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FrenchEddieFelson15 April 2019
This film is based on a true story and recounts an evasion attempt, from GDR to FRG, in 1979 during the Cold War, with two families ballooning over a heavily guarded area, starting from Pößneck, a small town within Thuringia, knowing that the shortest distance as the crow flies to reach Bavaria and the Western Bloc is about 25 km. We may see this movie as a commemoration of the manifold unsuccessful attempts and also, in slight advance, of the 30 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and the German reunification (1990).

It's well played, suspenseful and points up two main issues: 1) The secret preparation of such an expedition, in a country which is supposed to be a republic if one refers naively to the acronym GDR, and which turns out to be a dictatorship controlling every gesture and every word, thanks to the Stasi. 2) Leaving those who are not part of the expedition and who stay in the GDR such as grandparents or friends, in order to start a new life, ex nihilo. Otherwise, even though it might be a part of the same true story, the episode of the cigarette pack and the American embassy is too showy and, in my humble opinion, pollutes the film.

Finally, despite a decade studying German, from college to the end of my studies, I am not sensitive enough to the subtleties of variations of accents between the different Länder, contrary to sh_bronstein, in his review dating from November 2018. Although his rating is harsh, I find that his review is relevant but does not concern me. Fortunately somehow.
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Well told story
hugovanspaandonk14 April 2019
I don't understand the bad reviews. This movie is really worth watching . Well buildup and overall performance.
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Up in the air
rubenm12 May 2019
'Why do we bother guarding the border? Wouldn't we be better off without those traitors?' This question by a Stasi-official pinpoints the paradox of communism: if a system without freedom would be better than a free society, why would citizens escape this system? The German film 'Ballon' doesn't elaborate on the pros and cons of political systems. Instead, it is a thriller filled with suspense, about two families trying to cross the border between East and West in a home made hot air balloon. The thriller-element is far more important than the political side of the story. The director doesn's shy away from classic Hollywood screenwriting clichés. But he gets away with it. I was gripped by the story, although it's clear that it's made more exciting than it was in reality. The excellent wikipedia-entry 'East German balloon escape' is interesting reading material for those who want to compare the film with reality. Besides being a fine thriller, 'Ballon' also shows very well the effects authoritarian societies have on its citizens. They risk their own lives and those of their young children, in order to stop living in a big lie. Many films have shown the gruesome aspects of East German communism, but once again I was amazed by the cruelty of people oppressing each other.
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...will keep you on the edge of your seat...
ilan-552617 December 2019
I saw this film at the theatre this evening and I must admit, it captured and captivated me from the very first scene right up until the final climax.

The language barrier and English subtitles didn't affect the suspense level one bit, quite on the contrary. The fact that it's based on a true story just made it that much more entertaining and worthwhile to see.

The cast is truly "unbelievable", not literally speaking! This film just goes to prove that having a good script, actors and director completely compensates for having a low budget. You don't need a hundred million dollars to make a great movie and this is a fine example.

The plot and characters are so alive and vivid. You can feel their tensions and fears. This is definitely a movie to be seen as a family. The family values displayed are invaluable. Truly inspiring.
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Gripping true story!
hcurran7771 November 2019
How two families engineer their escape from Communist East Germany to the West is excellent on all fronts: a gripping story line, a great director and actors, and the supporting soundtrack. The suspense builds and continues throughout the movie. Plenty of twists and turns to keep the audience engaged.
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Thrilling and exciting true tale about two families planing to escape from communist East Germany in a hot air balloon
ma-cortes11 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The East German border: 836 miles of barbed wire walls, automated machine guns, armed guards, and deadly land mines. On September 15, 1979 two families tried to cross it . East Germany, two families, the Strelzyks (Friedrich Mücke , Karoline Schuch) and the Wetzels (David Kross , Alicia von Rittberg) , make plans to escape the Communist East and flee to the West. Peter Strelzyk comes up with a daring idea to construct a homemade air balloon big enough to carry the two families across the East-West militarized border. The border between East and West Germany is heavily militarized, complete with watch towers, guard dogs, barbed-wire, alarms, sensors, search lights, and patrols. Rumors have it that some areas of the militarized border are mined. The only chance of crossing the border is by air. The Strelzyks and the Wetzels commence their risky venture by purchasing lots of taffeta fabric and sewing it together with a sewing machine in the attic. Peter Strelzyk builds an experimental homemade hot air balloon burner. In 1979 when the balloon is ready Peter and his son test it, but the Wetzel family becomes hesitant. The Strelzyks decide to go alone, but bad weather causes the balloon to crash inside the Communist zone. The Strelzyks leave the crash area, but the incriminating evidence litters the ground. They wonder if they will be able to evade the ensuing Police investigation and whether they will be able to build another balloon for their next attempt. They also are determined to persuade the Wetzel family to maybe join them in their second try. That is, if the East German Communist secret Police, the Stasi commanded by Oberstleutnant Seidel (Thomas Kretschmann) , won't get to them first.For freedom they risked it all and the date of the night crossing was September 15, 1979 .

