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Winstead owns it
ferguson-628 September 2018
Greetings again from the darkness. There are dark comedies and then there is the first feature film from director Eva Vives (although she wrote the screenplay for RAISING VICTOR VARGAS). It's really a dark drama with both feet in the stand-up comedy world, so we find ourselves laughing at the (profane) jokes, despite a lead character that is in desperate need of emotional salvation.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is dynamite as Nina Geld. And dynamite is meant to have two definitions here. She is terrific in the role, and she (her character) explodes with little notice. Nina Geld is definitely provocative. She is definitely a feminist. She is definitely funny, and she is most definitely messed up. We learn all of this in the first 5 minutes, and spend the rest of the movie waiting to see whether she self-destructs or is somehow saved.

We first see Nina as she delivers a set on stage at a comedy club. Her act is mostly about sex and the misery of relationships. We soon learn why she seems to have little happiness in life. The abusive married cop (Chace Crawford, Tony Romo's brother-in-law) she has been seeing interrupts the one-night stand she was looking forward to. It's quite unsettling to watch this unfold, and it seems to be the final straw needed to push Nina to relocate from New York City to Los Angeles. It's southern California where her agent (Angelique Cabral) has arranged for to audition for "Comedy Prime" - a one hour comedy special produced by Larry Michaels (played by Beau Bridges).

In L.A., Nina rooms with a stereotypical southern California "New Age" type (Cate del Castillo) who senses energy fields and remains quite civil in her arguments with her partner (played by Clea DuVall). Mostly we see what a damaged soul that Nina is, and bearing an unfair brunt are her mother (Camryn Manheim), her mom's friend (Mindy Sterling, AUSTIN POWERS), and a fellow comic (Jay Mohr).

When Nina meets Rafe (Common, in a rare leading man role), she begins to show her first signs of actual human connection. And of course she is confused by this, and her self-destructive being rears up. The big reveal as to the cause of Nina's constantly confused state (I don't believe the therapy sessions are working) is held back until late in the final act ... and it's a doozy that leads to a painfully honest on stage meltdown.

Ms. Winstead is really terrific here, and she is absolutely believable in her stand-up bits. In fact, the montage of impressions and her constant fine-tuning of the act are almost as good as the heavy drama pieces she excels at. The film itself is kind of a mash-up of stories, but it's her performance that keeps us onboard ... even as we question her character's stability (and incessant hair tussling).
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"Just the right amount of screwed-up"... Marie Elizabeth Winstead shines!
paul-allaer12 November 2018
"All About Nina" (2018 release; 98 min.) brings the story of Nina, a struggling stand-up comedian looking to break through. As the movie opens, Nina is doing a very R-rated gig in New York, and afterwards we see her with her abusive (and married) boyfriend. Nina decides that she needs a complete change of scenery, and moves to LA. After her first stand-up show there, she gets to know Rafe, a guy who seems to be too good to be true.... At this point we are 10 min. into the movie but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: this is the feature film writing and directing debut of Eva Vives (from Spain). Here, she takes some of her own life experiences and turns them into what initially appears to be a very raunchy comedy. However, the movie changes gear several times. As Nina (who claims she doesn't date) and Rafe get to know each other better, Nina finds herself in a confused spot."You keep being honest, what is wrong with you?", Nina exasperates early on. Later, Nina confesses to a friend that "He's just the right amount of screwed-up". Yet deeper into the movie, we find out more about Nina... All of this might be a bit too much or even suspicious, if it weren't for the dazzling performance of Marie Elizabeth Winstead as Nina. She leaves it all out there (literally) for this role. Common plays the mysterious Rafe a little too aloof in my book. The stand-up scenes (of which there are quite a few) feature both Nina and a number of other wannabe's and are quite good actually. Bottom line: this lil' movie turns out to be quite the character study (as deeply flas as that character may be), with along the way quite a few raunchy stand-up comedy.

