The Blackout (2014) Poster


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The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street!
geurtsdustin24 February 2019
You either get my title or you don't. Anyway, wow, not a bad nobody of a movie. There are a lot of movies out there and only 10 stars. But I thought this one was better than a 5.3 so I give it a 6 for the curve. Only heard of one of the actors and thought the majority of all the acting was good. Actually thought some of the performances were really good. Wondered why nobody looked familiar. Only thing I didn't get was the illustration for the movie. There weren't any men with gas masks. Nor was there a significant woman with a small child. Oh well, worth something to put in if there's nothing else.
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Wish i cud rate it more for the Mandylors
tinie_au26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wudv rated this 3, but being an Australian i thought i'd give it an extra star as a show of support for the Aussies involved in the movie (the Mandylors :-). I had several issues. The lawlessness developed at such lightning speed (& all because of a couple of days blackout?) that i thought i must've missed a scene where they explained how many months had elapsed. I didn't understand what the basis was for everyone assuming that the blackout was worldwide (or atleast nationwide). Throughout the film there was a lack of 'thrilling' moments, but due to some of the positive reviews i was expecting a spectacular revelation at the end, but the lights just came back on. One realistic aspect was the panic buying. Overall i was irritated by this film, but appreciate the underlying message.
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Dime Novel turned movie
bovenb-3318812 July 2021
Nothing groundbreaking. The acting is good enough and the story is decent but it seems more it should a single episode of TWD or some such show. Plot is kinda weak to carry a whole movie.
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Could've done without the whiny girlfriends
socalsongbird23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I get that these types of movies call for people in distress. There's has to be people to lose their ever loving minds otherwise it would make for a bland movie. But why do they always have to be whiny little girls who cry when their boyfriend's are out of their line of sight? Christine absolutely ruined the movie for me. She was moody, threw tantrums, ran off all the time...these are supposed to be college kids right? She may as well have been 5. I went the entire movie hoping she'd die off and that's when you know your character sucks. The best acting in the movie was from the escaped convicts and the mother/daughter early on. We saw 2 seconds of their story yet I cared more about them than ANY of the other characters. You could have replaced literally everyone else and it probably would have improved the movie.
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After school special.
daleenglish-3827920 July 2020
Yawner. Pushed no boundaries. A what could be movie about a blackout. Everything implied, nothing seen. Good cure for insomniacs.
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Typical The Human Animal.
kwihui6 November 2021
It's description of the plot says it all.

Humans behave exactly how described in many movies when a huge event happens.

The deeply subdued ugly human nature arises to forefront. Terrible and horrible and worse than the other animals on our planet we humans behave!

I hope I do not behave like these characters portrayed in this movie. I doubt I will. I will take each day and events as it rises. I hope.

It's an okay film, I'd recommend others to see it so that if an event like such occurs, remember what to do and NOT DO.
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Little faith on Humanity
dochito5 June 2019
This movie showed a total chaos after some days with no electricity, okay, so, what? Movie depict the humans as total and brutal savages. I do not share the director views in this one, people tend to help each other in extreme situations, not the opposite.
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And there was light
nogodnomasters19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film focuses on 4 young adults hiking and camping on the Mohawk Trail in upstate NY. Meanwhile, Martin (Jordan Marder-writer, producer) and his expecting wife Julia (Lymari Nadal) return to his deceased parents' home in a plot to be developed. Frank (Bill Sage) is the local sheriff.

When a poorly explained nation wide blackout, lasting several days happens, a group of people misbehave becoming looters, rapers, and killers as if this is the end of the world and the lights will never come back on. Eventually they, as expected, confront those in subplots A and B.

That's about it. The rape is implied. The killings are not very graphic. The dialogue is boring and attempts to have a theme about light and darkness with a Genesis quote that didn't tie in that well. It didn't make me want to run out and buy duct tape and candles.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Flawed, but with some realistic apocalyptic overtones
rbstern20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy this genre, so I decided to watch this film when it popped up on Amazon Prime, despite the mediocre reviews.

