Sarajevo (TV Movie 2014) Poster

(2014 TV Movie)

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Fiction, not documentary, and Leo Pfeffer was not a Serb...
maxschonhausen11 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A magical film, extremely well made. But presented very strangely here on IMDb. It is by no means a documentary, it is fictional drama in historical context. And it is not about a Serbian magistrate. The film focuses on the historical figure of Leo Pfeffer, Austrian magistrate in Sarajevo at the time of the murder. In the film, it is suggested that his appointment to lead the investigation was surprising and as he digs deeper into the intrigue he slowly realizes he was chosen precisely because he is young, unknown, Jewish and expendable. In reality of course he was the magistrate in charge and the appointment was quite unsurprising. Beyond portraying the actual events and historical people involved - which the film does extremely accurately - the film explores the fictional possibility that a corrupted Austrian élite bankrolling, organizing and facilitating the assassination. A truly exciting idea which is of course pure fiction. The evidence used in the film being the authentic Austrian determination to start a war with Serbia, this being explained by said corrupt élite having some not-really-explained financial motives making them desire war. And of course the inevitable German agent perpetually desiring world wars. In this effort however, the film portrays Dimitrijevic as innocent and framed - rather repulsive in light of the many acts of murder and terror he was responsible for IRL. Furthermore, other historical people, e.g. Potiorek, are portrayed as being part of the plot against the Archdukes life. Which is disturbing and unnecessary. Ficitional characters could have been used to the same end. All that said - I still loved the film. Precisely because it is kaleidoscoping facts in such an authentic environment. Had I thought it documentary, I would have probably not liked it much...
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A solid historical drama that gives some food for thought
LarksTongue31 March 2020
I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. As a history geek I had this on my list for a while and finally watched it. It gives a great account of the tone and atmosphere in Sarajevo during the time. Fantastic costumes and authentic set pieces. There are not many useless scenes in the movie and it is paced very well. It does not waste your time. It has this great sense of impending doom, as if Austria-Hungary at the time was like a coke bottle with Mentos in it shaken up.

If you understand the historical context and the details of the event, this movie will captivate you. I find it disingenuous to rate movies based on historical accuracy as most history movies do not try to be 100% accurate. Despite this Sarajevo gives an incredibly detailed account of what happened but gives a nice spin on it making you wonder if what we know is the truth. It's the kind of movie that makes you re-educate yourself on what actually happened. It's not amazing but it is a solid 7/10 movie and not too long.

Frankly with a good history teacher giving context, this could be shown in classrooms.
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so tense, but is it real?
Hidingintheshadows25 January 2017
I agree with most of the first review, except that I highly recommend it. It could perhaps be argued that it qualifies as 'historical fiction', but then, so is very much of what actually passes for historical non-fiction-- perhaps better referred to as 'history massaged', after the fact. Not to encourage the so-called 'conspiracy theorists', but fact is that history is replete with examples of history being massaged before the fact. Whether you agree with the premise (I am still checking), fact is that it actually (to my mind, and tastes), is much more engaging than, say pretty much anything that Tom Cruise has done--because this, at least, has a very strong possibility of being not far from the truth.
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Kirpianuscus1 July 2018
It is not a documentary. or a docu-drama. it is only a decent artistic movie. using well known pieces - from the love story to the conscience of a simple/vulnerable man against a huge system. and , maybe, what you admire about it is the wise balance between what you consider speculations or conspiracy teories and the real events. because the atmosphere is real, and the questions and the desire of war. the only sin - maybe the references to problems familiar for WWII period. but that is not a big mistake. without be great, it is a correct film. with good performances, nice plot and noble message. and that represents more than a virtue.
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German language fictional film
imranahmedsg6 February 2018
A slow though decent film about the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian prince which ultimately led to World War I. The film views events through the eyes of an investigative magistrate and suggests there is much more beneath the surface than simply Serbian nationalism. A love interest is woven into the story to 'humanize' the plot .

A movie for those interested in history. Others will find it boring and difficult to complete.
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historical advisors matter
ekelks-224 April 2021
This was made to remember the 100th anniversary of WWI for German & Austrian television. First thing I do when watching a work of historical fiction is see who the writers are. They wrote and directed documentaries. Second thing is look at the whole crew. Way down at the bottom are four names. 'Historical advisors' who also worked on documentaries. This movie poses an interesting theory and maybe is more than theory. You can see from other reviews the topic touches a nerve. This person was really this and not that, and so forth. Questioning expert opinion because it is not what you read or were taught is not the best way to critique a movie.
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Historically unlikely premise---typical PC stuff but nicely done--unusual topic
peru1-595-6301064 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Over all a slick production about things almost no one has any knowledge about any more. I knew about the Archduke being assassinated in Sarajevo but no details... did not know the invasion of Serbia was the casus belli of WWI. The film was a tad heavy on the digital enhancement side but not too bad.

