What the Health (2017) Poster

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What to eat
kosmasp16 February 2018
As another reviewer has stated, I have reservations against the movie being soft on sugar and the effect it has. Now while there might be more factors rather than just the sugar, no one should downplay the effect of it. It's also strange that only the same people are being asked and all of them are very much anti-meat. Having said all that, it's also very strange that certain organisations get sponsored by firms they probably should warn consumers about.

So there is a lot going on and you probably shouldn't just take everything as truth, but don't dismiss it either. The movie may be able to make you think about the way you eat or maybe even change your diet alltogether. The one thing that is necessary while watching though, is being open minded. It does paint quite a dark picture on almost anything we eat, so it won't be easy. But also listen when it tells us about coorporations trying to sell us products they shouldn't be selling us ...
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These reviews.... Jeez
krazyguy10027 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that the narrator was being an idiot when he would call up customer service reps and then act surprised when they couldn't answer his complicated questions. I also agree that this documentary is pushing a vegan agenda in a big way, while ignoring some other important pieces of the puzzle. Like how wheat/bread should be avoided for similar reasons, and that a perfect diet is not just as simple as eating only plants. Downplaying the role of sugar and carbs in diabetes was also a head-scratcher.


C'mon, you 1 star reviewers. 90% of you say that the documentary claims sugar is not bad for you. It never said that. I repeat; IT NEVER SAID THAT. Clearly some of you wanted to hate this from the beginning. This was still a highly enlightening documentary that should make most rational Americans reconsider their diets. If you watched this and took NOTHING useful away from it, then frankly you are in denial.

Some of the negative reviews here started out making sense, and then at the end the reviews would say something that ruined their credibility. One negative review at the end made a statement about how giving up bacon is not worth a couple extra years of life. This is one of the common and most ridiculous things I hear on a regular basis. These people do not get it and probably never will. Food is a means, not an end, and if you are willing to LITERALLY poison your body just because it tastes good then I feel sorry for you. I hope that you find something better to live for one day. Another negative reviewer posed the question, why don't carnivorous animals get cancer and diabetes from eating meat just like we do? FACEPALM. That question is on par with someone trying to debunk evolution by asking why their grandpa isn't a monkey.

In conclusion, this is an insightful and enlightening documentary with a few problematic parts, a clear agenda being pushed, and a bit of a dopey narrator. It should still be more than enough to convince you that the American diet is incredibly dangerous.
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Watch it again
brianhleighton2 June 2017
The negative reviewers here did not watch the full documentary. This documentary is an evidence-based and that's fact. Non USA Government funded research (what I call agendasearch) is presented in this documentary. Without getting too biased I can tell you as a clinician what I have seen a plant-based diet do is amazing. "Look at the research and facts presented and go look for yourself." That was the message I received watching this.

I would have liked to see arguments from the other side, but when your living in a nation that has 30 million people with diabetes it is hard to listen to what has been preached during the rise of so many of these chronic and autoimmune diseases anymore. If you graphed meat consumption starting after WWI as one variable alongside the rise of disease they would both correlate nicely.

When we see a documentary that helps explain the rise of trillion dollar business we can begin to understand our health was never considered from the beginning. Watch this again and do some more digging on your own if you gave this a negative review.
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The truth that people do not want to hear
ariannasofia1 July 2017
It is amazing how people reject new information and claim that this documentary is just vegan propaganda but they do not complain about the propaganda that raised them to eat meat, milk, cheese, and consume medicines for every little discomfort.

Loved the film.
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Take time to educate yourself before judging....
emmanutella11 July 2017
All these bad reviews aren't based on true facts but on doubt. It is normal behavior to get angry when another person comes up with conclusions that doesn't resonate with our own beliefs. You probably have these thoughts because doctors not yet have found "the cure" for every disease..

Look at people at the retirement homes..Do they look healthy? can they walk, remember, are they super energetic? most often the answer is no..

I have now seen thousands of remarkable situations, which you can see on Mcdougall site.. There was this man who could not walk, talk, feed himself or remember. He changed his diet, and even took his driver license again, played crazy memory games and can now talk again..