Based on actual events , about valiant heroes planing to escape from communist East Germany in a flimsy , homemade hot air balloon, but only if they can take their families with them . The real-life "Night Crossing" took just twenty-eight minutes and the flight path of the night crossing went from Poessneck, Thuringia, to Naila, Bavaria, which is near Hof . The fact-based story results to be an exciting action flick for the whole family . Imaginative scenes , suspenseful narration and didactic moralising make the film largely palatable . Furthermore , the excitement , intrigue and entertainment are widely piled on . This is is a second version , the first titled ¨Night crossing¨1982 , scrapings of the Disney barrel , being directed by Delbert Mann with Jon Hurt , Jane Alexander , Beau Bridges , the latter rendition ¨Ballon¨ 2018 is most interested in suspense and tension than the family life .

The motion picture was well and originally directed by Michael Bully Herbig . He is generally considered as being one of the most successful German filmmakers . Herbig is an expert on parody based on known characters , such as ¨Sissi¨ in ¨Lissi and ¨The Wild Emperor¨ and , of course , ¨Vickie the Viking¨ . His second feature movie he directed ,¨ Der Schuh des Manitu¨ became the most successful movie in Germany and Austria ever ,this movie ever with 12 million viewers and the broadcast television premiere of this film earned the highest rating in its history . Ballon (original title) rating : 7 . Acceptable and decent film appointed for children and adolescents and , youngsters ; of course , you'll enjoy this one . Well worth seeing .
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marcocestone26 December 2018
Great Actors, thrilling action, phantastic film music. Director Michael Herbig finds the right tonality to tell this true story. Must See!
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A thriller that thrills
Leofwine_draca15 January 2022
An enjoyable German thriller telling of a family's attempt to escape from east Germany via hot air balloon, no less. It's one of those true "stranger than fiction" tales that plays out in a surprisingly engrossing and suspenseful way. The action and scale are low key, but the ballooning scenes are handled adroitly and the scenes of the Stasi and their investigations keep the suspense going. Nothing to dislike about a well-made thriller that actually thrills.
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A riveting story worth watching
muons7 September 2019
Balloon is a solid and unpretentious movie built around a cat-and-mouse game between infamous Stasi and two families trying to escape East Germany in a home-made hot air balloon. If it weren't based on a true story it would be difficult to believe how much risk some people would be willing to take with the life of their families while their day to day lives weren't really threatened by the system as long as they played along. However, once their initial attempt for escape fails, they realized they were being chased by Stasi and became desperate to flee the country no matter how.

