The Fear Footage (2018) Poster

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The middle ground
mattquinlan-1541128 March 2020
The TLDR of this is, if you're a horror fan and can't find somethig you haven't seen, this is an okay watch if you can excuse bad dialogue and low budget effects in exchange for decent jump scares. Full review follows.

Found footage is love it or hate. I love it. I've watched every single one I can find and let me tell you, there are some real crap fests out there. This is anthology style with a main story tying them together.

The dialogue in this is bad and the acting is worse but I can tell you that it's better than most of the found footage out there. The biggest issue you will see in found footage is cramming all the actual horror into the last 10 or 15 minutes. This one thankfully doesn't do that. The first sequence (not including the main story) made me jump a few times, it was my favorite. The second gets a little cheesy with the effects but you have to assume this was done with no budget, the third fell victim to the cheesy dialogue pretty hard core but it got me to jump once or twice.

P.s. the high rating reviews are suspect, I admit that.
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5 is more than fair.
berg-745327 April 2021
With each number going down from 5 it's a toss up from expecting to much or complaining to complain. It's found footage it's nothing new it has a formula and this wasn't the best but it's a long way from the worst.
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Disappointment of the year
BaileyDJay21 April 2019
I remember watching the trailer on youtube for fear footage and being excited about it as I really like found footage movies and this looked like it had the potential to be really scary. I followed the Facebook page intently getting all the updates but was always sad I couldn't get to any of the viewings and there really weren't enough of them anyway. When the admin told me that it was coming to dvd and amazon I was very happy but it kept getting delayed and delayed so I decided to be naughty and saw it on putlocker I go gave it a go. Sat with a bag of warm popcorn to my left and doggie to the right I settled in for the movie I'd waited all this time for and could have cried when the credits rolled. It was so bad, I felt like I was promised some revolutionary incredible movie but what I got was a childish movie that's made me lose faith in the genre altogether. It was so bad I don't know what else I can say, I feel lied to and the guilt I had briefly for not buying the dvd went out the window. It's awful it looks like someone made it on their phone and cast there family members as cast and crew AND IT SHOWS. I wouldn't mind it being badly made if it were at least scary but all this you'll never sleep again, sleep with the lights on and it'll stick with you afterwards is all lies. It's not scary at all it's just boring and does what every other found footage movie does and thats hide the lack of budget by having nothing actually happen. Sorry folks over at the Facebook page but you'll be seeing minus one follower from your page.
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BurtGGummer12 March 2019
Found Footage movies are usually bad lets not kid ourselves here they are the first port of call for zero budget filmmakers and they tend to absolutely stink. The Fear Footage is an example of this, the money clearly had absolutely no money no actors and nobody with the ability to write a good script. I think its the height of disrespect that the creators didn't even acknowledge the cast on this page as well and the hefty number of 10's and identically worded reviews/cloned reviews kills the films credibility even more. Despite there being lots of bad found footage movies there are some good ones so skip over this and find one of them.
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My very reason for being on IMDB
silasriffin11 November 2019
I just watched this one of the streaming services me and the missus use and it's so bad I felt I had to come on here and warn people! I've seen some bad found footage movies over the years in fact I think you expect them to be bad but this one is the pits. It's like they decided to just rip scenes from other movies, mash them altogether and call it a film. And why is their no cast and crew on display? The whole thing is very shifty, was this a tax write off or something? Either way it's the worst film I've ever seen and I hope the creator stops at this and doesn't make any more movies.
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A great found footage anthony!
Jwilliams68021 July 2018
The Fear Footage is not only fun, entertaining and scary, it shows what someone who has love for a genre can do on a small budget but without a loss in quality. Usually in an anthology picture I have at least one I just don't care for much at all. This wasn't the case with The Fear Footage, each story is well thought out, interesting and has some genuine scares. That includes the wraparound story. Which may be my favorite part of the film. Though if you asked me ten minutes from now I'd have a different favorite part. There are tons of remakes, reboots, and more of the same old thing out there to watch, and that's fine. But if you want to see what a horror fan can accomplish with the love and desire to make a scary movie, and actually get scared The Fear Footage is for you. It truly is a great accomplishment in the found footage, anthology, and horror genres. You owe it to yourself to seek it out and experience it.
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Surprised by this movie
randyunseen30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you are truly a horror movie fan. You would give this movie a 5 or above. They did a great job with "Less is more scary" I loved the empty house and the video machine on cue to watch another plot. Lighten up on the low scores. This movie is scarier the 90% of the horror movies out their. Great low budget horror movie...
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Second time managed to be worse
jean-westmorland18 November 2019
I watched the Fear Footage for a second time last night with my husband. The first time we watched it we thought it was a really unoriginal mess of a film that tried to be one of many considerably better found footage movies but failed miserably. This time we found ourselves laughing as we spend its 71 minute duration pointing out its flaws, its inconsistencies, the awful special effects and the directors complete inability to construct a film. This will go down as one of the worst movies ever made to us, it really is that bad and not even one of those films you can enjoy for the sake of it being bad like Sharknado. It's just plain bad.
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My honest review of The Fear Footage
MisterAW24 March 2020
I heard about this film via an Instagram account for said film that followed me. Upon hearing a bunch of negative reviews made on the film set to destroy its IMDb rating, I thought I'd give my honest review of the film.

