The Good Cop (TV Series 2018) Poster


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Thank you Netflix for this funny show!
missjjmarch29 September 2018
Love this show. Yes it's predictable. ALL procedural crime shows are predictable. Only so many characters in an episode! It's the telling of a story that makes it stand out from the rest. It is also amazing acting to bring great writing to life. This cast delivers! Thank you for this show. Finally something funny and entertaining on Netflix
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Fun & Entertaining
alexnmike23 September 2018
More of a comedy, very much like Monk. If you are a fan of Monk, you'll more than likely appreciate The Good Cop. Sometimes you just want to relax and enjoy a simple who done it and likeable characters. Very old school, love that there's no social messages or preachy political views. Love the Tony Danza and Josh Grodan duo. For a change, I'm thanking Netflix.
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Not bad at all
davidtburch21 September 2018
Tony Danza still has chops and who knew Groban could be a leading man in a show. Entertaining police procedural with a lot of familiar faces. Good writing, good acting. Hope to see more in the future.
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dindae-sheena19 February 2019
Why Netflix! Whyyyyy!? Josh Groban has huge potential as an actor. And Tony Danza's still got it. Sad that Netflix has announced its cancellation just after 10 episodes. I felt that the writers did a good job on fresh ideas.
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Old School Adorable
LukeCustomer218 March 2019
This does remind me of a series from the 1990s but that is a good thing. Josh Groban is fantastic as a straight owl but still a good and interesting lead character. For me, the only issue was Tony Danza. I enjoy him very much but, the show needed about 50% less of him. Sometimes they hire a big name and use them too much. I ended up fast forwarding though most of his scenes.
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Finally a Netflix quality series tha is NOT rated M
deann-hansen9 October 2018
Great characters with good chemistry. Great stories. Reminiscent of Monk and Psych. And bonus ... not filled with smut and bad language that Netflix thinks everyone wants.
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The Tony Danza Show....tired
bsant5422 September 2018
Some new talent like Grobin nice to watch. Danza in nearly every scene and after awhile you wish he would just go away and do the laundry off camera. Thought it would be a detective show instead it is some hapless disgraced ex-detective father (Danza) of a super honest detective son (Grobin) with the crime as a side line. Just when the story gets interesting with the other characters and the crime, guess whose face, close-up, pops in at every inopportune moment. Got fed up with Danza and his useless character side show (and his face) after the 3rd episode.
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Fun.. light hearted and entertaining
viblife27 September 2018
I just loved this show from the episode 1.. great acting .. light hearted.. entertaining and binge worthy ! These days most of the shows are so dark and meaningless that after you are back from long day at work you can't watch them. But this show brings a nice breeze of suspense and comic. Give it a go and you will be surprised ..
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Good Fun
lwelch6313 October 2018
Just fun Greatest crime show with humor NOT Groban and Danza the greatest actors--NOT even close--but together with these writers pretty darn good, Lots of fun and laughs YESSSSSSSS--and without a lot of graphic violence or course language etc I hope there is a season2
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Slow and Very Predictable
jhuebel22 September 2018
This could be so much better. But it's really slow-- like watching-paint-dry slow. And you often solve the mystery in your own really early in the show.

You'd think that they would milk the lovable good-guy persona of Groban. They try to, but it really turns out to be a more boring than charming.

There's also supposed to be a good-cop/bad-cop, dad-disappoints-son conflict between Groban and Danza. But again, they really don't capitalize on that.

Anyway, I've watched the first 3 episodes and the writing and tempo haven't improved. I think I may be done with it.
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Loving this and need Season 2 asap!
spormowbray9 October 2018
I just read all 123 reviews already posted - I agree with all the positives and understand most of the negatives, but even those are things that endear it to me!!! I like the father-son relationship, the subtle humour and the co-workers' interactions. I like being able to solve the crimes before the show is over, without blowing up my brain in the process! I like the blatant lack of 'grittiness' - gratuitous gore, sex and bad language - a very refreshing change! I even like watching out for the multiple continuity errors!! Please, Netflix, give us Season 2 as soon as possible, and bring out the first one on DVD?? I just hope Josh can spare some more time for it in his hectic working schedule!
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"Its an Infraction"
ygwerin124 July 2021
Caught this show on Netflix and decided to give it a go, and I am currently half way through the first series.

I was interested to see it was done by the creator of the American show Monk, which is one of my favourite yank TV shows.

But I don't agree about The Good Cop being a better show than Monk, I prefer that because its got a better central character. Monk is carried by him he is the show, such that I can't recall any of the other characters.

The Good Cop frankly relies on an assemble cast to support him, they are essential ingredients to the shows appeal.

The Good Cop himself unlike Monk is not simply a quirky idiosyncratic individual, he is intensely irritating and fundamentally anal to the nth degree. He has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever, such that how could anyone bare to even spend any time in his company?

The basic detective 'Team' is minuscule, Lieutenant Tony Caruso Junior, Sergeant Burl Loomis, and Ryan. How the heck would Ryan get a job there, and what could his qualifications possibly be?

Cora Vasquez she takes one exam, and hey presto she's a detective, only in America.