Balloon has an engaging story, good direction, decent acting performance and above-the-average entertainment value. The recreation of 70's East Germany is well-done and convincing. After the first failing attempt, the pace of the movie indeed sags a bit, especially with the Berlin scenes, but it quickly picks up with the tension and drama kept tight till the end. It's worth watching and highly recommended.
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cdcrb25 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers. Based on a true story. a group of people in a hot air balloon flee east germany for the west. they make it. of course. the filmakers aren't going to make you sit for two hours, only to deliver an unhappy ending. surprisingly, although it comes close to hitting every cliche in the book, it rises above that problem. no pun intended. it's actually exciting.
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Quite a story, entertaining and suspenseful.
deloudelouvain11 September 2020
There isn't much bad to write about Ballon. I don't know what people could dislike about this movie. To me it was entertaining, with quite a lot of suspense once you're into the story, a good cast (even the kids), and it's all nicely shot. I understand everybody was suspicious of the Stasi at that time, your best friend could betray you, but in this case I think they exaggerated a bit in order to make it more suspensful. But the suspense was the good thing about the story, plus the fact that it's based on a true story which made it even more appealing. It's one of the better German movies I've seen lately, certainly worth a watch if you like escape movies.
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Intense and engaging
Gordon-1112 April 2020
This film portrays the omnipresent white fear of the Communist society perfectly. I feel so sorry for those who lived, or are living, in such circumstances. The story is so intense and engaging, that it got me crying in the end. Beautiful!
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"We're going to the West."
classicsoncall10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An overriding sense of paranoia and desperation pervades the entire movie, and those who take freedom for granted ought to stop a moment to consider the overwhelming fear that citizens of socialist countries face merely by conducting their day to day lives. The idea is reinforced time and time again throughout the story, as with the arrest of the border patrol agents who failed to identify the threat of the first failed balloon crossing attempt, or the young boy's response to his teacher that he wasn't allowed to reveal what his father was sewing. The constant looking over one's shoulder to see who was watching or who might have overheard a conversation is the kind of stress that no one should have to endure to live a normal life. The actions taken by the East German Stasi were chilling to say the least, and it required an unusual amount of courage and dedication to follow through with a second escape attempt after the first one failed so excruciatingly short of the mark. With a no name cast in this country, director Michael Herbig brings a tale of considerable bravery to the screen which pulsates with tension the closer the Strelzyk and Wetzel families approach their ultimate goal. Occurring during the summer of 1979, the event took place a full decade prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall, which presaged the end of communism in Eastern and Central Europe.
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MadamWarden21 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Most reviews refer to the story which is excellent. Nice insight into the desperation of those fleeing the GDR in the 70s and 80s.

The acting is solid. The cinematography excellent and the sets/costumes really authentic.

The plot is tense and should sort of keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

My major gripe is that the director resorts to a quite a few petty parlour tricks to keep the tension going. Standard stuff like police knocking at the door, the hero goes to a door being knocked upon and voila, they are at different doors!!

Oh, and really bad things happen. But don't worry, he wakes up and he was just dreaming. Aasrgggh.

Every clue the STASI investigate is almost solved at the very last second but just not quite in time to catch them.

Never been done before. Cheesy....

Really not necessary given the truth is so incredibly tense.

That said, pretty well made. OKish..
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True Story
wiesenweich18 March 2019
Eciting from the first Minute til to the end. Great moving Camera, that is engrossing. Impressed and based on a True Story. Powerfull Soudtrack recorded by a real Orchestra. Bully Herbig new Genre Thrill is perhaps the best Movie that he made .I can only recommend.....and support that...
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Enjoyable and well Paced
pc9521 November 2020
One of the better movies I've seen lately is German suspense movie "Balloon". Although released in Germany in 2018, it was released more recently in the US. Directed by Michael Herbig, the editing and pacing are very good as is the excellent background music. Actress Caroline Schuch anchors as the mother "Doris" giving perhaps the most authentic performace, though all actors do well. The balloon scenes are technically done satisfactorily, though best is the torment and anguish the family feels from the regime fueling their desire. The atmosphere of dialog of control and subtle oppression is underscored. 8/10
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Tense and exciting
Phil_Chester3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A tense and exciting tale of a successful escape attempt from East Germany into West Germany via homemade hot air balloon. The script and performances are all excellent and it's a great watch. Definitely worth your time.
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Fantastic story and film
Vindelander13 November 2020
Dramatised version of a true story. Great film, well cast and exciting to watch. Considering the events only happened about 40 years ago it's a shocking reminder of how the East/West divide used to be.
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jalishkov28 November 2019
The movie is made in such a great way, that every second of it is a pure pleasure. Great acting, great plot, great actors. For people like me, the story is very touching and personal. During my childhood my father used to talk about being on the east or south of Germany, the harsh regime, and the unhappiness of east Germany citizens. The continuous struggle of people. It just set all emotions up with the history. Pure joy watching this movie!
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flying to freedom
dromasca4 December 2019
I believe that movies like 'Balloon' are very necessary. 30 years since passed the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall fell down and the the communist governments in Eastern Europe collapsed. A whole generation was born after this period, grew up and is now at full maturity, a generation that did not know communism in the countries of Eastern Europe, or the cold war in Western Europe and the rest of the world. The history of repression and lack of freedom must be known, because communism may have disappeared, but totalitarianism persists in various forms.

