Doom: Annihilation (2019) Poster

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What were you expecting? Much better than most reviews say
chris-encinas23 October 2019
I don't understand why so many are giving this film 1 or 2 stars. What in the hell were you expecting? I think reviewers are being too hard on this one. This is a low-budget schlock sci-fi horror B-film. If you enjoy B-film horror and creature features you will enjoy this. Is it good? No, but it's fun.
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Negative criticism overdrawn
eurom444 November 2019
I thought I'd switch off after 30 minutes because of the reviews here. Also because of star rating 3.5. But the movie is better than expected.
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Basic with a B.......
s32761692 October 2019
Doom Annihilation is a "basic with a B grade" horror sci fi.

Low budget, basic effects and lean on the story front. In other words this is a no frills flick that has limited appeal. It might be alright for a very slow rainy day but personally, I can think of a long list of things that would come well ahead of watching this again.

The acting is ok but again nothing and no one really stands out. 4/10.
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By far worse then the rock doom.
jamiedee-455731 October 2019
Makes the rock doom look like a masterpiece.

All copies of this film need collected up and buried at sea in a locked vault..

That's all I need to say. 👍
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Diarrhea Masterpiece
Darkfyre_rn3 October 2019
Good: Lots of attention to the set designs, very Doomy, even though it didn't always look great. Some practical FX were decent. Some external CGI shots of the base and ship were pretty ok. Um... There were two, maybe three, capable actors that did a 'decent' job.

Bad: Literally everything else. This a groan-inducing train wreck of a movie that spits in the face of any Doom fan. The easter eggs were terrible. The lead actress was abysmal. The script and story were Sharknado worthy.

Avoid unless you're looking for a laughable film to heckle with friends
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Cheap, Flat, Ridden With Clichés & Disrespectful of the Source Material
TwistedContent1 October 2019
I think we all knew this was going to proper bad - low budget, cheap actors, mediocre director & no involvement from the authors of the original concept and all the games. Bad it was.

The very start states quickly what kind of thing will follow, the first shot is full of grade b cgi and even the opening titles were zero-budget style. We get introduced to a bunch of painfully clicheic characters (carried out by stiff acting) and plotline, surrounded by plasticky looking props and sets, effortless cinematography, boring color grading and so on and so forth. The special FX is mix of cheap cgi and practical fx that don't impress much. References to the contents of the games are there, a few, but to no satisfaction. So it continues for 90 minutes, from time to time entertaining us with emotionless and uninspiring action sequences. Oh, and the original score can be described the same way. There is some amount of much needed gore, but not creative enough or just simply not enough of it to compensate for anything. As the movie passes by, You find yourself predicting events and not caring for any of the characters - most you're going to feel is cringe or anger, if you're a "Doom" game franchise fan. You're also going to be very bored.

I loved "Doom 3", have played it through for three times & if there's anything good "Doom: Annihilation" did is inspiring me to play one of the games again. I'm recommending a hard pass on this absolutely lame and disappointing game adaptation. My rating: 2/10.
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Another awful video game movie to add to the evergrowing heap.
Terminator54542 October 2019
When I first heard that another DOOM movie was being worked on I was baffled; I assumed that after the terrible reception that the first film received, we would never see another attempt at making a DOOM movie (something that I was perfectly fine with, mind you). However, I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt; perhaps this time they would try to remain faithful to the source material and present us with a gloriously over the top action film reminiscent of the fantastic CGI trailer for DOOM (2016). After learning that it was going to be a direct to dvd film with a low budget, all my good will for the film dried up. The dreadful trailer and the absence of DOOMGUY failed to win back any enthusiasm.

The premise involves a group of UAC marines being dispatched to a station on the planet Phobos for security duty. On this station, a group of scientists, engineers, and researchers are experimenting with teleportation and, of course, everything goes horribly wrong. After having one of their scientists test out the teleporter and returning deformed, Dr. Betruger, the one overseeing the operation, decides that it would be a brilliant idea to send himself in next. This causes the station to experience a power surge and demons begin to invade. The marines arrive and must now attempt to bring the station back online and figure out what exactly happened here.