I have several pet peeves with the story. The hero is Jew turned Christian DA type who is charged with investigating the Archduke's assassination. There was the dose of ugly anti-semitism.... is there nothing that can be produced with out this particular moral lesson? It dilutes the story line...which is a tad melodramatic and unbelievable anyway. To wit=The real cause for the Austro-Hungarian interest in Serbia was a cabal of greedy capitalists who wanted a railroad from Berlin to Baghdad that had to go through Serbia...sort of like the Keystone Pipeline idea. This lefty fodder is simply not likely as Baghdad in 1914 would have had all the economic interest of dry camel dung. Oil was not discovered until 1927. Also Serbia had been involved in numerous Balkan wars trying to enlarge its territory and was anti Austro-Hungarian pro Russian from 1903 on... it was anything but an innocent bystander. So it is a historical ignorant plot.

Then there is the yuppie love angle...beautiful Serbian suffragette heiress (married no less) is the romantic interest of the Jewish DA.

Wash out the PC stuff and get a more historically accurate motive and it would have been dramatically better.
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Attractive film with decent acting, but its accuracy is problematic.
rdolan900721 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a period of history I am interested in, and therefore Sarajevo was a film I was interesting in watching because of the subject matter. It is a film that is certainly elegantly presented, with well judged performances as well. Yet its conclusions that the assasination of the Arch duke Ferdinand, and his wife was part of a Austrian plot to go to war with Serbia is tendentious at best. It is certainly a nice twist, and one that gives the film momentum. The problem is that a simpler story is the far more likely one. It was probably bad luck and incompetent policing that helped lead to the death of Ferdinand and there by the first world war. It's true that Austra/ Germany wanted an excuse to go to war with Serbia, but whether Austria would have connived in the death of their own leader Ferdinand is extremly unlikely.

The above reservations are the reason I don't rate the film more highly than a six. It is a good solid film however, although the central love story was probably unnecessary. Florian Teichtmeister does a good job a Leo Peffer investigating an investigation whose outcome is fixed from the outset. Melika Foroutain playing Maria Jeftanovic is the Serbian he falls in love with, and whose presence in Sarajevo is increasingly threatened by the establishment, looking for revenge. There are interesting elements in the story that Leo peffer is a Jew, and that will prove useful to the Austrians in trying to accuse the Serbian government of being behind the assasination. If Leo Peffer can sign off on the investigation whilst being seen as a 'neutral' it will look better for a wider international community.

He doesn't play ball with that, and that leads to him being directly threatened and intimidated. The story relies on the tension on whether he will give in or not to this pressure. There are other interesting characters like Heino Ferch who appears as friendly doctor but may or may not be. His performance was the most interesting in the film, and he tries to give Leo realistic advice. This advice might be double edged however.

So there are interesting elements in this film, and it has the pervasive atmosphere of a down at heels Austro Hungarian empire, riven by warmongers, and careerists. Gustav Princip and the other serbs involved in the murder of the arch duke are shown to be tortured, and threatened with execution to make them talk. Innocent Serbs are also executed, although how much truth there is in this I don't really know.

The production values are excellent, and the expositionary elements of the film are handled pretty well. I liked the film, but its speculation undermines its authenticity. If you want your period drama tinged with violence at an important time, then this is worth a watch. If however your looking for a truly factual account of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the assasination, then handle this film with some care. It's a decent effort, and will wile away an evening reasonably enough. Yet it doesn't quite fulfill its promise.
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An alternative theory about the attack that unleashed the First World War
danybur2 March 2021

The Austrian telefilm offers an alternative theory about the attack in Sarajevo that unleashed the First World War in 1914, through the chronicle of an investigation of that attack carried out by an examining magistrate. He does it with the usual dryness of Austrian fiction and with a parsimony that nevertheless accumulates tension and manages to maintain interest until the end.


In 1914, Bosnia-Herzegovina was an imperial province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In June of that year, during an official visit to Sarajevo, its capital, Crown Prince Francisco Ferdinando of Austria and his wife were killed in a street attack by young Bosnians, an incident that gave rise to nothing less than the First War. World. The scope of the conspiracy that allowed it was never fully clarified. This Austrian telefilm is a chronicle of an alleged investigation carried out by a Serbian-Bosnian examining magistrate to clarify the motives and those ultimately responsible for the attack.

