Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) Poster

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2 and a half hours of cliche after cliche
atomikbuster17 February 2018
All you're gonna see in this movie is a continuous stream of cliches. Sure, if it was released say, in 1970, when none of the superhero/sci-fi/fantasy that today is flooding the audiences was present, it would have been quite enjoyable and watchable. But in today's market it brings nothing new. I could constantly guess what was going to happen at the end of certain action scenes, and don't even get me started about the helicopter scene... that one was supposed to be dramatic and some kind of fitting twist but just left me enraged at the stupidity of the screenwriters/adaptation.

In the end it's quality is on par with the other 2 similar series (Divergent and Hunger Games), so, gets a 5 star "meh" out of me. Good for kids but intelligent people beware!
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Enjoyable end to the series
rupert-ian25 March 2018
Looking through the other reviews I have to laugh at how many 1 out of 10 or 2 out of 10 reviews there are.

I refuse to believe any fans of the first two could honestly think this movie deserves anything near that low. A 1 or 2 out of 10 would be something like Troll 2, not The Death Cure.

There were definitely a few scenes where I predicted what was going to happen. Big deal, that happens in most movies these days. It's 2018, I dare ANYONE to write a movie without a scene or two like that. There are only so many possible outcomes to a scene.

The love story frustrated me, but I don't really hold that too much against the movie. I expected things to go one way, they didn't. The way they did go is hard for me to relate to due to the character development, or lack thereof in this instance.

The action is awesome. The movie is long, but didn't feel that way at all. I have to laugh at all the reviewers with the attention span of a gnat crying about the run time. Those people are the reasons we see so many movies squashed into two hour max time limits, which severely screws up a LOT of movies.

Well, thank the impatient people that can't go more than 2 hours without checking their social media. Maybe the all theaters need to start having intermissions so all the people with unhealthy phone addictions can get a quick fix. That way we won't have to have all our movies limited to less than two hours by the studios, making many of them a jumbled mess with obvious material cut out?

The ending of this finale was fitting, I enjoyed the letter from Newt. It did a great job of bringing you back to their beginning in the Glade and reminding you just how far our first group has come from the minute they were shot up an elevator with no memory or identity.

So, if you enjoyed the first two I think you will enjoy this one as well. I am not sure what the 1 and 2 out of 10 reviewers were expecting, but this movie deserves at least a 7 rating IMO. It's pretty close as far as the avg rating goes, even with the ridiculously low ratings by the impatient minds out there. I refuse to bump my rating up to imbalance those who rate movies like a child crying for a candy bar at the checkout aisle.

If a 10 dollar movie ticket is going to make you feel like you broke the bank if you don't end up loving the movie, wait and catch it on RedBox. Don't take it out on the movie with a ridiculously low rating.

7/10, a much better finale than Hunger Games got.
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A Fitting Finale
ThomasDrufke31 January 2018
I'm glad that the filmmakers still found a way to release The Death Cure and not go straight to digital/on demand. It's not that I think this trilogy is among the best post apocalyptic series nor did I really have an ounce of excitement going in, but after Dylan O'Brien had his accident and over 2 years of fans waiting, the ending is here.

If I'm being completely honest, The Death Cure actually served as a perfectly fitting end to an above average young adult series. I don't consider myself a fan per say, but if I was, I'm guessing I would absolutely love this film. It ties up loose ends and finds a way to close out the series in a surprisingly emotional send-off.

It's much different than say The Hunger Games, which ended the series on a completely sour and disappointingly safe note, The Death Cure takes some chances and didn't have the beat for beat moments I expected from a YA adaptation. O'Brien, who is shaping himself out to be a force in this business, provided another solid lead performance and he's surrounded by equally efficient turns from Kaya Scodelario, Aidan Gillen, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Giancarlo Esposito, and Rosa Salazar. None of them take the material too seriously, something the Divergent series had a problem with, but they found a right balance of heart and humor.

It's far from perfect, and for those who don't appreciate a good YA adaptation every once in awhile likely won't find anything here to like, but The Death Cure was immensely better than I expected. Sometimes that's all you need a film to be.

