twist and then several more.

It's got a good pace. It keeps moving and there are no real bits that make you feel bored. It's believable and the effects are good for the budget. Its also well written.

It's the acting that lets it down. The actors make it feel like an amateur dramatics production. The acting is okay in most places but occasionally not great.

It's a shame as there is a good film in there but maybe didn't have the budget. It's worth a watch but just makes you feel a bit let down.
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99.9% analoge...
ops-525354 October 2021
The rest is computed on a video program that you and i can obtain to our pc, to have fun with homevideos etc.

Horror, well a tiny bit, crazy plot, no not at all, gory, couldve taken much more, thrilling, not much, twist surprises, a few small ones , easy piecy junk, dogs, no dogs at all, ideas to your next s/m getogether, yes , its just a matter of vivid fantasy

production isnt that bad, it has good continuity and the mix of light, noise and music helps indeed. But the story is flat ,the sets are utterly minimalistic if not prosaicly androgyne and the acting is a bland experience. But theyve blown away all their does on this project and thats well done for us, takes time to finance the next project.

So tha anarchistic grumpy old man gives a 3 minus.
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The Kennel Master
nogodnomasters28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lisa (Annabel Barrett) is abducted and placed in a kennel and treated like a dog. She is experiment 5407. They introduce Adam (Ignacyo Matynia) in a nearby cell. He is experiment number 5399 and tells Lisa the food is drugged. They wear shock collars that can be lethal. We discover more about the experiment and the film spirals downward through multiple twists that were not very well handled.

Once things got going I didn't understand why Lisa was abducted and was in a cell alone for several days. The actions of the controllers was too far over the top too soon.

Guide: F-word. Brief sex? No nudity.
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It was good until it wasn't.
cterria4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ignoring the fact that the Incel character gets way too much screentime, there are an almost insane amount of plot holes. At the end, there's literally only one character you end up caring about at the end, only one you hope survives, and it's definitely not Lisa.
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Interesting ideas, terrible acting (except for leads), awful dialogue & pacing
brhjr31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This one needed some MAJOR work on the script. Randy should find a writing partner. The lines written for the actors (particularly the "comedy" duo in the control room) were atrocious. Get someone to polish your work and you might be onto something, Randy. Art direction and cinematography are mostly competent and occasionally intriguing. But the pacing and (especially) dialogue needed a LOT of work. This feels like a first draft even though I'm guessing it went through several revisions before becoming the shooting script.
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Lots to like, decent watch.
LavaLampGlobules21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first act is well done, the music early on is distinctive. It does what a horror or suspense film does and that's make you ask questions about what's going on. This film doesn't spell everything out for you with needless setup. The guards talking to Lisa in a voice like they use for dogs was hilarious to me. But in a way that felt appropriate for the plot.

There's a twist in the middle that was promising. Also around that time the film introduces George and Erica. They take away from all the mood and tension that was built up. Particularly George as Erica seems rather helpless if not pointless.

It still manages to remain interesting wondering what the end goal for Lisa would be. But it doesn't take too much longer for the plot to seemingly run out of ideas. By the time the Fischer shows up it really feels like the concept had run its course.

At that point George just keeps talking and talking. The more he did, the more it took me out of the movie. The actor did not vibe the way that character seems like it was written. It almost felt like he struggled in the role. Even then, the character would have had a better portrayal if he spoke significantly fewer lines, and the film had him show more than tell. Then again, judging by the 'tablet sabotage scene' I don't know if he would have had the skill to portray a villain effectively anyway.

Also by that point the soundtrack had gotten boring as well. It's resorted to a series of deep sustained notes with an occasional muffled percussive bang. It went from something pretty cool in the first 10 or so minutes to this generic stuff. I didn't notice when it changed really, but by this point I was done with that music.

Anyway, there's a few more twists that really cheapens the Lisa character, and George too. This final act is severely disappointing. It left me asking "really, that's what this led to?"
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Rating it as it is
Luv2Spooge25 November 2021
It is a low budget indies film and as such, I thought it was done pretty well considering others I've recently watched. This is attributed to both the acting as well as the screenplay. What I hate most in amateur films is overacting and in this film the actors, both major and minor, both seemed to escape that and did a very good convincing job.

The story was reasonable, nothing spectacular, but props on the mid film twist. I didn't see that coming. However, I felt that like a lot of films I've seen recently, it started out strong but ended weak. The beginning really do keep you engaged and wondering how they ended up in that situation, however after the mid film twist, then it seemed to run out of ideas and they were just winging the script.

My suggestion is take a little more time to develop the story, put the twist at the end, not in the middle. You lose your whole build up at mid point, which is why the 2nd half was like a completely different movie. I would give the first half a 7 and the 2nd half a 3, average both together at 5.
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Different enough to make it worthwhile
bowmanblue5 October 2023
Like Dogs - Different enough to make it worthwhile

I didn't really know what to expect when I saw down to watch 'Like Dogs,' - the blurb didn't really give much away, other than two people had been captured and were being treated like - you guessed it - canines. And that's actually a pretty good summary.

When the film opens we meet the protagonist - a woman who has been abducted against her will, chained to a wall in a seemingly nondescript building and is being fed some sort of dubious meat-stuff in a bowl off the floor. Naturally, she's not too pleased with her masked captors and does her best to escape - but, seeing as she's chained to a wall, she obviously doesn't get very far. Soon she realises she's not alone in there, as there's also a man in an equally degrading position a few bays down from her. They strike up a bond and, more importantly, ideas on how to break free.

I'll leave it there in terms of plot as there are some elements that you might not see coming (I didn't, but then I'm notoriously bad at predicting 'twists!'). I expected what was probably going to be 'torture p0rn' and, I guess there are some elements, but there's also a lot more to the mystery than first meets the eye.