I can tell you that Dr. T. Colin Campbell was raised on a farm, and he believed that milk, eggs and meat were natures best food, until he found that several illnesses DIDN'T EXCIST in Asia.. until their kids got the typical Western diet (meat, cheese, eggs, and guess what. these kids got diabetes, cancer, stroke... (these people were eating mostly plant based with little to no meat)

He began studying mice, and tried to feed them animal protein.. what happened? The cancer cells GREW! then they reduced the animal protein and the cancer cells reduced...

Dr. Mcdougall used to eat A LOT of fast food and even got the stroke..

Neal Bearnard used to see his mother carefully pour the grease into a jar and use again..

NONE of these doctors were raised plant based, but they became unpopular, because they were more interested in making people healthy than profit (medicine)

Doctors have little to NO education on how diet can prevent and reverse stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, acne, dementia, Alzheimer's, Astma, and more..

What is so bad about turning one belief to another? It can safe lives. From a very young age, kids are thought to believe one thing, and cannot see things from other perspectives.

I can tell that I used to eat so much meat, gravy, cheese and thought I was fine... I had terrible joint paints, acne, felt tired, and after going vegan, the symptoms were GONE And I'm NEVER EVER SICK(!) I have muscles now, and have so much energy, and I never thought I could feel so light and energetic...

They are not promoting Sugar, but saying that saying that sugar does not have any effect on the body alone...

These doctors have told to eat FRUIT SUGAR which is ABSOLUTELY not the same as refined sugar, which in great amounts can cause bad teeth...

There is a lot of information to find on YouTube with plant based diets, Ted Talks for example, and speeches from the doctors.. Not everything is what we believe, so it is our own responsibility to research