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Enjoyable action movie :)
mariacabral-2838823 January 2018
Firstly, I do not think the "Death Cure" does follow the stereotype of a teenage basic movie, in which probably a all romance between Thomas and Teresa would happen during the entire saga. Actually, the film creates a strong story meaning of friendship between this entire group that started as strangers that had to learn how to trust eachother. It's not just like any other teenager movie, like the hunger games or the divergent in which this kids are destined to compete and kill eachother. In this movie though, this group of young people fight and look to find a solution (by not torturing teenagers) for a possible real life situation (apocalypse) and a serious problem that the world is dealing with in that moment.

Secondly, I understand the point that you think Dylan O'Brien acting is mediocre, however, for an actor who has never been to an acting school, I think he has developed and progressed alot ever since his first role in Teen Wolf. So don't just criticize his acting abilities, for not expressing well, because his role has a very complex persona to interpret (and never forget...he is still learning).
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Enjoyed the film but ehh ?????
england1099914 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The end?

They find a cure but decide not to cure everyone and just ditch them all to go live on an island?

Sorry but they are the bad guys to me.
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A decent, switch-your-brain-off Flick
grahamvandyke13 April 2018
I was actually quite impressed with the first movie, as it had elements that I highly enjoy (ala the cult Cube movies) but for a younger demographic, although managing to keep me entertained.

The 2nd movie was a bit of a coming to age for the cast through the hardships they had gone through, and some great additions to the cast.

This last one is predictable, full of action but does hold some genuine surprises. I wasn't so idiotic to walk into these movies thinking they were made for me, someone who just turned 30. The movie cover for the first movie immediately informed me that I was not in the target demographic. This is a teen movie, riding the surf that The Hunger Games created. Once that was in my head I could switch off my brain a little and enjoy the movie for what it was.

The same goes for this movie. It does hold tension, but it's very easy to guess the outcome of almost every scene. The one quarrel I do have with this film is the inclusion of some new characters that didn't make much sense, whilst not building up on some of the existing characters that had been introduced in the 2nd movie.

Overall I have enjoyed this franchise. It hasn't been the most solid set of movies ever, but once again, I know I'm not the target demographic.
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Not Maze Runner: The Not Zombie Cure
TTdood4516 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review on IMDb and maybe my last but I would just like to selfishly join in on the fun of kicking the dead horse. Just to be clear I haven't read the books nor am I usually a fan of the subgenre of "dystopian future saved by young people overthrowing tyrannical rulers". I watched the first 2 movies back to back the same day and watched the third the day after. Needless to say the second and third movies are actual trash while the first has it's merits. The first Maze Runner worked well enough because it only provided enough information to the audience required as well ASKING QUESTIONS. As soon as the series devolved into "evil big company is putting kids in a maze for literally no reason so they can find a cure for a zombie virus" it turned into something a middle schooler got a B- on. That's really sad considering I even got tiny feelings of "Cube", a cult classic of sci-fi death maze movies, during the first Maze Runner.

With that preface out of the way how about I list off some fun little plot holes and inconsitencies that I could find within The Death Cure with some tying back to the first 2 movies. I'll try and go in order of appearance.

