ClownTown (2016) Poster


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Every cliché in the book.
13Funbags29 August 2017
Before watching it, I knew nothing about this movie. Just that people who liked movies I watched had liked it. I guess I was expecting it to be a Troma-type low budget gore fest but it was more, and somehow less at the same time. It had the look and feel of a big budget movie but the script and acting of a movie made by children. While they managed to get the hot girl naked and murdered before the opening credits, it wasn't so good after that. At one point a girl loses her phone. After driving for a long time they decide to call her phone and the guy who answers tells them to keep driving and make the next left and he will meet them there. And they do it! One thing that distinguished this from a Troma flick was the distinct lack of gore. We see the hot girl get killed by a machete that doesn't even cut through her shirt and then later we see one bloodless stabbing. Overall I'd have to say this movie is very average for the genre. Definitely worth watching once.
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I like ponies
nogodnomasters27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After the opening teaser, we get 30 minutes of set up. Our four main characters are headed for a concert in Columbus, Ohio. They are lured into a strange town due to Jill's (Katie Keene) lost cell phone. While there they get stranded and fight killer clowns for nearly an hour as they tie this into the opening teaser, classic formula writing.

Unless you have a thing about people with clown make-up (budget doesn't allow costumes) then you can skip this slasher. The characters were boring as was the over-all plot that never adequately explained how a town can exist with a bunch of clown killers. Kaitlyn Sapp plays Jamie the babysitter who finds a necklace with the word "Kaitlyn" from the previous sitter. Seems they just went with her own necklace.

Guide: F-word, Brief nudity (Kaitlyn Sapp)
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Formula slasher film, but with clowns
a_chinn21 June 2017
Maybe if this film had capitalized on the creep clown sightings that were all the rage last year, this film might have had something. Instead, this is a slavishly formula slasher film in the mold of "The Hills Have Eyes," "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or "Wrong Turn," except with clowns. Very low budget, but so were the first two films I mentioned and they are both arguably horror classics, but this film lacks Hills or Chainsaw's suspense, originality, or even good old fashioned scares. This horror film is strictly running and chasing and creepy clown imagery. The creepy clown imagery was enough to hold my attention, but just barely.
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Clowns deserve better
filipsalapa7 July 2016
This movie is utter trash. Pure and simple.

I could go on about the atrocious acting, mediocre gore, run-of-the-mill baddies and so on and so forth but instead I'm gonna tell you this - stay away from this trash.

I do love myself a good clown horror - clowns have this mix of "always smiling, yet at the same time emotionless" type of thing. These clown all lack that. Some people will go for this flick because of the nudity which again - it is there, but in this movie you end up feeling like "tits? oh whatever". Unless you are a teenage boy you are going to roll your eyes and fast forward to the next scene. To avoid acting that is.

Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere.

Jon Watt's "Clown" is one option.
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Killer clowns come to town
TheLittleSongbird26 March 2018
Killer clown films are not done quite as often as ones centred around sharks and zombies. Those that do exist are wildly variable, with good ones like 2017's 'IT' and really bad ones like 'Clowntergeist' (which made 'Killjoy' look like a masterpiece). When featured clowns are scary, they are the stuff of nightmares, a prime example being Tim Curry's Pennywise.

Not so with 'ClownTown'. It is certainly better than 'Clowntergeist' (the recent killer clown film seen, so sadly very fresh in my head, hence the comparison), as lame as its execution was there was nowhere near the same amount of the feeling that it was not trying. 'Clowntergeist' was an inept film all round and looked as if it didn't even try to do anything with its limitations, 'ClownTown' didn't have anywhere near as bad a problem.

The good news is that 'ClownTown' was not too badly shot, some of it is atmospheric and didn't look anywhere as uncomfortable-feeling/looking or haphazard as other low-budget efforts recently seen. An effort was also made in making the clowns menacing.

Sadly the clowns themselves were not very threatening and came over as silly at times. They were not well served with what they were given, with a lame opening, a lot of cheese and a complete lack of suspense and chases and kills that one expects to be disturbed by but were nowhere near brutal or tense enough for that to work. On paper, their action seemed disturbing, in execution it was pretty cheesy and somewhat tame.

For any disappointment that was had with the clowns, they are nothing compared to the rest of the characters and acting. The characters are bland and obnoxious, either or and in a few cases both, with truly dumb illogical decision making that makes them and even the viewer stupid and make one endear to them even less (and you don't even like them in the first place). The acting is a bad mix of over-compensating and disinterested.