What if someone told you there was another way to do something and you got mad? Just educate yourself, and see how much your life can improve...
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Excellent documentary
amybk28 June 2017
Anyone who left a 7* or less rating just isn't getting it, sadly. Or they didn't watch the entire thing, or they love our government. This is not a vegan propaganda. This is entirely about all the crap we don't realize we are eating, and how it kills us, and also how eating a plant based diet is soooooo healthy. I mean come on people. You honestly don't understand how eating a plant based diet is so much better for us? Really?! You think all the animals we kill to eat are so healthy and holy and blessed and make sure that they don't allow any crap into their bodies?! Our world is overpopulated so we need to mass produce the animals. How to do that? Steroids, antibiotics, not caring about how they're raised, not thoroughly and gently treating them all as they need to be treated because we are eating them. I am very saddened at how many negative reviews there are. That's a shame. You think we all get cancer just because? Just for the heck if it? NO. It comes from somewhere you fools. What do we do the most on our lives? Eat. Just sit back and think about it. Y'all are just to ignorant, naive and LAZY to eat a plant based diet. God forbid you do something to make a complete change to your life.
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What the Health? More like What the Hell! This documentary is very controversial.
ironhorse_iv25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Advertised as the movie that health organizations don't want you to see, this 2017 independent documentary criticized the health impact of meat and dairy products consumption, and questions the practices of the leading health and pharmaceutical organizations for the prime purpose to advocate for a plant based diet. Without spoiling the film too much, the movie has been often criticized by medical physicians, nutrition experts, health care advocators and investigative journalists for what they describe as cherry picking and using confusing distorting weak biased data sources. Because of that, this pro vegan documentary produced by Netflix and directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn has become a challenging yet debatable watch. Regardless if you're for veganism or just love meat. There is no doubt that the movie is indeed informative. The collusion between the government and big business is indeed somewhat alarming. Yet, I do understand that's how the free market works. The relationship works both good and bad. Nevertheless, something does need to be done with the poor animal ranching practices and high pharmaceutical abuse, which can be both inhumane and bad for the planet. However, the same can be said with the wrongs of agriculture, which the negative environmental issues are never addressed. After all, soil degradation, genetic engineering, waste and deforestation does still happen, even if everybody went vegan. Nevertheless, I do agree with the filmmaker statement that eating too much meat based processed food can led to negative health effect. It's common sense. However, the film shouldn't downplay the role of that sugar has in American rise in obesity, diabetes, heart failure and other diseases; when there is plenty of research that says otherwise. The idea that animal consumption is worse than the large of sugar intake by Americans is highly exaggerate. Another misleading claim that the film has, is that becoming vegan can prevent or help cure diseases like cancer or diabetes. In truth, while a diabetic or those individuals with cancers can thrive on a well balanced vegan diet, somewhat managing the disease. It still doesn't really prevent you from getting those illnesses or have it go away. Other factors like the amount of sunlight, stress and lack of exercise can still led you down the same path, even if you're living with a veganism diet. Plus, certain studies, suggest that eating beans, corns, potatoes, white rice and other starches can increase the risk of getting those ailments. In the end, Cancer and Diabetes are still problematic even for those who happen to be vegan. Another problem with the film statement is that there isn't enough time or data to back those claims up. It's just not practical to run rigorous trials as it is too difficult to randomly assign different diets to different groups of people from the beginning and have them stick with those diets for enough time to find clues about whether certain foods caused certain diseases. Studies like the one in the film can only show us short term changes. Long term researches are often rife with uncertainties. Because of that, nutrition researchers have to rely on observational studies. Sadly, this movie barely use any of those. If they did, they would know that the film's messages that stated out eating eggs is as bad as smoking cigarettes is based on outdated information. More recent research suggests that the effects of eggs are nowhere near comparable to those of cigarettes. Nevertheless, besides that, I did dig most of the animation graphs and pies parts. I found them to be highly educational; especially the sequence showing the different between frugivore and omnivores. I just wish the live action interview talking heads sequences were just as enlightening. It was clear that the people in the interviews were quote mined and deceptively edited to favor his beliefs or to go extremely against him. There was barely anybody in the film that meet him in the middle. It was really obvious gotcha journalism that got a little too preachy and propaganda toward the end. Overall: I found this groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award winning 2014 documentary 'Cowspiracy' to be a little one sided. While, there is nothing wrong about going vegan. The same can be said with still loving meat products. After all, both meat & dairy in moderation can be part of a healthy balance diet as both are high with protein and calcium. Plus, they still highly delicious. While some may argue that slaughtering animals solely because people enjoy the taste of meat is morally wrong or unjustifiable. Carnism says otherwise. In the end, I have no beef with this documentary. Like a good meal, I just wish it was a little more well balance.
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Just as Good as Cowspiracy
vegederrian14 July 2017
I got to see the world premiere in NYC followed by a Q&A with the directors. I found it very captivating. The documentary entertains, shocks, informs, angers and inspires you. If you watch how they try to investigate health organizations and medical facilities, I think you'll be baffled by the frankness with which they refuse to discuss important information regarding saving people's lives. The personal stories in the film give you hope that there is a better way to how we are going about our diet and health care. We can have a better option than just suddenly dying of cancer or heart disease after a few decades of life if the information, such as in this documentary, would be exposed to the public. I hope people will take a look at the significance of diet after watching this. People would not demonize carbs and sugar as much if they would realize what they're calling carbs contains tons of fat. Pizza is not a carb; it is carbs with a bunch of fat from cheese and processed meat and oil. Potatoes get a bad wrap, but people cover them in butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, salt, oil and any other unhealthy food you could think of. The combo of fats and carbs leaves your body unable to handle the carbohydrates as they cannot be absorbed into your cells; that is how diabetes arises. People don't even understand what a true high-carb diet entails: plain potatoes, rice, oats, lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, without adding salt, oil, meat and dairy to all their meals. I hope this film clears that up for people.
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AnonymousMouseMan7 September 2017
There are some facts in here, but are presented in a deceitful manner. Information on the nutrition is absolutely ridiculous. They call OMEGA 3 fattys acids unhealthy. They ignore the fact that b12 and taurine which you can only really get from meat is essential to a human being. Just a vegan documentary that's pretentious.
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Vegetables Are Good?
ecatalan9812 February 2018
WHAT THE HEALTH was a very entertaining documentary specifically aimed at the meat eating crowd and making them realize that their on the road to hell if they keep their diets unaltered. Meat from cows, fish, poultry and dairy foods take the beat. The documentary features what you'd expect from a diehard vegan producer: government conspiracies, health agencies being sponsored by the companies responsible for the junk food you eat, the pharmaceutical industry's perennial blame that they want to keep people "sick" in order to sell their drugs, etc. Most of the evidence is compelling, until the documentary turns into a vegan commercial with testimonies from people who changed their diets and experienced "miraculous" changes in their health. Funny thing is, WHAT THE HEALTH never talks about the veggies you eat, the pestecides they use in farming, the toxic waters used to feed these plants, etc. It's a very one sided view of things. I rarely eat meat. I actually eat more vegetables than processed meats, but I just found this documentary very subjective. I'm sure eating more veggies and fruits will make for a more healthy diet, but if that's so, how did our ancestors survive for thousands of years by eating (at times) raw and uncooked meat?!?!? That's something that's never addressed in this vegan documentary.
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Insidious and disgusting propaganda
Marwan-Bob25 March 2019
"one egg a day can be as bad as smoking five cigarettes per day" Get the F out of Here.
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Groundbreaking just as Cowspiracy, and some more.
cant_catchme9717 March 2017
Last year, near my 18th birthday..I stumbled upon a documentary while researching the ill effects of animal agriculture and environmental destruction, got to watch "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret" from the same directors and writers. It changed my life, basically changed the way I lived my life.