1: 6 months supposedly has passed since the ending of Scorch Trials and start of Death Cure but for some reason WCKD is only just now transporting Minho and others from some unknown location to their headquarters. 2: The plane they hijack is alone and lands for no reason when they corner Jorge and Brenda instead of just shooting them. 3: Thomas is dead set on saving Minho, who he doesn't even know for sure is alive, and barely gives notice to Aris or the other people he could be saving. Also Aris and the rest make no apperances besides the first 15 minutes and ending. 4: Minho is being tortured in a simulation, which he doesn't realize is fake for some reason, which begs the question why WCKD wasted massive amounts of time and resources building a huge maze when they displayed and admitted the simulation works. This also begs the question of why they wouldn't just treat the immune people very nicely so they would have no reason to care if they are being tested. 5: Thomas, Fry and Newt drive slowly through a tunnel they are highly suspecting is full of zombies when they could easily have driven faster to avoid them. 6: All other cities have been reduced to rubble but Jorge upon seeing the walls says they are new implying the city was still shining and fine before they raised the walls. If it wasn't shining and fine this implies enough people had resources to rebuild a ruined city to modern comfort. 7: Thomas and other tagged people aren't trackable by that tag until it is convenient for the plot. 8: Gally survived the ending of the first Maze Runner somehow even though he was infected and punctured through the lungs with a spear. This implies people arrived very shortly after Thomas and the others were flown away, removed the spear, performed surgery, and have been giving him serum for a minimum of 6 months. Gally may also be a cure considering a girl later in the movie was only infected for 3 weeks and still turned into a zombie even after serum injection. Nobody turned him over to WCKD for any profit when he was clearly a test subject. This is where I would have left the theatre. 9: Thomas never considered that his blood was a cure 6 months after Brenda was treated because he is a moron. WCKD was apparently also full of complete morons to not realize Thomas was a cure before the events of the first Maze Runner. 10: Gally was correct in that they did not need Teresa to enter WCKD HQ as they only needed her thumbprint. They could have done what he suggested and cut it off and saved themselves large issues while also maintaining her hostage. Thomas stopped him because he still had feelings for her even though she was the direct reason for Minho's capture as well as the deaths of many others. 11: Gally, Thomas and Newt suddenly have WCKD security uniforms supposedly because Teresa acquired them to use but they still insist on bringing her along as well as stupidly removing their masks at one point. 12: They raid the cell block but do not arm the immunes with the weapons of the guards they just took out as well as leaving Gally to retrieve the serum when Newt could have immediately used it upon acquisition. They also do not simply use the helicopter they have to extract the immunes under the pretense of guarded evacuation. 13: Thomas and Newt have the opportunity to incapacitate or kill Janson while alone in the elevator but simply avoid suspicion even though it backfires. Teresa also locks them in later although she could have easily stated Thomas and Newt were in the elevator leading to their capture faster with less incident. 14: Gally leaves to find Thomas and Newt but is revealed to have just been outside the building later. 15: Thomas, Newt and Minho lock themselves in a room with a lock that should not exist, survive a jump from at least 5 stories into a pool they do not know the depth of with no injuries as well as Janson or the soldiers deciding not to shoot them when they have clear shots from a vantage point. 16: The bus full of immunes driven by Brenda somehow makes it to exactly where it needs to be without being stopped as well as not falling soon after being lifted. 17: Brenda and Fry return to the outcast hideout only to sit and do nothing even though the entire city is exploding in the distance. 18: The outcasts destroy the entire city even though they wanted in and it does not benefit them in almost any way. They also could have entered the walls the same way Thomas, Gally and Newt entered earlier but were too stupid to do so. 19: The helicopter Jorge flies in does not get shot down although there is no indication it isn't WCKD controlled. A scene of a different helicopter being shot down is shown later to confirm this could happen. 20: Newt turns into a zombie even though outcasts clearly had access to serum they could have taken with them in case Newt started to turn. He also had the opportunity to disarm himself before turning but did not for no reason. 21: Janson shoots Dr. Paige even though she would be a valuable scientist regardless of affiliation due to her knowledge on the virus. Also the bullet does not pass through her into Thomas. 22: Janson has no qualms about killing either Teresa or Thomas even though they are both now very valuable to his plan of vaccine monopoly. They also do not threaten him with this fact 23: The glass on the zombie enclosement does not shatter when missiles hammer the building but shatters on it's own when an injured Thomas hits it with a microscope. 24: Thomas kisses Teresa and empathizes with her even though she was the direct reason many people were killed as well as Minho's capture. 25: Teresa could have made the jump to the helicopter as she was not injured like Thomas. The argument about the helicopter not getting closer is somewhat defensible due to the massive heat updraft that would surround the building as well as wind splash off the roof possibly disrupting flight stabilization. 26: Thomas carves Teresa's name on the rock although it would quickly be defaced as a portion of the people who died are also carved on the rock. 27: Thomas is the potential cure for a zombie virus that has destroyed almost all of humanity but is now isolated with no evidence shown people have the knowledge to create a cure from his blood.

