The Legend of Halloween Jack (2018) Poster

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The Legend of Halloween Jack: Being a tad generous here
Platypuschow13 October 2018
The Legend of Halloween Jack is a British horror movie that tells the story of a serial killer who returns from the grave after being killed by vigilantes. Brought back as scarecrow.............for some reason, he sets about getting revenge.

Though the cinematography is strong enough, the lack of budget is demonstrated everywhere else. From the weak cast to the shoddy sfx it's a masterclass of amateur film making.

Though the killer looks okay his presence is ruined by cutaway/poor deaths and the fact we've seen that very same appearance before. Erm, why was he a scarecrow again?

The plot also is heavily recycled, there is very little in the way of originality here and though it's not the worst of its ilk that I've seen it's still a mess.

I've seen a fair few of Andrew Jones movies now and don't believe off the top of my head that I've seen a good one. This shows signs of competence, but only dashes.

The Good:

Script is better than you'd imagine

The Bad:

Opening credits are bafflingly irrelevant and poorly thought out

Laughable blood sfx

Crappy kills

CGI graves, really?

Moronic horror trope finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Blood packs are expensive

Sticking a pencil in a guys butthole isn't gay

Seeing a person in a halloween costume at a halloween party will cause mass panic
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Halloween Cack!
jcallender12119 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this 2 stars because some time and effort was spent but you could say that about vegan barbecues, at the end of the day they're both a waste of time. There's nothing here of any interest at all, the acting is about as convincing as a butterfly with a fake moustache trying to get into a sheep only nightclub, the story is just thrown together, I didn't care who got killed or even understand why a couple of them died. The killer is rubbish, he comes back from the dead after being tied to a cross and shot, so why does he have a witches hat, a noose round his neck and brand new boots on, I've woken up next to scarier things after a night on the vodka. Trust me, this isn't a clever homage to the old slasher flicks, more like putting lipstick on a potato, completely pointless..
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Amateur effort at best. Costume is cool though
jorgito200115 August 2019
Overly long & drawn out dialogue scenes, cap gun sounding gun shots, horribly edited deaths, this movie is pretty bad. I gave it an extra star for the very cool costume the ghoul wears in the movie (would be EPIC come Halloween time). Unfortunately, we don't see much until the very end of the film. Too little too late. Even the film being set around Halloween couldn't save it. Don't waste your time!
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I gave it a 1 because the world would be better without it
pacylpse-201-7083610 December 2018
Not sure where to begin here. I believe the problem is with the sound quality of this movie and editing. It just makes no sense. Some actors seem to have American accents others, Lord knows what. There is no continuity. The storyline is all over the place and for some insane reason, they keep cutting to this weird lame band. I'm glad I watched it because now I know what a good movie is, anything other than this; except The Room.
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semi-remake of Dark Night of the Scarecrow
michaeldorris-720707 October 2018
Reminded me a lot of that film with other elements from Halloween, My Bloody Valentine and Nightmare on Elm Street thrown in. So hardly a thumbs up for originality but it did have a pretty good atmosphere and style. The best aspect of the movie is Jack himself. These slasher movies live or die on the killer and the scarecrow design of this one is very cool. At times you root for him because some of the characters are pretty annoying. 5/10
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Halloween Rip Off
tonycollums27 June 2020
This is one of the worst horror movies ever. Don't waste your time. The best part of this movie is the clips shown from old horror movies. The budget for this movie must've been about $ 100.00.
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Coulda Been Decent but too many Cap Guns & Plot Holes 🕳
knightox29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You know if the producers had paid just a little more attention to detail they might have had something with this ultra-low budget horror film 🎞. It's fairly a common storyline, "Revenge from Beyond the Grave". Basically a murderer who has his case dismissed is abducted by a group of the victims' male family members. This guy Jack Cain is strung up as a scarecrow and shot to death 💀. Then they unceremoniously bury him. One of the shooters, Johnny, returns to the burial spot exactly one year later. Cain had warned them of living with their guilt for killing an innocent man. Well now drunk 🥃 Johnny can't and he proceeds to blow💨 his brains out all over Cain's grave. His blood seeps deep into the soil and just like that, "Halloween Jack" arises and he's ready for revenge on those who murdered him! (They really should have at least covered him with a little dirt on his costume.) Johnny's body is discovered and other members of the shooting squad begin to fall victim to Jack. Another thing that doesn't make much sense is when the mayor (one of the shooters) goes to ask Johnny's mom about Cain. He does this just to make sure Johnny never told her about the secret shooting. She makes it obvious she doesn't know anything after explaining she already told that to Colin Holt, the chief police inspector, the day before. For some UNEXPLAINED reason the mayor asks her while she's crying for some "biscuits 🥘? Then while she's getting them he comes up behind her and STABS 🔪her to death?!? I couldn't figure that one out. I thought maybe the directors were trying to make us believe that it was really the mayor behind Cain's supposed murders in the first place. Nice twist I thought. However the next scene shows the mayor at home being a jackass 🐴 to his wife about burning 🔥cupcakes. He demands she make more and huffs down in his La-Z-Boy. The next thing you know Halloween Jack slips into the house and slices his throat without any flare or drama. So much for the storyline with the mayor being a killer or being slowly punished for his crimes. Jack kills the mayor's wife too which didn't make much sense since she had nothing to do with Jack's execution. The story continues with Officer Holt being the lone survivor of the original shooters. He finally tells his young deputy Brodie about executing Cain and later finding out later Cain never murdered anyone! Brodie then tells Holt he's been secretly dating his daughter Jennifer for the last four months. Holt then gives Brodie a .38 special cap gun 🔫 and tells him to go get Jennifer at a Halloween party and bring her back to the police station. In the meantime Holt goes to see a psychic friend of Cain's to ask about Cain's past. They get into a confrontation and Holt accidentally discharges his pistol (it really does sound like a cap gun!) into the psychic's chest, killing him instantly. At the Halloween party somehow, Jack knows exactly where to show up. And for some reason he's stopped killing for revenge and has now turned to all out slaughter. How he kills 😵the kids at the party is down right laughable! They really should have worked on this. This is where the cheapness really showed through. Finally Jack goes outside 🌙 and there's Brodie and Jennifer waiting on him (like they couldn't hear all the blood curdling screams and carnage going on just inside). Brodie shoots Jack with his .38 caliber cap gun but Jack gets up. Just then Chief Inspector Daddy Colin Holt comes in the door and shoots Halloween Jack down with his trusty Smith & Westen .44 Magnum cap gun 🔫. Holt then tells them to leave, figuring Jack will be back up any moment. And he's right, Jack is there looking right back at him. Trying for a heroic last chance to destroy Jack, Holt twists open a compressed air tank 🛢.He talks some trash to Jack then hits a lighter and a very poor CGI explosion💥 occurs. The biggest problem with this is the fact he was already standing in a room with DOZENS of Halloween candles 🕯 already lit! Again what were the directors thinking? The movie ends one year later with Jennifer going to visit her father's grave. As she's leaving she notices Jack Cain's tombstone right beside her father's. Ain't that a kick? She then notices a small plastic Jack-O-Lantern in front of Cain's headstone. For some reason she decides to pick it up and then suddenly we see the arm 💪 of Halloween Jack grab her hand 🤚followed by a dubbed in scream (obviously not hers). And there ya have it. The End.
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Trash trash trash
sarahdrake-1397731 December 2018
Low budget, low quality, and a total waist of time. They should not have this in Redbox. Wish I could get my money back
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Higher budget & this would have been sweet. The concept is on point!
ScottDWhalen13 October 2018
Good Concept bad low budget almost didn't want to watch it cause of it, but hey low budget could use some love to especially when its a good concept like this. Maybe it will improve if its liked enough.
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God awful
Michael_Takes7 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A terrible beginning. Suspected murderer Jack Cain goes free due to the failure of experienced police officer Frank Hollister to tell the suspect his rights (because he forgot, after/due to the chase down). Something that should be impossible! Anyway, due to this the search of the suspects person, home and vehicle is deemed illegal and the suspect goes free. The court case alone almost had me turning the movie off, it was that poorly written and executed.