'Balloon' directed by Michael Herbig is a docu-drama that reconstructs on the screen an episode that happened in 1979, ten years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The true story of the two families in the South of the German 'Democratic' Republic who escaped to freedom by flying a hot air balloon was widely publicized at the time, the families enjoyed a well-deserved celebrity after their success, and a movie in Hollywood told the story. Michael Herbig's film tells again the story with the benefit of a closer knowledge of the history and of the realities of everyday life in communist Germany of the period. From this point of view the film is a success, not only by presenting the dull atmosphere of the life of the majority of the population, dominated by fear and propaganda, but also by the fact that it presents the two families in a non-idealized manner, not as heroes but as people who naturally hesitate having to make a tough decision, risking imprisonment and even death to escape living under dictatorship. The real names of the characters are used, which indicates that what we see on the screen intents to be a reconstitution close to the truth of the events that happened 40 years ago.

However, cliches and simplifications cannot be avoided. The episode of the tentive to contact the US embassy in East Berlin is confusing and ends inconclusively. The characters of the Stasi agents are schematic and cartoonish. The finale being known, the action episodes cannot create enough suspense despite the efforts of the scriptwriters and of the director. Acting is correct, but it is also one-dimensional. Reading the real biographies of the families after they managed to get to West Germany, I found out that the two men were arguing before their daring action and shortly after they were released, and they never spoke each other until at the end of their lives. Confronting freedom is not easy for those who have lived their entire lives under dictatorships. Maybe there was an interesting story here, worth exploring, or maybe it's the subject of another movie.
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The wind of freedom
SilverOrlov15 November 2019
Incredibly strong movie. I did not expect that with such a simple description it turns out that I, with my experience of watching films and the desire often just to skip many boring moments, I will watch this film in one breath... this is really strong story.
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Highly recommended highly thrilling and moving "history lesson"
supermaggie28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is amazing on multiple levels. There is for one (which might explain some bad reviews) the fact that a wonderful comedian/actor/producer and director of incredible funny movies/TV shows managed to create a thriller, and not just any thriller, but a political, historical, based on true events thriller, which is authentic, believable and moving. I love Michael Herbig most for his funny stuff, but one cannot deny his bandwidth as an actor and director, his acting in the thriller Four against the bank was hilarious, his movie Buddy was heartwarming and touching, but still: his genius mostly shows in his comedy stuff - so far. Now he brought the true story of two families on the big screen (a story that I was familiar with for pretty much all my life since the families settled down in a neighbortown in the 80ies and I remember the repair shop of one of them - I also remember the border and the depressing atmosphere there/where many people died - shot trying to escape). And this story is a gripping one. You wouldn't believe it if it wasn't true. A story about families, about a misanthropic system (where people on each side were victims pretty much), a torn country and most of all, of course, a sensational escape. A lot of suspense, a lot of great actors (including a handsome Thomas Kretschmann - who escaped the GDR in 1983 himself - turned into an ugly secret police agent and performing (creepily and) brilliantly), a great eye for (historical) details - if you want to know some of the burdens that happened to (white, European, non-Nazi) Germans (yes, they had to suffer, too) after the war, this is an entertaining, thrilling, moving, accurate way of doing it. Highly recommendable. A history lesson that is also a thriller - what else can you wish for.
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They go for greatness, they don't come close at all
Horst_In_Translation5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Ballon" is a new 2018 movie from Germany and probably one of the most talked-about films of the year from my country. This film did receive an additional boost because it was directed by Michael Bully Herbig, very well-known here in Germany as a filmmaker, and he is also part of the writing staff. Most people when hearing the name Herbig think of the man's comedies, but here he enters the drama genre for once and I heard he plans to stay there. I don't know if it is the right choice. I think this film's imdb rating is far too high and the other reviewer is correct that this is really not a good movie. It runs for pretty much exactly two hours and tells the story of a family who plans to escape from the GDR to West Germany with the help of a gigantic balloon. It is never an engaging thriller in my opinion. It all feels false and for the sake of it with one scene following the next where they try to show us how close they are to getting caught and how risky their endeavor is. But yeah, maybe it is partially subjective, but it feels like drama for the sake of drama and the story deserves way better. It almost feels like one of these pseudo-important ProSieben blockbuster films in my opinion (fittingly with Herbig's roots). And there is some cringe to it too. Like when they play some board game and one character says "go to jail". Or earlier when one characters asks where he is escaping to this summer with a reference to their flight, but all he meant was escaping in the sense of travelling to which country for the holidays away from the stress. So yeah, it is neither very witty nor very creative and there's tons of these moments. Also how close they come in their first attempt or when they actually succeed and the balloon is touching some electricity cable or that they will not make it early on again. Or that they are not getting enough material to make the balloon etc. It never felt like authentic drama. Or the scene with the "asking for help" note near the American embassy or so when the boy acts all weird to save the situation. Yep, the exact boy who messes everything up almost at the very end when telling the girl he likes that they are leaving and if she wants to go with them. No, teenage love does not explain this garbage story line.