PHEW, and that's just the stuff I could find easily. One of the few positive things to come out of this movie is how NOT to write things. The only reason I gave it a 2/10 is because of how nice some of the effects and sets are even though sadly they are in a trash movie.
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wow can't believe all the hate reviews
Top_Dawg_Critic27 March 2018
This film was a great finale for the Maze Runner triology series. I'm not sure why all the hate, it was in line with the last film, yet still not as good as the first one. But certainly not worth all the 1's! Awesome special effects and cinematography, great directing and on point acting. Sure the ending was a little mushy, but still a great and enjoyable watch. A well deserved 8/10 from me.
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Expected much more from this title.
undeaddt9 February 2018
I can't explain how much dissapointed I am with this movie. It felt like 2 hours of nothing more that explosions and running from one place to another with a ton of visual effects to fill the gap. Gutted with the movie. I felt that the movie has so much cringe scenes that it makes me wanna gag. We go to WCKD, than WCKD are chasing us, than they take our friend so we must go back to WCKD and that is it. Also, so many unexplained loopholes and also stupid ways to die... I guess I am giving it a 6/10 cause of the respect for the previous titles.
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Maze Runner: The What Now?
tha_hawk18 February 2018
Generic. Filler scenes. No story. Random events unfolding in random order. People looking out through windows. People looking towards the horizon. Somebody cries and then somebody says something heroic but entirely without meaning. People pointing guns at each other without actually intending to pull the trigger. Not a single word of original dialogue. Royalty free filmscore from Youtube. Underwritten love story and underwritten characters. Hollywood executives laughing on their way to the bank.
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Why are people so negative??
aaliyahhaughton-7255615 April 2018
I genuinely don't understand why there are so many negative reviews, I have watched the 1st and 2nd Maze Runner films and I thought that this was amazing. It was not boring at all. It did not drag as a lot of people are saying. There were a few scenes that seemed a bit dumb but apart from that, the film In my opinion was brilliant...but sad :(
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The best conclusion fans of the series could ever have
thevincercode29 January 2018
There is something about endings that I loathe. The feeling is doubled when I actually know how and when it ends. With The Death Cure as the conclusion to The Maze Runner series, that is exactly what I felt - as if there's a countdown that licks every second in front of my face.

If you haven't watched the two previous films then there is no chance that you'd get a grasp of what's happening. They didn't waste time to get catch you up, or remind you if you forget, that the movie was set in a world that is a wasteland and that the whole human race is at the brink of extinction because of a virus called The Flare.

In a nutshell, as you may remember from The Scorch Trials, Thomas and the Gladers successfully escaped the Maze but ended up being followed by WCKD at the last part with aide of Teresa. We saw that Minho and most of the remaining teens were taken on a plane by armed men that work for WCKD. They were supposed to be transported to the Last City to be experimented for a Flare cure.

This is where The Death Cure continues the story. The film opens with an action packed sequence where Thomas, Minho, and Frypan, along with Jorge and Brenda, try to hijack the train that will bring Minho and the others to WCKD's headquarters in the Last City. Determined to start over again without WCKD's experimenting, the group would face off several challenges along the way including running away with Cranks and getting inside the heavily guarded wall of the Last City. Along the way, they would find and lost friends; a long lost Glader thought to be dead that would end up helping them and people dear to them, respectively. What lies ahead will either bring the immunes a new hope or the only cure the dying world will get: death.

I don't know about those unfamiliar with the films but fans of the book and series will get the conclusion they deserved. The producers have been generous enough to give fans 142 minutes for an ending after a 28-month hold.

Wes Ball's approach and direction with the three films has evidently developed over the years. However, there is something missing about his vision for The Maze Runner Saga that I am realizing just now - attachment with audience. The films weren't strong enough to claw on the viewers. Character buildup wasn't really given focus on the entire series which makes it hard to form attachments if one haven't already established on the previous films.

I like how T.S. Nowlin's screenplay closely followed the book but this last one was good but not good enough to leave a lasting impact even to a fan like me. This is not to say that I hate the film because personally think this is better than The Scorch Trials in many ways and Scorch was already an okay film for me. It's like a parting gift from a lover you won't even beg to stay.

Nevertheless, there are many good things I liked about the film that I want to point out.

First, the quirky dialogue. I liked how they sprinkled quirky lines on some critical parts of the film to serve as a comic relief. My personal favorite was Minho's "Is this real?" comment.