As it got into the final act the dynamics of the movie shifted a bit over the way it appeared to be heading and, for a moment, I thought it was going to do a 180 degrees and effectively undo all the dark undertones that had been building. However, I was pleasantly surprised when this was merely an attempt to lull the audience into thinking it may actually be going in a different direction, before making sure it course-corrected and stuck true to the elements it was building on.

'Like Dogs' certainly won't be for everyone. There's no special effects, epic battles, big name stars or flashy direction, but what is there instead is a disturbingly dark tale of an insight into the deranged human mind. Few films get much darker than this, but if you're in the mood, this one might fit the bill.
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Like Dog's Poop
Stevieboy66628 September 2023
Two strangers, Adam and Lisa, are abducted, drugged and subjected to a horrifying experiment in which they are treated like dogs. I saw this on Prime, looked like a possible torture movie, a genre that we do not see so much of these days. Straight away the low budget and production values are obvious but at 28 minutes the plot takes a major and perplexing twist. At one point a character says "I don't like the direction that this (swear word that starts with s) show is going", I could not agree more! The acting is poor with Ryan Q Tran (who plays nutty George) being especially abysmal. There are two reasons why I have scored this a 2 instead of a 1 out of 10 and they are that Annabel Barrett as Lisa looks pretty hot in her vest and tight shorts plus there are a few gory moments (though the effects are very cheap). Watching this garbage is about as pleasurable as accidentally stepping in dog poop and having to clean it off your shoe and carpet. Awful! Like Dog Poo would be a more apt title.
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Best Movie of 2021
stunnerman4 October 2021
Forget about all the overhype action movies with Dwayne Johnson,superheroes movies and all those movies that gets high grossing film and the box office. They all do not compare to this movie. This movie deserves an oscar,academy award,best movie,emmy you know what give it al the awards. I know people will comment and give this movie a low score an say bad and all these things but they do not know and should be classically conditioned. Gave this movie a 10 just from watching 9 minutes of it and if you could give it a 100 here i would surely give it a 100 cause as I watch it. It just gets better. I salute the writer,director,producer and everyone in this film and i am not bias one bit.
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A good indie
LetsReviewThat2629 December 2023
Like dogs is a good indie film. A story that has not been done. It was actes pretty decently too and the cast did well with the Roleagiven. A woman in the backgrpund is kidnapped in broad daylight. When she wakes she's in a concrete box with a chain attached. People in hazmat suits try to feed her. It's evident someone is watching her and they treat her like a dog. Even down to the gross looking food. It's sad seeing Lisa in the situation and you want to help her. A man named Adam appears and it becomes clear there's more going on than meets the eye. Overall like dogs was z pretty good indie ans one that was well made.
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Like dogs
BandSAboutMovies29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lisa (Annabel Barrett) and Adam (Ignacyo Matynia) wake up in a dog kennel, chained to the walls and yeah, treated and fed like dogs. They have no idea how they got there to why and they start to bond. Adam starts the escape plan and then everything changes.

Doctor Fischer (Katy Dore), George (Ryan Q. Tran) and Erika (Shay Denison) lead the experiments, but George has gone rogue and begun drugging Lisa and Adam, which just may put the entire experiment in jeopardy. You know, the one where you chain people like dogs to the wall with the goal of...what is the goal?

Director and writer Randy Van Dyke has put something interesting together, filled with more than a few twists and some major reveals about our heroine Lisa, who may not be all that heroic and even worse than that first big reveal.

This is a movie packed with no small amount of meanness, roughness and the courage to take everything you know at the beginning and just throw it away. Big choices and made in this one, which is awesome to see.
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Find a better wasre of time.
mrvanin17 April 2024
I watched this on YouTube. I fell asleep after an hour and woke up in time to see the last five minutes. I turns out that there were no surprises and I had wasted an hour of missed sleep.

Predictable, pointless, poorly done, pathetic. If the lead had provided some eye-candy, or if any of the characters were interesting, or if the entire story wasn't a concentrated collection of plot-holes, the film would have some saving feature to bring it up to a rating of 2 (rubbish that I could still watch). But it hasn't, so here we are!

This movie is distinguishable from a pile of doggie-doo. That about says it all.
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You Gotta Stick With It, People!
TheJonesBones31 July 2023
Have you ever stood between two mirrors and seen yourself reflected into infinity? Check that box for now.

Have you ever manipulated/misused/etc... persons of a lower class/caste/etc...? Check that box for now.

Have you yourself ever been manipulated/misused/etc... by persons of a higher class/caste/etc...? Check that box for now.

The two latter propositions are your mirrors. You are a lab rat - or beagle, because they are popular experimental animals, believe it or not. "Like Dogs" is your experiment.

I know. You'll say...

I don't eat slop... from the McDonald's drive-thru.

I don't wear a leash... as you text on your cell phone.

I don't respond to shock therapy... as you pay your rent/mortgage.

I don't abuse others... as you ____ your neighbor/colleague/lover.

I don't suffer abuse from others... as you prepare your next apology to ___.

Yeah. Give it a few minutes. It's that kind of movie.
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10/10 would recommend
gallyry18 May 2024
I was thoroughly impressed by this film. The plot twists were masterfully executed and truly unexpected, culminating in a remarkable ending. I would certainly watch it again. The production quality is exceptional. It's perplexing why some reviews are negative; the film is outstanding. Don't let the unfavorable reviews deter you from experiencing this cinematic gem. The storytelling is compelling, and every element, from the acting to the visuals, is top-notch. This film deserves high praise and recognition. Highly recommended for those who appreciate well-crafted narratives and high-quality production. 10/10!
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