The Forest (TV Mini Series 2017) Poster


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Okay, intriguing, but also full of unlikely stuff
bbosma-2440328 May 2021
It was worth watching but not really super captivating. There were a number of good characters and interesting subplots, but Virginia - who is pretty much the main character - is the worst police officer in history and in any realistic scenario would have been thrown off the case and probably out of the force by her new boss within the first day.
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Solid acting and nuanced storytelling
joanhelen-724745 July 2018
A satisfying binge. I highly recommend watching this while NOT folding the laundry. That way you can be present for the entire story and enjoy the excellent acting and well-told, suspenseful murder mystery.

What another reviewer identifies as "tropes" were not actually dramatized as such -- the female detective did not get more involved or emotional than you would expect for someone searching for her missing daughter (filmmakers were actually quite restrained in how they presented this). Also, there weren't any of the stereotypical ego clashes between the outsider and the insiders on the police force. The new captain did indeed recently move to town and only the first episode depicted the awkwardness of this dynamic, and what was shown would be natural to this plot detail. It wasn't an ongoing part of the story in the way it would be on a prime time American drama. In fact, I enjoyed that there wasn't any development of the stereotypical "clash" between the new captain and his staff (that would have been a trope).

I would say this show is on par with Broadchurch in terms of acting and production quality but with a slightly more simplistic and traditional story and resolution. Most implausibilities had decent explanations and probably more so than do the typical crime drama. The acting and unfolding of the story were nuanced, and restraint was used with plot details that could have become cliche.

I especially enjoyed the story's two intertwined layers - the search for the missing girls and the teacher's search for her identity.
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Good weekend mini-binge series
pronto19668 July 2018
Occasionally, I like "mini-binge watching netflix" with my wife on the weekend. One of my gripes about most series is that they start strong but eventually the story line degenerates into a typical soap opera, the premise is lost, the series drags on and on, and the conclusion(if they ever get to one) is unsatisfactory.

That does NOT happen in the little gem.

This series is short enough that you can get the satisfaction of finishing it over a weekend. The story is really good with enough layers to keep things interesting, the acting/character development is great, and the very final scene/conclusion is good.

It's dubbed, (french language movie) but after one episode, you won't even notice it.

Well done.
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Taut writing and direction, marred by comically over-the-top performance from Clément
msghall6 July 2018
This series has faults but it kept me intrigued until the end. Unlike many Netflix-derived European series these days, this one has competent camera work, disciplined direction and a taut script. Sure, there's some fallible plot points and drawn-out scenes that could have been excised. The incompetent deputy ineptly played by Suzanne Clément almost derails the whole thing, causing me to burst out laughing at the wrong moments, negating the intended dramatic tension. Despite those drawbacks, the cast is solid, the story involving though perhaps far-flung at points. Worth a look even with its drawbacks. I enjoyed it and looked forward to each episode. I can't say that for many Netflix series these days.
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Intriguing from beginning to end
lbg11142 July 2018
I thought this was really well done. Every one of the 6 episodes contained some kind of revelation and cliffhanger that kept me going onto the next one. I binged watched this series in about 3 days and really enjoyed it. Interesting characters and a plot that kept you guessing. Highly recommended.
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Eve in the Forest - Engaging but too many holes.
harineem-209-52548817 July 2020
I binge watched it so definitely keeps you engaged. The Broadchurch inspiration is telling unfortunately the writing is nowhere near it and the police captain is no David Tenant. The good part is some solid acting by the cast, excellent locations and the initial episodes do create the aura of mystery. The worst part is the characterisation of the cops. Literally every bit of evidence and finding is found by the French teacher Eve. The actress who played the lady cop was very good but the character deplorable. She always look dishevelled, in India you would get fired if you turned up that way. Every bit of evidence is shared with everyone in the village by her, doesn't listen to her boss, acts irrationally most of the time, messes up critical evidence, lets go of a key witness and worst part sits on a missing girl's case claiming its a prank. And her all out drive when its her own daughter is sickening, no objectivity as a cop. The captain cop plays really dull, the only bright characters are Eve , her father, Oceane's father and Oceane. And the motive for the murders ,after watching close to 6 hours doesn't get even 6 secs.You are left wondering why..
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Immersive tale of crazy crimes
sarahjayweckerling11 July 2018
I binged this series in one night because I desperately needed a break from reality. For this purpose, it's a very good pick , provided you like beautifully-shot forest scenes and don't mind the borderline insane plot that seems to come with many French miniseries productions. It's got a very nice soundtrack, it's a wild ride overall and it makes a good effort to connect all the loose ends in its last episode, with touching symbolism thrown in as a garnish....What more could one want?
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Doesn't it bother y'all about SO many stupid things the police do?
stecrowd-648656 July 2018
I'm only just starting episode 4 and the whole credibility about even the captain, no nonsense, by the book guy just let's way too much bad procedures of running a station go by. The acting, the scenery is good but they just make way too many screw ups. Well, I guess it would only be a two episode program otherwise. I'll try the rest of it, I guess. Maybe I'm too picky. (no, I just like good stuff!)
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The Forest
Tweekums23 April 2021
This six part French series is set in a village in the Ardennes where a sixteen year old girl, Jennifer Lenoir, has gone missing. Leading the investigation is Captain Gaspard Deke, who arrived in the village the day Jennifer went missing. Soon afterwards two more girls vanish, including the adopted daughter of Lt Virginie Musso. Evidence suggests that Jennifer disappeared in the vast forest which surrounds the village. As the series progresses suspects and motives emerge and events occur which will have a profound effect on those involved. A second mystery is provided by a teacher whose true identity is unknown; she was found near the forest as a young child, with no memory of what had happened to her before that.