Despite the photography not being bad, the rest of the production values were not so good, looking drab and choppy. The obvious and over-bearing sound really annoys and hinders the impact of any scares or suspense when they are telegraphed when being built up that they become predictable.

Script constantly sounds stilted and even cheesier than a large cheeseburger. It tries to include horror film references but they don't come over as affectionate or clever, they are random sometimes and too often are clumsily done and completely lack the impact of what is being referenced. The story is dull, lacking in any kind of atmosphere and due to trying every cliché in the book and having a not particularly original concept is very predictable. The direction is barely competent.

Overall, not appalling but very bad. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Writer, producer, director...afflicted with prostate disease?
peter-petropolis6 October 2017
Of course can't be sure if the persons responsible for this movie have some urinary problems (hopefully not cancer) but no other explanation I can think of for the constant references to urination, people peeing, scenes with urinals, women and men discussing their urination. It is all very strange. As for the movie itself, found it entertaining and with decent production values. Still, all this talk about peeing and pissing is odd, at least in my humble opinion. Perhaps for teenagers this is an "in" thing, I don't know.
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The tears of a clown.......
FlashCallahan30 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst on their way to a concert, four friends get sidetracked and stranded in a seemingly abandoned town.

Whilst looking for help, they find themselves stalked and terrorised by a gang of violent clown dressed psychopaths, who will stop at nothing ensnaring them into their sinister blood thirsty games......

Clowns can be scary can't they?

Arguably the scariest of all clowns is Pennywise, as he is literally the stuff made of nightmares. Then the Killer Klowns, whilst not the scariest clowns to grace small screen, have gained notoriety because the film is just so much fun.

But then Sam Rockwell could argue that the awful Clownhouse is the scariest thing for him.......knowing its on his C.V.

This has all the right ingredients for a decent horror come stalk and slash, but the end result is just a boring film that tries to hard to be an amalgamation of the later Friday films and a Rob Zombie film.

So once the main narrative of the film commences (second act, always when one of the protagonists sees something overly bizarre), it's just so formulaic, and so lethargic, you are willing the clowns to walk just that little fast, kill the stupid kids and let the film just finish.

So we are 'treated' to a wealth of horror film tropes, killers walking slowly and always getting who they want, protagonists making silly decisions that have been made since the late seventies, and the old man, who comes out of nowhere, who has never been harmed and should have minded his own business.

It's pretty poor stuff,many horror fan would have seen this film dozens of times before, and not have let themselves get drawn in by the predictable decent DVD cover art.

But fair dues, every once in a while, there is a little gem amongst the dirge and the filth, and sadly this isn't one of them.

Borrowing from too many better horror films is always a mistake, because you remember just how good those were, whilst suffering this rubbish.

Don't bother.
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The Town That Dreaded Grease Paint
songod-9500314 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seems this film has divided IMDb forum folks into the "Worst Ever" and "I Liked It" groups. I can only say that within a bit of both is where the film falls.

On the pro side, the film was well shot, not the typical for low budget hand held or camcorder affair. Lighting was also well done, never too dark, never too anything but mood appropriate. Also the music was well designed and used appropriately.

Some nods to classic slashers were not unnoticed and were a welcome tip of the hat. Most prominently was a tip to "Halloween" with a key family named after the principal character (no not Myers). And if you are really into horror from all decades one of the killer clowns resembled Conrad Veidt from the silent thriller "The Man Who Laughs" (a man who is disfigured via torture to always have a wide grin - said to have been the inspiration for The Joker in the Batman comics).

On the con side, well... acting was not anyone's strong suit. The clowns who had no dialog, sans the lone female laugh maker, fared best as ,w ell, they had no dialog! Everyone else was one dimensional, wooden, fiberglass... anything but natural.

The script was abysmal as it had the characters doing some truly idiotic things; none of which ended well at all. First and foremost among the nonsense was the plot device used to lure the group heading to a concert to the almost abandoned town where "clowns ruled". How the clowns came to be rulers of the sorry place is never quite explained enough. Something to do with a train wreck and a couple creepy pre-teens (in the opening flashback; again a nod to "Halloween"). This lack of origin made for a nagging issue during the entire run. Hey, even Myers and Jason had background stories! I gave this a two based on the pros which are not really enough to recommend. Wait for Rob Zombie's "31".
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Utter trash
adam_kalad1 May 2018
Instead of being scared, I laughed. It's sad really how they actually tried to make the movie scary, it would of made a lot more sense if it was a comedy. Stay away from this garbage
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Decent Straight-to-DVD Film!
vengeance201 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Found this on the shelves in Asda & had to buy, though skeptical of these types of films I still bought it.

