Leprechaun Returns (2018) Poster

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Worth a Watch!
jerrodbriggs14 December 2018
This movie was not bad at all. Obviously, don't watch it if your expecting to see an Oscar worthy film but if you are a fan of horror and cool ways to see people die, then give it a go! The director did a great job in taking this movie back to the original in the way of comedy. You won't get scared watching this film but you have a laugh or two. The return of Ozzy was really cool and they did a great job trying in the original film. I think what I enjoyed the most about this movie was the Leprechaun. Trying to fill the shoes of someone like Warwick Davis is pretty darn impossible but Pondo did an excellent job! He was hilarious and brutal just like the leprechaun should be.
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Super Cheesy
mikedegroot13 December 2018
Not surprisingly at all, this movie is really, really cheesy. They pretty much all are. This film takes the Leprechaun franchise and introduces it to modern society with every cliche you'd imagine. Smartphones, drones, selfies, and Prius jokes are the only things that are really new here. Making a return are the dumb limericks, bad jokes, cheesy effects, over-the-top kills, and subpar acting.

Overall, if you want to turn your mind off and watch a senseless movie (and who doesn't every once in awhile) you could do much worse. But then again, you could also do much better. If you're a fan of the original movies, you'll probably find some value to it. If you were not a big fan of them, this one won't change your mind at all. Very mediocre and low budget. 5/10
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I dug it
BandSAboutMovies21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A direct sequel to the original film, this time with Linden Porco in the main role. Even Taylor Spreitler's (Amityville: The Awakening) character is portrayed as the daughter of Jennifer Anniston's Tory Redding from the first movie. Even Ozzie Jones (Mark Holton) comes back.

This was directed by Steven Kostanski, who made The Void, Manborg and Psycho Goreman, so he understands exactly what this movie needs to be. It was originally made for SyFy but was later released to DVD and blu ray.

When a team of sorority sisters are tasking with building a green-certified house, they end up bringing Lubdan the Leprechaun back to life. And somehow, miracle of miracles, this ends up being one of the best if not the best movie in the entire series of films. It's got an odd edge to it and isn't afraid to have some goofy kills.

I'd love to see a sequel. And after a week of watching eight of these movies, that may be the highest praise of all.
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A decent "back to basics" sequel to the original.
Leprechaun Returns is the first Leprechaun movie to share any continuity with a previous installment, and in this case I think it's the movie's biggest strength. Most of the Leprechaun movies are know for having crazy concepts, but since this one to place at the house from the original it does give the film some nostalgic vibes for us fans of the old movie. I also don't think Linden Porco did a bad job playing the Leprechaun at all. Still not to the level of entertainment that Warwick Davis brought to the role, but entertaining non the less. A finally I think the kill scenes really stood out in this one. I guess the only thing I didn't care for were most of the characters and some CGI effects. If you're a fan of the original film then this is the sequel for you!