I didn't know what expect from this film, other than its premise being a police officer gone missing, so it was quite a fun surprise to experience. I was not expecting it at all to be like V/H/S with segments in reminiscence of Paranormal Activity, Silent Hills' PT, and the 2016 clown sightings.

Marketing Like most found footage films, they try to make this look real, but the marketing for this film went all out. The Blu-Ray I purchased came with an evidence wrapping. The contents were notes and letters warning about the footage, and a disc where the art design is just a white disc with bloody-red fingerprints on it. Very minimalistic yet low-key terrifying.

Wraparound segment Leo Cole is a deputy sent alone surprisingly without a partner to investigate a house that somehow appeared out of nowhere, according to a 911 call. His investigations soon leads him to a hellish nightmare that ends with a loop of doors and rooms, much like the cancelled Silent Hills demo. This one builds, as it is the wraparound. One part including a child's diary is pretty intimidating, and finally pays off during the film's exciting climax after the "Speak No Evil" segment. The scares felt like they were well-earned in this.

"Birthday Party" This one is probably the weakest thing of the four. Not much happens in this one that is memorable. It is a unique idea, adding to the already-real-and-terrifying clown sightings of 2016 (with an actual news clip of it.) However I was confused by the relationship of the mother and son, as she was saying "no nightmares" as if that was something he could control, unless if she meant no complaining. The scares were okay, but nothing special.

"Storm Stalkers" The better one of the four. Some of the decisions made by these characters were silly, like running into the woods when there are strange figures after them. This was all redeemed by the terror that ensued as black dressed figures chased after this man into this weird underground place with scary fun results. The scares in this one also felt very well-earned and refreshing.

"Speak No Evil" A man sets up a camera after hearing strange sounds in his backyard. A lot of the scares in this were cheap, but the climax felt just as scary as the previous segment.

Overall, great film. Don't mind the negative reviews of this film and form your own opinion. It's a low-budget film, but try to not think of that. If you can turn your brain off and have fun, this is the movie for you.
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dobebudiki6 April 2019
Saw this at Grindsploitation film fest a while ago and it was awful. The one good thing that came from it was that me and my mates had something to joke about over drinks afterwards. It was so stupid I've never seen such a mess of a movie, clearly everyone involved has never done this before and it shows. Go to film school, take influence from other directors, or quit. This was horrendous.
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Found Footgae that works.
raylongo8 December 2018
This one brings it all back to the beginning of found footage. It feels real again. It's scary again.
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Can't say it's good but I can say it's scary!
baldlarry19 January 2019
Good or bad is an opinion. This one is scary though. A lot of jump scares mixed with subtle creepiness. Dark hallways and figures in the distance. I liked it.
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phokebocli3 December 2019
Worst special effects I've ever seen from such a film. Worst acting I've possibly ever seen period. Worst plot in horror history. Worst director and production I think I've seen in my 43yrs of watching movies.

Word of the day, WORST!!!!!!
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Pretty awful.
abbycatt27 December 2019
I love found footage, and I love low budget films, but this one misses the mark at nearly every turn. It's an anthology with a interwoven story tying everything together, like the V/H/S movies do. The first segment here has a few decent scares, but they are jump scares. The rest of the segments were an absolute chore to get through and incredibly disappointing. The story that ties them all together actually has a really cool premise that is pretty creepy. The issue was that by the end, when it actually starts to get creepy, I was so checked out from being irritated and bored. The only redeeming part of this film was ruined for me. I gave this film 3 stars because the interwoven story actually had creativity and potential.
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DaisyHavok19 November 2019
This found footage thing is so 1999, every one of these movies looks the same sounds the same involves the same stupid camerawork and generally has one of the same handful of plots. It's so boring, just 71 minutes of a guy walking around in the dark broken up with amateurish horror shorts. Worst movie I've ever purchased online, I'll be noting the creator and avoiding any further works he does.
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The Fear Footage
fricruphic27 November 2019
Over the Halloween period we rented out several horror movies and they were all terrible, wasted evening. The worst was this, another found footage movie that tries to be VHS in that its an anthology movie. The mini stories are terrible and the very definition of the word cheap, the outer plot that sees a police officer investigating a house after a call is brain cripplingly boring. Fear Footage is the worst movie I've ever seen and let it be known that it's damaged my perception of the entire industry knowing that things like this exist out there.
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Had me jumping out of my seat!
brianarae-6595929 July 2019
This movie takes you on a super creepy, crazy ride! If you like getting scared and jumping out of your skin its a must watch. Found footage movie that has you literally screaming everytime something jumps out at you. Me and my kids had fun watching!
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xboxmods30778 December 2018
Do not waste your time, or money on this film, as it is quite dreadful. Also, I see a few people gave this film a 10/10, which seems very shady to me. Weird.
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Decent V/H/S Clone
afoteyannum20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is pretty much a third installment in the V/H/S series.