I can say after watching it was a lot better than what I thought it was! For a film that is Straight-to-DVD & sort of cheap looking it was actually really good! It was creepy, grim, gory, bloody & just really eerie too!

The blood in the film was good, not as much as I'd want but it was good! The story was basic & straight forward but I can't complain on that too much as the film was decent! The clowns looked creepy & sinister as well & had a very uneasy vibe going on about it! The music added to the film as well with the child like chimes & drearyness!

The favourite part I liked was when the clown got crushed by the rubbish lorry compactor! That was good & reminded me a lot like Child's Play 3 which was different but roughly the same!

I give this a 7/10 as it was a lot better than what I had previewed though I did watch this with an open mind not caring on the outcome! But it was a pretty good film I'd recommend a watch to!
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No Clowning
scythertitus19 August 2018
There isn't anything truly terrible here, apart from maybe some of the effects. However it is also completely paint-by-numbers and there is nothing that stands out even a little, which is pretty bad for a killer clown movie. Have you seen Terrifier? Now that is memorable, although he is arguably a mime.

There just wasn't enough effort put into making an original and fun film and instead this comes off as people who just wanted to make a movie, and they did that, and I'm sure it was a lot of fun to make, but none of that translates to the viewer.

Overall I'd give this one a pass, there is nothing you haven't seen before and it never falls into 'so bad, it's good' territory.
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Solid if flawed killer clown effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 June 2017
Traveling to a nearby concert, a group of friends get stranded in a remote, desolate town with another pair of travelers and being chased by a gang of deranged, homicidal clowns determined to kill them one-by-one and must find a way to stop them and get out alive.

This here turned out to be quite the enjoyable effort. One of the more engaging efforts to this one is the way it manages to work out the group getting trapped at the town and setting up their inevitable being hunting down. Going for the group getting lost and then purposefully directed to their hunting grounds where the first incidents give this such a great starting point for the action to come later on. The groups' first encounter on the streets of the abandoned town where the near-accident leads into the clowns emerging and beating down the first of the group is a nice beginning, and leading into the ambush in the junkyard as well as the eventual escape gives the film a great sequence. The multitude of chases and the rather brutal action that emerges inside the abandoned facility where the great chases down in the bathrooms or the endless hallways lead into some really fun and exciting scenes of the clowns hunting them down, and the brawl out on the rooftop is exceptionally good which has a lot to like about it. The film's best action scenes in the finale really work nicely when they're captured and forced to brawl with the remaining gang of clowns makes for a rather fun time overall here, and once it gets to the big final escape here really gives this one some fun and somewhat chilling scenes that work rather nicely overall here. Alongside the brutal, graphic kills and the rather creepy look for the various clowns, these here hold this up over its minor flaws. The biggest issue is the fact that the simplistic story offers nothing about what's actually happening here. While the group is thrown right in with their encounters against the clowns, we get nothing about what's the point of being hunted or how the whole affair got started with a lame opening that gets tied into the rest of the story in a throwaway line that doesn't connect at all, and the reasoning for the whole story is really underwhelming. The other issue here is the fact that while the clowns look threatening, it's not that hard to laugh them off as lame as the fact that taking them on as a group would probably have saved themselves a lot of trouble against what they're trying to do and it really doesn't help this one much. Otherwise, it's not that bad of an effort.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity and mild drug use.
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Send in the clowns
beatonsf13 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Coulrophobics beware and coulrophiles rejoice - it may not be a particularly original film, but it's well executed (no pun intended), great fun and thoroughly enjoyable.

ClownTown was clearly shot on a very low budget, but still manages to deliver a well crafted homage to those much loved straight-to-video slashers of the early 80s. The camera-work, lighting, direction, soundtrack - especially the soundtrack - all manage to beautifully re-create a wonderfully evocative early John Carpenter feel as the film reliably works its way through various well worn horror genre tropes.

Is it staggeringly original? No. Is it immaculately acted? Not particularly. But it is a well-crafted and unpretentiously entertaining B movie - and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I really wish I could have seen this at a drive-in, preferably on a hot summer night, somewhere around 1979. 6.5/10
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I've stopped eating clown meat, it tastes funny (ba-dum-tish)
one9eighty19 August 2020
When a film called "Clowntown" bills itself as inspired by 'True Events' you know that you are in for a cult classic, or an absolute piece of trash. I'll refrain from saying which this film is but seeing the number of stars I've awarded probably gives the game away, just like the title of this film gives away what to expect.