Soon some of the family members of the victims, and Hollister, capture, string up, mask (in a strangle Smiley mask), and kill Cain, yet not before the suspect recites some sort of occult-ish curse before being shot to death and buried.

One year later one of the group of men who killed Cain commits suicide out of guilt. The blood of the suicide victim mixes into the earth where Cain was buried, and causes the resurrection of Cain, who begins to hunt those responsible for his murder.

Hollister becomes the last survivor and tells his (oddly American) fellow officer the truth about the murder of Jack Cain. At this time we discover that the officer has since discovered that Cain was not the murderer, that a person who had since been arrested for different murders confessed to the original murders too.

The police officer finds a friend of Jack Cain, who is also into the occult, who discusses Cain's practices of the occult, and his ideas of life after death. Linking to the Roman, druids, and Celts time of 40-400 A.D, Cain's friend discusses the Druid's belief in self sacrifice, suicide to increase his power. The police officer in a moment of panic and disbelief, attempts to arrest but shoots Cain's friend.

At the nearby Halloween party the American police officer arrives to take the other police officers daughter to the station. Cain arrives and starts to kill party goers (who for some reason all freak out and try to run when Cain in his mask arrive (even thought it's a Halloween concert!). Cain kills several people, and soon comes face to face with Frank Hollister, who turns on a gas propane bottle, and blows himself and Cain up.

One year later Hollister's daughter visits the graves of her father and Cain, whose arm (of course) bursts through the dirt and grabs her.

This is the definition of a low budget movie, yet this is in no way a fun cheesy B movie. This could have been better with a few million dollars and a proper script, however this is a bad movie. The dialogue is bland, the kills happen off camera so there is no scare factor, the acting is average, with some being passable (the police officers daughter, American police officer) and others being awful (the rest).