"All About Nina" premiered at this year's Tribeca Film Festival, and it finally opened at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati this past weekend (for a limited 1 week run, according to the theater). The Sunday early evening screening was attended so-so (about 10 people). That's a shame, but maybe the movie will do better when it opens on other platforms. If you are interested in a character study that is at times dark and at times raunchy funny, I'd readily suggest you check this out, be it at the theater (if you still can), on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray, and draw your own conclusion.
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This is a Drama About a Comedian Not a Dark Comedy
chocolatelovecraft6 June 2019
This movie was alright, it featured strong performances from the lead actors but ultimately ends up falling short of its potential.

It has a few chuckles throughout but plays out as more of a romantic drama than any form of an actual comedy. By trying to navigate between multiple genres, it loses potency in both.

Also, while Mary Elizabeth Winstead does an excellent job in her role, Nina is written as such a profoundly unlikeable character that it makes it somewhat difficult to empathize with her even after the big twist.

Common also does a great job with his role but his character comes across as more of a Dogged Nice Guy trope than a realistic depiction of a person.
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Winstead surprises
SnoopyStyle26 July 2022
Nina Geld (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a troubled standup comic in New York City. She's in an abusive sexual relationship with married obsessive cop Joe (Chace Crawford). She finally decides to escape to Hollywood to audition for a comedy show. She lives with weird west coast type Lake (Kate del Castillo). She gets picked up by nice guy Rafe (Common).

I really like the New York part of the movie. It's dark and troubled. Nina is damaged and Winstead is better than expected. I like her standup. While it's not truly funny, it does highlight her anger issues. Then she heads out to the west coast. Lake is a Hollyweird stereotype. I can live with her. The more problematic character is Rafe. Common is playing too straight and nice. In a way, he's too bland and the initial meeting is a little creepy. The movie tries to do something with Ganja but that actress is doing a comedy bit. Rafe also has some false notes injected into him. The punch feels like a fake incident intended on generating drama. If it wants to do real drama, Joe would get his police brothers to put Rafe in jail. I am a little uncertain about this movie like Larry Michaels. It's a compelling character study. Winstead surprised me with her performance.
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Gratuitous vomit the real star of this film
MDawn10 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited to see this film and thought Ms. WInstead (who I loved in Fargo) was excellent as were the other actors. However I was often distracted by the character Nina's co-star, vomit. The decision to show the character vomiting throughout the film is one I will never understand. There are other ways to show extreme anxiety. At least most of the time the vomiting was shown from afar, but the decision to have her vomit on a lover in close-up? Why? Lately it seems that everything I watch shows a character vomiting, and in this case it took away from the movie. Ms. Winstead surely could have acted her extreme anxiety instead of the director/writer etc. using the vomit card. It made the movie at times unwatchable to me, and I think it was a cheap device and it's why I gave the movie a lower rating than I would have otherwise.
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Big disappointment
randyfreemire14 April 2019
Saw Mary Winstead in Brain Dead, which is the only reason I watched this film. She absolutely killed it in that role, so there was a lot of good will and openness for me going in. 6/10 is generous, but for some reason I still like her.

For starters, she was playing a stand-up comic and I didn't think she was all that funny, and to go out of your way to bring up gross images that are supposedly funny regarding women may be part of the point of the film, but I didn't like it at all. Maybe women try to be as gross as men with comedy, I don't know 'cause I don't go to comedy clubs, the other female comediennes seemed to be going for that effect as well.

And, once again, maybe this was deliberate, but to have her pacing around topless in her apartment rehearsing for her act was a real turn off. I would guess that 10% of the population at large looks good naked or nearly naked (at least for me), and it takes away somewhat from my seeing her as attractive, as in an attractive leading lady. Guys are guys (unfortunately, I wish I wasn't so affected by the visual), but a film is a visual medium, I didn't appreciate having that bit of mystic removed.

