The Day Shall Come (2019) Poster

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Not a patch on Four Lions, but you can never go too far wrong with Chris Morris
Bertaut31 October 2019
It can't be easy to write effective political satire at a time when the headlines of The Onion and Waterford Whispers don't read that differently from the headlines of The New York Times and The Guardian. As we find ourselves in an epoch where many public figures have become the satirical apotheoses of themselves, it becomes more and more difficult to satirise either them or the institutions that enable them. Difficult, but not impossible, certainly not for a satirist as talented as the legendary Christopher Morris, who was pedalling 'fake news' long before Donald Trump claimed that he won the popular vote or that the people of France were chanting his name during protests against Emmanuel Macron.

Written by Morris and Jesse Armstrong and directed by Morris, The Day Shall Come is inspired by real-life cases such as the Liberty City Seven and the Newburgh Sting, and aims its satirical ire at the FBI's operating procedure regarding domestic terrorist cells. And as one would expect from Morris, it's darkly comic until it turns deadly series, a transition that drives home that, yes, what the FBI is doing is farcical and satire-worthy, but so too is it destroying lives, and that isn't especially funny. It's a very delicate balancing act, but Morris pulls it off for the most part. As the world is coming to increasingly resemble a Harold Pinter play, Morris's is a voice that deserves to be heard, and although The Day Shall Come isn't a patch on the superb Four Lions (2010), it's still a bitingly funny study of institutionalised paranoia.

In Miami, impoverished Moses Al Shabaz (a superb Marchánt Davis) is a self-proclaimed preacher and the leader of Star of Six, a revolutionary group that aims to overthrow the "accidental dominance of the white people". However, there are significant problems; Moses and his wife Venus (the awesome Danielle Brooks) are close to being evicted, whilst Star of Six has no money and only four members. Moses also has mental health problems - his plan to overthrow white dominance is to call upon the dinosaurs he says are held in stasis by the CIA; he also believes he can talk to his horse; and he's convinced that both God and Satan are speaking to him through a duck. However, despite having the "threat signature of a hot dog", Star of Six end up on the FBI radar, monitored by Agent Kendra Glack (Anna Kendrick). With Glack's superior, Agent Andy Mudd (the always fantastic Denis O'Hare), determined to uncover "the next 9/11", he orders Glack to find evidence that Star of Six is engaged in terrorist activity, and if no such evidence exists, then she should fabricate some, because it's easier to manufacture a fake terrorist than it is to find a real one.

The Day Shall Come was inspired by real-life incidents such as the Liberty City Seven (where seven unemployed construction workers were convicted of terrorist activities after a sting operation in which the FBI persuaded them to begin planning for an attack on Chicago) and the Newburgh Sting (where the FBI manipulated four Muslims to agree to shoot down American aircraft flying out of Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, NY, with all four convicted of terrorist activity). After hearing about the Liberty City Seven in a British TV news piece, Morris started to do research, learning that the absurdities involved in that case were not confined to one investigation. Indeed, since 9/11 it had become standard operating procedure for FBI informants to actively encourage persons of interest to engage in terrorist activities, which, of course, strays dangerously close to entrapment.

Like most of Morris's work, The Day Shall Come is a Juvenalian satire. It's not as funny as The Day Today (1994) or Brass Eye (1997), but then again, what is? However, there are plenty of laughs to be found here. For example, there's the terror suspect who an FBI informant is trying to get to dial a number to detonate a nearby bomb, but who refuses to press the five button, proclaiming, "I'm scared of fives. Five is evil", to which Mudd, who's listening in on the conversation, reacts by screaming, "did we know he was a pentaphobe?" Because that's a real thing.

Especially funny is the exchange between Mudd and Glack as Mudd explains that to diffuse the nuclear emergency declared by the Miami PD, she must also declare a nuclear emergency. Mudd explains, "the emergency exists. And you can't take control of something if you're saying it doesn't exist." To this, she asks, "if we say, "Yes, it exists", isn't that the same as declaring a nuclear emergency ourselves?" To which he answers, "the logic only works if you say it slowly. Keep the contradictory elements apart." And when she points out "I'd look insane", he assures her "only if you say it fast." This exchange is a pretty good example of the type of comedy featured throughout the film, layering the ridiculous on top of the farcical, with a very definitive Armando Iannucci vibe, recalling some of the more irreverent conversations in In the Loop (2009) and the criminally underrated The Death of Stalin (2017).