After discovering the big ugly lie that we are told about how the environmental crisis is all and just because of the fossil fuels. It goes on uncovering how the majority of us eat is killing the planet. I went full vegan, right then and there with my family of five. The FACTS were in front of me. Peer- reviewed studies. I highly recommend everybody to watch that.

Now this one is sort of a sequel to Cowspiracy. Brings us to the next big issue effecting everybody but in a more personal way. HOW YOUR DIET IS KILLING YOU! The best kept secret in medicine is that your body wants to heal itself, if given the right chance and conditions. It was lovely to see all my superheroes in one feature: Dr. Micheal Greger, Caldwell Esselstyn, Neal Bernard and many more. This is a perfect documentary to show to your friends and family and I don't this any sane person would turn away from this and not at the least consider veganism as a way of life.

As I like to put it, you go vegan for a reason and stay for a hundred.
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Interesting, if unsteadily made, documentary
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Filmmaker Kip Anderson dedicated his life to what he believed was a healthy eating regime, having had various relatives suffer health problems, some of which led to their deaths. But he, like many, was stunned at a shock announcement from the World Health Orgaization, that all forms of meat were a leading cause of heart disease and cancer. Yet he was shocked to find on the websites of several leading health groups in the US that meat continued to be depicted as a healthy eating option. He then went on a journey to uncover the truth, and uncovered a shocking web of hidden risks, human rights violations and those serving to protect us lying in bed with the companies behind the meat products, before exploring the benefits of adopting a Vegan based diet.

After 2004's Super Size Me played to a wider than imagined audience, and exposed an unsavoury truth behind one of the big boys of the corporate world, big business learned the power of the independent documentary, and its power to appeal to the masses and resist their mind numbing influence. And it's probably no coincidence that since then, hardly any with similar goals have enjoyed anything like that kind of exposure (da lawyers!) And so a documentary like What the Health is substantially harder to come by. But, for all its faults, it's still hugely beneficial if you do.

Without a big company to support it, and with the independent production values intact, the massively low budget does frequently shine through, giving the project a slightly cheap, tacky look which Anderson covers over with the zest for his quest. The trouble is, especially towards the end, he appears tonally unsure and starts throwing in wildly elaborated comedy sketches which feel out of place. The pro vegan lifestyle alternative also suddenly shoots out of nowhere towards the end, and does feel like a bit of a bombardment that doesn't fit the tongue well. However, he still chats to a wide range of medical experts, who provide illuminating and interesting insights into how various foods affect our bodies and why a plant based diet is the only truly natural way to keep ourselves healthy.