Second, the production design and VFX. Props to the team for such good production design complemented with impressive visual effects. (However, I'm not quite satisfied with the sound design during intense scenes because it did not complement the intensity of the visuals.)

Third, the good sequences. Although I have to admit that there were parts during the film that I zoned out because of the slow pacing on certain parts, they made several good sequences to compensate: the opening salvo with dangerous stunts on a moving train; the tunnel full of Cranks sequence; a bus full of teens suspended in the air by a crane. My favorite, though, was that emotional Tommy and Newt sequence that I knew was coming. The way they executed that sequence gave justice to that monumental part of the story.

Fourth, the Acting. Dylan O'Brien has really matured as an actor. You can see that he's grown out of that goofy acting he's known for in Teen Wolf and that's what I quickly noticed at the beginning. Kaya Scodelario wasn't given much highlight this time, making her a mere eye candy on the background. Sangster and Lee were good actors giving life to such a good support team. Four years with this series made these actors grow with their character. Rosa Salazar was such a surprise to me. She pulled off her character very well and it's no surprise if she'll get roles on action films in the future.

Fifth and what really got into me, the farewell letter at the end. I feel like that letter was the best send off they could give the fans. I mean, man I was thankful I got a VIP couch all on my own while I try to wipe my tears. That was a good cookie, I must say.

Over all, The Death Cure was such an emotional action film fitting for an end to The Maze Runner series.

P. S. could there be a TV series in stored in the future? James Dashner seems to be teasing on his tweet, though.
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The guy who created the trailer is awesome
paul-973-3528898 February 2018
If I would create a movie I would hire one person associated with this movie. The guy who created the trailer is amazing. He knows how to create something out of nothing. We politely waited till the break to leave the cinema. Barely resisted the temptation to take out my phone to find something interesting to do.
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As explosive and rousing a finale as you'd expect from the 'Maze Runner' series, this third and final chapter goes out on a literal and figurative bang
moviexclusive25 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Next to 'The Hunger Games', 'Maze Runner' is probably the most successful of the numerous dystopian YA adaptations that have come in the wake of that Katniss phenomenon. Part of its success is its willingness to eschew socio-political allegory for straightforward action, and this final chapter is no different. It could dwell on issues of class injustice between those living within the city of gleaming skyscrapers and those living in the shantytowns below; or it could try to make a political statement by linking the massive, heavily fortified walls that surround the city to the current US President's pet project; and to some extent, it does flesh out the ethical conundrum of preserving the lives of an innocent few or sacrificing them for the greater good - but first and foremost, this is a thrilling, at times even rousing, action film charged with adrenaline-pumping and heart-wrenching moments.

True to its nature, it begins with a spectacular train rescue indebted to 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. While resistance fighters Jorge (Giancarlo Esposito) and Brenda (Rosa Salazar) distract the train drivers and their back-up air support, Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) and resistance leader Vince (Barry Pepper) board the train from the back and attempt to de-couple the last five carriages from the rest of the locomotive. As much as they intend to save the young prisoners on board held captive by the evil quasi-governmental agency known as WCKD (pronounced 'wicked'), Dylan's motivation is really his previously apprehended comrade Minho (Lee Ki Hong). Alas the latter is not among those they successfully rescue - turns out he is already at WCKD's imposing headquarters in the middle of the walled-off burg termed 'The Last City', where he is subject to psychological experiments aimed at extracting a serum that would slow down a virus which turns its victims into zombies.

Those who recall the previous two chapters will remember that Thomas and his mates had escaped a monster-filled labyrinth known as The Glade, journeyed across a harsh desert wasteland called The Scorch, and had no sooner found reprieve when they were betrayed by one of their own Teresa (Kaya Scodelario). Though she was Thomas's love interest, Teresa was ultimately convinced by WCKD's chief scientist Ava Paige's (Patricia Clarkson) pleadings that these tests on those who have demonstrated immunity to the virus were necessary for the sake of the greater good. Not only has she not changed her mind, Teresa now consciously ignores her inner conscience and participates with Ava in Minho's torture - and although the story gives her the chance to redeem herself at the end, you'll still cheer what eventually befalls her (pun intended, for those who have read the book) as just deserts.