Which isn't a bad thing necessarily.

This anthology styled found footage horror film tells the story of a police officer who really, really, REALLY should have taken the day off.

A house, which had been completely demolished a year prior, suddenly reappears. Neighbors call the cops, and the one who shows up to the call finds a VHS tape in said house and proceeds to watch it. In between sequences on the tape (of which there are three), he explores the house.

After each sequence, things get crazier and crazier for this officer.

The bad:
  • people do incredibly stupid things in the face of clear, imminent danger
  • the sequences are somewhat predictable and don't break any new ground in this sub genre of horror
  • it's a V/H/S clone

The good:
  • the last 10 minutes are rather creepy (the house physically changing was effective)
  • special effects are decent
  • the creature designs, especially of the thing wearing the red dress, are good. Very weird looking and creepy
  • some genuinely scary things happen in the last act
  • it's a V/H/S clone

Outside of the unfathomably stupid things almost every character does (e.g. the officer reveals some scary monster with his flashlight, and instead of running away, he simply TURNS AROUND), I found this to be enjoyable and a decent watch.

For only $3 on Amazon, I think it's well worth a watch.
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My review
BorisClid28 November 2019
Plot: 2/10 - We've seen this before Visuals: 1/10 - Dark ugly and the special effects are at after effects level Soundtrack: 0/10 - Was there one? Cast: 2/10 - No wonder they aren't even listed on IMDB

Overall: 1/10 this is atrocious indie garbage, AVOID!
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Not too shabby...
larmaxfoeva8 December 2018
It was realistic, interesting, unique and scary. All the things i want in a horror film! There was one part during the finale where the entire theatre jumped out of their seats lol. It was a BIG scare! A lot of attention was put into the scares, that's evident. Also love the marketing on this one. It's not gonna reinvent found footage, but it hits the check marks expertly. Can't complain.
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Great physical package
lslsj33327 May 2019
The most impressive part of this release is the physical blu ray with all the goodies that come with it. The movie is good though the digitally added grain is distracting. Wife was terrified Very good overall.
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Party night, almost ruined
preclistah30 January 2020
Every month me, my superior half and three other couples hold a movie night which we rotate between houses and tend to view around 3 movies. One of the couples loves horrors so this became one of the three and honestly it almost ruined the entire evening. It was so boring people stopped paying attention, we just ended up talking about irrelevant stuff and occasionally house dull and terrible everything going on screen was. This has never happened before and we've been running these nights for about eighteen months. Such a boring pointless movie, avoid unless you're looking for something to cure insomnia.
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Truly awful
jitohothep28 November 2019
Though a horror fan I've failed to see the merit in found footage movies though liking anthology films I decided to give this a chance and regretted it by about 10 minutes in. It's a badly lit unoriginal crapfest that should be a free movie on Kings of Horror and not a paid rental. Then I go and look at the reviews and lo and behold it's loaded with 10/10's from fresh accounts with no other activity! Believe the negative reviews and trust me when I say it's awful not the positive ones made by the creator and his friends/family. Not scary, not well made, not watchable.
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An honest found footage critique
DrunkenGoldfish30 January 2020
I run a website called foundfootagecritic, I'm very proud of what I've accomplished as it's a great place to discuss the found footage subgenre which has grown in popularity over the past couple of decades. The Fear Footage is one which I'd seen a lot of promising reviews for but after watching it I fear that they were paid off or palms were greased somewhere down the road.

The primary issue with the movie is the incompetence behind the camera. The writing is 3rd grade level, the camerawork is kindergarten level and everything you see has simply been recycled from other movies and there is nothing you won't have seen before.

I think everyone involved should feel bad for what they've done here. It's like a kid who copies another childs term paper changing just enough so that people won't recognize. No wonder there are no cast or crew listed on the site, who'd want this on their resume?
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