Don't bother.
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I Know What You Did Last Summer with old guys
janicevincent-5551910 October 2018
The premise is the same as I Know What You Did Last Summer but rather than the recipients of revenge being pretty teens we get some old dudes who aren't as pretty and should know better! Its obvious this was made for a fraction of that budget but what it lacks in the budget department it makes up for it in the fun department. Some of the dialogue is hilarious (intentionally I assume) and the killer Halloween Jack loves dishing out the vengeance particularly when he tears through a whole bunch of partygoers. I can see why some folks would hate this as it is cheap and unoriginal in its plotting but I found a lot to enjoy here. Although I did roll my eyes at the obvious set up for a sequel. Do any movies these days just END? Seems like every movie has to set up a "universe"!
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Better than usual low budget slasher
odebbie-700217 October 2018
Despite a very formulaic plot the film succeeds in being a watchable and at times enjoyable romp through the usual slasher tropes. Halloween Jack looks great and the kills are very effectively executed. There is the occasional unexpected twist that helps break the predictability (mostly involving the psychotic mayor) and the ending is quite satisfying. Main appeal will be to fans of old school slasher movies.
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Just boring
jamesharrigund8 October 2018
Doesn't make a lot of sense, way too many boring back and forth speaking scenes with montone voices and uninteresting camera shots. Terrible pacing and really odd slow motion sections that look like theyre lagging.

Can't wait for part 2.
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Absolutely awful
darrenoc-253218 March 2020
This was one of the worst films I have ever sat and watched. I hope there is not a sequal.
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Wrong in many ways
lucianv-470217 October 2018
This film is supposed to be based in dunwich, Suffolk, England but they have American houses, and they mentioned Sacramento bay which don't exist, Sacramento does but that is in America, the acting is awful, there is English and American accent and there are a lot of mistakes that the director and producer shouldn't of made.
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verbillion-3695419 October 2018
I thought it was a cool twist, since the characters are English. The plot was a little strange and thought the dialogue a little confusing. Ironically though, I really really loved the band and am wondering who they are!!
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Do not waste your time or money on this!
Stevieboy66620 October 2018
Cool looking cover, I picked this up in the DVD budget section whilst out shopping. Pity I didn't read the production credits on the back cover first, had I seen director's name Andrew Jones then I would have left well alone ,having had the misfortune to sit some of his other movies. It was filmed in South Wales, Britain, yet laughably - like some of his previous works - tries to pass itself off as American. Half the characters have British accents, the other half are failed attempts by bad actors trying to be American. As for the rest of the film it's simply awful. Rubbish killer. Very little gore. Bad acting. Bad script. The only good thing here are random clips from various old horror movies (White Zombie, NOTLD, Carnival of Souls, etc), but what purpose they serve I dont know. The worst film that I have seen with the word Halloween in it's title by a long shot, my advice is give it a miss!
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Waste of time and money
samanthapaley-564-76698221 October 2018
Bought this film today and watched it, waste of money and time watching it! If you want a horror don't bother with this, the acting is terrible! The killings are so unrealistic.
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tutusecondsofdirection27 October 2018
The beginning is what's supposed to hook you to continue to follow the story right? I almost fell asleep. The audio is not the greatest and honestly it's awkward to jut sit and watch these normal people do things. The court scene could have been a lot more intense if the lighting wasn't so bright and there was background music and panning shots but instead there were two shots that left nothing to the imagination. It looked straight out of a Disney film but even Disney could do better. At least Disney has a proper sound track. I couldn't sit through 20 minutes of this movie.
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It sucked
rszern25 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Worst Halloween movie of ever seen, you knew what was going to happen before it
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maxypowell13 July 2022
This movie is possibly in the top 10 worst movies I've ever seen. Coincidentally, it is one of my top 10 favourite movies. Not one thing about it is good, and I enjoy it beyond all belief. 10/10.
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one of the better 80s slasher fanboy homages
gregcolden3 October 2018
You see so many of these low budget horror dvds endlessly referencing the horror heyday of the eighties now, you could throw a rock in Walmart and hit a fanboy homage.but this is one of the better efforts some well constructed death scenes and a very memorable doesn't take itself too seriously so theres a fun feel to it.still lots of references to other horror films which is overused in movies but if your a fan of old slasher flicks you could do lot worse.
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Even if youre a horror fan just pass this one.
ianaconda7 October 2018
You can only watch it to laugh about gun shots sound lol
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So Bad!!
nickjharwood9 October 2018
I love any horror films, low budget, indie whatever. But this is really awful. You can tell from the first 5 minutes that it's goung to be bad. Acting, special effects ...all just like some 5 year old has done it. Avoid at all costs
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Worst film I've ever seen
jackreyno-5338813 October 2018
Worst film I've ever seen, there is no story to it
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