Entertainment: 7/10
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Good luck on trying to watch this movie sober! That's for sure. This movie is a really hard sit without some Irish whiskey!
ironhorse_iv17 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While, this 2018 SyFy original movie directed by Steven Kostanski, was indeed truly a huge improvement over the 2014 reboot 'Leprechaun Origins'. It still wasn't the gold standard of entertainment, I was looking for. It was an irritating watch. Don't get me wrong, the original 1993 motion picture is no masterpiece, as well. However, at least the characters there, were decent enough to care about. This film, not so much. All the college students feature here, were highly annoying at parts, with their tiresome one dimensional character trait. Not only that, but the story featuring them written by Suzanne Kelly, was really generic as hell. Plus, it was also lazily put together. Are we really out to believe, by sheer luck, that the college daughter of Jennifer Aniston's character from the first movie, Lila Redding (Taylor Spreitler) was not only willing to move back to the location, where the little creature was first defeated; but also cool enough to live in the same creepy old cabin!?! That's really stretching it, very thin. I get that, they were doing a solar energy project by living there, but come on! That building is a really out of the way for a sorority house. Another thing that bug me, was the idea that Ozzie Jones (Mark Holton) still had that coin in his stomach from all these years. It hasn't yet pass his system. That's hard to believe. If you going to keep that little detail around. Maybe, show more of him suffering from gold poisoning. The whole idea of the creature coming out of his stomach seem to come out of nowhere. It was a bit jarring. I really did forget about the coin being eaten from the first movie. Despite that, I don't mind that the film only serves as a direct faithful sequel to the original movie, ignoring the subsequent installments. Why? It's because none of the other films follow any kind of lore. They were all pretty inconsistent. However, the movie could had done a better job exploring the events of the first movie a little bit better than Lila spilling exposition dumps about her mother all the time or having ghost Ozzie follow her around. That subplot was a little too on the nose. It seem highly recycled from 1981 film 'An American Werewolf in London' for sure. Plus, it really doesn't make much sense for her to have nightmares of the Leprechaun (Linden Porco), seeing how the events happen, before she was even born. Regardless of that, the acting from Taylor Spreitler was not that good. While, she does have some comedic range with her Juno like Ellen Page performance. She still doesn't know how to act frighten or emotional when the film really needs it. Nor does, she have an intimidating presence when threating the Leprechaun. She sounds mostly disinterested, when spilling out cheesy one liners. As for the other performers playing the victims, they were also below average, much for the same reasons. They really didn't have the comedic chops as Taylor does. Nearly all the jokes from them, really did fall flat. One such example was the selfies. It really wasn't that funny. The only other victim character besides Lila that kinda got me to laugh a bit, was Rose. Sai Bennet seem to be, the only supporting actress in the film, well rounded enough to make me care about their character. I love her over the top facial expressions & delivery when trying to act afraid, angry or serious, throughout the film. It kept me glued to her character. As for the acting for the reprised characters. Mark was alright as Ozzie, even if he wasn't given much to do. As for Jennifer Aniston. She refused to resume her role as Tory Redding, nevertheless, the production contacted voice actress, Heather McDonald to do her voice in a few scenes. She did a hell of a job, imitating Aniston's tone. For the villain. Linden was fine as the Leprechaun. However, the pitch of his voice does go a little too high at times, making my ear's bleed. He was a still a good suitable replacement for Warwick Davis, whom downright refuse to reprise the role, due to fatherhood. As for all the prosthetics, the makeup does limited his facial expressions for certain scenes. Nevertheless, it's serviceable. Plus, it's not that noticeable. While, there is no nudity or even a lot of cussing in this movie. The film is a lot gorier than any of the previous installments. The practical effects for them were good, especially, during the bursting through the stomach scene or the drone blades chopping off somebody's head. It kinda looks real. Nevertheless, the sequences involving CGI could had been a little bit better. The solar panel falling down scene was a good example. The herky-jerky animation of plastic skin falling apart was not well done. Regardless, the movie was somewhat well shot. The moment where the Leprechaun look at the reflection of himself in a dead person's viewpoint, was unique to see. However, the night scenes were a little too pitch dark for my taste. I can hardly see, what is going on. Maybe, that's a good thing. Just note that watching 'Leprechaun Returns' is less like a pat in the back, but more like a shillelagh to the knee. In the end, it's a painful watch. Watch it if you dare, but I don't recommended. It's one movie that come a little short.
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But I wish he hadn't returned...
paul_haakonsen16 December 2018
Well, first of all I must admit that the "Leprechaun" movie franchise haven't been all that much of a spectacular franchise to begin with. But having seen the 2018 addition, I must say that they should have let the franchise go to a blissful sleep many, many years ago and just let it sink into oblivion.

This movie wasn't even remotely scary, nor did it have anything in it that came close to being scary. It felt like a spoof on its own franchise in a way. Whether or not that was intended, I can only speculate, but I highly doubt it.

The leprechaun in this movie wasn't portrayed by Warwick Davis, whom solely is the leprechaun character through and through. He just have so much more mannerisms and a charming quirk to his way of portraying the leprechaun character. The leprechaun in this 2018 addition felt like as if the air was slowly deflating from the balloon, as he lacked luster, charm and wickedness.

"Leprechaun Returns" was driven by a horrible flaccid storyline, which was so predictable that you saw things happening a mile away. Which was a shame, because that aspect took away a fair amount of enjoyment from the movie.

As for the characters in "Leprechaun Returns", well they were one-dimensional cardboard cutouts that lacked personalties and interest. It was like watching a horribly ill-fated theater production where no one on set was working together.

The jokes in "Leprechaun Returns" were flaccid and it just lacked that quirky dark humor that was present in the first couple of movies.

