A Place Further Than the Universe (TV Mini Series 2018) Poster

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If worry has ever stopped you from taking the leap you later realize you should have taken, watch this!
jaegerryzky20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had a sneaking suspicion that Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho might be good. For the record, I focused a lot on Ishizuka Atsuko's directing, and how her amazing track record (along with Hanada Jukki on series comp) made me sit up and pay attention when the premise didn't grab me. Not to toot my own horn too much (note: some tooting will happen), but this was my called shot. I thought if anything would be a dark horse this season, this would be the one.

Boy, how right I was.

YoriMoi is quite possibly one of my top five anime of all time. And I've seen a few anime. I'd have to do the math to give you an exact number, but I can't imagine it being less than top ten. I know I say this after having just seen the finale, and that these feelings do fade, but I've suspected this would be the case for a while now, if the series continued to avoid faltering. Not only did it do that, it kept exceeding expectations. That's a tough feat when expectations get as high as they were by mid-season, but Ishizuka-san and her team kept managing it. This was a stunningly well told story throughout.

There are so many reasons why this series worked so well. One of them is its relationship to its premise. "High school girls go to Antarctica" isn't especially compelling, but it takes this premise and treats it seriously. For a near-reality story like this-as opposed to crazy sci-fi or bonkers fantasy-that's important. There's basically only one change between the real world and this world-the Shirase I in the anime was sold to civilians-and it clearly approaches the difficulties of getting four high schoolers on a boat to Antarctica. That's typified in how they tried to buy their way onto the expedition-and how it didn't work. Even then, getting them on the boat was probably the shakiest part of the whole series, since it required the writers to introduce a golden opportunity in the form of Yuzuki. That and Hinata's hasty decision to join in on the quest are about the weakest elements of the whole series, and they don't even make for bad episodes! They're minor issues at worst. That's stunning in and of itself.

Another thing this series does really well is accurately depict what it's like to be on an expedition to Antarctica. Some of the scenes we saw were shot-for-shot recreations of actual pictures or film of Antarctic expeditions. Basically, any time they were outside refueling or working on an experiment or cleaning, it was faithfully reproduced from real Antarctic images. Only two elements-the civilian expedition and the high school girls in Antarctica-are fantasy. Everything else is extremely faithful to the truth. The same is true of the episode in Singapore. It shows an attention to detail that you can use as a selling point to convince your friends to watch. Someone who cares enough to get all the little details right will probably care enough about the big story beats. And convince all your friends! Please. I want the industry to make more shows like this.

But the biggest reason this show is so damn good is the characters. Kimari, Shirase, Hinata, and Yuzuki all have their own arcs throughout the story, and they have a collective arc too-like Shirase says in the finale, Antarctica is a place "where you have no choice but to overcome things with your team, with nothing else to get in the way." All the Antarctica stuff matters, but the writers also picked a premise they thought they could work with-characters striving for a grand goal is strong fodder for a good story, indeed-and then crafted characters who would both not only be the type of people who would opt into this journey for one reason or another, but who would grow and change through their experiences there.

Kimari's arc is early. The very act of deciding to do something, rather than continuing to drift through life, is her big decision point, and the fact that she keeps not giving up culminates in her victory (of a sort) when Megumi comes clean about spreading rumors and tries to break up as friends. (That Kimari doesn't accept the break up speaks volumes about her as a person.)

Yuzuki's is all wrapped around how her job has prevented her from making real friends, and if the writers hadn't followed this thread through to its conclusion, it would have been incredibly frustrating that they used this to get the girls on the boat in episode three. But they did, with Yuzuki's uncertainty and naivete in friendship coming up many times, until it culminated in a delightfully messy dissertation on the nature of friendship.

Hinata's had to do with how much she doesn't like to be a burden, doesn't like others to worry about her, and the scars she gained from her so-called friends betraying her in the past. Hinata is an incredibly difficult character to write because she's naturally predisposed to defuse conflicts, which is why the writers were so wise to often pair her with the uber-stubborn Shirase, who barreled through her defenses eventually. Hinata's anger in episode 11 was so true, and Shirase's big speech that led to Hinata breaking down in tears was catnip to my soul.

