Body Cam (2020) Poster


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Very watchable but don't expect great performances
Boristhemoggy29 December 2021
I had no idea what this film was about when I started watching, but as the story unfurled I began to enjoy it. The acting isn't fantastic, and sadly Mary J Blige in the lead role was one of the weakest performances in the film.

Also sometimes the pace of movement was very deliberate instead of normal and this dissipated the air of unease that they were trying to build up.

The score was ok, it could have been great, but was also underpaced.

All in all I enjoyed watching it, for the decent scenes, good cinematography and good story. But I placed it at a 4 because the acting let it down as did small parts of the dialogue.
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So so
Leofwine_draca18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
BODY CAM is a new Blumhouse-style horror flick with an interesting social background of wariness and simmering violence. The protagonists are a bunch of cops reeling from both an incident of police brutality which has soured their relations with their local community alongside a supernatural force decimating their numbers. Essentially a series of violent set-pieces linked by slow-burning suspense, this features a decent performance from singer-turned-actress Mary J. Blige as the sympathetic protagonist. The film itself is merely so-so as it goes through the motions, but it could be worse.
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Body Cam
danielcereto20 May 2020
I think this non pretentious B-horror movie is quite good. If you loved movies like Mothman prophecies and Black and Blue this one is for you. As a B-movie horror fan, I have to say this one has the usual flaws like the script and acting, but on the other hand the execution of the story is pretty well done and some murder scenes are A+. Also, FX's are pretty decent. So, overall good entertainment during the quarentine if you're looking for some decent horror cop thriller.
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Not even a social commentary
BeerLover_13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nah, I think its just a simple supernatural thriller that circles around a comically portrayed police corruption. Pretty straightforward (badly written) script if you ask me.

Passable acting, hence the 4 stars.

I have problems concerning the entity which throws/slashes people. Who/what is it? Is it the combined ghost of both the boys? The deaf kid who was killed by the cops AND the kid that drowned in the pool? Also why were they side by side and even holding hands in the end? They literally had nothing in common!

I really don't recommend this movie if you're looking for a social commentary on anything. I don't recommend it to the sci-fi crowd either, hell, I don't recommend this movie at all.
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Interesting premise let down by flat acting and an overabundance of slow suspense scenes
Jigsaw73727 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As we've already learned in the past, movies often come in pairs. This time we have "Black & Blue" and "Body Cam" sharing a very similar premise. Both movies revolve around a black female cop and a body cam being an important part of the plot. Whereas "Black and Blue" is a regular cop thriller, "Body Cam" adds a supernatural element to the mix.

The premise sounds interesting enough: after a series of police brutality a supernatural entity exacts revenge on cops, with a black female cop just returning from suspension getting caught up in the events. For the most parts this works rather well. The movie is well shot and the attacks by the entity are well executed.

Where the movie falls short, unfortunately, is the flat performance by Mary J. Blige who works her way through most of the movie with a blank emotionless expression on her face, giving Steven Seagal a run for his money. Also, a huge part of the movie is reserved of people walking through dark hallways and rooms veeeery slowly and for a veeeery long time with nothing happening. Actually thrilling suspense is few and far between during these scenes, which makes the movie feel longer than it actually is.

It's still a somewhat entertaining attempt at horror with a dash of social commentary, but I feel that "Body Cam" could have been a much better movie with better pacing and more lively acting. I definitely recommend "Black and Blue" over this one. A much better performance by Naomie Harris and much tighter plot progression with actual thrills.