Much of the movie revolves around the subsequent daring mission to break Minho out from within The Last City, a protracted expedition that will lead Thomas into the orbit of a gruesomely scarred leader of the infected Lawrence (Walton Goggins) as well as a former Glade frenemy Gally (a delightfully sardonic Will Poulter) earlier presumed dead. What starts off as a low-key operation descends into all-out mayhem as Lawrence himself plans a full-scale revolt which erupts into open warfare even as the WCKD's soldiers, again led by the smarmy Janson (Aidan Gillen), try to re-capture the Immunes and apprehend Thomas and his fellow Gladers. This last hour goes from one action-packed sequence to another without catching a breath, but visual-effects-supervisor-turned-director Wes Ball stages the fireballs, street battles and close-quarter fisticuffs cum shootouts with clarity, confidence and creativity, so that as relentless as it gets, it is consistently exciting than exhausting to watch.

Including this one, Ball and his screenwriter T.S. Nowlin have shepherded the entire trilogy from print to screen and their affection for the characters is undoubtable and undimmed. Our personal sentiments for Teresa aside, Ball does a neat job setting up her motivations, complexities and uncertainties, leaving you guessing right till the end which side she will choose. He also handles Newt's arc deftly, and without giving anything away, let's just say book fans will be pleased by how that emotional turn of events is depicted as well as Brodie-Sangster's heartfelt portrayal. Ball deserves credit too for extracting a suitably charismatic performance from O'Brien, which makes Thomas a much more interesting lead than the unequivocal martyr-saint-hero he is in the book. But perhaps the most memorable of the teenage characters here is Gally, thanks to Poulter's perfectly-timed wisecracks, and Ball knows just when to employ him to break up the seriousness of the proceedings with some genuine levity.

So as clichéd as it may sound, 'The Death Cure' ends the 'Maze Runner' series on a bang - not just in terms of being a wall-to-wall explosive finale from start to finish but also by giving the characters a proper sendoff. Like we said at the start, this isn't and doesn't aspire to be the sort of intellectual science-fiction that 'The Hunger Games' is, but is in fact all the better for simply being a viscerally exhilarating picture with finely staged action and poignant (male) camaraderie. Unlike the occasionally soporific two-part conclusion of its more acclaimed genre predecessor, this one - to borrow a reference with cheek - indeed does catch fire.
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Surprisingly good
kim-bergstrom16 July 2019
This isn't a great movie. It's not part of a great franchise. But all three movies were good fun with fast paced action, OK to actually pretty good acting (even though the action didn't leave all that much room for that), some surprises and some predictability (and what movie doesn't have that. I'm glad the filmmakers allowed this third installment to be this long, which meant they could take some time for plot- and character building. I can not for the life in me understand all the 1's and 2's this film has received. A 4, maybe, if the less good elements really disturbed you and the good elements did nothing. And I'm not even remotely in the target demographic. Don't expect deep philosophising, don't expect a mibdbending plot. It's more than competently crafted young adult drama with lots of well executed action. Expect entertainment, not for your world to be altered, and you'll do fine.
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It is what it is...
sariofthepie14 July 2019
I wonder what so many of the reviewers here were expecting from this movie. Or how old they are? Young adult dystopian fiction is written for...young adults! It's not for grown ups! Of course by your more mature tastes and expectations it's gonna be mush, but for younger people for whom great and classic movies such as Bladerunner are emotionally and mentally inaccessible, these fill the gap until such a time as they are. Take it for what it is as you won't be disappointed. By Sarah, age thirty eight and a quarter XD
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Remarkably dumb and drawn out
dan42829 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie at an IMAX theater for $4 as part of T-Mobile promotion. It honestly was only barely worth that. The entire movie was extremely predictable and just plain stupid. I don't know if it's accurate to the book and I haven't seen the other parts of the series, but the script was just ridiculous.

The ending climax scene just had me shaking my head at how nonsensical it was (let's not bother to back up the hovercraft another foot or two for dramatic effect). And apparently no one knows how to perform basic first aid.. inside of a hospital? The cliche and overdone "ha you missed.." "DID I?" scene that I saw coming from a mile away. The evil bad man character that is so one-dimensional.