And then there was Shirase. She in some ways had the most classic arc, centered as it was around the more typical dramatic fodder of a dead parent. Her quest was also classic: My mother died doing X? I'm going to go there and figure out why, to get closure. "Classic" doesn't mean "cliché," though, and Ishizuka-san's team executed the climax well. What I found most impressive was how many layers they gave to Shirase throughout the story-stubborn, mean, wild, nervous, impulsive, implacable-so that, when she finally reaches closure and seemingly changes in the final episode, it all works. All of that was in her all along. It was just twisted, until she could finally begin to heal.

These characters were tailor made for this story. That might seem an obvious move, but that's actually really hard to do. This is the promise of original anime: that they'll tell a story we've never seen before that's fit specifically for this medium, and designed to fit the number of episodes they have. There was no wasted space in this series-it was neither too long nor too short. The writers made it so. Even all the secondary and minor characters were full of personality-wise Kanae, forceful Yumiko, aloof Yume, weepy Nobue, flighty Hanami, hopeless Toshio, silent Dai, taciturn Gin-and Megumi even had a stealth arc off screen. Hell, Takako even ended up being a huge presence in the story, not just as "Shirase's mom" but as a character in her own right, and that's a pretty smooth trick considering she was dead before we arrived. (She reminds me of Shiro of The Blue Exorcist series in a way, in the outsized impact she had despite being dead for most or all of the series.) It all really gives you the feeling of a fully realized world. There's that attention to detail I was talking about earlier. I get the feeling that the writers had so much other content they could have used, but they didn't. They didn't try to stuff. They made sure they needed each of the thirteen episodes to tell their story, and then they filled in any small pockets with cool Antarctica stuff.

Most of all, what I love about Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho is the messages it conveys. Though not without its dark points-one of the main character's mothers is dead, for fck's sake-this is a story with a relentlessly optimistic worldview. It shows us that persistent effort can be rewarded, that journeys are worth taking, and that taking that first step can lead to amazing things. It shows us the right kinds of friends to be-to be honest and open, to be stern about failures and forgiving of mistakes, and to defend those friends against people who would hurt them, even if it means being a Shirase-level jerk. (That's the best kind of jerk to be.) It shows that it's okay to have dark, petty feelings, and that sometimes, "In you face!" will take you much farther than high falutin ideals. It even shows, with Megu's picture in this last episode, that living your best life can lead to those around you climbing to greater heights themselves.

I love this series deeply, and I wish I had watched it when I was a freshman in high school. I was a cynical little bastard, far more so than I am now, because I hadn't yet realized that calling myself a "realist" actually meant I was a cynic who didn't want to admit it. I have a feeling that, had I seen something like this or a handful of other stories that have shaped my outlook-I may have done a few things differently. Great art can do that-it not only gives you something to think about, but can change you for the better, like Terry Pratchett's Discworld series did for me. To take a grand journey, and learn more of what life has to offer while still young... I've taken a few of those journeys, and they're grand. Nothing so impressive as an expedition to Antarctica, of course. But still. If only.

If I knew an anime-curious high schooler, or am related to one in the future, I'll be making sure this series gets in front of their eyeballs. This was a marvelous story, from start to finish. The bottom line is this: They took a premise that's better than we thought it was, characters that were tailor made for the situation, and told a story so breathtaking that it kept exceeding expectations up to the last episode. I laughed. I cried. I felt more optimistic because this story now resides in my head.

Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho is one of my favorite anime of all time. I couldn't place it exactly right now, but definitely within the top ten, and quite likely within the top five. AOTS certainly, AOTY quite possibly. We'll have to see. What I know is that you should watch it, all your friends should watch it, and any self-respecting purveyor of fine character-focused coming-of-age dramas should watch it. It's one of a kind, and we're lucky to have it.
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A Place Further than the Universe
Tweekums4 April 2018
Ever since high school girl Shirase Kobuchizawa's mother disappeared during an expedition in Antarctica she has saved up so that she can visit that frozen continent. She meets fellow student Mari Tamaki, who is determined to do something with her life but can't decide what... inevitably it isn't long before she too wants to go to Antarctica. Later they are joined in their goal by Hinata Miyake and Yuzuki Shiraishi. After some time trying to get on an expedition they finally succeed and head south; first flying to Singapore then on to Australia where they board the ship to Antarctica.

