Only (2019) Poster


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aerobro8 July 2020
How can the whole premise be on no one can find out shes a woman yet she keeps her 18" beautiful long hair, manicured eye brows.. give me a break.
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Worst Female Character Ever
shoppsi8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was good but the writer's didn't give the female lead much to work with. This could have been so much better with a strong female character instead of a weak, selfish character who actively resists and resents everything her husband does to help keep her safe. I really felt badly for the male character. She was so stupid.
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Good actors with a dumb plot
draftdubya7 July 2020
No matter how much dirt you put on Freda Pinto's face she still looks like a woman. Why in the he77 would she need to go out in public? Has the writer ever heard of TO GO or Takeout? It's no reason she should ever leave the car to sit down to eat. Masters of Horror and the book did this so better with The Screw Fly solution.
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This was a stupid movie
johnpwabbajack11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure whoever wrote this intended the ending to be filled with a profound meaning, but it's really just idiotic.

Essentially there is a comet which passes by Earth, some ash hits the atmosphere and a new virus infects people. The virus is fatal to women, but doesn't seem to hurt men. So the governments of the world start rounding up uninfected women to try and find a way to preserve humanity or whatever.

Like all pretentious films this begins in media res, so you have to suffer through an unnecessarily disjointed retelling of what is going on, but the story is so utterly basic that all the plot points are still telegraphed. I was playing Borderlands 3 while watching and managed to understand the story completely.

Telling the story in order here: Guy and girl are in love, girl's roommate comes home early after the comet thing happens and ash starts falling, she's sick, they take her to the hospital.

The boyfriend figures out what's going on while at the ER, steals hazmat suits and boy and girl go home. The ash is dangerous, yo.

The girl's father is some sort of medial expert from the UK, he tells boyfriend how to keep them safe. Boyfriend proceeds to virus proof the house. Boy and girl have to live in very rigid quarantine because the virus kills and stuff. Boy also builds a hidey hole to keep THE MAN from coming and taking the girl.

Things get tense, as they do during this kind of lock down. It becomes more and more clear that women are dying from the virus. Girl joins some sort of secure online message board and talks to other women. They share stories with each other for emotional support, and take photos when they are dying. Have to be secure to keep the girl from being snatched up by the government.

So at some point boy takes a test that confirms he is a carrier; he isn't ill but he can transmit the virus.

Time goes by, things get more tense due to girl not being able to go outside and do what she wants to do. She is basically a spoiled idiot who doesn't understand that if she DOES what she wants to do it will kill her. Boy and girl fight a lot because, well, not being able to do whatever she wants is somehow worse than dying.

The government in the UK finds her mom, sad time, dad tries to stop them from taking mom but get smacked for his efforts. Girl is UNDERSTANDABLY UPSET by this, but then throws a temper tantrum because boy sensibly reminds her that as much as she wants to call dad (he sent them a video) that will give them away.

Girl continues tantrum, throws boy out. Boy goes to give space, then finds girl goes onto roof and takes off hazmat suit, essentially damning herself...all because she values something trivial (going outside) over staying alive. She dumb.

(After this is where the movie starts, ish)

So the girl takes the test, she sick yo (QUELLE SURPRISE). THE MAN shows up so she hides in her hidey hole while they search everything. Eventually THE MAN (well, men, there are a couple at least) leave, but not before the one in charge tells the boyfriend "hey, you didn't need to hide her, we don't take the sick ones."

So boy and girl go on road trip so she can see a waterfall one last time. They stop at sketchy motel where an obvious trans person solicits the girl while the boy is off doing something (it seemed like he was paying for a room). Girl is dressed up like a boy, bind breasts with cloth and duct tape. Wears beanie. Sad trombone.

Next day boy and girl go to get supplies at a ransacked grocery store, there is a problem that isn't worth describing, they pass a diner and girl wants to eat breakfast inside instead of getting food to go. While in there we find out from a man on TV that there is a multi-million dollar reward for turning in live women. They want them eggs, yo.

(Now that I think about it the grocery store might have come before the motel, but who really cares?)

Girl starts bleeding from her ear, which is a sign the virus is progressing. Boy freaks out and they leave without paying...but a guy there is like, nah bro, I'll get the tab. NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL.

So the totally not suspicious guy follows them, with his son, to their camp site. The hang out, get tipsy and shoot at a tin can...and OF COURSE the guy can't hit it but when the girl tries she gets it on the first shot because yes we can or something.

Boy gets jumped by guy and son, they want the lady to turn her in for the bounty, she has a seizure or something, then, in the evening, strips and pretends to seduce the son, kills him with a rock. They then kill the dad. And nothing of value was lost.

So from there she's pretty much dead, having a bad time, they find the waterfall and he takes a photo of them together with the date written on her to show when she died. Of course, the argument that led to her going outside, and her going outside, play along with them making their way to the waterfall. It's supposed to be poignant but it isn't because she's a moron. The end.