I found this to be a gripping mystery. The setting is fairly stunning and added to the atmosphere impressively; the forest surrounding the village created a sense of isolation. Having a newly transferred officer lead the investigation serves well to introduce the viewer to the location and its inhabitants as we learn about things as he does. The resolution is satisfying without being too obvious. There are plenty of tense moments, especially towards the end. The cast does a solid job bringing their characters to life. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of subtitled crime drama.

These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.
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Many Implausibilities ***Spoilers***
Mehki_Girl21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I gave this a 7 because I was entertained.

The plot was okay. Hey real life is weird. And people are never what they seem, so I had no problems with the plot.

However, the implausibilities are tough to overlook and slid into the ridiculous. Spoilers below:

First the female cop would never have been allowed to work the case because it would be a defense lawyer's wet dream.

Next, if they did allow her to work the case, the first slip up and she'd be out, not the tenth and she gets a warning and then continues inappropriate behavior, including found out to have withheld evidence.

An unlocked evidence room???

People can barge into the police station with rifles??? No one noticed?

Is the door to the police station ever locked? Who's minding the store?

And evidence tape is tampered with and it's, oh well. It'll be okay. Again a defense lawyer's wet dream.

She withheld evidence and during the completely inappropriate scene with the two teens threatened them with arrest for withholding evidence. The captain finds out and barely shrugs.

The teens are questioned together. Ones underage but no lawyer. No call to parents. They're left alone to get their stories straight. Nice police work.

Why isn't hubby in jail? What's the age of consent over there? And two people say that saw him leave the house and *he* admitted it. Why isn't he being treated like a suspect and the cop wife, too???

Why are you walking around repeatedly alone in the woods where girls are being murdered? Even after a guy breaks into your home and ends up dead at your house, yet there you are alone in the wood again and again, touching evidence and no one on the police force tells you to cut it out or warns you to not touch anything you find?

Who owns the wolf? But, wait there's no wolves in those parts.

Still living alone after nearly being set on fire!

You now have everyone's DNA. Why not have all of it tested against yours to find out who impregnated and killed your mom? Maybe pops is still around. Oh wait, maybe its the same guy who killed those girls way back and is still killing people and if you share DNA, then... Nope, never occurs to anyone. And you actually believe it's someone in the village and you have everyone's DNA!!! And still, never occurs...

So what's the deal with the circles? How does that tie in? Was the killer also the therapist? I mean he went to a lot of trouble to destroy the tapes.