It's all put together a bit too haphazardly to be a ground-breaking documentary feat, but it's still a rewarding experience that will provide you with some highly beneficial, eye-opening information. ***
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Terribly inaccurate
Eurekasevenman19 July 2017
As a medical student, the biochemistry and physiology regarding the human body are simply incorrect. As well, the entire film is biased against meat and diary because of an extreme influence from vegans. Instead of being centred around the topic of 'health,' it's instead pushing the pro-vegan/pro-vegetarian agenda. I've been a vegetarian for 12 years, and a vegan off-and-on within that, and regardless of that I believe it's my duty as a healthcare professional to inform anyone who watches the film that the studies and and doctors cited were selected in order to produce a confirmation bias. If anyone has a basic understanding of diabetes (ie. sugar), they'd be able to find errors within the first ten minutes.

If you're going to watch this documentary, watch it with a skeptical mind.
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Wake up
finman-8225914 July 2017
If you really care about your family you need to watch this The documentary was crowd funded by people that care ...

Wake up, you have been fed fake advertising about food for decades With the amount of science we understand that what we were told was healthy really isn't Driven by profits from unethical corporations... This made me angry and I hope you wake up too Self-educate, your family's life depends on it
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Be entertained and have your life changed
jodyferguson-6993414 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie for the same reasons I loved the other film this team made (Cowspiracy) which is that it moves at a brisk pace, so that we are getting lots of important and accurate information quickly. To be fair, I needed to watch this movie more than once to absorb all of the information. So, while it may sound contradictory, I would recommend watching it with pen and paper on hand, and be ready to hit the pause/replay button if you think you are not catching the whole story of any segment. The first time I watched it, I did not pause, and I was not as excited about it as I was with Cowspiracy -- BUT a few weeks later, I spent a whole day, taking notes on almost every segment of the movie. This was time well spent because the information is so important and compelling. Since spending that time with this movie, I have made the leap to become a full vegan, eliminating every trace of animal-based foods from my diet, and even though I eat as much as I want, I lost all of my extra weight, and can now wear those clothes I bought when I had been slim, some years ago. Kip and Keegan once again do an excellent job in connecting the dots to illustrate how big money and the animal agbiz collude, at the expense of the health of people. In this case, the newly outed culprits are the so-called disease "charities" (diabetes, heart disease and cancer) who take money from the people pushing the animal-based foods that cause these ills!
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Definitely a film that everyone needs to see!
Hellmant14 April 2017
'WHAT THE HEALTH': Five Stars (Out of Five)

The new highly anticipated documentary from Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn; the two filmmakers that also brought us the critically acclaimed environmental doc 'COWSPIRACY: THE SUSTAINABILITY SECRET' (which is immensely popular with vegans). Anderson and Kuhn both once again wrote, produced and directed the film. This time they set out to prove how directly responsible meat and dairy consumption is for most of the major health problems that people have today. It's been advertised as "The Health Film That Health Organizations Don't Want You To See". The movie was funded through a successful Indiegogo campaign, where the filmmakers raised over $235,000. I think it's definitely a film that everyone needs to see, I loved it!

Director Kip Anderson stars in and narrates the film, as he investigates his main thesis; that meat and dairy consumption has caused nearly all of the major health problems in people (throughout modern history). He interviews multiple physicians, medical officers, nutritionists and other health experts about the subject. He continuously tries to find out why the truth has been hidden from the public for so long (and big business, of course, plays a major part in it). Anderson also further investigates the many benefits of a vegan diet, as he did in his last movie, and he informs the viewer of how it can help us all avoid these many serious health concerns.