So did that sound good to you? No? Yeah, it's a dumb movie about a basic moron who condemns herself to a slow death because she had to stay inside for a couple of months.
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The hair
alejandrovelez8510 July 2020
Decent story, but she ruined the movie. Not cutting her hair, wearing makeup, lashes and Trimmed eyebrows really didn't make sense. She's not a big name, so I don't understand getting a lesser know actress that would commit to the role.
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Dull, predictable and illogical Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually write the review while I'm watching the movie, but I was confident I wouldn't miss much after watching for a bit. This film is heavy on being overly dramatic and light on sci-fi, (or anything else that might have made it interesting.) The plot is thin and the acting trite. There's a pandemic that only effects women. We find out pretty quickly she's infected. The rest of the movie is her and her bf wandering around and (I guess) waiting for her to die. In the process, they exercise little common sense.

Wouldn't you: -cut off you long, dark, flowing locks of hair?

-work up some fake whiskers or other type of disguise?

-stay out of stores and restaurants?

-not fire a gun for target practice and draw attention to yourself (and waste ammo?) -not leave what appears to be a safe and secure house?

...if there was a $2M bounty on your head?

I can't believe this was in the Netflix top 10. Thank God it's over.
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Could have been better but it's watchable.
deloudelouvain10 October 2020
I see a lot of negative reviews for Only, a lot stating the woman should have cut her hair and so on. I get it that that wasn't the smartest move but it was also nothing to have a fit about like I read on here, it's not real, it's just a movie. What bothers me the most is the lack of information about some things. What happened? How did it happen? Little things that could have been explained in a minute and that would have benefit the quality of the story. The acting wasn't bad. Both leading characters played by Freida Pinto and Leslie Odom Jr. were convincing in their roles. As for the cinematography it wasn't bad either. I thought Only was entertaining. Could it have been better? For sure but it doesn't deserve those extremely negative reviews.
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Interesting premise, confusing plot. Main characters weren't likable
johnhsmith-000568 July 2020
This story had a lot of potential. But when you have only 2 main characters on screen for 90% of the film, those characters should be really good and likable, or at least be interesting to watch. These were neither. They had zero chemistry together, and mostly scowled at each other and at the camera. I would have liked to see more in this world than these two characters.

Also the plot jumping back and forth in time was a little confusing.
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Not bad at all
lyu-2190914 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't understand all the bad reviews, really! It's slow, but interesting. I liked the characters, even though the acting wasn't the best. To all those writing about the hair and not hiding - she was already infected. They went out not to hide or run, but to be out, to be free, to be couple one more time... despite everything.
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If Only...
snhuckaby10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The concept was intriguing, and I thought I would enjoy this film. I literally picked up my phone and started reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets about 30 minutes into this movie, without even realizing I had done it. The description said it was a Sci-Fi thriller. There was nothing thrilling and very little Sci-Fi about it. If you want a movie that uses flashbacks and almost no dialogue to tell a story about an ungrateful woman throwing away all of the devotion and hard work her boyfriend put into keeping her alive, this is your movie. When you have hair down the middle of your back, makeup on your face, well groomed eyebrows and eyelashes that have been meticulously separated, maybe don't go in public knowing that women are being hunted and sold. If you know the air contains a virus that will definitely kill you, maybe don't run outside and take a deep breath. Having been almost completely housebound since the beginning of March, I understand the feeling of wanting out; however, I also understand the need for safety and keeping my loved ones from getting sick. He made all the sacrifices in this movie. She acts like a child the second things get complicated.

TLDR: If you want a Sci-Fi thriller, this isn't what you're looking for.
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Think "The Handmaid's Tale" meets "Romeo and Juliet"
Top_Dawg_Critic7 March 2020
Clearly the current only reviewer 'gerard_schmidt' is a wannabe critic that probably only saw the trailer, and even with that, this film is certainly not a 1/10 smh. And if anyone thinks my rating and review is fake, click on my username to see my 1000+ ratings and 800+ reviews, and read my profile on how a film should be properly rated and reviewed.

Now this little gem of a film; This is novice writer and director Takashi Doscher's third full length feature film, and I have to say, he nailed it, especially considering this is a low-budget B-grade indie film.

This was a true romantic psychological moral drama apocalyptic sci-fi thriller that actually combined those genres better than I would've ever expected. I'm not a fan of back and forth timelines, but Doscher's timelines worked exceptionally well, especially with the perfect cinematography and distinct color choices for each timeline by cinematographer Sean Stiegemeier. Doscher's directing was spectacular, in that every scene transitioned perfectly, even with the back and forth timelines. The score and sound were on point and very fitting in maintaining that constant level of suspense. Leslie Odom Jr. and Freida Pinto's character chemistry and intimacy was convincing, and their performances outstanding - especially Pinto's break-down scene that was award-worthy. My only critique would be the slow pacing. I know it had a lot to do with maintaining the tension and suspense, but maybe cutting down/out some scenes, and/or pick up the pace in many of them, the 98 min runtime would've flew by.