The Austrian film Andreas Prochaska proposes a revisionist thesis on the conspiracy, in a film made on the occasion of a century after that attack and the beginning of the First World War.

Examining magistrate Leo Pfeffer (an undaunted Florian Teichtmeister) leads the investigation commissioned by Vienna and overseen by the local military commander and police chief. From his point of view, we look at aspects of the Austrian administration of its "imperial provinces" (actually annexed-occupied countries) with its discriminatory treatment of Serbian Slavs and Jews and its summary justice. There is also no shortage of local millionaires who support the regime. The conspiracy theory put forward by the film, which is progressively revealed by Judge Pfeffer, raised controversy at the time.

Sarajevo exhibits a successful re-enactment of the period, the typical dryness of Austrian fiction and a parsimonious rhythm that nevertheless manages to accumulate tension and maintain the viewer's interest until the end.
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Finally, some insight
kerescam19 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's interesting that this story is told from the POV of someone Jewish, in love with a Serbian woman, with ample foreshadowing of the holocausts both would face in the 20th century. Few people realize a million Serbs were killed by the Austrians in WWI, including many reprisals on civilians. There's also scanty knowledge of the systematic extermination of Serbs by fascists in WWII. And of course, scanty knowledge, readily dismissed, of the extent Austria was going to to provoke a war with Serbia for years before the Archduke's visit.

But if you follow the way they are referred to in this script, and the treatment they receive the picture is painted accurately. You know, things like "Those dirty Serb dogs," "It's a Serb-owned business, let's loot it." "Let's go wipe them off the face of the earth."

It was Austrian people, apparently, making this film, acknowledging freely that this was a story of a tiny, indefensible country sitting in one of those hapless superpower thoroughfares, who is constantly overrun, who should have died out, like the Jews, centuries ago, but here they still are.

I see some of the reviewers are doubting how believable the railroad-to-Baghdad theory is that's put forth in the script, but comprising the land route between Europe and the Middle East, there's always something somebody wants, and whoever wants to be powerful is always sticking their hand in that cookie jar, have been for millennia, all the way back to the Romans.

It was quite refreshing to see a depiction of this historical/ political reality, instead of the 'Serbs as Fascists' delusional propaganda that has been rife in western media in recent decades. (Another cookie jar saga there.) I had a good laugh at the remark in the script the Austrian bureaucrats were making about the outrageous demands they'd make on Belgrade to be sure they were refused. Apparently somebody in Austria was listening to a similar Belgrade conversation ca. 1999.

Thank you Austria: Krausz, Ambrosch, Prochaska. It's nice to know there are people who have observed the nature of Serbia vs. the 20th century and see who the players really are, and the true nature of the tragedy.
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The spark
ulicknormanowen26 April 2021
Unlike the tragedy of Mayerling ,the assassination in Sarajevo did not inspire that much the directors; Max Ophuls broached it ("de Mayerling à Sarajevo",1940),but his film focused on Franz- Ferdinand 's and his morganatic wife ,countess Sophie Chotek's love story ;like "Sarajevo" it ended with pictures of WW1 in black and white (and Ophuls added pictures of the Nazis :his was a propaganda movie ; it was 1940)

Hence the comparison ends : the modern version refuses the show: the assassination is not really showed ( sound of the first bomb, fleeting pictures of the sovereigns ) and all happens after the tragedy : an investigation ,made by a Croatian magistrate tries to unravel what lies beneath this attack ,bit it seems that ,in spite of his struggle, the die is cast ; Franz-Ferdinand was some kind of persona non grata in Vienna and they insist on the lack of precautionary measures from Vienna ;the changes in the route of the coach through the streets of the town.

The Austrian-Hungarish empire was a melting pot ,longing to free from the Hapsburg's yoke and the Balkans were a powder keg :Sarajevo sparked off .Germany would find itself caught in a stranglehold : France in the East ,Russia in the west ; and there's a plan (not historically proved ) of a train which would link up Berlin and Baghdad: the railroad track would pass through Serbia (which would not exist anymore).

Whatever report the young magistrate may bring to the Austrian goverment,it does not seem to matter anymore anyway ; the questioning of the prisoners bring nothing new ,except that they were only pawns in 'their " game.