Believe it or not this series still managed to entertained.
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Excellent but...
Susan-49-6832366 August 2018
No way would a Captain allow his lieutenant to scream at witnesses and act on her own without consulting him...even if it was her daughter missing. She should have been taken off the case immediately or it shouldn't have been her daughter that was missing. Otherwise, excellent drama, good pacing, slow revelations without stupid surprises. Great scenery, good music. A good show of what goes around comes around!
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Suspense elements are absurdly suppressed in this botched script.
chandanshivaramu18 October 2018
Great potential. Some of the lead actor's character developments are zero. A veteran policewoman acting sloppy all the time and even throwing up at the sight of naked dead woman in the forest. Not the hallmark of a decent series. The plot makers never fully explore the mysterious drawings and the life of abandoned protagonist when she was estranged from her mom. When a serial murderer is on the prowl, the girls dont even think they are next and continue doing shady things... Silly and utterly unrealistic. Another big loophole is how memory is handled in human minds.. So many allegories but none impactful or shocking. Its a disjointed effort for a superior story.. I wish David Fincher was one of the executive producers of this gem..
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Worst cop ever
fashionb-221-2985721 April 2021
That Virginie person might be the worst cop I ever saw on TV.
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As the French Say: "Bof" ("Meh")
petitlapin-592185 July 2018
It seemed like the perfect binge-watch for a rest day, on many levels: first off, I wanted something "dark, murderous, and set in the woods." You know, like "Hinterland" or "Trapped" or "The Tunnel" or "Marcella" with a dash of "Twin Peaks" mixed in. Voilà, here comes this French murder-mystery, set in the woods in a small village near Belgium, where some young girls mysteriously disappear (I won't say more here). It fit the bill! Not only that...but yesterday, we happened to listen to a podcast centered around a true story about 18th-century disappearances of young women in the woods near their French I was very excited for this show.

It wasn't to be. This review won't contain spoilers -- but the show does that all by itself! I knew what would happen before it happened. After every big "reveal," I was saying, "Ben, voilà" and eye-rolling at the TV screen while working on other things. It wasn't really entertaining, and contained OH so many tropes of the genre: female detective who gets "just a bit too involved"; head detective from another place, sent to the small town he's not used to; even a nod to Native American/forest mysticism (hence the "Twin Peaks" feel).

Anyway, maybe we've all had too much of a good thing and there aren't any more original, creative police procedurals to be made (but I hope it's not the case!). Watch this if you're folding laundry or sick and bored, and want something to pass the time. Just don't expect a ton from it.
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Intriguing and Atmospheric Chiller
Sjhm3 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The series is atmospheric, chilling, and the truth when revealed is sordid and shocking.

The story follows Captain Gaspard Decker as he arrives in a small, close knit village as it's new Police Chief. He's barely arrived when a local teacher, Eve Mendel, expresses deep concern about a missing girl.

Decker is a former soldier, who is clearly supposed to be something of a new broom, he's a little reserved to begin with, while it is clear that his colleagues, especially his Lieutenant Virginie Musso, are cosy and comfortable in their lives and existence in the village, he prefers things to be more formal.

As the case moves on, Virginie's knowledge of the village, and her assumptions are challenged. As her view of the order of things in Montfauchon is turned upside down, Decker's commanding tone, and more reserved manner make more sense to her.