A group of friends (2 couples) travelling to a concert find themselves having to take a detour to a small town because of a lost mobile phone. The mobile phone is filled with personal information and identification. Upon calling the phone, a mysterious man gives the owner directions to the town where he will meet them. They head out to the small town and wait for the stranger who found the phone. As night falls, they discover that the town is, as the title of the film gives away, a town that is run by clowns. Imagine that instead of gang and gangsters, you have clowns and clownsters (I just made that word up). The clowns in the film terrorise the group, trying to kill them all off, one by one. The group must survive and escape.

Why are clowns terrorising a town - it is never really explored. This is basically a slasher film that looks pretty but does not have heart or a brain. There are loads of plot holes and silly concepts, that many in fact that I was annoyed from the start of the film. As well as being a slasher film this nodded its head to other horror films by using lots of cliché's and the occasionally very very subtle Easter eggs. While this is clearly a low budget film, it did not necessarily look like one. The look and feel were that of something with a bigger budget. The main detractors from this decent looking film though came in the form of the writing and the acting. There was no sense, when you break it down it wasn't original, and the characters being portrayed were flat, one dimensional idiots that I didn't care about. The clowns got off lucky, they had no dialogue, they just had to look menacing. Most of the time this was fine, but then the writing also made them do stupid things that you would only expect to see in a badly written script with limited imagination.

Director Tom Nagel and writer Jeff Miller have attempted to deliver something scary and engaging, but unfortunately after sitting through 86 mins of an attempted coulrophobia film, I was not sold. It felt like had this concept been given to John Carpenter, Wes Craven or perhaps Rob Zombie, then you would end up with a freaky or thrilling horror masterpiece. Unfortunately, with Nagel and Miller at the steering wheel, the film never gets out of first gear. I laughed more at the ridiculous events unfolding than I should have considering this was a serious horror slasher film - and I was not laughing because the clowns were funny. Never really falling into "that bad that it's good", and not strong enough to merit much of a cult following, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news and say that this film will be forgotten quickly and will be extremely lucky if it makes it onto low budget cable.

Yes, there is blood and gore in the film, but not that much though. Yes, there is sexual content, nudity, and bad language. No, I would not recommend watching this with a young audience. No, I would not recommend watching the film and having high expectations. The best I can give is 2 out of 10; looks good, but actually quite weak.
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Currently on sale at dollar tree
I tend to grade a movie on a different metric based on where it's coming from. It would be unfair to hold it to same standard as a big budget movie or a known director or production company with years of expertise under their belt. So with clown town I'm being a little more generous than others may be willing to be. Also I've recently seen Clown Motel and Him so those movies showed just how bottom of the barrel killer clown films can go. This film is fairly generic , it doesn't pave any new ground or contribute anything we haven't already seen . However there are some pretty competent moments scattered throughout for a first time director,writer,and producer. The clowns are fairly intimidating as they mostly wear greasepaint and old dirty clothes, rather than full on clown costumes . There are some legit jump scared and some fair gore scenes ,that at least didn't choose digital blood effects. So overall it's still a low budget regional indie horror film that's nothing new , but is very far from being the worst movie I've ever seen.
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Watch something else.
epalejandrocarrillo23 September 2020
If you watch assault on precinct 13 and Texas chainsaw massacre and have no idea of how to write a script you could make your own clown town movie.
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It wasn't horrible
kmls-3678224 July 2019
I mean it wasn't no Rob zombie type of scary movie but it was definitely creepy it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen either I don't know everybody's expecting but it wasn't that bad
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Some really scary clowns, but for the rest easy to forget
johannes2000-121 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are numerous horror flicks with creepy killer clowns, and just as much with innocent people being besieged and killed by anonymous masked weirdo's. Here it's a mixture, probably supposing that it would add some originality to both concepts. Well, it didn't. It's the same old cliché of a group of friends that get lost on their way and out of the blue become the target of a few sadistic murderers, in this case clowns. No complicated twists or turns, just the usual cat and mouse game with some hiding and seeking and mutual brutal killings, until the last surviving friends succeed in getting away and drive safely towards the sunrise. The end.