The movie is very educational and passionate, but it also doesn't overly force it's vegan message on the viewers. I knew it was going that way, from the beginning, but it very rationally (and quite logically) comes to that conclusion. Like'COWSPIRACY', it never focuses too much on animal cruelty (there's actually none of that in this film). It stays completely focused on the horrendous health concerns with having an animal product diet. 'COWSPIRACY' focused on the horrible environmental damages due to that poor diet choice, and this film focuses (almost) solely on the health concerns of it (and it does a beautiful job). It's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen!

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: https://vimeo.com/215612720
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fake fake fake
acetates25 October 2017
Jane chapman after years of suffering severe osteoarthritis and taking a gigantic amount of drugs gets rid of her walker and appears hanging out and walking down the street due to a miraculous recovery on her illness??? who in the f$ck is going to believe this??? I believe Netflix is promoting this kind of fake documentary that don't carry any real ideological content, period.
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A very biased documentary with some truth and some manipulation of facts
ehsanf22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary to promote vegan diet. It does it by attacking all meat based diets. It has some very good points about Sugar vs Fat and processed meat. It also has some embarrassingly bad and misrepresented data.

For example, in around 30 min into it, it suggest that diary consumption is strongly related to breast cancer. It even tries to show a conspiracy by calling breast cancer society groups and asking them why they are promoting a carcinogen. It is completely FALSE!! The reference they used suggests that in women that had breast cancer before, consumption of whole fat milk can increase risk of recurrence. This has nothing to do with general population. There are many more studies that suggest the other way around: e.g. check out "The Association between Dairy Intake and Breast Cancer in Western and Asian Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" Their misinformation can be explained easily if you understand probability and statistics. Many of those who got cancer already have genetic disposition towards full fat milk or have other habits that contribute. The study they used is NOT a controlled study at all! Similar topic on how bad eggs are, while lots of studies suggest differently.

It skips on Omega-3 vs Omega-6 and goes unfair on Saturated fat.

I recommend watching it only if you can the time and energy to do your own research and distinguish the biased parts.

I hoped for a better documentary when I originally heard about it.
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Best documentary I've ever seen
preethidas29 March 2017
This is incredible. Hats off to the producers for seeking the truth. People need to stop turning a blind eye and wake up to the facts. Everyone needs to watch this documentary as soon as they possibly can! It's amazing how much our lives are controlled and influenced by the government and their greed for money.
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This documentary reflects our ugly behaviours with our bodies. It's like we are not conscious what we eat. And in fact, we aren't. Because we don't even know what our food contains at all...
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Even though it has good parts, it doesn't tell the whole story
mehmetbugrabalaban20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary gives good information on some of the bad things that are added to our food. But, there are major problems with how they deliver some information. Starting with the processed meat. They say that it increases colon cancer risk by 18%. Let's just round that up to 20% for math's sake. Apparently, the baseline risk for colon cancer is 5%. This means that eating processed meat increases the risk up to 6% (20% of 5% is 1%, therefore 5% + 1% = 6%). When you say it the way the film says it, it makes it sound ridiculously high. But when you put in the numbers, it actually is not a big risk jump. Now to my point... Limiting processed meat can be beneficial for most people. Opting to buy grass-fed grass-finished, pasture-raised animal products instead of buying your meat at big chains that carry very low quality food will actually help you....Because we need protein. yeah, yeah, people say that there are vegan protein sources, but look at the breakdown of amino acids between the two. Animal protein is a much better source than soy products (that can give men boobs), and also doesn't come with bunch of carbohydrates (carbs) that are present in beans and lentils which can also cause digestive problems when eaten in high quantities. I'm not saying that you shouldn't eat lentils or beans, but have them in moderation. Soaked and sprouted legumes will be easier on your digestion. If you go high and try to get your protein from only non-animal products, then you consume a lot more carbs than you should, which can make you Type-II diabetic in the long term. Let's get back to quality of the food. Saying that processed, GMO-fed, non-moving, farmed animal products are the same quality as the pasture-raised, grass-fed, wild-caught animal products are absurd! Simply look at the fatty acid profile between them. We need fatty acids, we need cholesterol. We also need good ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in our diets. That's what high quality animal products give us: a good ratio of essential fatty acids and the amino acids that we need to build our cells, keep the muscle tissue, improve bone and joint health, feel full, etc.