This sets up a rather dull film. A good portion of it is spent with the marines moving through brightly lit corridors halfheartedly pointing their guns at every corner and exchanging dreadful dialogue. None of the marines are interesting or memorable; they're all just a bunch of walking military cliches that we've seen countless times in other sci-fi horror films.

The dialogue consists mainly of cheesy action movie phrases and painfully awkward references to the games (example: a character refers to himself as an "ultra nightmare", which is a difficulty setting in the game series). For people that are unfamiliar with the source material, these constant references will have them scratching their heads and wondering why the dialogue is so unnatural. Fans of the games will find themselves rolling their eyes at these forced references.

The acting is stiff and lifeless, with the only exceptions being Dominic Mafham, who plays Dr Betruger, and Clayton Adams, who plays a marine named Winslow. Everyone else looks bored.

I honestly couldn't tell what tone this movie was trying to go for. It fails to evoke any feelings of dread or horror because the entire station is lit up like a Christmas tree, and there isn't any proper ambiance. If it was trying to be a horror film, why not make it like DOOM 3? A game that features a dark and rich atmosphere filled with gory visuals and accompanied by some truly fantastic sound design that succeeds in immersing you into its world. Whatever. After meandering around for a about an hour, the film shifts gears and turns into a lame action movie.

The choreography for the action scenes is clumsy and disjointed, and I found myself dozing off during most of them. The outfits for the marines are unconvincing and cheap; they look like they are wearing airsoft gear. The CGI for the demons looks like something out of an amateur YouTube video.

If you're as big of a fan of the DOOM series as I am, do yourself a favor and skip this movie. You won't lose sleep over missing out on this. If you're not familiar with the series, this film will be a waste of time for you.
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Ending sucked
mastertech199 October 2019
I played doom with my cousin in 1995. The movie borrows from the game, a title and a few loose details. The female lieutenant is clueless and not believable. The last 10 minutes are absolutely horrible. The writer director should try another career.
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ptjvandijk2 October 2019
Take everything you love about the Doom franchise and forget it. This movie lacks the basic things that make Doom great. The directing was weak, acting was horrible, vfx sub-par and no Doom guy.

This movie makes me think it was a cheap way to hold on to the movie rights. Just avoid this and save yourself some time
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rarepeperonis2 October 2019
No enemies that comes up from the DOOM game No Doom Guy Bad sets and CGI Ridiculous story stolen straight from other movies This movie left me speechless what a garbage movie
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There's A Chainsaw
Lugodoc13 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Macho (and that includes the whamen) space marines running around fairly smart but generic space station sets firing endless rounds off at zombies and flame throwing demons. Plot about UAC secret teleport project on Phobos unwittingly opening a gate to hell. Coloured key cards. Wall mounted first aid stations. A BFG 9000. Actually getting to see Hell. Imps and a Hell Knight. No Nazis, spider masterminds, beholders etc, and I would have made the BFG do far worse damage, but you can't have everything. Honestly, it may not be the film that Doom fans want, but it's the film that Doom fans deserve. I know, because I remember the late nineties stuck on my old old old PC having just one more go at getting through the level before bed and then noticing light around the curtains and you realise that you have to be at your desk to start work in an hour.

Unlike The Rock's 2005 version with ancient Martian genes causing mutation, this version does follow cannon, as much as a nineties video game has cannon, so it is actually a Doom movie, not just another space marine v space monster movie that pinched the title, like 2005. I'd have enjoyed that one a lot more if they had just called it something else. E.g. "Marsageddon".