Overall its a good show and should definitely get another series, go watch it and make up your own mind about it.
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Claudia-Jean3 October 2018
Although I like Josh Groban, I felt watching this show is like eating a McDonald's hamburger. No big failure and even familiar taste, but there are plenty of other choices available. Probably I have watched too many Netflix's edgy programs. Comparing to them, I found no special grips in The Good Cop. The structure is much alike Monk, which means a bit obsolete in these days. And the quality is lower than Monk because no impressive dialogues were made between the dad and the son. Such poor dialogues resulted in poor character development too. If a cop drama deals with predictable cases, at least protagonists should be magnetic.
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It's cancelled?
rtdugan0421 April 2019
How do I just find this show, binge it all weekend, and already it's cancelled? I wish Netflix would have billed this better. If you love Psych or Republic of Doyle, will enjoy this show.
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Rank and shields all wrong
tommykosaktak22 September 2018
If there was a technical supervisor on the set they should be fired . A Lt. With a Det shield a Detective with Sgt stripes. Come on have to get this stuff right

Other than that I like the show
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Cute, grows on you.
hjalsayegh10 March 2021
A fun cop show with a lot and I do mean A LOT of socially awkward moments.

Comes off cold at first but the humor picks up and things just get better and better as the season goes along. The characters are likable and the cases interesting. It's such a shame it only got one season.
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Old School Cool
english_teacher-2497929 September 2018
How fun is this little series? Light with a little whodunit thrown in. The perfect balance of easy peasy and quick wit. Tony Danza sings, but not Josh Groban. The first season is a scant 10 episodes, not nearly enough. More please. Greg Kinear.
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Starts dry but gets so good!
charpet8 October 2018
At first I had to force myself to watch the first few episodes but the relationships build up and it gets so funny! I pray there's a season 2!
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OMG I totally LOVE this show !!
EmoEl7 October 2018
Tony Danza and Josh Groban are the perfect foils for each other. I didn't expect to even like it and I ended up binging the whole thing. It's predicable, which I prefer. And there's even singing & dancing. So much better than the typical downers that most cop shows are. Thank you Netflix.
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Could be so much better
stahlsrus10 October 2018
"The Good Cop" has some of the look and feel of one of my favorite shows, "Monk." Where TGC quirky characters fail to meet Adrian Monk's quirkiness is in the heart. Adrian was brilliant with OCD and phobias, but he cared for people. Big Tony has charm and constantly tells his son "I love you, son!" and then lies to him and uses him. Tony Junior is a rabid rule follower who constantly furrows his brow and sighs; he has no friends.

Secondary characters are one-dimensional too. Burl hardly works, Cora is mad all the time, and Ryan acts stoned. These are not fun characters to root for.

I won't watch season two.
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A good idea poorly executed
nedfumpkin26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the two main characters aren't all that engaging so you really don't care about them. TJ looks like an alternate version of John Oliver with his too big 80s style glasses constantly falling down his nose. Tony Senior is one of those people that when you first meet him seems like a nice guy, but after 20 minutes you realize that you cannot trust anything that comes out of his mouth, and that in reality he is a leech in all he does. By mid way through the series you begin to really dislike him. This type of person in real life is has to keep moving socially because people tire of him easily.

Although this has been mentioned before, it is really difficult for anyone to take seriously that a corrupt cop, who certainly hasn't changed his ways, would be accepted for his 'lovable personality' by the cops who aren't corrupt. In real life, honest LEOs despise dishonest LEOs more than the criminals they chase.

I'm not sure what happened in the beginning, but it starts out with Cora being a parole office and potential love interest, and then ends up with her suddenly being a police detective? Two entirely different jobs with entirely different skill sets that makes no sense whatsoever. It's like they learned about the NYPD from a cartoon or something.

The plots themselves aren't even worth criticizing.

All in all, you watch this if you have 10 hours to fill, not because it is good TV.
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FUN SHOW! Why is it cancelled!
ishanaggarwal-5883418 October 2019
Just started this underrated show and started loving it. It was light, interesting cases and lovely cast. Loved the father son duo. Monica the lady inspector was awesome and couldn't wait to see TJ and her relationship develop. Well! now i cant. NETFLIX has cancelled the show i understand there might be less viewership but not all shows have to be dark or long or complicated or mind numbing. You need show like these to chill and have a good laugh. Great acting sad ending to the show. Hope we can see more of it.
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Entertaining but sacrifices any realism for laughs
Hughmanity25 October 2018
The show has a good premise and is entertaining enough with good actors and it's fun to see Tony Danza back in action. I only gave it a 7 because the suspension of disbelief level is so high. Totally unrealistic plot points that would never happen or people would figure out in two seconds in realty, instead drag on for too long with everyone pretending to be oblivious and to diminishing comedic affect. I guess it's kind of old-school sitcom in that way if you like that form, but this show could easily have been a 9 for me with just a bit more modern realism.
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What's happening to Netflix ?
oldtraff22 September 2018
This show is awful,something that wouldn't last on network TV.The Premise that a corrupt cop would still be accepted as one of the boys with other cops after he served time,show up at crime scenes be part of the police bowling team etc,etc,etc is ludicrous in itself.Then on top of that he lives with his cop son who's so honest and by the book he finds a quarter and wants to hand it in to lost and found.The silliness of how straight laced and honest the main character is supposed to be cannot be described. The plot lines are just awful, the ridiculous lazy way the killers are found every week just to tie up the 40 min show in one neat bow offers no thought process.I gave it 3 episodes then 20 mins into the 4th episode gave up.This really is rubbish on every level.
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Thank you Netflix!
aimeetrinity29 September 2018
Great cast mix - good writing - great show! Hoping for more episodes to come, as 10 was enough to get us hooked and waiting for more. Thank you, Netflix!
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