That it was revealed this film was a vehicle for victims of abuse towards the end explained alot. But overall, I didn't feel that much for this character, I didn't feel like I got to know her, just saw mostly her acting out and having a very defensive approach to life- overall something women may relate to more, but it sure wasn't entertaining.
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead Gives a Great Performance
Jonas202110 April 2019
The title says it all: Mary Elizabeth Winstead is excellent in this role. The movie itself, however, is not good. The characters are not developed. The flow is not organic. The structured reveals that lead to the movie's denouement are so forced that authentic emotional truth reduces to cliche. I am less forgiving of movies like this because they (attempt to) manipulate the audience. A better movie would illicit compassion and empathy through the identification with the character, perhaps. All About Nina, rather, vomits telegraphed "depth" (which is, in truth, shallow) all over the screen in an effort to bypass development, story, character arc, and narrative and get to the "point". The truth is that few people are going to climax if their lover doesn't pay attention. Here, the "lover" is the screenwriter/director who doesn't pay attention to any of the needs of the viewer, In an attempt to "move" the viewer, we're manipulated at every turn. The big moment of the movie, however, fell on its face. There was nothing true about it for the story; there was nothing true about it in the development; there was nothing true about it for the character. It was just meant to shock, and by implication explain the rest of the movie. Without the "foreplay" of good writing and characters, I wasn't turned on, and the big climax didn't give me the pleasure or satisfaction that I would have wanted after spending two hours in bed with this movie.

That said, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is terrific as the sexy, acerbic, wounded comedianne. There is more enjoyment in watching fragments of her routines than there is in the rest of the movie.

Is it worth a watch? It isn't. Do I recommend? I most certainly do not. Would I like to see more Mary Elizabeth Winstead? Without a doubt.
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead is Perfection.
biondo_jennifer3 January 2019
An honest and moving film. Winstead is the heart of this performance. Do not miss it.
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead All The Way
varun-250719971 January 2019
A pretty decent film with a good plot but some really dragging scenes saved by the lead performance. Common's casting was poor and he looked so out of place. Would recommend this movie to indie film lovers and people who have a taste for films highlight sexual abuse.
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This could have been better.. maybe..
mears-3328 March 2019
Overused the "f" word significantly. Not very funny. Honestly stressful to watch. The acting wasn't terrible, but the flow of events almost didn't make sense. The movie revealed part of her story and just abruptly ended. So much anger. This could be good for someone interested in movies with a lot of emotional distress as the main focus.

I just couldn't find a way to enjoy any of it.
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Something real
erin_wood8 November 2019
I had no clue what this movie was about before I watched. Of which I'm very glad. It was refreshing to see such a real, honest, moving had been a while. Great performances. I still think about this movie long after I first saw it.
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all about Mary
janejennings22 January 2021
Mary Elizabeth Winstead is fantastic in the Titular character, taking us on a journey as she unpacks the baggage of her past, while start new relationships and career opportunities.
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Hitting the wrong note
Prismark1025 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All About Nina is a dark nihilistic comedy from writer and director Eva Vives.

Nina (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a brash potty mouthed comedian who talks about sex and one night stands. Her sex life does consist of casual one night stands although she is in an abusive relationship with a married cop who hits her.

As Nina tours Los Angeles, she is on the verge of getting a part in a television comedy show. Nina also starts an affair with a normal guy Rafe (Common) who remains calm despite her volatility which worsens when she is drunk.

The film could had been more about female comedians in the misogynistic world of stand up and trying to break through. A tired final act trots out all the cliches of an abusive childhood. Nina is not nice because other people were not nice to her.

In the end, the film had nothing substantial to offer with characters you do not care about and material that is not funny.
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Winstead is miraculous.
Dmkratofil8 May 2022
As always, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is nothing short of genius. Unfortunately, Common is such a talentless and unprofessional boob, he nearly derails the whole picture. I can't think of a single vehicle that common has appeared in that he hasn't dragged down with his mediocrity. I'd love for this to be re-edited with Common's part to be recast or eliminated altogether.
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Career Best Turn From Winstead
ThomasDrufke10 February 2019
Ever since Sky High I knew there was something special about Mary Elizabeth Winstead. And correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems like the first movie she has been the true and only "star" and focus. Even in 10 Cloverfield Lane, she shares a lot of screen time with John Goodman and John Gallagher Jr. However, with All About Nina she gets a full 90 minutes to flex every hit of her acting talent and it is quite something to watch. She does everything from very good impressions, to hilarious sets on stage, to then an incredibly heartfelt and deeply emotional set on a stage in the 3rd act. I kept asking myself whether I was supposed to laugh or feel bad for Nina as she would rip through a set and move onto the bar and drink away her sorrows. But in reality, you're supposed to feel both. The film takes you through the entire emotional spectrum as Nina learns to love herself so that she can eventually find an openness to someone else loving her again, an arc that Winstead very well could have been nominated for.