I get this film wont be for everybody, but if you're a fan of apocalyptic films with romance that actually works well, then you will enjoy this. If your gal wants to see a chick-flick and you a sci-fi, this film is perfect for both. But if you're expecting a big budget Hollywood blockbuster from seasoned actors and filmmakers like Mad Max or Oblivion, you may be disappointed. But nevertheless, this is a well put together and entertaining film - especially considering it's a low-budget B-grade indie film, put together by a novice filmmaker. Mad props to Takashi Doscher for this little gem, and it's a well deserved 9/10 from me.
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Decent Post Apocalyptic Movie
pritchetts11429 July 2020
This is a decent flick about the two different people's response to a devastating pandemic. Similar to the Covid outbreak, each person may be able to confront or not confront the seriousness of what's happening. One character has a logical response to it and does every little thing that needs to be done for safety. Others here have said that to he second character is whiney and selfish, but those are just symptoms of someone who can't really accept what's happening or face it logically and get with the program. It's a mental fitness sort of thing - how much harsh reality can each individual face. In a pandemic, those who can face a harsh reality have the best chance of surviving.

This is no blockbuster, with numerous large dramatic scenes of many humans dying. It's a character study of two people equally in pain, trying to do what they think they need to. One is concerned for their physical survival, the other for their emotional survival.

In our own Covid pandemic, some people wear masks, socially distance, and disinfect. Others are more concerned about keeping their same routine as before instead, to keep life seeming " normal".

The settings are believeable, and like in life, most of the "bad guys" we see are not one dimensional, and do have some degree of compassion for others.

If you expect an action flick or gory zombie flick, this is not it. It's a couple of individuals who care for each other trying each to survive in whatever manner they see as "best".
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Lead actress ruins the premise for vanity
bramstayer14 July 2020
Great possible premise, but they blew it. Its been done better by better and this was a waste of time. Predictably dull. I hated the female lead but she didnt write it. She does nothing but childlike mistakes while the main man does so much to secure her. Its simple things that others mentioned that show how little things add up to a big heave of....who cares. Better luck next time. There's a word for the hatred of'! And I'm a girl! Misandry! THAT'S IT! There's ONLY 1 good guy and even he's totally abused for keeping them alive. It helps to notice that first blood test because 70% of the film is flashback stuff..maybe only by days but still. Ive seen worse AND it was like this. Walking Dead's Chandler Riggs was MY personal highlight. Oh & shows the logo for Tribeca film festival but not ut winning anything. Like me having some Facebbok page showing logos for Miss Universe.... I hate picking on independent films but I guess it had great locations & visuals. It didnt really need to make alot of panicked hoarding citizens slowly going fera scenesl, which is likely why they didnt to even show it.
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Cut Your Hair Girl!
jfbensted19 July 2020
Sad. If a female wants to evade being identified as a female ... Number ONE .. CUT YOUR HAIR .... Number two ... NO MASCARA!!!
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Probably the most dislikable characters ever written for a pandemic movie
mrmilk-7270416 July 2020
The plot is interesting. The actors are strong. Even the cinematography is acceptable.

That said, the main characters are just so incredibly dislikable. They are reckless, they aren't careful, and they will just keep frustrating you to no end. It gets to the point where you just really don't care about the characters at all anymore.
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Damsel in distress devolves into suicidal teenage tantrums
HughNibley5 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting here was pretty decent from the leads, cinematography was good for a fairly low budget movie, but the story ended up lacking.

There was a lot here that could have been really fascinating. The plot sets the stage for what could be a dive into very fascinating conflicts and character exploration.

Instead, the movie delivered a fairly boring jog through well played out tropes.

You have the strong, "overprotective" husband, the irrational and overly emotional wife who can't act to save herself, let alone anyone else, except for one small part near the end. She behaves in a way that constantly puts them both in danger and seals the deal by committing a prolonged suicide in a way that precludes her death possibly benefiting the rest of humanity.

There are all sorts of different paths the story line could have taken which would have been empowering, deep, and meaningful. The tragedy could have really meant something... but it didn't. Instead, the story meandered down a path that seems 'ok' on the surface, but is actually hollow when you look more deepy.
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Difficult to understand
laurazackery-510746 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Top-notch film. The acting, the music, the scenery. I struggled to understand Eva's POV. She resisted everything Will was doing to protect her. She resisted quarantine. She wanted to just go outside and see the sun. Not that she was suicidal, she just resented the new restraints, the loneliness. And I guess I can understand. I spent 2 weeks isolating myself from my family because of a possible exposure to COVID-19. It was torture. Eva did 400 days. I get it. But I just can't understand the hopelessness. I prefer my apocalypse films to leave me with some hope in the end.
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Incoherent, confusing, boring.
RyanTayphoto10 July 2020
This story is told not chronologically, which I don't understand because it really did not add anything to the story it just made it more confusing. It was slow and boring, and no point do you feel anything for the characters, it's just melodramatic.