It's an interesting account of a historical event ,although I'd tone things a bit for the love affair , the only storylike concession to a rigorous teleplay.
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The truth is the first victim of war
bspavlovic4 April 2019
Well made movie, is the first impression. The actors were well chosen for their roles, and they do a very good job. Decent job also from the technical standpoint, that is, decent job for a low budget movie. But there's a lot more to this movie: I don't know what on God's earth possessed the authors of the movie that shatters so many myths and uncovers so many truths, and that is, when the Serbs are concerned, an extremely rare occurrence. I know one thing: it required a lot of courage to make a movie like this. And who knows, maybe 100 years from now someone will tell the true story about bombing of Serbia and Montenegro in 1999...
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It was nothing!!
hondbert31 January 2017
On the positive side the movie had great costumes, interior and background scenese. On the other hand the story began okay, acting was good but halfway into the movie we get some conspiracy theory shoveled down our throat that feels like modern day leftist propaganda. What do I mean by that? Well the assassination on Archduke was a real conspiracy theory on it's own that has been proved by documents. The Serbian secret organization '' The Black Hand'' wanted the Archduke out of their way because he was very popular among minorities in the empire. He promised more independence and self control for those minorities when he would succeed the throne. If successful the Serbians within the empire would lose their dedication to be united with the Serbian home country in any possible future. Instead this movie propagates at the end that the Austro-Hungarian empire intentionally let the Archduke get assassinated by reducing his security and having coerced the driver by driving straight to Gavrilo Princip's hands. ( even tough in reality it was Ferdinand who suggested to drive back towards the hospital ) All so they and Germany would have a reason to go to war for financial gains. A suggestion is made that they needed Serbia to build the Baghdad-Berlin railroad, in order that oil could be transported from there. It sounds just as ridiculous as the tenacious conspiracy theory that Bush knew Al-Qaida would hit the Twin towers, and ordered the FBI to back down. All so he can declare war for oil profits a two years later. And to back up the veracity of their argument they have the characters say anti-semitic things to the detective who is a Jew converted to Christianity, just to make them extra evil. Yeah sure there were anti-semites back then and now, but come the Austrian officers corps consisted 40% out of Jews because they trusted them more than the countless ethnicities, so it wasn't that bad.
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Gripping story and outcome
mfakommeren8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We all know what happened that awful day in July 1914 from the history books, but what if the truth was different? This movie creates a different look at the events leading up to the first world war and in a plausible way I must say. It makes you wonder" , maybe he was right after all....

Politics back then could be as dirty as they have become in our modern time, that becomes very clear. Racism was exploding as well as the urge to "clean" countries completely. Against this background a compelling story is told in the perfect setting , as gloomy as can be, a forecasting shadow of what the world could expect and would endure.

The burden the main character carries, so well, is the burden the world carried and would change it forever.

Would I recommend this movie ? Yes

Would I watch it again? Yes

Well done!
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quite close to truth
orcavine14 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie. Suggests that the assignation of the arch duke was a conspiracy of Austria and Germany not Serbia. The arch duke was a problem to the the Austrian elite and military as he was against a war against a war with Serbia and that he was going to upend the power control of the elite in Austro-Hungaria when Emperor (e.g. his wife would be empress and his children would inherit the throne). This also included that Empire would become a constitutional monarchy like Britain and that all nationalities would have equal power in the empire. He also didn't want war with Serbia as he believed that his military was needed to maintain control and repress civil war in the empire, not war with a neighbor country .