There are plenty of anime series about groups of ordinary school girls doing various things together; as far as activities go heading to Antarctica is one of the more unusual! The series could easily have been silly but actually it was a highlight of the season. The characters are likeable and their motives for wanting to go to Antarctica nicely varied. Shirase's motive leads to some fairly emotional moments as it is fairly obvious that her mother must have died. The story is well paced with much of its run time dedicated to the girl's attempts to get on an expedition. There is a nice blend of comedy and drama and likeable characters. The animation is pretty good with distinctive characters and impressive backgrounds. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of school girl dramas looking for something a little different.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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Heartwarming Adventure
pratikubba30 March 2018
It starts with a story of a high school girl and how she wanted to do more while she was young. On the path to going somewhere new she meets new people that end up being the best of friends. A story of friendship on a journey to a place further than the universe.
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Bringing slice of life to another level
ansonbehind14 October 2020
If I were to describe a place further than the universe in one word, I would probably use the word "wholesome". All it took was 4 girls from different backgrounds and story wanting to something amazing in their life. Nothing extraordinary, just cute girls doing amazing things and that is what attracted me. I first came across this anime when I was watching one of Gigguk's video and he highly recommend this anime to every viewer. At first, I thought that is this anime that special? All I see was an ordinary anime and it turns out I was wrong. From the moment I started watching, I was deeply immersed within the storyline. The character development of every character was extraordinary, bringing out the characteristics of each individual while hinting the obstacles that were preventing them from moving forward. Challenges such as avoiding challenges, seeking the true meaning of friendship and trust were all well developed throughout the series while maintaining the "moe" element of the characters. Throughout the series, I admired the staff that worked on the sceneries and the places that were involved in the anime. Small things such as Merlion, durian and details that we did not know about the Antarctica were well described in the series, which shows the viewers that the research team behind the scene did their research. The seiyuu for the series was also spot on as the voice actors that were chosen for each role were able to bring the characters to life, adding their personality into it as well. The songs for the opening and closing also carries meaningful meanings and the song that impressed me the most was the filler song "one step" that describes the girls marching towards their goal one step at a time. Last but not least, I have learned a lot throughout this anime in terms of determination, never give up and courage. The determination that the characters showed in the anime proved to me that nothing is impossible as long as you are determined to do it. Who cares if we are strangers, who cares if everyone in the world rejects us, as long as we are here, in the end we will always reach the destination that we always desired, even reaching out to a place further than the universe, hence the title for the anime "a place further than the universe" gave a different vibe to the series itself. I totally recommend this anime if you are into slice of life anime and trust me, you will never regret every second of the show. 10/10 is the score I am giving to this masterpiece! Let's go on another journey someday and hope for more shows like this to come out in the future!
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I can't even nitpick in this anime
sreeadithya18 March 2021
First of all.. This anime was wholesome, inspiring and everything u want from a slice of life and much more.. It has an start so good that u wont be bored.. And trust me I did tear up in most of thr episodes that is because the anime captivates the spirit of youth in a way no other anime can.. And that's y it is so much special to me.. The characters are so humane that u want to hug them when they are happy, cry with them when they cry and also be motivated when they shout zamamiro!! Love this anime.. Also it took a 10 very easily
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One of the best feel-good animes out there
SquanchDaddy17 April 2021
This may just be the most wholesome anime I've yet to see. I thought the premise was a bit silly or cheesy at first but boy does it end up hitting close to home. Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed!
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Serene and inspiring !
pawansrivastav-268614 November 2020
I watched this piece of diamond a year ago and wow It was comfortesque. The way the story revolved around four girls from being just strangers to become the shoulder of each other in tough times. It only consist only 12 episodes yet make a inextricable bond with you. Loved every moment and the animation and the details were all impeccable. OST'S are a great feast for you as well.