I would not say Bully is the problem here. His direction is solid for sure, but the script is really important. Kinda fitting that one of very few decent moments is near the end when they succeeded (of course) and the Franconians they meet tell them funnily they are not in the West, probably because the film really has no right to take itself seriously the way it does. Not at all. Another okay moment was the nurse who finds out from the child about the plans and how she reacts to it when questioned by the officers. Other than that, it is mediocre popcorn cinema, but it is nowhere near being one of Germany's best films of the year, probably not even best films on the subject of the GDR of the year 2018 to be honest. It is true that they made so many films about this era and yes there's still new ones coming out that are very much worth seeing. This is not one of them. Schuch's and Kusche's stunning looks cannot save the day here at all. And I am not a great fan of Mücke either. The way he seems to channel Bully's acting and line delivery is especially tough to watch during the first half. A thumbs-up to Kross though who wasn't as bad as I expected and to Kretschmann who was a formidable main antagonist at times, perhaps the best thing from the film and a true scene stealer occasionally. But yeah, the story kills all the film's hopes really. It wants to be great, it ends up extremely mediocre and that is still a generous description. Watch something else instead and I am not sold at all by Bully as an influential drama film director, certainly not after the very flawed outcome we got here.
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Exciting staged and true story. It is worth it ..
hxr-8444127 April 2019
The change from Herbig was worthwhile. You can hardly breathe in the 2 hours of the movie. A brilliant German actor ensemble gives itself the honor. Among others, Thomas Kretschmann, who brilliantly plays the diabolical Stasi lieutenant colonel. Figures with which one can identify oneself exist on both sides. However, it seems completely exaggerated that an IM could be on every corner. In Berlin in front of the hotel and the embassy for sure. But in a small village? However, it is credible that even a deaf party member wants to see West TV. But one immediately thinks of a trap. Likewise, one should be careful with jokes about the party chairman. I am looking forward to more "serious" films by Herbig.
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Best Bully Herbig movie
saimen-ti3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
By far the best Herbig film. The story tells the true adventure of a German family who want to escape from the GDR. The film is very exciting and a novelty of the director who is otherwise known exclusively for comedy.

The actors are rather unknown but play roles very authentically.

In his new film adaptation, Michael Bully Herbig depicts the escape preparations as a breathtaking race against time. The self-confessed Hitchcock fan succeeds in creating several scenes whose montage and sound design are reminiscent of the legendary master of suspense.

The fact that the film, designed with such attention to detail, comes across so powerfully is due not least to a clever directorial decision: Bully didn't create the giant flying machine on the computer, but shot it with a real tethered balloon.
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