Tiny wee Scots lass Amy Manson (Trainspotting 2) is hilarious as the main man. Stunning and brave.
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OK movie
Elwood_Blues24 November 2019
Having just seen this, I can't agree with the majority of negative votes. Granted, it is a low-budget movie with no star power and a we-have-seen-this-1000-times-before script. But with the limited resources they had, it is an enjoyable sci-fi action flick. IMHO the actors played their parts convincingly and the action was okay. The only really bad thing about this were the CGI shots of the portals... that looked like from a 90s computer game. If you have some time to spare, give this a shot. There are far worse movies out there.
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Cheaply Produced & Unoriginal, Shouldn't been made.
thegemte1 October 2019
So think Aliens, planet a colony to save, then think Resident Evil first film, the labs, etc. Except done on a small budget.... At one point we were saying the enemy looked like power ranger villains from the 90's. Now you can go they had a budget...blown on rubbish CGI scenery effects in the last 20 minutes. Abomination, through and through. Not that I expected any better, it's a game turned movie. But there are much better things to watch than this.
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what ?!?!
ybbobb2 October 2019
Seriously worst film i have watched all year please save yourself the trouble by not wasting money on this movie and if you can watch it for free just stab your eyes with a fork you will feel much better than wasting your time with the horrible story line and even worse acting
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It is anything but DOOM
michalsmetana29 February 2020
Ok honestly the 2005 Doom with Dwayne Johnson and Karl Urban was average for me at best, with the FPS scene being the only thing saving it. But this? Nothing. NOTHING! Nothing can save this mess of a movie. It is horrible from first second to the last credit. And that is said mildly said. So no. Run from it, avoid it, get away! Just don't watch it!
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ra-223-3201161 October 2019
First off: This movie has nothing to do with DOOM. The movie makers, have loosely borrowed a few elements from the game, that's all. It has no relation to the movie from 2005 either.

The acting is terrible, the props are awful and the FX must have been done in windows paint.
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I was so happy when this ended
tomkpersonalmail-006231 October 2019
Just plain awful. Then they seemed to have run out of film suddenly and the movie ended. Lots of zombies, gratuitous violence for 65% of the movie. The movies plot was stupid. Many of the actors couldn't see death coming even though hundreds of their friends had already died the same way! Just a chore to watch. Could do so much better.
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Sy....Fy.... Channel
chfs-308531 October 2019
Wow! This really does make the previous film starring Dwayne Johnson look like a masterpiece. The CGI is bad in fact it's just bad. I stumbled across this and didn't know it was going to be released straight to video. Shouldn't have even been given that much. If you give it your time lower your expectations and then you'll still be disappointed.
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Not a Doom movie
mattbtownsend2 October 2019
The director tried so hard to fill the first 20 mins with as many Easter eggs and nods to the game as possible to try to fool us that this was a Doom movie. Unfortunately he forgot about the actual story and demons. Very bad acting, very bad story and not worth watching even if you're a die hard Doom fan.
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Generic Sci-fi Horror
athychristopher2 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The only part of this movie worth watching is the last few scenes, where this movie truly started showing some promise, only for it to be quickly over and back to mediocrity. Everything else is dull, generic, and boring. The sets are repetitive, the dialogue is mediocre at best, and the acting (for the most part) is lifeless, especially from the main character.
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not bad
SeniorInvissible21 October 2019
Ignore all the bad reviews. this movie is pretty good
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Pleasantly surprised
Syboat3 November 2019
I know we would want to see millions spent on a Doom movie but you know, hats off to the guy that made this, he had passion and a limited budget. If you go into this expecting the earth you will be disappointed, but I was pleasantly surprised. It had a lot more than the original Doom movie I mean this had references to the game and the hell sequence was pretty impressive. So don't listen to the haters but enjoy it for what it is but don't expect big budget Doom mayhem.
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Actually better than the Movie at some parts
DuskShadow8 November 2019
I have been a long time fan of Doom since it was a free share game on the net back in the early 1990s, and the ironic thing is, this contrasted at some points heavily compared to the movie, but in a good way. Whereas the film had more CGI that was high quality, better known actors and something of a script that resembled a film, it still was not as good as it could have been, actually deviating from the story of the game. HOWEVER, this newest take on the franchise actually stayed much truer to the very games themselves, allowing people to see the maze like corridors and sub sections that the players would normally have gone through in the classic installments of the Doom franchise. Though not the best idea to have a very slender young woman as the main character, she was still enjoyable to watch for the most part, and the movie progressed in a really cool way by the end that was much more satisfying than the film was. That being said, the film wasa teensy bit more badarse with all its flare. Nonetheless, I like Doom annihilation. 5.5/10
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What a Waste on the Brand
nightringer-768402 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's just wasting money and time. Bad story, bad acting, bad direction.
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Never write reviews, first IMDB review
ottoschlosser29 December 2019
One of the most boring films I've ever witnessed. Unbelievable.
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