Surely 10/10 if not more.
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Wonderful at first, then irritated, & at last ending gave satisfaction Warning: Spoilers
First, i loved the flow of the story. But, fifth episode made me irritated at mc of the anime. That irritation made me not to watch anymore. But, at the end, they gave a satisfying ending by completily erasing that irritation. Therefore, i can say, best character in this anime is megumi.
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One word: Wholesome
blankqueenart28 December 2019
In all honesty, wholesome is the perfect word to describe this anime series. It was really nice to watch in my free time and more of a "slice of life" anime. I thought the art style was captivating and cute as well. Although, I feel like I do need to point out that it isn't the best I've ever watched and I occasionally stopped throughout just because it wasn't always my go to since at some points it gets just a tiny bit boring, hence why it isn't a ten. Overall, this anime was great! It almost made me cry, it made me chuckle, like I said, just perfectly wholesome.
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A story about finding friendship and facing loss
william-eugensson11 July 2022
This is a little gem that I did not expect to find. It has some great character arcs and beautiful character development. Antarctic expeditions "amlost" seems fun after watching this. It's short and doesn't overstay it's welcome.
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masonfewel24 May 2021
Any anime that can make me feel things is automatically a few steps above the rest in my opinion. The visuals are really top notch, the music is impressive, and the story is amazing. The only reason this doesn't get a 10 is because I usually reserve 10s for something that revolutionizes anime or is just SO incredibly good that if anyone suggested it is something other than a 10 I would argue with them until they saw things my way. Overall, an amazing show, you WILL NOT regret watching this. That is a promise.
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One of the best "moe" shows I've seen
Protogeist11 March 2019
There are a lot of shows similar to this. Where the basic story is that a group of girls hang out and all kinds of miscellaneous events happen. We have shows like K-on, lucky star, and Kinmoza. But for some reason, I haven't really enjoyed any of them that much (Except for Lucky-star). They didn't really have any underlying themes that I could resonate with.

But that's something "A place further than the universe" does really well. It manages to combine "moe" elements with interesting themes of friendship and goals. You can enjoy watching these cute anime girls while being interested in the underlying themes of the story. And I really liked that aspect of the show. I have seen shows like this that I like more, for example, yuru camp and Kobayashi's dragon maid, this is the first time I have liked a show so much because of that combination.

Of course it had flaws. It got a little boring after the first half and some of the character designs were a little too similar. But I could overlook it because it was so fascinating to watch the show. A show I wasn't too hyped to watch at first.

So yeah. The show was really good. 8/10
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Nothing extraordinary
Misss2519 February 2022
I'm quite new to anime but what I have watched was amazing and so far better than this. Actually, I like the mystery genre and watched that kind of animes before so didn't quite like it. But it's enjoyable .
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A Whimsical Expedition
pulpficat19 April 2024
Directed by Atsuko Ishizuka, this captivating anime series follows the unexpected friendship that blossoms between four high school girls as they embark on a daring expedition to Antarctica. From the bustling streets of Japan to the icy wilderness of the South Pole, the girls' journey is a testament to the power of dreams and the bonds that unite us across continents.

At the heart of the story is Mari Tamaki, a spirited young girl with a burning desire to break free from the monotony of everyday life and explore the unknown. Her quest to reach Antarctica is driven by a sense of wanderlust and a thirst for discovery. Joined by her equally determined friends - Shirase, Hinata, and Yuzuki - Mari sets out on a once-in-a-lifetime expedition that will push them to their limits both physically and emotionally. Along the way, they encounter challenges and obstacles that test their resolve, but also forge bonds that will last a lifetime.

The anime successfully blends humor, heartwarming moments, and breathtaking visuals into a seamless tapestry of storytelling. The animation is vibrant and dynamic, capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of Antarctica with stunning detail. But beyond its stunning visuals, the series is a celebration of friendship and self-discovery. Each character undergoes their own journey of growth and transformation, learning valuable lessons about courage, perseverance, and the importance of chasing your dreams. The soundtrack is a melodic masterpiece, perfectly complementing the emotional highs and lows of the girls' journey. From uplifting anthems that inspire courage to gentle melodies that tug at the heartstrings, the music adds an extra layer of depth to an already captivating story.