The Austrian Military and power elite wanted otherwise and in a conspiracy with Germany plotted to murder him which they could then blame on Serbia and a pretense to start a war.
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Behind the scenes of 1914
Horst_In_Translation24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Sarajevo" is an Austrian/Czech co-production from 2014 that deals with a crucial event on its 100th anniversary. It is a 95-minute movie in the German language that came out the very same year that director Prochaska and writer Ambrosch made the pretty well-known western movie "Das finstere Tal". But back to this one here: It is a small screen release and the title already gives away that there is a historic context to it because Sarajevo is of course the place where it all started over a century ago in terms of World War I. On a completely unrelated note, recently, the film got a bit of a boost because it got picked up on Netflix. And this movie once again confirmed for me that I have much more interest in World War II than World War I. The problem wasn't at all here that there was no war action, but it dealt a lot more with the interrogations of the people responsible for the shooting of the Austrian heir to the throne. The cast includes a handful names that German film buffs will probably recognize, such as Heino Ferch, Edin Hasanovic and Erwin Steinhauer perhaps too. The film is very sterile and bleak and it's probably not that great for younger audiences because I did not feel it delivered too much in the historic context and there are relatively cruel references, not just about the assassination, but also about executions. So yeah, all in all, the film's dialogues were not good enough for me personally to work as a mostly dialogue-driven film for almost 100 minutes. I personally give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended.
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nealhurwitz4 January 2019
Very engaging for the mature person. LOVELY TOO. Fine acting and strong script.
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A Time for truth and the desire to find it.
radiodialband6 September 2017
I was a first disappointed to find the film was in German with no English subtitles however the main actor captured my attention immediately. I watched the film, never understood a word and thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope to find it with subtitles. Seems to me I would not be alone as just the characters of the film and their acting abilities drew me in. I suppose it would be like watching a silent film. I gave the film 8 out of 10 Stars and have no regrets for doing so
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poor movie
NijazBaBs29 March 2021
I am disappointed. While topic is good and important and this is about city where I live, and buildings look authentic, and some locations are real, the fact that foreign language (German) dominates, and that this is more about subjectivity and looking too old makes this movie bad. Unclear words, even with subtitles. Most buildings look not from real place. Nothing really happening. Too negative. And no action. Just some collection of characters, relationships, jobs, and old times. No end, no clear view of Sarajevo, no quality. Reminds me of most old Yugoslavian movies. I expected something specific, interesting, clear to happen. Looks like lots of historic knowledge is needed even for Bosniaks or Sarajevians to understand this, and even then nothing practical. No emotional depth nor lessons, except bit of motivation to improve our knowledge, safety, security. Lots of unclear things, names, events.
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Well- mounted historical drama
tomchak16 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This dramatization of "the shot heard round the world," the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, turns the story into a police procedural with at its center an impeccably groomed detective who faces difficulties with the bosses, as is often true with the police procedural. This incorruptible outsider who rides a bike, not a carriage, and doesn't smoke, develops a theory of the assassination that doesn't entirely jibe with the historical reality, but which is very entertaining. Although ten young Serbs were stationed along the Archduque's path, Pfeffer, the hero, finds that they are actually tools of the German and Austrian military, who want to start a war with Serbia. You can imagine how well this goes over. I found myself skeptical, since I remember seeing the museum in Sarajevo glorifying Gavrilo Princip and the movement for Serbian independence. Nonetheless, the movie is beautifully made, with colorful costumes emerging from the shadows of all these conspiracy theories, beautiful horses, old buildings and lovely interiors. There is a romance between the Jewish Pfeffer and a beautiful married Serb heiress to make a change from assassination, torture, and execution. Recommended for lovers of historical costume dramas.
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I loved the movie
flor-5883119 September 2019
I loved the movie which seemed to me fast without unnecessary scenes, I loved the love story between Leo Pfeiffer and Maria Jeftenovic. We were beaten by the Florian Teictejister who played Leo.
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Surprisingly accurate movie
sasha_ivans27 January 2019
Anyone who has done scientific historical research of the WWI era will really like this movie! Slower and less sensational than usual Hollywood junk, however factual and captivating!
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Intriguing, thought-provoking drama
grantss17 November 2021
On June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife are assassinated in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. The assassination was carried out by a group of Serbs, fuelling speculation that Serbia was behind it. Leo Pfeffer is put in charge of the investigation into the assassination and starts to turn up events and connections that seem out of place.

Intriguing drama. Tackles the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the event that lead to World War I and the deaths of millions, from a rather original angle and makes a great "What if?" mystery out of it. I was expecting this film to focus on the assassination itself but that is just a brief prelude - the focus is on the investigation and what the diligent investigator turns up.

The path the film follows is speculative - so don't expect to see much of the investigation covered in history books - but very believable. So much so that I actually had to check afterwards how much of the film is true.

Well worth watching, especially if you're a history buff.
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Definitely 10/10
markovicalexandar16 December 2020
Just amazing peace of art! Costumes, acting, camera, colors, absolutely beautiful! Historically accurate (studied ww1 for years) Gavrilo Princip looks the same! Now I feel bad that I didn't watch it long time ago. Real masterpiece. In WWI, Serbia lost 2/3 of population. Definitely will watch it again.
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Engaging and interesting
bolocholo21 December 2020
This is like Oliver Stone's JFK, but in another time and another place. It is a very engaging drama that explores an utterly interesting alternative view of who were the real master minds of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that lead to the First World War. Highly recommended.
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