Elsewhere, Chief of Miami PD Settmonk (James Adomian) gives us another good example of Morris's use of absurdity when he argues, "unarmed white man, unarmed black man. Which one is more likely to have the gun?", a line that's hilarious on its own, but profoundly troubling when applied to a real-world context (as all good satire should be). A similar line is Mudd's argument that if they didn't go after terrorists so forcefully, the American way of life would be under threat, and "the next thing you know, the Statue of Liberty's wearing a burqa and we've beheaded Bruce Springsteen." Again, a funny line, but given the irrational hysteria and baseless paranoia that forms the basis of how so many Americans feel about Muslims, once again, there's a very serious component at work here.

On the film's official website, Morris states that the film "reflects how institutionalised paranoia corrupts our thinking." The line about the Statue of Liberty is a good example, but so too are the multiple references to a "black jihad". This is a concept that seems laughable to sane ears, but is not so far-fetched when one considers that 31% of Americans believe a race war is imminent. However, Morris never allows the film to become didactic, and again, the Statue of Liberty line is a good example; Morris is addressing hugely important issues, but without ever talking down to the audience. He's irreverent and sarcastic, but never condescending or patronising. Of course, as anyone familiar with The Day Today or Brass Eye will know, Morris has a talent for viciously critiquing social ills without sounding preachy.

Towards the end of the film (which becomes very dark), Morris distils everything down to a very simple maxim - the conduct of the FBI may be absurd, but it has a very real human cost. We can (and probably should) laugh at the bureaucratic nonsense, procedural ineptitude, and shocking amorality, but that does not imply we should laugh at the results. The FBI's operational norms may be the stuff of farce, but those norms are putting real people (who are almost exclusively poor and black or brown) in jail for a very long time. Which turns out to be a not especially funny punchline.

The Day Shall Come isn't Morris's best, but it is still Chris Morris, and so it deserves attention. Irreverent, condemnatory, and politically incendiary, the film posits that the FBI is doing more harm than good as they target poor communities in the hopes of finding someone (anyone) planning the next 9/11. And if they can't find someone, they'll create that someone themselves. All in the name of good optics. As funny as it is, the film is also bracing and, by the time the end credits roll, extremely sobering.
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The writing and dialogue are the real MVP here.
grahamcammack27 October 2019
I'm a huge fan of Chris Morris. Ever since stumbling on The Day Today one evening on BBC 2, I've found his output to be pretty much spot on. Four Lions is easily one of my favourite films, and Brass Eye is one of the few perfect comedy series I've ever seen.

With that said, The Day Shall Come is less of an outright comedy than Four Lions, and may alienate some fans due to the American setting, mostly unknown cast, and relatively stripped back levels of humour. Does that mean it's not a good film? Absolutely not. Does it mean that anyone who expected an out and out comedy in the vein of FL will go away disappointed? Quite possibly, and I'd wager that the lower scores on here are testament to that.

On the whole, the cast do a great job. Moses is an inherently likeable character, and for that reason I found myself rooting for him a fair bit. His wife was played in a similarly loveable manner, and the two of them had a great deal of chemistry.

Anna Kendrick (of whom I'm not really a fan) has some great lines and is very believable as an FBI agent with one eye on career advancement and the other on, you know, functioning like an actual human being.

The rest of the supporting cast are all perfectly fine, with nothing really standing out as bad to me at least.

Where the film really shines is in the dialogue however. I won't quote it here, but there's one line about a toy weapon that made me howl, and another gag about mangos which had me chuckling after the movie was done.