Really it seemed like every single scene was a parody of every other teen movie because the script was so poor.

And holy hell did they draw out the scenes that were meant to be "sad" but just fell completely flat.. one of the deaths stretched on for 10min even though his character was barely in the rest of the movie and had no importance.

On the other end of the spectrum the movie killed off a main character for the most ridiculous reason that was entirely avoidable if the characters weren't complete idiots, and no one seemed to care about her pointless death.

All in all it's just a mind-numbingly stupid teen zombie movie with a bunch of artificial action sequences stuffed in. Worth renting and falling asleep to I suppose, or Netflix and chill?
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Perfect end to a trilogy
mattsung-042935 January 2019
I don't find 2.5 movies appealing unless they are interesting. I found from the 1st movie to Scorch Trials to Death Cure is just entertaining. Sure the characters and backstory and plots aren't perfect, but what is? They all give a glimpse of what "could be" in this world after an apocalyptic plague and the battle between the haves and have nots. People are overly critical with reviews as if this franchise was meant to be a masterpiece of filmmaking. It's not, but it sure beats out plenty of others and that says a lot.
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Clichés and CGI
claudio_carvalho15 April 2018
The end of the franchise "Maze Runner" is a film that can be described in two words: clichés and GGI. Too long, with 2h21 min running time, "Maze Runner: The Death Cure" entertains the viewer that enjoys action CGI films and does not think along the story. In this regard, the film is watchable. But if the viewer thinks about most of the scenes, he or she will certainly see the stupidities and clichés of the story. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Maze Runner: A Cura Mortal" ("Maze Runner: The Death Cure")
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So bad...
dklaa27 January 2018
Some of you guys have got to be kidding me. I've been waiting so long for this movie but, man, did they blow it. Let's say the visual effects were alright, but the actors' lines... it was like a watching cartoons for 2 year olds. "Come on, let's go!". That was like the main line of the movie. And the plot was not that well thought. Anyway, it is my opinion, rarely have I been so anxious for a movie to end in the theater, I'm sorry but it terribly disappointed me. :(
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No action masterpiece, but a film with a heart
dalton-roslyn18 January 2018
In the young adult movie genre it is rare to find a film that properly explores the grey between 'good' and evil'. The Death Cure does this, and does it beautifully. This movie may not have the best paced plot, or the most logical action/escape scenes, but it has a heart. It doesn't follow a group of heroes who set out to save the world; it follows a group of friends who just want to rescue one of their own, and are willing to put themselves at risk to do it. The main strength of the Death Cure in comparison to the other instalments is its ability to articulate the moral question at the heart of the whole series: Is it right to sacrifice your humanity in order to save lives? The series provides no clear answer, instead allowing the audience to empathise with both the protagonists' and antagonists' motives. Everyone (except maybe Janson) was just doing what they thought to be right. The scenes towards the end of the film, however, do highlight how disenfranchisement, caused as a result of WKCD's actions, can halt any progress and bring about destruction all the faster (a theme perhaps more relevant to the present day than 'the government is evil, let's take it down' i.e. The Hunger Games). Overall the film stays relatively true to the main themes of the novel, with only minor plot adjustments, and is an enjoyable and thought provoking watch. The ending scene is particularly powerful and brought many people in the cinema to tears.
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Logical end of the trylogy
auct-eu7 April 2018
I'm not fan of this trylogy, but I kinda like the first one. Although the second part was a bit mess in cinema but at home when I watch it second time it was not bad.

