Heathers (TV Series 2018) Poster


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New world, new Heathers
panayiotis-character16 March 2018
What would be the point to make another show with popular skinny fashionable girls, jocks who date them and nerds? It's a different world and a new generation is here. Millennials. Everything is about social media fame and the correct minority to be part of. Heathers criticizes our modern era. Kardashians are the modern philosophers, a dog is cuter than a baby, everything you say is offensive, your worth is your followers and the likes your reward. And don't forget. Your are perfect, no improvement necessary. I only hope the rest of the season stays true to the pilot.
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Not as bad as I thought It be!
chucksterb7 March 2018
It is honestly not as bad as I thought it would be based on the trailer! Though yes I have only seen the one episode but I found it comical and it made new modern commentary.
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Would have been better if it was not a heathers reboot
miabid-4352322 January 2023
The tv show would have been good if it wasn't a heathers reboot. It should have been most based off heathers (and not even that) then a reboot. The story is nothing like heathers they only things they needed to change for it to be a entirely different, would have been JD's back story, the names of the characters and the school. And a few plot points. And BOOM new show. Would have been better if they had done that

Also because it was a reboot I would like to add it did not live up to original or even the musical. They could have actually made a good heather reboot but they didn't. If anyone wants any one wants to watch something about heathers that's more modern, watch the west end musical pro-shot.
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An Insult To The Original
sarabeararox18 May 2018
This is a show that missed the point of original. The Heathers are now fat and queer, and are shown as people who are untouchable. But, as a fat queer person currently in high school I can tell you that I am not the head of the school who everyone fears. Another issue with the show is that it attempts to be as violent as the original does not fare well today due to the rise of mass shootings in America. If you wish to see something modern and critical of modern day high schools watch the musical. It has a deep understanding of the original content as well as adds depth to Jason Dean and Veronica's character.
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"the mockery of a forward thinking society"?
Blechtrommel21 April 2018
I take my title from a commentary posted here by user aislinismainame.

I consider myself pretty damn forward thinking myself and I thought the greatest part of this show (which actually should not be seen as a remake of the original Heathers but a rather different take on the same recipe under the light of a new age) was indeed the near mocking of a sort of social thinking that nowadays passes for being forward but is indeed a borderline dictatorship of political correctness. The present-day tyranny of good manners that affects the less informed of the informed should, needs to, has to be mocked by all means. There is nothing straightforward about trying to make revolution against the less sensitive or attacking the prejudiced with our prejudices.

Just for the braveness of being counter-trend, of pointing at the hypocrisy of the social-correctness-junkies, Heathers (the pilot) deserves all credibility and should be cheered as an eye-opener!

Now where is the rest of it??
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The ugly truth
piluca-1579024 July 2018
I've never seen the original movie and I think that's why I found this absolutely amazing. I don't know what's about the original but what I can say about this is that this episodes perfectly reflect the teenage world ( all the narcisistic and media dependence, the worry about getting followers and to be known by strsngers and become famous thing) by a funny and sarcastic way. It brakes with all the high school cliches and I love the new Heathers. Society evolves and the heathers did as well. Also I rated it with a 9 because I hate Veronica Sawyer and everything that she represents. But Heather C and Heather D are iconic and I will love them for the rest of my life.
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Charming and cringe
silveredspirit24 July 2018
It's about offensively sterotypical characters in cliché yet absurd situations where the show keeps switching between taking itself way too seriously vs. feeling like a parody. The characters either give spontaneous pseudo-intellectual speeches or speak exclusively in one-liners. It isn't clear to me why anyone would want to tell a story this way, the writing is just weird. With that being said, I actually find this series entertaining and enjoyable, apart from those moments (you'll know) where I can't help but roll my eyes.
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This show should not have been created.
sallytabaka3 November 2018
Anybody who has seen the original movie knows just from the stills shown here that this tv show is a blatant mockery of the theme of the original screenplay. The original Heathers movie highlights and elaborates on the extreme harshness of children and cliques in high school. the 3 heathers and veronica ARE the most popular kids in school. none of them are outcasts. and it focuses on the fact that Veronica loses her mind and cannot handle the pressures of being the popular kid anymore and plots vicious murders under the guiding hand of a blatant psychopath. This tv show completely misses the point of the movie. The movie elaborates the uninclusivness, and basically mocks it. Making the three heathers fat and queer completely undermines the notion set forward and mocked in the original that people like that cannot be popular. If they wanted to make a tv show that is all inclusive, they should have come up with their own idea. They should NOT have taken the premise of a classic film and completely flipped it to the point where the main point, which the original movie hits spot on, is not even touched. I am shocked that they were even allowed to use the premise of heathers for this TV show. some things are best left alone.
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Good for fans of pitchblack comedy and satire
dschmeding2 September 2018
I don't know the movie, so I don't seriously care how this relates to the original plot and characters. Anyway you look at it ... This is a well made series. Perfect choice of music, awesome camera work, good acting and a good script with many scenes and one-liners that have the capacity to become cult classics.