Then Kip (the directors) asks Dr. Neal Barnard, MD this question: What is the role of sugar in diabetes? And Dr. Barnard replies that high carbohydrate diets do not cause diabetes. He says it's the build up of fat. This is true but he's not telling the whole story. What is diabetes? There are two types. Type I diabetics cannot produce insulin (a hormone) which lowers blood glucose by shoving the sugar in our blood into our cells. Type II diabetics have too much insulin circulating around on their system all the time. Due to that, the cells become desensitized over time (the analogy simply put is that because there is a constant yelling by insulin for a long period of time, and after a while they just stop hearing it). Then, because of this there is high amounts of sugar in the blood. When you look at both types, the issue is, not getting rid of excess sugar in the blood. Well, how can you fix this? Do not eat sugar! In better terms, limit your carbohydrates, your sugar, your starchy veggies, your pasta, your rice, etc. Low-carb diets (time and time again) are proved to be helpful with managing diabetes. And I do know people that got of their medication and reversed their Type-II diabetes by going on a low-carb diet. How can you better the situation? Do not eat high-fat foods when you eat a high-carb meal (this is obviously for non-diabetic people). If you want to eat some high-quality steak, serve it with grilled asparagus and roasted Brussel sprouts. If you want to eat some sweet potatoes or some rice and beans, serve it with turkey or chicken. It's that simple. Blaming animal meat is just ridiculous. See the WHOLE picture. Then Kip brings Dr. Garth Davis who basically gives the same info as Dr. Barnard who are "conveniently" both vegans and vegan advocates. Kip also summarizes what these two MD's say by saying sugar doesn't cause diabetes and shows a clip of Skittles in a grocery store. I mean.... C'mon!! Furthermore, every time some doctor says something like animal protein increases cancer risk, or diabetes risk, they show animal meat that is cooked at high temperatures. Well, duh! cooking at high temperature will of course make the meat more inflammatory. And chronic inflammation can lead to many diseases. Just have an open mind, and open your eyes. Cook your meat at a low-temperature, bake them. Do not fry your eggs with blasting heat, do not barbecue your meat with flames coming out of the grill. Cook it slowly, cook it better. You can accommodate another 10 minutes to your cooking using low temperatures and your health will thank you for it. Then they are talking about carcinogens in the meat by showing chains like McDonalds and KFC. C'mon people. Everyone knows that these are not healthy foods. They are fried, they are loaded with preservatives, they are low-quality... List goes on and on. Instead of having a binary opinion on meat, saying either meat is good or bad, say that low-quality, bad-cooked meat is bad.

I can write more and more about this movie. As I said in the beginning, they are pointing out some good stuff, but they are not telling the whole story. Find your own resources. Find both vegan sites and find both paleo/keto sites and read them. Read the resources and papers they both share. And make your own mind with the help of your doctor.
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Raised some very good points to consider
andrewolsen-0442730 June 2017
OK. I give it an 8 not for presenting an objective and unbiased position (its HIS documentary guys, not a bloody research paper). I give it an 8 because it raised a couple of huge points that most of the critics seemed to sweep over. I'm going to premise the rest of my comments here by noting that I believe the biggest enemy to a rational and logical discussion about the very, life changing issue of diet is emotion. At the end of the day we all want to have long health lives, no? So, lets discuss it. This guy had a crack at it so good on him.

It is up to us to draw our own conclusions. But again there are some big take aways here despite its apparent biased position that people seem to miss. Firstly, the collusion between food companies and apparent government authorities/bodies or any central body responsible for providing lifesaving and preventative information? They should be completely and fully independent and must be for them to have any credibility whatsoever. And they clearly do not so take everything they say with a grain of salt.