In the end, it's more than just an anime series - it's a reminder that the greatest adventures often lie beyond the boundaries of our comfort zone. It's a testament to the power of friendship, the beauty of the unknown, and the magic that awaits those brave enough to chase their dreams to a place further than the universe.
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A pearl in the desert of mediocrity
Nonomemes21 August 2022
All characters are good, there are no proper male character but we do not feel the need as Gin and Yumiko are able to cover the spot.

It can be educative, so I would reccomend for teenagers.

However, after watching many and many series I have to downgrade the rating to 9 due to lack of punch: it is perfect yes but also takes no risk of any sort so would be unfair to compare to other series rated 10.
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Inspiring Journey with Uneven Pacing
aidaneccleston14 March 2024
Jumped into this not knowing what to expect and ended up getting hooked on the journey of these girls aiming to reach Antarctica. It's more than just an adventure; it's about breaking free from your comfort zone and chasing your dreams, which is pretty inspiring. The way each character has their own reasons and fears, but still pushes forward, makes the story relatable and the group dynamic interesting. Plus, the animation when they showcase the landscapes and the harsh beauty of Antarctica is seriously cool, adding a whole new level to the experience.

But while the concept and the character development are top-notch, there were times when the pacing felt off, like some episodes dragged on longer than they needed to. It's a 7/10 for me because, despite these slower moments, the overall message and the emotional highs make it worth watching. The anime does a great job at mixing light-hearted moments with serious themes, making you laugh one minute and reflect the next. It's definitely a unique take on the slice-of-life genre, showing that sometimes, the most extraordinary adventures can come from the simplest desires.
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An interesting anime but it declines a lot in the last chapters
facundoortegarey30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They went quite deep into the history and background of 3 characters, which I didn't like very much, because in parts I was bored, I also want to recharge something I really liked the scene in which the current moves the boat in degrees and the characters suffered thanks to this, I liked that in fact, I didn't really like that delving into the death of the mother From the girl **** The scenes became boring, seeing a character crying a lot and suffering, that bored me a lot but, The intro and outro are both visually and musically beautiful, it is too pretty and beautiful, one of the best intros I saw 👏 in the end the anime was good, I liked it a lot and it deserves the awards it received,
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Just a well-made, feelgood series
Oneirosophos28 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of these series that do not have anything extraordinary, but are not exactly slice-of-life. A young girl from Japan wants to go to Antarctica in order to seek her mother, who was lost in a blizzard and was left behind, so she wants to embark the new civilians' exploration mission to Antarctica. Three more girls will join her in this difficult journey and thus becoming friends.

Madhouse has done an excellent job in animation and all the landscape is realistically beautiful, but also all the characters are unique and with very good flow. But as far as the script is considered, it lefts much to be desired. It can be seen as a forced (and really below average) mixture of coming-of-age and an hymn to friendship, but nothing else.

It's a good show, but it has nothing particular to excite you. Especially the ending is a bit out of place, after the penultimate episode's dark tone. I'm still wondering why it was number one in views in Japan this season. If you want a relaxing series about travelling from Japan to Antarctica, check it out. If not, just skip this one.
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Had Potential
keikoyoshikawa20 October 2022
I liked the first few episodes before the girls reached Antarctica. It would have been much better had we been given an entire first season devoted to seeing how the girls, determined to go through with their plans to reach Antarctica, had to fight and work for it, to overcome all the challenges at school, at home, and with the expedition group. That, for me, would have made this anime series at least a 9.

Unfortunately, the build-up was too disappointingly short. Even the mid-point of the journey in Singapore could have been at least a couple of episodes with the potential drama that could have happened there. Once the girls are on the ship to Antarctica, the story dragged and was no longer all that interesting to me.

What's positive, however, is the overall good animation and the characterization of the four girls. I think the series should have focused more on their relationships and motivations and, as mentioned above, their struggles.
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