This show pokes fun at EVERYONE... it waves societys hypocrisy in everyones face. This is not about LGBT or SJW or whatever many are projecting ... its a simple role reversal of the villains when in the end no one even knows who is the villain in this series. Most characters are heavily exagerrated... the cool kids, the nerds and losers, the dumb jocks, the idiotic parents, the teachers... everyone. Many characters are obviously blatant caricatures of real people.

What this show boils down to is pointing the finger on a society obsessed with status and PR work. Everything people do on this show revolves around creating an image. Bullying, suicide, sexual orientation, fashion, lifestyle, school plays and activism... everyone does it with an agenda. If anything fails... kill yourself on camera and create drama to get your five minutes of fame.

Basically it is impossible to say who is the villain because everyone is a selfcentered douche on this show.

Now the funny thing is how this show is being reacted to. One side is outraged because LGBTQ kids are shown to be the bad guys. What used to be jocks and cheerleaders is now an overweight PC girl, a gay drag boy and a black girl pretending to be a lesbian to fit in. The other side takes this show to be on their side for trolling "the left". What is a basic role reversal is heavily projected on and ignoring that everyone in this show is portrayed with negative sides. I don't see this as problematic at all and have to wonder about the heavily politically biased reviews and comments on this show.

What is problematic is a society that reacts exactly as depicted in this show. Because this show is about an ignorant society where everyone bullies the other and feels to be the victim, uses victimhood to become a perpetrator and plays everyone for his own agenda. The end of this show is just perfect and spot on about how hypocritical society is dealing with subjects like school shootings, teen suicide, bullying etc. So basically dropping the show because its too edgy in light of the thousandth school shooting is exactly what this show points the finger at.

And the funniest thing is... even when Paramount used this tactic to get attention and sell this show for a lot of money. Still its exactly what "Heathers" is criticising at its core. So the way people react is perfect in how they have got the mirror shoved in their faces with this show.

What looks like a trendy show with hip kids and cool editing has some serious subjects at its core that seem to fly over a lot of peoples heads because they are so self obsessed. Its like the teachers who wonder if they could have listened to the kids just to go and get drinks instead and plan another hollow PR charade for some TV cameras.

THIS is what the world has become. It may be a pitch black comedy but it created a feedback that is exactly what it points at.
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carlosmiguelvc said it best
therese_petersson22 July 2018
Really, one of the previous reviews, by carlosmiguelvc, said it the best. I adore the irony and tongue in cheek humor of this show. (So far. It remains to be seen if they can maintain it.) It makes a good point.
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Just watch the original
possum-187334 January 2019
Honestly compared to the original, this one is utter garbage. Just go and watch the original.
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Twisted,unpredictable,and Fun.Exactly like how we felt origionally!!!
jaytrain31619725816 August 2018
Without Spoilers:All Bad reviews of this show are biased by the dated origional and only have seen the Pilot!!!!Watch them ALL,then review and you will see lots of Homage and twists that made the OG Movie lacking compared.Watch them all.As a big fan of the Movie...I was breathless we got this Series as a lagacy.The P-Crew did it right!!!!!
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Not quite the same as the original movie, but quite a watch
ganymedes198528 July 2019
It's a mix of Glee, Mean Girls, Gossip Girl and plenty of other high school series loosely using the plot of the 80's nostalgia trip "Heathers". There's a bit of neon, characters use personal color codes, updates to modern society have been made, and in the end we're held up a mirror that isn't bad, but not necessarily nice to watch.
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A disappointment you can count on
olivenwiman23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love Heathers, I highly appreciate the original movie and I love how it was adapted into a musical as that adaptation gave more to the story than the original film; this new adaptation on the other hand leaves much to be desired.