Apart from the well-done scary make-up of the clowns, an occasional effective jump-scare and some modest gore, the whole thing is for the rest rather underwhelming. The acting is really below par, and awkward editing makes that the pace at many times sags due to too drawn-out scenes. A movie just for die-hard killer-clown aficionados, I would say.
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Ok Low-Budget Horror Flick
gwnightscream17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This 2016 horror film features a group of friends that get stuck in an abandoned town where a group of psychotic clowns reside and terrorize them. This is ok, it shares similarities with Rob Zombie's "31," & "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with some bloody/gory make-up effects and amateur acting. Give this a try if you're into low-budget horror flicks.
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Forget it, Jake. It's Clowntown
Coventry16 January 2021
Alright, I confess the main motivation for me seeing this film was simply so that I could use the legendary quote from "Chinatown" in an insignificant, but semi-wit new context. Yes, I find that sort of stuff amusing, sue me.

Speaking of amusement, "Clown Town" is sorely lacking in this department! It's a dull, clichéd, predictable and formulaic stalk-and-slash effort, with a quartet of stereotypical peeps getting knocked off by psychotic clowns that don't necessary put a lot of time and energy in their costumes and make-up. Not that it matters, really, but I still don't quite understand the whole background of the story. The little town of Clinton (get it? Clinton... Clown Town) is supposedly deserted ever since a railway disaster and now forms the turf of a dysfunctional clown family. I don't see the link between train wrecks and killer clown behavior, but whatever.

I'm not demanding when it comes to this sort of horror films. I'm long happy if they feature excessive gore, imaginative kills, brutality and scantily dressed girls. "Clown Town" only scores a few points on the last element. Shallow as it may sound, lead actress Lauren Elise is gorgeous, has an impressive chest size and runs around in a tight & white tank top the entire film. And, in the opening sequences, the even prettier Kaitlyn Sapp has a gratuitous (but very welcome) topless scene. These shouldn't be the highlights, however, and I can't fathom why the film isn't gorier and more sadistic.
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The Clowns own this town now
joshfedderson12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Clown Town was a good movie, I just barely watched it and I have to say it was pretty chilling and freaky. An entire town taken over by a bunch of freaky clowns is a chilling thought no doubt.

The story goes like this, a group of four friends, two couples that is are going on a trip to a concert. They seem lost and stop at a cafe on the road to get directions, but one of the friends realizes that her phone is gone and goes into a panic because all of her personal identities are in there. The friends decide to call the phone and a mysterious man answers, he tells them he will meet them at a nearby town to deliver the phone. They go to this town and wait.

When night comes and they are still waiting, things start to go to hell from there. They are attacked by clowns. And these clowns want to kill them.

The reason I give Clown Town a 8 is because I feel there is more missing to the story then was shown. Like how the clowns came to be? How the family came to be complete nut cases? And I would have liked to know more about why the Husband went into hiding and how the wife became a psycho path just like her children? There was tons of stuff missing in the story, a good amount was explained by Frank the old crazy man, but not enough. I also give clown town a 8 because of the suspense in it, the way the friends are stranded and have no way out. The clowns also seem brain washed by something? But I would like to know what?

Clown Town was a good horror movie, it kept you on the edge of your seat and made things tense. I like clown horror movies and this was not bad at all, but the story could have used more in it. I also felt it was kind of rushed, I like horror movies with more detail and story in them.

Clown Town gets an 8
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Very great horror clown movie
johnsonspage9 October 2020
Decided to watch this after picking it up at the dollar tree recently, might be going to a circus themed haunted house so wanted give it a watch, very glad I did wanted watch only half or leave only minutes it to watch, couldn't stop watching it, it's a very awesome clown horror movie.
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Watch out for the crazy clowns
Woodyanders24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A group of friends find themselves stranded in a small abandoned town. Come nightfall the group are stalked and terrorized by a gang of vicious psychos made up as clowns.

Director Tom Nagel relates the enjoyable and engrossing story at a constant pace, ably crafts a spooky and unsettling atmosphere, generates a good deal of nerve-wracking tension, and delivers a handy helping of graphic gore. The solid acting by the capable cast keeps this movie humming: Brian Nagel as the eager Brad, Lauren Compton as the sweet Sarah, Andrew Staton as the easygoing Mike, Katie Keene as the perky Jill, Jeff Denton as the rugged Dylan, Greg Violand as helpful old coot Frank, and Maryanne Nagel as the unhinged Myrtle. Moreover, the clowns are genuinely creepy while the moments of brutal violence pack a savage punch. Ken Stachnik's sharp widescreen cinematography provides an impressive polished look. Holly Amber Church's shivery score hits the shuddery spot. A cool little fright flick.
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