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bad bad bad avoid
geekerr23 May 2019
Pretty shallow formula been done a zillion times guearranteed box office success but crap crap crap terrible writing acting and plot your time is more valuable doing anything than watching this
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Brilliant portrait of a woman trying to overcome her issues
latinfineart25 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Mary Elizabeth Winstead puts in the performance of her career, and the clueless viewers gave this movie a rating under 6? All I can think of, is that this film was not dumb enough, or funny enough, or closer to the reality TV most Americans are watching these days. Also, no explosions or special effects. It did get a much higher rating on some other sites, so not everyone missed the intent of this wonderful film. She certainly showed us what she is capable with the gem of a performance she created in the last season of Fargo.

This was the feature film debut for the director Eva Vives, who was also the writer on this terrific film. This was obviously a small independent film, as Hollywood has forgotten how to make such story driven, well written, tightly directed gems like this one. Common was outstanding as usual. He is an amazing talent. All of the supporting cast was excellent. The story line progressed in totally unpredictable fashion, and the ending was about as good as it could possibly be, considering the challenging direction the story took toward the end.

I highly recommend this film. Believe the ratings at your own peril.
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Trash film that destroyed Winstead*s career
Qwertybb9 September 2021
Trash film that destroyed Winstead*s career. It looks like it was made by failing film students.
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A bad movie with a great performance
jpfpari15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A completely forgetful movie, where everything seems to be wrong: the script is in some way, predictable with some nonsense moments. Common acting in this movie is one of the worst performances I have ever seen in my life. However, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is great on this movie, her character has some layers, wich are good developed over the movie. The scene in the end of the movie where she talks about her childhood and cries in the bathroom is amazing. Therefore, it is a bad movie, totally forgetful, but with a great performance of Mary Elizabeth Winstead on the leading role.
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Watch this movie...
rtbphotography22 July 2019
...for one reason; Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

She is superb and destined for great things.
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Bad writing, bad film making
beammeup-2955414 December 2020
If you took "f$#&" out of the script the movie would be about ten minutes long and ten times better. Maybe I live in a cave, but the real world doesn't speak this way. Which ruins what would be an interesting concept.
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Great film about reality
blondebutclever28 September 2019
Very funny and dark and honest. Lead actors are excellent and really well cast. Well done - it's definitely a film for now.
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Drama movie
alshamari-marwa30 September 2020
It all drama disgusting movie not worth watching, the whole work is missing a movie
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westsideschl14 March 2019
You know how children like to talk about poop (well, in developed countries, but not in undeveloped where you live w/it outside your door all the time) - all giggly? Anyway, this had the same childish "It's naughty so it must be funny, humor." Not to exaggerate, but saying the "f...k" word in every other short, grade school level, sentence predominates the 90 minutes. That, and mostly girl talk on female genitalia consumes the other funny stuff. Ahh, to be sheltered & spoiled again. No subtitling for poor enunciation or for viewers w/hearing issues. Another indicator that dialogue was not important.
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Mary winstead ... astounding performance!!
nitro_head1 May 2020
This movie gets its grandeur from a misery trip in the soul of a comedian. Walls and walls built so that she can put a smiley face and entertain people. Mary winstead has outdone herself, all the way from that beautiful smile of hers to crying her heart out. She really could deliver all the mixed emotions to us with perfection. I'd give this movie a HAIL MARY ... WINSTEAD
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