In all, it's a good comedy and a superb satire, but recalibrate your expectations accordingly. This isn't a British film, it's an American one with some excellent writing from a British national treasure. Go in with as little foreknowledge as possible and you'll enjoy it. Just don't expect another Four Lions.
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Good but not as good as Four Lions.
torrascotia16 September 2019
I am just back from the first public showing of this movie in the UK at the Cameo Edinburgh. This was billed as having a Q&A session with Chris Morris, usually this means the director is in London and its a satellite link up but no, he was actually here. My initial thoughts about the film was that its a very funny in a similar vein to Four Lions, its about inept would be terrorists and the authorities on their tail. The spin with this movie is that the FBI are out to entrap and this time its black Muslims in the vein of the 5% nation or nation of Islam. The main reason this does not feel as impactful is that the terrorist events which informed four lions are somewhat in the past. Four lions felt very immediate as there was a perception these events could happen anytime. With the war on terror on American soil now wound down, The Day Shall Come does not have the same weight. Its masterfully written and hysterically funny in parts however the premise that the FBI/authorities are as inept and that they only arrest and convict innocents will not go down well in some places. The fact that the terror threat has greatly reduced hints that they must be doing something right? And that is the main difficulty of the film. The fact that the war of terror strategy has worked not only counters the narrative of the film, the reduced threat means its no longer as current as Four Lions was. The cast and directing are excellent as is the dialogue and there are many shockingly great twists. It does feel an odd choice to use the black Muslim movement as a focus for the movie, I will be watching with interest how they respond to it. As for the Q&A with Chris Morris? There werent many questions from the audience as people seemed a bit intimidated by his intelligence. He did go on to explain his research suggested the FBI were the biggest "recruiter" of terrorists and explained how. I feel he will be doing alot of explaining once this hits the theatres. Highly recommended although thankfully things have moved on since Four Lions, which is surely a good thing.
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Disjointed but worth watching
Pairic13 October 2019
The Day Shall Come: Chris Morris directs a dark comedy/satire/thriller along the same grounds as Four Lions but this one doesn't quite reach the Lion's level. It strays into SpyFi with the constant monitoring through drones cctv, wires, hidden bodycams. Morris says that this is based on 100 true tales of LEAs in the US entrapping hapless individuals incapable of carrying out any real attack. Moses (Marchant Davis) is the leader of a small cult which worships Jesus, Black Santa, Muhammad and Toussaint Louverture, a duck told him to found it (when he doesn't take his medication animals speak to him). His small group based in Miami is dragged into an elaborate plot involving a false Sheikh, guns, uranium and a horse.

The film is quite funny in parts but it doesn't hang together so well. The FBI/Police office politics, insults and wisecracking involving Anna Kendrick, Denis O'Hare and James Adomian seem divorced from the main plot yet they seal Marchant's fate. Things perhaps get over-complicated when a nazi gang are introduced as end customers for the uranium. Worth watching and with a running time of 88 minutes it doesn't drag but I was expecting better from Morris. 6/10.
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A black comedy of the highest order
elementrider21929 September 2019
Quick fire dialogue from fully realized characters in a well shot fable about misunderstanding well intention people with different ideas
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Massive disappointment
muamba_eats_toast23 October 2019
I had been looking forward to this film forever as four lions is possibly my favourite film of all time and still has me roaring with laughter after multiple views. However where four lions got things right this film misses the mark and didn't even bring the smallest of chuckles from me at any point a remarkably average film and just not funny enough for a supposed comedy.
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Interesting, but fails to impress
Djervig29 September 2019
The Day Shall Come has a lot of interesting ideas going for it, and the first half hour of the movie is great, but unfortunately it does not manage to develop into anything interesting. The protagonists family and friends are a charming bunch but unfortunately they are 2-dimensional props in the universe. The drama between them feels too hastily executed and forced. Despite the potential for more their relationships never seem develop in any significant way. The premise is strong, but the absurdity and incompetence of both the government agencies and the protagonist makes it hard to get invested in the problem. What bothered me the most was the story featured several themes that I didn't think added anything substantial to the story or could have been used better. Especially the story around the crane felt like a missed opportunity to keep the misunderstandings rolling.

All in all it felt like a four lions knock off. It had a few laughs, but wasn't nearly as funny.
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Had promise but fell fast
Runrig28 September 2019
I was hopeful starting this. Granted watching the trailer, tells you pretty much everything you need to know without wasting time on the movie itself.

It just doesn't get going. Anna Kendrick just turned up read her lines, collected her paycheck and still waits for that vehicle that can show her talents.

Chris Morris, can and has done so much better. The absurdity was just too much and if dialed back just a few notches could have come over as a scarily accurate portrayal of how things play out. There are setup pieces that painful to watch as you can see them coming as soon as a given line is spoken.