I managed to stick with this movie to the bitter end, though it was an ordeal to do so. This movie will probably disappear into oblivion as quietly as it managed to appear.
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Leprechaun Returns Review
DylanAnglin12 December 2018
I really wanted to like this movie. When I saw the trailer, I thought it wouldn't be that bad. It was, and wasn't. I admire that they at least put effort into the Leprechaun. Sure, he might not look like the original, but I think he looks damn good. I will say there was a lot of cringy scenes, but that has to go with the writing. If you have seen all the Leprechaun films then check this one out. Fans of the first will probably enjoy that this is a direct sequel, but it doesn't live up to the hype.
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marijenks12 December 2018
I was going in to this movie just like every other reboot or sequel from the 90s horror era that they decided to make now....but for a syfy movie this movie is good and it's funny. The new guy who played the leprechaun did good....Ossie from the original is good in this movie it's worth the watch.....and it's better then tales from the hood 2 and jeepers creepers 3
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I tried to find the fun... I really did!
PsychoBeard66620 June 2019
Lacks the charm of the earlier Warwick Davis efforts. Has no redeeming qualities.
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Diddley diddley dee, ol skool leprechaun is back. The frontal/coronal plane body slicing scene is gory n not for the squeamish.
Fella_shibby28 March 2019
This film takes place 25 years after the event of the first film n therefore this is the original sequel. It also explains the whereabouts of the gold n how the Leprechaun returns. Makes more sense than all the other sequels. A group of students decide to spend their summer vacation turning the house (into some eco friendly project) of Tory Reding (Jennifer Aniston), now dead. One of the student is Tory's daughter. The small boy, his elder brother n Tory's father ain't present in this sequel but we hav Ozzie (the guy who swallowed the coin in the original). The sequels never explained what happened to him n the missing coin.

This is no doubt a worthy sequel n much much better than the awful 2014's Leprechaun Origins. The guy who played the leprechaun in this film did a nice job but Warwick Davis will always be remembered.

The rhyming jokes r back, the kills r gory n once again the film is set in proper daylight, shaky stuff n darkly shot scenes r avoided. Ther is one frontal/coronal plane body slicing scene, two decapitations, one decapitation with head smashing, tap rod mouth blasting scene, etc.
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Pretty Good!
amgee-8955111 March 2019
It's the best Leprechaun 🍀 Movie in the franchise. 5/10
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What a great time!
jonflottorp25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun returns is a dirrect sequel to the original movie from 1993 and it was definitly better.

My positives about the movie is the Leprechaun himself i really enjoy Linden Porco as the Leprechaun he wasn't as good as Warwick Davis, but it was a big suprise to get a new Leprechaun that didn't suck.

I like that it is a sequel to the original and that is has continuity.

I really enjoy Ozzie as a ghost and a real person and i love that they brought back him.

The kills are amazing, the kill where that guy was split in half is my favourite kill of the franchise and one of my favourite kills in horror movie history.

My negatives is the that mostly all of the characters suck and are just boring or annoying, the acting is not really good, but i can watch it, at least it isn't as bad as Shevonne Durkin as Bridget in Leprechaun 2.

Over all a great sequel and i highly recommend watching it.
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Great comeback - WHERES WARWICK??
leodeholasoyleo12 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Leprechaun in this movie is sooo anoying, but the acting was good, not so good. The movie feels like a theatrical release and the Leprechaun makeup, cg, cinemathography are great! It felt like a remake of the original, following the same structure, but in modern days, the jokes were funny, the gore was gross, the horror was scary, everything in this movie works, except i feel something is missing... WARWICK! pd: wtf was that with ozzies ghost seriously that was very goofy
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johndmikey20 December 2018
Being a huge fan of the original Leprechaun films, I definitely had a lot of hope that this one would be good... but after seeing Origins I knew not to expect too much. It was way better than Origins, but tried way too hard to be like it's predessesors... I'd say it's worth a watch, but it isn't something I'd care to see again. Nobody will ever compare to Warwick Davis.
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aucottjohn23 June 2019
Don't waste your time. Acting is horrific and the film is so rushed it contains zero horror/ plot or substance.
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All time low
ra-223-3201163 March 2021
This movie is bad, bad, bad. The acting is so, so, I have seen worse. Everything else is bad, bad even for the genre.

When anything come against you in 0,00001 mph, you should think you could duck, run or evade....but noooo, then you scream for 10 minutes until it hits you, and kill you.

A teddy bare is screaming scary, but an ugly little monster you can just stand around talking to.
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return to formula
amesmonde18 March 2022
When eco-friendly sorority sisters decide use an old well as their water source near their house they unwittingly awaken a deadly Leprechaun who wants a pot of gold buried nearby.

Not connected or to be confused with stand-alone monsters feature Leprechaun: Origins, (2014), Steven Kostanski (co-director of excellent The Void (2016)) offers Leprechaun Returns, a direct sequel to Leprechaun (1993) with weaved DNA elements of the of the Leprechaun franchise. Kostanski offers memorable visuals, great effects with plenty of gore strung together with over the top death sequences. For a DTV film it's a slick production (debatably more so than Origins, the original film and all its sequels).