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Decent tension and ominous visuals with a story that devolves rapidly with lack of realism and ridiculously heavy handed forced social commentary.
tresm8720 May 2020
The film starts out with an interesting enough story albeit with a cliche attempt at biased social commentary. The creepiness and tension is effective early on, but as everything starts coming together it became very predictable. The ending is completely ludicrous and unrealistic and throws the entire film off the rails in ridiculousness. While I will give the film's visual ambitions with creative photography and the decent effects some credit, I can't help but say this was a mediocre film overall. The acting was also fairly mediocre and I never really could take the characters seriously. Another case of a revenge thriller/horror where the social undertones are way too heavy handed to the point where the realism is thrown out the window to fit the director's biased vision.
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Mostly good.
nanettemeau18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The whole source of the attack ends up being a bit ridiculous. I was very interested in this as far as suspense and drama possibly supernatural but again it ends up being a vindictive action unfairly executed (extremely sad) by police officers. It's the eye for eye tooth for tooth scenario. That really did lose my respect. Although I can understand why these movies may pop up right now 2020 - it does seem to be a little bit anti-cop. Do we have bad apples around in the police department? Absolutely... just like we do anywhere else.
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Missed the mark
lizshotter12 June 2020
The only scary thing in this film is it's timing, given the current deep unrest around police brutality, but that's it. The acting is very stale, in particular mary blige. At one point she sees an horrific scene, and whilst her rookie partner is throwing up because of it, Mary stands there looking mildly dissappointed as if she's been told McDonald's don't have the flavour mcflurry she wanted. It's permanently night time where they live as well, and very few people seemed alarmed that lots of people of their workforce are being slaughtered. It could have made a big impact but sadly it's a paint by numbers "horror" that brings little of anything new to the table
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A solid cop killer mystery with a supernatural twist
Tweekums27 December 2021
In the opening scenes we learn that tensions are high after a police officer has been cleared after accusations of unlawfully killing a young African American. Shortly afterwards a police officer stops a van for driving without licence plates. He orders the women driver to exit the vehicle and is suddenly attacked. When Officer Renee Lomito-Smith arrives at the scene with her rookie partner Danny Holledge she sees the officer's death on his car's dash-cam; what she sees doesn't make sense to her; soon after they find the body. A clue in the footage leads her to suspect a woman whose son had recently been murdered. It isn't long before more officers are killed, the same van is parked nearby; is it a coincidence? Is somebody targeting the police in general? Or are specific officers being targeted? And if so why? Following the evidence will put Renee and Danny in real danger.

I thought this was a pretty solid film. Even though Netflix recommended it as a horror film for most of its run time I forgot that as it felt like a cop film, and a fairly good one at that... I was almost disappointed when the supernatural elements appear. The real interest was learning just why the murders were taking place. The setting is suitably atmospheric; much of it taking place at night; frequently in the rain. The acting is solid with Mary J. Blige doing a fine job as Officer Lomito-Smith; she was in just about every scene after the prologue and really carried the film. I didn't find much really scary although there are plenty of impressively tense moments and some gore. Overall I'd certainly recommend checking this out if you like the idea of a cop-film with a supernatural horror twist.
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Running through abandoned buildings alone with a flashlight.
rayal19505 April 2021
Stealing a trope from the original X files, many of the scenes are filmed at night, in a variety of abandoned buildings which are constructed as mazes by the protagonist.

An angry ghost movie. No other explanation is needed. As a well trained senior officer she is a wild card who commits various felonies as she moves through the movie.

Worth a watch if you don't expect more than a little ultra violence filmed in dark spaces.
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A horror film that you will forget is a horror film for large portions of it
jtindahouse6 July 2020
Based on the synopsis for 'Body Cam' I really had no idea whether I was going to enjoy this movie or not. It sounded like an interesting premise, but I very rarely enjoy supernatural elements in films. That turned out to basically be my exact thoughts on the film. I really enjoyed the realistic side of the film, but the supernatural side of things - even though it was done surprisingly well - took me away from that and had me rolling my eyes a little. It wasn't overpowering enough to stop me from quite enjoying this little hidden gem of a film however.

It can be easy to forget that Mary J. Blige is actually an Oscar nominated actress. I think of her more for her music, but the fact is that she is a terrific actor when she wants to be. She was great in the lead role here - extremely likeable, never fluffed a line, and had me believing she was a cop from start to finish. Also Nat Wolff was a welcome addition to the film. Him and his brother seem to only like to do films that are quite dark in nature and have an edge to them. Generally when I see either of their names attached to a film I like to check that film out knowing it will likely be good.