Point 2: Is the science he made reference to all encompassing? Absolutely not. But at least there were some references and citations to some studies to consider (and they did not say sugar wasn't bad for you). Regarding comments from the doctors. Well, yes they are providing their personal experience but I think it safe to say they have direct experience dealing with these problems and as practitioners of health they do so based on science so quite likely they've done extensive research so I don't fully discount what they have to say. And what is their vested interest? Well, besides promoting themselves they are promoting an alternate consideration to a healthy life style. And here's the thing. As Americans, we have a dreadfully poor track record when it comes to health and fitness compared to others in the G20. Clearly there is a lot of information floating around about diet and much of it influenced or engineered toward a specific message for the sake of the almighty dollar. I suggest we all focus on starting there in solving this problem before we can even think about anything else so we can get some honest, objective, credible science on this critical topic.
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Definitely "Food for Thought!"
annettecgaffney19 July 2017
This movie had me riveted from the get go. The graphic footage of factory farm practices was enough to put me off eating cow, pig and fowl immediately. The revelations about big corporate and pharma money buying silence did not surprise me, nor did governmental corruption. However, in studying for my degree in psychology and how research and statistics work, I have also learned the importance of critical thinking. I have been suffering with digestive issues for years and after watching this film, I thought perhaps this is the answer to my problems. But before becoming vegan, I wanted to verify the facts. Afterall, movies can be edited to suit anyone's agenda if they have a specific slant (in this case veganism). I read the research paper about the movie's claim that dairy intake has been positively linked to breast cancer. As someone with a family history of this awful disease, I wanted to know if I was truly at higher risk if I ingest dairy products. Although the study being relied on to confront the breast cancer support advocates was proper, random, controlled testing (RCT, truly the only way to completely verify and replicate results so that it shows a direct causation and not just a correlation - too many confounding variables) the study clearly states that while there is replicable evidence that dairy consumption is linked to breast cancer, it also clearly states that the evidence shows absolutely NO increased risk for those ingesting non-fat dairy. Why was this important fact not mentioned in the movie? This important omission bothers me. Although there were many good and salient points in the film that gave me pause, this omission made me think I should also check all of the other facts. Since watching the movie I have switched to mostly vegan, but that lack of full disclosure of a study that was used to make a heavy point about dairy reminds me that we all really need to listen, but to also be critical and skeptical (not cynical) until we research all the facts ourselves and not rely on movies that may edit out important info that might make a difference in helping us to make informed decisions. I have cut out most animal products but I continue to eat non fat dairy based on the full text of the study referred to in the movie.
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JLuBear21 July 2017
I will preface this review by stating 2 things: 1. I am a researcher by profession. I regularly review health studies for a living and analyze the strength of evidence and how to share results with the public. 2. I only had the patience to watch the first 30 minutes of this documentary.

Where to start about this movie? From watching the first 30 minutes of this documentary, it is easy to tell what Kip Andersen's objective is for this film: to uncover the "conspiracy" that corporations are "covering up" evidence that animal products are linked with common diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Here is the predicable format: tell personal story, talk to a couple experts, show animation of "stuff in body", flash a peer reviewed study on screen showing evidence, call an 800 number for national organization demanding to know why their organization is advocating something that goes against the conclusion of this single study, and act very angry and justified in your belief of the "cover up" because person on the phone cannot answer your question.

This documentary has all the hallmarks of bad communication on scientific studies. First, one study reaching a conclusion is not "proof" of anything. You need to have multiple studies that show the same type of result. Second, association is not causation. That would be like observing that children who are tutored average worse grades than children who were not tutored and concluding that tutoring causes lower grades. There are other factors that you need to account for. They might be hard to measure, but they might be the real cause that two things are associated. Third, "increased risk" measures can be misleading on the surface. For example, a study could say that drinking milk was associated a 50% increase in the risk of developing cancer. This sounds frightening! But read further and you could find that 1% of one group had cancer and 1.5% of the other group had cancer. Does that really sound so scary after all?

At any rate, I don't think that everything that the film presented is false. I do think there are harms associated with the consumption of animal products, particularly processed meats. However, the way this film presents the evidence does not make a sound argument and the approach to presenting the material was so predictable and repetitive!
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