This quiet, and slow-building story might not be to everyone's taste, but it's well-written, well-acted and convincing in its sordidness. Gaspard's authoritative reserve pays dividends as he investigates the crimes, the disappearance of three girls, the cold case from more than ten years before, and the mystery of Eve herself. The scenery is stunning, and as a portrait of a village under extreme circumstances, and indeed the nature of that way of life, it works. Well worth viewing.
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White wolves, white lies
mirkobozic26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This crime series steadfastedly follows in the footsteps of other European whodunnits on Netflix: a small town near a big, dark forest, lots of people with secrets and pasts that should remain hidden. After the ascent of shows like Dark and Black Spot, this one naturally joined into a trio that keeps the same aesthetics and mood. There are even more similarities, both in Black Spot and and Forest everything revolves around the disappearance of a girl where the officer in charge of the investigation happens to be her mother. That's not necessarily a bad thing though it does kill some suspence, making you feel you've seen it before. Here, they're on the hunt for the murderer of the missing girl, Jennifer. That unfolds a sequence of events that lead to tragic consequences. The colors are dark and foggy, the scenery is suitably cold and frightful. There are annoying and predictable details, like the wolf who plays a deux ex machina whenever there's a need for it. There's a lack of attractive and genuinely charismatic characters. One of the few is Oceane, a girl who likes to get into trouble and just can't let it go even when things go terribly wrong. The teacher Eve is the one that the subtle strings of the case somehow always come back to, but for a character central like that, they should have recast, because what we see is someone rather bland and almost autistic. The case and the investigation itself are exciting and keep you on your toes till the very end, which is the most important thing after all. So if you look past a few weak spots, you might get an enjoyable binge.
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Another meaty creation in the line of one-word series
BeneCumb13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This decade has brought along dozens of catchy crime drama series in French, often with short title, e.g. Les Temoins, Le Chalet, La Mante, La trêve, etc., and often resembling Scandinavian thrillers in their own, pleasant French manner. There is no fancy Paris or big city life, but mostly nature, small villages or townships, "small" people with "big" issues...

La forêt is another fine example, with realistic events, thrill, interesting characters, good performances; perhaps some scenes were excessive and/or over-mystified, but as I did not figure out the wrongdoer and all things were explained daintily, it is definitely a 8/10 series at least, excelling most of related U. S. series. Vis-à-vis many reviewers here, I had nothing against the final episode´s structure, not following the usual path of solutions around the wrongdoer´s capture.
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Engaging at first , turns silly , ends badly
xristoff936 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(The review contains mild spoilers , general mentions)

The story is about the disappearances of some girls in a small French town.

The camera work, scenery, music and cast is all good. What is lacking here is the writing of some characters and the plot, which starts quite nicely, builds up a nice mystery but as time goes by, it becomes more and more silly. The female protagonist is the worst police officer ever , always sentimental, irrational and making idiotic decisions one after the other. In real life she would be off the case (if not fired entirely) by the end of second episode and I'm being lenient. That seriously affects the plot and takes away seriousness and drama, at times it becomes laughable and annoying.

Then we have the French teacher. She is all over the place, seeing specific things here and there in the forest , that are not actually there but are also never explained. It is also strange that every single piece of evidence the police has, she is the one who delivers it. In many scenes we waych the same thing again and again, we have her showing up in her motorcycle out of nowhere, takes off the helmet , says she must help, some police officer casually allows her to do so, because "reasons" , and then she runs off somewhere on the woods and comes back with a new finding. It is like the writers had no other idea of how to make the story move forward.....and there were ways.

There were many irrational and repetitive things like these.

One more thing that made the series seem of lesser quality was almost the entirety of last episode, which pretty much is the tombstone of the series. We are approaching the end of the mystery and the revelation of the "bad guy-s . Irrationally has completely taken over, with people of the law acting like they have not the slightest idea of what they are doing, to the point it is almost painful to watch. Then , we have the introduction of our villain. In most cases it is either someone we suspected or someone who seemed completely innocent to us, the audience, as well as to other characters within the story. In this case it is someone barely seen in previous episodes and that reduces the dramatic effect greatly.

All in all , it is somewhat nice to watch as something to pass the time , but have no greater expectations than that.
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A french thriller circled around a beautiful village.
ThironthoramDude10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When a 16 year old school student Jennifer goes missing, Captain Gasper Decker (Samuel Labarthe) and his team goes about investigating. All that they have as lead is the phone call received by the ever mysterious french teacher Eva Mendel (Alexia Barlier) right before the girls disappearance. The series is entirely in french, but was riveting enough for me to ignore that fact. It comes with the usual share of mystery, lies and thrill.