The film only really falls down when it stretches the odd scene out a bit too long, and also gets a little dull through the middle stages. There is a scene towards of the film that really took me off-guard by how well it was done though. Very disturbing and certainly the best thing this film had to offer. I really enjoyed 'Body Cam' and would recommend people give it a look. Its IMDb score is currently far too low.
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kosmasp20 December 2020
With a title like that and police uniforms on the cover/poster, I do think most can sort of guess where this goes. I did not expect the horror/supernatural elements to this though. I guess you can either say or feel that elevates the movie or you may feel the opposite about it. And while I am a real big fan of Mary J Blige as a singer, I cannot entirely say the same about her as an actress.

Not that she is on a Steven Seagal level, I just think he is a way better singer. On the other hand, she may also still be better than Beyonce at acting, so there is that ... but don't take it from me and believe me that this is still more than rock solid. Cliches and at least a certain predictability aside, this can be suspensful from start to finish ...
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Swiss cheese has less holes than the plot
shanerkeefe-2788316 June 2022
I really wanted to like this movie. I gave it a 3 because some of the jump scares were decent, as well as visual effects, but the poor acting performance by Mary J Blige and a few other unmentionable cast, has an uncomfortable 3rd party embarrassment factor.

A few other ridiculous scenes that make no sense, all starting with the "shooting practice" in what appears to be the police parking garage. MJB fills a bad guy cutout, full of bullets, next frame shows police vehicles parked immediately behind the cutout.....smh

Movie had potential, with some different cast members and an entire plot rewrite.

The pluses are outshined by the negatives in my opinion.
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An X-files poltergeist episode but Mulder doesn't know what is going on
kuarinofu13 September 2020
You know, one of that older X-files episodes where the viewer quickly catches what is going on and in the best X-files way the viewer's thoughts are projected through Mulder's believer's intuition. You're just waiting for him to deliver his version of what happened and you know you will agree with him. It really is very close structurally to S1, Ep 6 "Shadows".

Here it takes them an hour and a half to get us to the actual resolution even though everything is very predictable. So you're just waiting for 30 minutes of filler "detective work" and "fresh twists" to end so you can watch the anticlimactic ending you saw 30 minutes ago.

I gave it a 5/10 only for the kinda funny heavy-handed social commentary they tried to shove in, I'm still not sure either it was very smart or kinda sarcastically stupid.

Just pass on this one.

P.S. I'm not sure why the ending is delivered like a happy end when there are obviously heavy consequences waiting for the main lead, she will surely lose her job and probably get institutionalized after delivering her statement (I mean, who is going to believe that?).
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Surprisingly good....why all the bad reviews???
msrefined11 June 2020
I guess I went into this movie without any expectations....maybe that's why I was pleasantly surprised. When I saw MJB was one of the leads, I started out considering not even watching it because I'm not particularly a fan of singers/rappers playing an actor. Her performance was actually believable and, while I don't believe this is a horror film, I would classify this as a thriller. My least favorite parts were when ANR spoke, they actually could have done away with her parts and subbed it with something better.
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Supernatural Cop Thriller with Social Commentary for a Story
TwistedContent19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Though constantly being on the lookout for any and all movie releases, somehow "Body Cam" came on my radar this morning as a surprise - a welcome one at that. Decent cast, intriguing story, and I went right in not expecting much. "Body Cam" is Malik Vitthal's sophomore directional feature, written by Nicholas McCarthy ("The Pact", "The Prodigy") and Richmond Riedel, starring two Oscar nominee Mary J. Blige ("Mudbound"), Nat Wolff ("Death Note"), David Zayas ("Gotham"), and more.

Renee (Mary J. Blige) is a veteran police officer, coming back to work after a hiatus propelled by a personal tragedy. On her first return shift she gets partnered with a rookie cop Danny (Nat Wolff), and the duo respond to a crime scene that has their fellow officer dead in a horrible way. Renee sees the unexplainable nature of what went down on the dead officers cars dashcam, but she appears to be the only one seeing it. Renee is determined to uncover the mystery and takes Danny along the ride. Naturally, the trip leads to horrible truths and incomprehensible happenings. The story is, frankly, paper thin, and relies mostly on social commentary about the horrors of corruption in police. While the thought is clear and concise, being socially conscious is not enough of a substitute for a plot. Plus another downside is that the narrow plot is also very predictable. There's also the supernatural side of the same story - both lines get cultivated and built slowly, risking to cross the border of tediousness, and eventually culminate in a finale that feels somewhat underwhelming and perhaps lesser than some of the more packed sequences on the road before. As a cop thriller, minus the social commentary, "Body Cam" grinds old wheels and doesn't go deep into anything. As a horror movie, it's mostly slow, dark and (not so effectively) brooding. However, the delicious garnish are the action sequences, where the horror hits in the form of grisly kills. In other words, necessary intermissions, because the pacing is one that suffers a bit in the first hour.