This one is a bit long but much stuffed and pretty typical action movie. Not very good but not bad. I'm glad this tryology has ended as it used all the things it has and personnaly I wouldnt go forthe 4th part if it was making. Not because it is bad quality. but it hasn't nothing special, nothing new for me.
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Starts out great, but then nose dives and drags on too long
finraziel27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched a Maze Runner marathon, the first two followed by the final instalment. Loved the first one, but hadn't seen the second one yet. I have to say, I didn't think that was anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be. The third one though? Oh boy... Well, it actually starts out really well! Good action and our heroes are able to make a fist against WCKD in a very satisfying way. Unfortunately, the film ends up dragging on seemingly forever. I feel like at least half an hour could have been cut to make it much better. The second half of the film keeps getting more and more boring. The biggest problem is that several of the most important characters are completely unbelievable. Janson (Gillen's character) especially seems to make no sense at all. Then there is a nagging feeling that the whole thing is completely pointless and our 'heroes' are actually wrong! Now that could be very interesting if done right, but the movie is presented entirely as a young adult good guys vs bad guys film and the fact that they may be wrong is not explored at all. If they'd just done nothing, the world would probably have been a better place, but the movie still pretends that they 'won' and everything is fine now. Also, the motivations behind why these kids were put in the maze in the first place are barely explored. It's implied that the pressure is needed to trigger their immunity to grow (why that would be so is beyond me), but most of the kids just sat in the Glade peacefully for years. Instead of exploring those topics, the last half hour or so of the movie is spent watching characters melodramatically stare at each other while war rages around them, inevitably dying because they couldn't get over their teen angst long enough to actually save anyone (except Thomas, he has plot armor). The film just left me feeling like I watched some dimwits that couldn't see the big picture and the survivors now sit on a beach pretending everything is okay (when most likely the infected will just catch up with them and they'll die because they're just sitting there in a couple of beach shacks)...
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A brilliant example of the YA genre done right
austin073124 January 2018
After lagging behind the initial YA novel dystopian films hype due to the lead: Dylan O'brien's injuries the Maze runner series is back in full force. I think I could safely say that the Maze runner series may just be the most solid of all the YA/dystopia series we have gotten recently. Even the one who started it all: "The Hunger games" seems to fall a little flat in its two part finale in spite of large going bigger than any of the other YA series ever were able to do so. We also had "Twilight", which needless to say was not well received and the "Divergent series" which fell so flat it is now turning into a TV series. THere are many other such examples, "The City of bones", "The Giver"......

But the gift that keeps on giving is the maze runner series, while never the most amazing films they were constantly very strong in spite of a slight slip in the second installation. I think another major point that was done well by the series is the way that it manages to establish drastically different tones, the first had a mysterious tone, the second a more horror tone while the death cure had a more emotional and sombre tone as it concludes the story and sees the departure of some of the characters.

The Death cure picks up right in the middle of action as we are quickly reintroduced to the characters in a brilliant action sequence that instantly puts audiences right back into the story. In fact, the general pacing of the film was quick and high intensity, resulting in the fast paced and exciting end results that never really slows down unless to establish a reflective or emotional moment. Complete with a brilliant teen cast delivering wonderful performances including the aforementioned Dylan O'brien and many more.

The Death cure was a wonderful end to a trilogy that has stayed fairly consistent, fun and exciting and is a wonderful example of the YA genre done right, unfortunately it likely also marks the end of the genre.
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At least it finishes things off
neil-4761 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the wastelands and ruins of wrecked cities, there are 3 factions - a group of (mostly) young people who are (mostly) immune to the plague which has decimated the human race, Cranks (murderous cannabilistic zombie types who have contracted the plague) and WCKD, a group who remain privileged and protected while experimenting on young people with a view to producing a cure. A group of experiment victims have joined other survivors and are, effectively, at war with WCKD. A key factor is Thomas, once within WCKD until his memories were removed and he was placed with other experiemental subjects in the Maze.

Based on a series of Young Adult science fiction novels, the Death Cure brings the trilogy to a close. I have read and enjoyed and more or less forgotten the novels, and that is something of a problem. The first 2 films came a year apart. There was then a 3 year gap before this one appeared, and I have forgotten who everyone was and the details - some of which are important - of the story so far.

The film doesn't offer you any catch-up, so watching the other two beforehand is a prerequisite.

It is packed with action from start to finish: just as well, because there is not a whole lot of character stuff here other than issues of betrayal and trustworthiness. There are deaths of characters you wished wouldn't die as well as an unexpected re-emergence of a previously dead character. I'd say it was a surprise, except thank you trailer.

Juvenile lead Dylan O'Brien remains as anonymous as he was in the previous two, the grown-ups and even the other youthful thesps leaving more of a mark. The always deliciously horrible Aidan Gillan is as deliciously horrible as ever.

The visuals, especially the cityscapes, are excellent and the film is moderately entertaining if you know what's going on. A qualified success, then.
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