Leprechaun Returns also works thanks to likeable lead Linden Porco who does a great job of stepping into into Warwick Davis' shoes assisted by writer Suzanne Keilly's in-keeping dialogue. Keilly offers tongue-in-cheek rhymes, innuendos, gags and even self-referencing. Taylor Spreitler is a good enough lead as Lila Jenkins, the daughter of Tory Redding, who Jennifer Aniston played in the original. Lovable Mark Holton (Teen Wolf) returns as Ozzie Jones but doesn't get enough screen time. The supporting cast including Rose (Sai Bennett), Meredith (Emily Reid) and Katie (Pepi Sonuga) who thankfully are not the sorority girl horror stereotypes and are little more resourceful than the usual Leprechaun fodder, the male characters are really given the short end of the stick.

Overall, it's above average B-spirited stuff and a solid, blood soaked, twisted return to formula. Recommended for fans of the original.
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Bland and Boring
Dark_Lord_Mark14 December 2018
Pros: Watchable One of the Better scyfy movies

Cons: Not scary Not funny Lacks sex appeal Boring characters Some feminism and male bashing

This seems to be a sort of direct sequel to the first Leprechaun. Yes...I cannot believe it either. It stars a character from the first...who returns for a paycheck, I mean to advance the plot. It is very tame....It wants to be more, but it lacked the sex appeal...although there is sex.

There are a few lines, but it's delivered poorly and the film does show some cheapness. The Leprechaun seems less fun and funny this time around. I think it is due to the era we are in, Liberalism and the reluctance to push the envelope.

I wanted to like it, but the slight push of feminism really holds it back, and so does the acting and plot. 4 out of 10. Maybe with friends it can be better, but overall, as a fan of the series, might be the worst of them all.
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Where's me gold?!
icemanistheking29 July 2019
This film is great for what it is: a comedic sequel to the original movie. A big strength lies in that it is very self-aware and never takes itself too seriously. The corny jokes are funny, as are the wee one's evil antics. The characters are mostly one-dimensional slasher archetypes, but for the most part they add to the comedy. The acting is not bad at all with comedic timing being generally pretty good and the lines delivered well. The deaths are absurd, and so far beyond the realm of physical possibility--even while suspending disbelief--you can't help but laugh. Again, it doesn't take itself seriously and doesn't expect the viewer to either. Given this, the writing and direction are pretty great. The leprechaun's makeup is on point, and the special effects are surprisingly good.

Genuinely funny, self-aware, and more or less Oscar-worthy compared to what I have seen of other Syfy Originals.
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The accent is haunting
KoolCatReviews5 April 2020
The film isn't really even fun to watch as a laugh. I expected alot more. Its gorey but not over the top. It feels cheap but not in a good way. It takes awhile to get going with no real pay off. That accent is really really awful.
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Great edition to the franchise!
kyleallencole918 December 2018
I liked how this one was a direct sequel to the original. It was a blast and the deaths scenes were awesome!! The Syfy channel did an awesome job with this one and the guy who played the leprechaun was pretty good! I definitely had fun with it!
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Huge fan of the original...but....
MikeyPass14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to say it.... I was so disappointed by this. The main character was likeable.... until the one liners came out. When you don't have Warwick Davis at the helm of this iconic horror character... it loses its pizazz. Ozzie was probably the best thing about this film, although ghost Ozzie was under utilized or unnecessary at the same time. I remember being 6 years old in '93 and being terrified.... in the future - I won't be looking back on Leprechaun Returns with the same opinion. Super disappointed.
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The leprechaun is back better than ever
ruimichael-5378414 December 2018
This is the true sequel of the original movie it has lots of gore, i hope they can continue this franchise for many years, really loved this movie, best movie from syfy channel ever, maybe they can ressurect the wishmaster franchise next, because it also belongs to lionsgate, that would be awesome, and in the future having : WISHMASTER VS LEPRECHAUN. Make it happen and will buy it, ill buy it, that s for sure. And this movie really is great, congratulations to linden porco in is interpretation of the leprechaun, loved the new look, more menacing, hope to hear that a new sequel will come.
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Watch it for the Leprechaun
martinperlstam-0097928 December 2018
Giving it a 7 because of the nostalgic feel and the new Leprechaun who steals every scene he's in.

...And also for his words of wisdom while slaying bad acting teens in magical ways.
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Don't pay to watch it...
bairjohn13 December 2018
The writing was the worst, although I know it is suppose to be a little comical, they tried way to hard to get laughs. The graphics there was 1 scene kinda cool, and I'm sure that was cg, the rest ahhh...the plot wasn't bad but the writing was honestly garbage, dialogue was just bad. The acting was decent for what they had to work with, that is why I gave it a 4...direction ok as far as flow but blood was to red, and some other stuff was just stupid.

I think this will be my last Leprechaun film, without Warwick Davis to pull it out it just has no appeal to me. Linden Porco did a good job, just wasn't the same.
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