It's just a waste of time.
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Lacking in intensity and engagement
Gordon-1110 March 2020
The story is really slow, and little happens. Even given the fact that this film is very relevant to the Coronavirus outbreak at the moment, there is still little to engage or interest the viewers. It lacks intensity, suspense and engagement.
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Do they think we're stupid
ftcpjs16 July 2022
Why wouldn't a woman cut their hair in this situation? If your life is in jeopardy and the man that you love is doing everything in their power to protect you... You can cut your hair! Something that grows back. And let your eyebrows grow out. It was like he was dating a teenager.

We didn't ask her to cut off her breast... They could've showed us how beautiful she was the first 20-30?minutes of the movie with the long hair... And we would've been so intrigued when she cut it off!
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Yuk, not a good watch.
Sleepin_Dragon20 August 2020
A virus that affects only women, so of course men being the toxic, awful, evil individuals that they are go ahunting the girls ..... give me a break, the story of one woman taking on the whole of mankind. It could have worked if ONLY Eva had a little more sense, but she is utterly unbearable.

Why does she go to all that effort to use a wrap to flatten her chest, and yet she has hair that could be used in a Head and Shoulders advert, Eva is very beautiful, but would stand out a mile away.

A world where all all men are evil and predatory, it's 2020, can someone please change the record.

There was some potential here, but the realisation is terrible, 2/10.
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Low rating/bad review peops- you're missing the point.
sparklingnicki13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I marked spoilers but I don't give away too much, FYI. So- the reason I'm making a review is because I think people are being too harsh and focusing on the wrong details.

Don't get me wrong, I had the same instinct in the beginning that so many of you seem to be focused on: Why didn't she cut her hair? Why did she want to go to a restaurant? Why would they want to leave the safe home? Why doesn't she do more to change her appearance? Etc. Etc. Doesn't make sense... and then it does.

This woman traded her life for a few days of freedom. This film comes at an ominous time, as it forecasts a life where in one has to decide whether to live or just survive.

Sound familiar?

Maybe all the bad reviews are people projecting their own misery in isolation. Maybe, in that case, don't watch it now, because it is too now.

As a lover of the dystopian and/or post-apocalyptic future genre, this film was perfect. Add a touch of romance, suspense, drama and, Voilá!, it's couple-friendly! Quite lovely. Dark, but lovely nonetheless.

PS- if you do dare to watch, have Kleenex ready.
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Only love survives.
lee-0070516 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget intimate sci-fi is a hit and miss affair especially on streaming services. Thankfully this one is a little gem. Set some time in the immediate future, 'Only' tells the story of a young couple trying to deal with effects of a comet passing over Earth unleashing a dust cloud covering the globe that infects and ultimately kills a majority of the female population on the planet. Don't go into this movie expecting a wider look at what happens to the world and how men suddenly cope losing nearly 50% of their families/friends and how governments plan to repopulate these are all glimpsed in news reports or fleeting dialogue between characters. This a much more nuanced take that drops us in on day 400 of the pandemic and then flits back and forth between the past and present to fill in the blanks. The theme here is survival and how much are we willing to give up and suffer for to protect the person we love if that life is is really no life at all and the world around you is burning to the ground. As much as the couple (Eva and Will) try to live safely, the strain of quarantine becomes too much (sound familiar?) And Eva makes a fateful decision that causes the pair to leave the safety(!?) Of their apartment and live out their remaining days together trying to find peace amongst chaos. Of course this doesn't go completely to plan and to be honest the intrusion of the father and son bounty hunters sub plot derails the film a little bit. Other reviewers here are fixated on why Eva doesn't try harder to disguise herself when out in the world, mainly the decision not to cut her hair (SPOILER, she's dying so why waste her time with such a pointless task that wouldn't even alter her feminine look that much) plus the plot needs her to keep her hair, that bit of recklessness to push the story along. (again, she's dying I doubt any of us would think logically knowing that there is only a few days left). While there is plenty of films that touch on this subject matter, The Road, Contagion, Right at your door, Light of my life. 'Only' is a worthy edition to the genre.
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No matter how bored you are, don't watch this movie
ivonarichter5 April 2020
Worst film ever. Good idea for scenario, but bad interpretation, boring.
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Boring af
steve_mitm4 September 2020
Lost the will to live trying to watch this. Had to turn if off.
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