Mary J. Blige gives a well-rounded and vulnerable lead performance, further supported by the squirrelly Danny in which Nat Wolff strives for sympathy, and David Zayas as Sergeant Kesper. Characters, if not excellent, weren't the link that's the weakest of "Body Cam", for it's most definitely the story, or rather the absence of it. Compliments also go out to the cinematographer Pedro Luque ("Don't Breathe"), "Body Cam" is visually well composed, contrastive and simply good looking, albeit sometimes optioning for scenes/sequences too dark and too long.

The verdict is such that "Body Cam" arguably managed to do the things it set out to do, but it wasn't enough to fill the 90 minutes. The results then also include slower pacing, emptier chunks, consequently risking to feel boring. Nevertheless, in the times when so little new movies come out, "Body Cam" is an enjoyable thriller with horror more as the supporting genre, just as long as you don't watch purely for the story. My rating: 5/10.
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Mary J. Blige has real acting talent
swowen-8412828 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a Mystery Thriller with a git of gore, it is set as a Horror too, but i would not class it in that category. The movie is about the Louisiana Police Department, as most police officers today, the use and recorded evidence of their "body cam" can be vital in cases. Renee Lomito-Smith (played by Mary J. Blige), has just come back to the force after an incident that got her suspended, where she lost her temper with a civilian. At the time, she was going through the stress and trauma of losing her son, he had tragically died in a drowning incident. The body cam that she was wearing, was the defining factor in the incident. As she is returning to work, a strange incident occurred, a routine traffic stop, becomes something very different and mysterious. Renee has been given rookie cop Danny Holledge (played by Nat Wolff), as her partner and as they are driving around, they come across the car of the colleagues that had been involved in the traffic stop. The car is in a dark area,with dim and broken lighting, and as they approach the vehicle with caution, they soon realise, the their colleagues are nowhere to be seen. When they get to the car, they see that there is damage and blood on the vehicle, as Danny scouts the area, Renee gets into the car to see if she can see what had happened on the dash cam. The computer within the car is glitchy and with a few taps, Renee sees what was on the cam. You see the stop, you see the person get out of the van, and then the unexplainable happens. I have left it there, as i do not want to give any spoilers away at all. I thought the movie was OK, it did have some jumpy moments, but i do think that in this case, if they were trying to go down the horror route, that could have been made much more intense. I did like the twists and turns in the movie, but you get these with all mystery thrillers, but some of the acting in this was not quite there, Mary J. Blige, i thought was fantastic and i would really like to see her in a movie that could extract all of that acting talent that we get a small glimpse of here. The story-line was OK but not the best adaptation that it had the potential to be, as we only got a small piece of backstory for Renee. When/If you watch this movie, you will see exactly what i mean.
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Boring & flat
lily_mangunsong2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The eyelashes and the nails are way too good for a somebody who work as police in the field lol. Anyway, I'm not impressed with the movie at all, in the middle of the movie all I wanted to do was stop watching, because it was boring & flat. The ghost was not even scary, and it was so funny how the mother suddenly appear in the crime scene out of nowhere.
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clarkishome20 May 2020
An engaging horror film that is fast paced throughout the entire movie. It's not worthy of an award, but Mary J Blige did a good job in her acting career. An interesting take on an old motive. I wouldn't pay for it at a theater, but it is definitely a good watch at home.
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Lots of wasted potential...
paul_haakonsen6 April 2021
I must admit that I was lured in to watching the 2020 movie "Body Cam" given its rather appealing synopsis, which most certainly made the movie sound really interesting.

So I sat down to watch the movie as written by writers Nicholas McCarthy and Richmond Riedel with some expectations for them to deliver something rather good and worth my time.