When I found out that they were doing a tv show based on the 80's cult classic I was thrilled, the musical had been adapted so well that the tv show had to do well right?, well, I was wrong.

The decision to set this remake in the setting of today is completely understandable, but what isn't understandable is the character development for any of the characters. It feels like the creators of the show thought that making the heathers into minorities would be hip and inovative, but it destroys some of the main points of the film. The decision to set everything in a scenario that mocks today's media centric society damages so much of the potential that the show could have, and should have been adapted into its own storyline rather than using it as an adaptation behing such a cult classic. It could have been a dark comedy that tackles the issues of eating disorders, rape, peer pressure, bullying, and suicide, just like the film and the musical does; but instead we get a competition on who's the most oppressed, and how that makes them popular, which not only removes a lot of the depth behind the issues otherwise approached, but it almost romanticises suicide and makes it into a popularity contest; and as someone who has struggled with suicide for 9 years I can't take this lightly.

The realest part of the shows so far 4 episodes was the suicide of Heather M, but even that felt extremely forced (just like the references to lines in the original film) and overly dramatic, only to be glossed over in the next episode as if it never happened, not only belittling the issue of suicide, but it also ignores the rule of continuity that stories should follow.

Other than the ignorance towards the original story and the potential that was lost with this adaptation the character building is off the roof awful. Veronica misses her empathy and has simply become a homocidal special snowflake. JD has lost all of the charisma that previous installations of the story pursue, and is instead just some lunatic that seems to kill people just because, rather than falling into the murderous patern after a mistake that lead to the first death of the story. Martha Dunstock, a vital character to the original story, who is suicidal from the bullying and fat shaming she goes through is completely removed; and Ram and Kurt have turned from bullying jocks to two sweet bro's, which sure, it's a nice change for the jock stereotype, but it does nothing but damage the story progression that could have been presented.

Where are the real issues that are approached in previous editions of Heathers, where is the character development, the tackling of absurdity with humour whilst still respecting the issues. Why is it that a film from thirty years ago feels more progressive and genuine than a production made a year ago.

who knows, maybe I'm just a butt hurt heathers fan that wishes that the show would be something it clearly isn't, but I can't ignore how little effort it feels like this production has gone through. Yes, this could be the basis to a good show, but by making it into an adaptation of something it differs from so greatly just damages the production more than it should. I really wanted to give the show a chance, but after 4 episodes I can confidently say that this heathers adaptation is a lost cause that abused its potential.
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Waste of time
aislinismainame26 March 2018
This is quite possibly the worst TV adaption I've ever seen? It completely neglects the message of the original Heathers, not to mention the mockery of a forward thinking society. Everything is horrible, from the script to the acting. I don't think I could ever get back these wasted minutes of my life.
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The most underrated TV show
agexien6 October 2018
If you want to derive a great pleasure from watching this show, which is inevitable, just follow two simple rules: 1) Restrain from comparing it with the original movie -- consider this one as an independent work of art, which it is. The movie and the show have nothing in common, except for the characters' names and some themes. 2) Watch at least 3 episodes before forming an opinion -- don't judge it solely by the pilot! Most ratings and reviews are based only on the pilot, which is totally unfair since it's just 1/10 of the show.

I haven't seen anything that brilliant in years! This show became a victim of PC culture, which contributed to dropping it off the screen.
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Not sure how I feel about this...
superfox_88827 September 2018
Obviously, if you take a movie and stretch it into 10 episodes at 40 minutes each, there has to be twists and turns that didn't happen in the original. Get over it.

The narrative has been updated for millennials, using social media references and lingo that people who grew up with the original film didn't have. You'd have to ask a millennial if they pull that off. Personally, I found it interesting and relevant.

I'm interested to see how the rest of the season develops as I've only watched a couple of eps so far.
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It's not a remake, okay?
standbackandlaugh7 December 2019
I went into this show prepared to hate it, I'm a huge fan of the film and the musical and from the first trailer the glaring differences were clear. So, as a bit of a joke, I watched it. And it was good?

It has flaws- the dialogue can be odd, some characters actions come out of left field and some of the filming choices are questionable but- it's funny.