Could have been something.
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Based on a hundred true stories
babybuletgani1 November 2019
"Based on a hundred true stories," as the title card reads, Morris' second feature finds the darkest humour in the most lunatic home truths. Examining how the FBI were out to lure antiAmerican groups into acts of terrorism to stop them being terrorists, the Miami-set story sees a field office train its sights on a revolutionary named Moses Al Shabaz (Marchánt Davis). Leader of the skeletal Star of Six, Moses is out to save AfricanAmerican communities, even banning guns from his group. But he's mentally troubled, believing God and Satan talk to him via a duck. It's when FBI agents try to entrap him via a snitch (Kayvan Novak) and turn him into an arms dealer that the farce really kicks in, like a Dr. Strangelove for the 21st Century. Morris and co-writer Jesse Armstrong set up the FBI - with the exception of Anna Kendrick's G-Woman Kendra - as clownish, somewhat softening the intended blows. The satire doesn't quite hit as hard as earlier Morris projects, nor is it as funny. But it's still brimming with ideas and, in his first feature-length role, the charismatic Davis is a real find.
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The day has come when Chris Morris is wide of the mark
sorearm16 October 2019
Something is wrong with this film. It feels weak in all departments: cinematography, acting, writing, sound, pacing. It's as if the cast and crew were all democratic in their willingness to not show their talents. By the hour mark, it became clear this film was gasping for breath and last half hour felt like a runner paralysed down one side lurching toward the finish line.

I don't think it's a bad assumption to expect humour from a Chris Morris project, with Jesse Armstrong writing as well. However, even the occasional clever turn of phrase didn't press the right buttons to stop this viewer from realizing this is a rubbish film

The very end also didn't sit right. One day, Chris Morris will give a talk at the BFI or on FilmFour about his mostly successful career, whereas the actors from TDSC might not have a career by then because their performances are nothing to write home about and that is simply because they were not given anything but scraps to work with.
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Really good but...
rmccoy06199 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Heartbreaking!!! If this is truly how our government systems are going about terrorism, by creating more terrorists then actually going after them, America will no longer be United anything.
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Avoid at all cost
Gordon-1113 November 2019
Despite Anna Kendrick's presence, I find this film rather unwatchable. This film tells an unbelievable story which is offensive and just plain horrid. The characters are not likable, the plot is hateful and the so called comedy just is not funny at all. Avoid at all cost.
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Interesting, well acted but runs out of ideas
stevefrancyclancy12 October 2019
Enjoyed it, but expected a less predictable ending.
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Sadly lacking
slyfoxy-290-5994187 October 2019
The film will get you in your seat because of how much it leans on you previously enjoying Four Lions and sadly this film doesn't live up to it. Instead I have to compare to Four Lions to say where it goes wrong.

Unlike Four Lions there is no real character to attach yourself to. In FL Omar is a relatively smart man, leading idiots in his terrorist plans but in this movie everyone is played as an idiot in some form or another which makes everything feel so slapstick.

There's also no real plot. In FL we're watching would be terrorists try to act out an attack, there's no real narrative here. It's directionless and at no point do you care about anything that's going on. You're just a long for the ride.

There's some good comedy to be had but it's paced poorly compared to FL and with the movie ending on a maybe an even darker ending than FL it means you leave the cinema with a fairly down experience with the message being thrown down your throat compared to how subtle FL was.

Overall it might be worth giving it a go if you like Four Lions, you'll seem some similarities but honestly I'd say don't bother, go watch that instead and you'll feel more enriched.
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RosanaBotafogo20 April 2023
After making a deal to keep his family from being evicted, a self-proclaimed revolutionary finds himself embroiled in an FBI plot to frame him. A poor Miami preacher is given money to save his family from eviction, but he has no idea that his sponsor works for the FBI and plans to turn him into a criminal.