But that was not the thing that happened. Nay. "Body Cam" was a rather confusing movie to me, and I must admit that I didn't really know what was going on most of the time throughout the first two-thirds of the movie. Sure, that might have been the intention by writers Nicholas McCarthy and Richmond Riedel, but it was done to such as extend where I started to lose interest in the storyline, given everything was leaving me out in the dark constantly.

And it was shame, because there was so much potential to the storyline. And then when it was revealed what was really going on, I was left with a sensation of it being a rushed and generic approach to the movie by director Malik Vitthal. The last third of the movie was very anti-climatic and felt really rushed. And that is where the movie completely fell apart for me.

Visually then "Body Cam" was interesting. Lots of good suspense being built up in some scenes, and it felt like you were right there alongside the police officers most of the times. So that was definitely something that spoke well for the movie.

All the suspense that was built up with the spectral entity just never felt like it was brought to fruition on the screen. Director Malik Vitthal just never really fully utilized this otherworldly character to the full extend of what it could have contributed to the movie.

The acting in the movie was good, though I can't really claim to have been thrilled with the particular choice of cast. But I will say that the actors and actresses put on good enough performances, despite having such a strange storyline and script to work with.

Ultimately then "Body Cam" provided only a less than mediocre entertainment to me, though it had potential to have been so much more, had the writers opted to go in a different direction.

My rating of "Body Cam" lands on a four out of ten stars. While the movie is watchable, it is something of an acquired taste. And this is hardly a movie that will find its way back to my screen for a second viewing.
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Watch before you riot
jan-hranac13 July 2020
I almost missed this one. For good reasons. From official summaries and posters, this seems like a woke movie riding a wave of wokeness. Then you start watching and you think that this is a pro-cop movie. In the end, the movie doesn't take sides. The contemporary politics are merely a vehicle for a ghost story. Then again, if it makes you realize that things tend to be multi-faceted than it's a welcome bonus. Watch this, it's time well invested.
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Great premise that can boost a franchise
muratmihcioglu6 December 2021
I loved the basic premise of using the police body cam as a witness to some supernatural horror story, and placing the police force at the centre of it.

The film carries its weight alright. You wouldn't be disappointed if all you are after is some passtime as a fan of the genre.

However, some greater opportunity might have been missed along the lines. Maybe the overall feel was too much soaked in racialism. Some more diversity (like, a few decent white cops) could have helped build the story in a better, less politically correct but more "correct" direction.

What with all the recent events following the George Floyd murder, the treatment of Afro-Americans by law enforcement is a hot topic and it is understandable that they have merged the more simple premise with that particular kind of tension.

Still, the same creative team can come up with a better sequel in case they keep the "police body cam" at the center of supernatural horror, and invest less in contemporary topics.
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Worst script ever
lantana7520325 April 2022
Mary J is a terrific actor with so much expression in her face and acting. But sadly she was doomed the moment she signed the contract for this movie. SFX were lukewarm & it was obvious there was not enough money in the budget to make it top shelf. However, I liked the lighting & most of the camera work was good. The center of every movie, the script, was horrible & I was shocked at how bad it really was. I don't see how anyone couldn't see that or maybe they did. I did watch to the end but it was only because I wanted to see how well Mary J wrapped it up & I needed closure. I really hope she took something away from this experience and uses it to make a better decision on her next script. She can't keep making movies like this & survive the industry.
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Body sham
karlevans-7568223 December 2021
What a lame incoherent unscary mess of a movie nobody ever says 'what the hell is going on' perhaps because nobody cares! Never even watched til the end!!
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Watchable but predictable...
s327616919 May 2020
You know pretty early on where some films are going, "Body Cam", being a case in question.

On the upside cinamatic atmospherics are done well, its suitably creepy and errie, with lighting effects to match the mood. Actng is solid too, with decent performances from the cast.

Where's its only passable is the story. It taps into outrage over police shootings in the US, specifically black people. Stepping beyond the possible poltical take on this film, its story is very very, predictable. I did not take long to work out what was happening and why.

In short, its an OK supernatural horror watch. Nothing stand out but not dreadful either.

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