A huge gripe I and many people had were that the Heathers (popular generic mean girls) had become minorities, it was unrealistic, cruel and had a very boomer-vibe ("the bullies these days are all snowflakes desperate for likes") but these Heathers aren't a clique of popular girls who run the school, they're just trying to survive whilst projecting their image- people don't respect them and they don't respect themselves or each other. It's a school full of kids with more money than identity trying to figure out how to fit in, no one is popular for more than about 3 scenes.

It doesn't follow the original in any way but spirit. It, like the film and musical, is a comment on society: both the fast paced cancel culture of the young and the apathetic pretenses of all the adults in the show. It losely hits the plot points of the movie and has mostly the same names but besides that it's a different story with very different characters (Veronica in particular so don't expect her to be an audience stand in, she's very much doing her own thing)

My advice: if you're a fan of the original/musical skip the pilot (you're not missing much that you don't already know and it suffers the most from the boomer-ness) and enjoy a dark twisty Heathers-ish AU that has an ending more satisfying than either of its predecessors.
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Just no
tophergryan26 October 2018
Thank you for completely destroying a cult classic.
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Drop Everything Assholes and watch the show.
nickeberle8815 March 2018
By far one of the most dark, edgy, honest, and ridiculous shows of recent history. Everything is over the top, from the opening scene to the very last. I found myself clutching my pearls throughout the run of the show. It's not only visually stunning, lots of color used in moderately unconventional ways, but it's very quick whitted. The banter that the cast can clealry naturally execute is supberb. Not one person skips a beat. The diverse cast is what initially drew me in, but I was won over by the nuances of the original and the stage presence of the Heathers. Jawbreaker meets Mean Girls meets Riverdale meets big Big Little Lies... sorta. Just give it a watch, I guarantee you'll laugh at least once. 10s 10s... 10s across the board.
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Should have been it'd own thing.
anglrberts28 January 2021
Listen, I actually managed to sort of like this show. The cast did a good job, Jasmine Mathews as Heather Mac was the true diamond in the rough of this project. The crew, mainly the costume department, clearly cherished the original 80s classic as well as the musical adaption. I'd say the writers team too but the dialogue comes off less homage like and more mocking/parodying the original. I liked Duke and Kurt's storyline most and appreciated the new take on Chandler and the Veronica-JD plot was much better written than people passively and or hate watching the show saw. Overall, this show would have been much better off w/o the Heathers IP attached to it, and as a homage to all satirical and edgy teen media of the 80s and 90s instead. Also in retrospect (I watched this show in 2018) I think the writing and behavior of the school staff was actually quite accurate to how they were reacting and are currently responding to the ever changing social climate. I'm giving it a 7/10 for intentions, honestly it's much more of a 6 but I felt bad.
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Awful Reboot
rizyriawalker3 May 2022
This reboot was terrible, acting and the characters were awful. Heather Chandler is now played by a fat lesbian which is awful, Heather Duke is a man now for some weird reason, Heather McNamara was barley in the show, This version of JD sucks, he was just a wannabe discount of Jughead Jones also he not cute like Slater. Veronica Sawyer was a discount of Betty Cooper. 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
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Dont let the PC/SJW crowd fool you. Its great tv
natepritchard782 August 2018
Ive seen episodes 1-6 even though Paramount got scared and pulled the series. Costing the entire cast and crew work. Its a smart, funny contained retelling of the wonderful movie we grew up loving. This done in tv form guves characters time to develop ublike most movies. Its has a sarcastic tone. The people at Paramount know this. Yet they also know most of society is too stupid to see it. They knew the fake outrage mobs woukd be causing troubles so they pulled it. Hopefully it airs here in the US. If not the internet is wide open.
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It wasn't that bad!
butterfly-2108331 October 2018
I some how got pulled into this random TV show and I would have loved to know how it ended. But because the world is and mess and random stupidity is spinning around us .. other show ends with tons of questions.
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The Grease 2 of our generation
claudiavisser27 March 2018
Every generation has had their fair share of terrible remakes, but this one takes the cake. It is absolute... Crap! Half the time it appears to be making fun of Social Justice Warriors with its depiction of the Heathers, the other half of the time I wondered if the writer had actually seen the original film or if they had just googled a couple of quotes without actually checking which character said which. This show does not stay true to the original Heathers and I would say that if you were craving something that felt like Heathers, you should just stick to the musical (The musical is actually really good). There are zero redeeming qualities to this show and if you haven't seen it yet, don't bother.
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