I never really liked comedy, much less those senseless slapsticks, but lately my sense of humor has been very cold, less than what refers to the cinematographic world, because I found one for this film, innocent jokes, acidic humor in very bad taste and Racial, xenophobic, misogynistic and homophobic, all hateful, big names for a small movie...
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Anna Kendrick gets the 3
fewsternoble29 September 2019
What a shame, thought this would be good. Not a good watch, rather boring, at least Anna Kendrick was in it, why, i don't know, low point i think she would rather forget. 3 for Anna only, the film had nothing
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ukheather22 December 2019
Not remotely funny, pretty much unwatchable and I usually watch even bad films to the end to give them a chance but this is unbearable
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Too High Expectations
Freethinker_Atheist4 January 2023
I belong to that group of people who think that The Day Today, Brass Eye, Jam and Four Lions are works of a genius: Chris Morris. Because of this, I naturally expected this movie to be very intelligent, and funny as hell. Unfortunately, it wasn't. In fact, I laughed maybe twice in the beginning and then no more. Maybe the problem is that this movie was made in the US. For some reason, when very funny British comedians make movies in the US, or with American actors, their movies feel American, I mean, somehow commercial, which makes them be boring. The same with this movie. The dialogs between the FBI agents were just unbearable. And why is Anna Kendrick in this? Apart from not really fitting into this movie, I don't even understand why she is so famous. Sorry, I don't think she is a good actress. But then, everyone else in this movie wasn't great either. I feel sad writing this, since I really like Chris Morris' work. This story is important, and should be a serious movie, a thriller, an action movie, not a comedy.
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An 8 for what could have been
stephyr-882561 October 2019
We often see this type of misfire in horror (an horror movie that takes itself seriously but would have done better by embracing its absurdity or the opposite, a movie that jokes which kills the much needed tension.)

I will not spoil anything, but I believe there was something in this movie, something under the absurdity and a story to tell. Anna Kendrick did a wonderful job as usual, she is just a gem. But point remains that this movie hesitated before the jump and fell in-between. A good comedy of that genre requires one of the two, someone who takes things seriously while others don't, or someone who doesn't take things seriously while others do. We need a contrast, this movie should have been more grounded.

It's funny, it's good, but it could have had an 8 out of 10. I give it the 8 out of 10 because I am pretty sure most people won't discuss the potential it had on here and just bash.

Again, there is something in this movie, it's just not fleshed out properly.
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The Ending Shall Come
ZestyLimeStudios17 October 2019
Saw the trailer for this film and it looked like a good watch, how ever i was not that impressed by this film.

The way me and my mate saw the film was some people preaching some organisation with the FBI trying to set them up, in reality it sounds good, but tbh, if you take the jokes out of the film, not that there were that many jokes, albeit some good ones, the film would of been very flat with a lot of talking, the talking scenes just seemed a bit dull in a way. There was probably about 20 of us in this showing and yea there was some laughs from other people throughout the film but you could tell it wasn't eye watering funny, not that its meant to be super funny.

I personally don't understand the high reviews, i won't go away from this film talking about it to anyone or remember it in the future.

But at least i got to see the gorgeous Anna Kendrick for 1 Hour & 27 Mins

Age - 25 Cinema: Cineworld Stevenage 2D Normal Screen, Unlimited Card Watch, Avoid, Consider: Might as well watch if you have unlimited card, avoid if your looking for a super funny film & consider if your interested in true story's.
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Yes I get it...
fingazmc6 September 2020
I get the message and everything, I also love Chris Moriss' films and TV shows, so believe me, I DO GET IT! But there's just something missing ESPECIALLY a decent ending. If it went on for another half an hour or so it could of had a proper resolution, because for me it never properly got going. Funny in places, quite a few actually, but still not as good as 'Four Lions' or his TV work.
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Dillued, not funny and boring.
stuartbillinge14 October 2019
The almost patronising level of satire seems to ruin what could have been a decent enough film, I have enjoyed Chris Morris' work in the past. I laughed maybe twice. The film seems to rely on the fact I am so ridiculously stupid I won't be able to understand what satire is, I wonder the problem was in the editing. Glad its over.
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waste of time
havana_15 October 2019
Watched the first 30 mins then left ...... cheesy as $#%!
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Really liked it
kellylane1712 October 2019
Actually really liked this film. I don't really understand the bad reviews, deserve much more then a 5. Really makes you think. Would recommend people watch this.
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I wish it hadn't
chrishc21 October 2019
I think Morris is great. I love his radio 1 shows, on the hour, the day today, brass eye, jam, blue jam, four lions et al. This film was one I had to force myself to watch, despite the initial 10 minutes flashing warning lights in my brain. Some people - bands - books - films have a surge of brilliance, which is followed by meandering useless crap. Here is a good example of that. Its not funny. Its just pointless and boring. Plus some incredibly poor and cack handed acting. This is my opinion. You may think this is a fantastic film. You may not. I don't really care. Watch it and find out.
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