The 6 episode series starts pretty strongly with the first two episodes moving the story along at a brisk pace. All the characters are introduced and some of the prime suspects are introduced and nullified in quick succession. The story takes a turn when the missing child ends up dead and that is followed by two more girls going missing. The story, as the title says centers around a forest in the outskirts of the village where there had been instances of kids gone missing decades ago.

The series however loses its pace as quickly as it had gained it and the next couple of episodes were slow and meandering aimlessly until it gains momentum yet again to end pretty strongly in the 5th and 6th. The makers did close out most of the loopholes surrounding the narrative and some of the 'surprise elements' were quite guessable.

This limited mini-series is yet another super catch by Netflix and it pretty much holds its own among other Netflix bigwigs like Dark, The Five, Broadchurch et all, for most of it. The character development, the cast, the locations and bgm were all top notch and thoroughly enjoyable even though i did not understand a word of what was said. I would suggest it for anybody who is into the Netflix genre of mystery series's.
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Slow but captivating
anarchronox3 April 2020
The show has a slow pace which adds to its charm. The gradual pace helps understand the character build up and the show keeps it eerie nature.

However, the show portrays the French police as one of the worst.

1. They regularly share case updates with the town folks.

2. They hide and manipulate/tamper with evidence to save their friends.

3. They let their emotions get in the way of police investigation.

4. They hide facts from their team.

5. They are not all prepared for serious situations. (One policeman was asked to watch over the killing scene, but he didn't have a gun. So, he forgets his sense of duty and starts running after someone approaches the location) 6. The police captain knows that the female detective is incompetent and unable to check her emotions, still he lets her continue with the investigation. I understand that she must be emotionally traumatised but that is not a reason to jeopardise the investigation.
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Excellent miniseries, gripping and entertaining
dereklambe14 June 2020
This is an intelligent, gripping police thriller. Very well paced and hold's ones interest throughout. This shows how top quality TV does not need a huge budget and special effects, just great acting and above all great writing.
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And yet, another thriller about a Forest
gabrielguerena-4786011 July 2018
A kid gets lost in a misterious forest and the whole town goes crazy about it, sounds familiar right? well, I am not here to compare The Forest with Stranger Things and Dark but after watching the trailer and reading the synopsis you could only expect that hopefully it isn't a straight copy of one or another. The show is moody and misterious from the beginning even the characters seem to have doubts about their own past, as soon as the show advances you will start asking alot of questions about the case, the characters, the hints? that they give you etc and that is what makes a good thriller.

Unlike Dark and ST it barely touches the supernatural but don't expect it to be irrelevant because as it goes you will get a lot of hints about that being important.
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Crime drama as soap opera.
lynchiefromsc19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this series because of the positive reviews it's had. Big mistake. Crime novels and Crime TV shows are big business these days, so I suppose it's only natural that they're turned into soap opera fodder. Suzanne Clément as the cop whose teenage daughter goes missing is such a drama queen it's embarrassing. As other reviewers have pointed out, there's no way she would be included in this investigation and there's the scene where she punches out a paedophile suspect during an interview. Seriously? Even funnier is when the crooked dad whose daughter's also gone missing storms into the police station with a hunting rifle. Gimme a break. This would've made a decent 90 minute film if they'd cut out all the histrionics. As a 6 part crime drama, it's a joke.
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Good watch for a rainy weekend
Atrey_Doury16 July 2018
I got into it after ignoring it initially owing to some very negative reviews over a particularly rainy weekend with nothing else to do. After watching it I fail to understand the extent of negativity in those reviews. Admitted it is not a benchmark production. Admitted that it is a bit run - of - the - mill beat - around - the - bush kind of screenplay. Admitted there are no surprises, most of the viewers would have figured out what was going on well in advance from the actual end. And yes, a little ham - acting never hurt anyone. But certainly it is a one time watch and within that confined territory of nothing - else - to - do a not altogether unadvisable way to spend some time. I enjoyed it and would certainly recommend it.
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Great series
ajruston-9234625 November 2018
I love this series!! Although it's only in French, I'm glad they have subtitles! It's a great story line! I can't wait for the next season!
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