Definitely has B-movie overtones: Script is a bit ham-fisted at times. Background sound effects are overdone, particularly the transitional "thunder." At volumes just loud enough to hear the dialogue, the sound effects were rattling my home theater. Definitely out of balance. Acting performances were acceptable, but it's clearly B-level talent.

On the positive side, the cinematography is excellent. Not sure where it was filmed, but the backdrops are beautiful.

Perhaps best of the film is that the screen writers depict what many preppers consider to be the expected reality for such a situation: The thin veneer of society will peel away quickly if the power goes out and stays off for more than a few days. The plot deals with this very effectively, and that alone will interest viewers who think about these situations.
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What IDIOT thought adding those 4 kids would add anything to the film?
boydpeters19 January 2021
This film needed to be massively edited. The problem was the writer clearly had some kind of ego trip that they didn't their cut out what they thought was significant and important content, which in truth was boring and pointless mundane and lame.

The girls were just unwatchable.

Actually, every character was pathetic.

I have no idea what the point was, other than "guns bad".

The writers and everyone involved in this dogs breakfast should be ashamed. So much potential ruined by amateur skills surpassed by inflated ego.

Any review over 3 is someone attached to the film.

So much potential, ruined by amateurs resorting to cliches, 1 dimensional characters and pointless, repugnant side stories.

I am scatching because I know they are reading this and they deserve it. Well edited, if I were the editor I would not want my name attached to this film
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Great movie that shows how things would really be....
ak67024 January 2016
Wow where to start....I thought it was throwaway rental from Rebox.Well that was wrong! It was very well paced and it really dragged me in. I didn't even realize it was Costas Mandylor he was so good at the role. So many movies that deal with the subject of when the "Sh*t hits the fan" go way over the top with the subject you can't believe it. This didn't it dealt with it as it would really happen or look. No monsters just ourselves. I was really blown away by the cast they did such a great job in showing how bad things could get.I also like the keeping of the violence to a minimum not so over the top like most b-movies or major blockbusters. It relied on plot not the visual so you were more dragged into the Blackout. Kudos to the screenwriter and director for doing a kick ass job with it all. The cast really did their jobs also, by not being so over the top. Just a great movie all around that really needs to be seen by anyone that's into a great movie not just us Sci-Fi/Action which I thought it was when you read the description at the Redbox machine. It was just a awesome movie period. Could have been a bit longer but was very well paced not to many slow moments or sub plots that didn't need to be there. No plot holes also. I won't say much about the ending but I was very satisfied. Also not having a ending that sets up a sequel was nice. All in all one the best rentals I've had in years that really made me want to waste 1000 words on here without saying to much.
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You're A Good Man, Jim.
wandernn1-81-68327410 June 2020
Well the first half anyway is a somber and quite depressing look at the subject matter I always say was covered so awesomely in an episode of the greatest Sci Fi show ever made, The Twilight Zone. In the episode called 'The Monsters Of Maple Street.'

+1 Star for the movie pulling very few punches in the first half....

Really a nice retelling of that story with a few variations.

The biggest enemy of man, is man.

+1 Star For Really being fairly clear on that point even though a lot won't get it.

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Well Crafted Thriller, Except for Preachy Political Message
eabra484639 June 2016
The Blackout is a well-crafted film from the start about a global blackout and its impact on one local area. The acting is superb and there is ample tension throughout its duration. It bogs down a little at times with mundane dialogue, but overall the pacing is good. The film is a study of human behavior during a time of serious crisis and it plays out in a fairly realistic manner. There is an obvious anti-gun bias evident, especially at the end of the film, where it seems that everything would be fine if there were no guns. Well, realistically, in a global blackout that lasted for any extended period, everything would not be fine--guns or no guns. In a world so dependent on modern contraptions and conveniences, most of us would not know how to survive in their absence--not for long anyway. In the end, it is a good film, but personally I could do without the political message.
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Not remotely realistic
rmmil3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few things I take issue with this film, but I'll summarize it in that it involves the "realism" of the film itself; and some weird writing / narrative decisions.

First, the good: it was reasonably well acted, every actor does a commendable job considering the material they are working with. They all seem to be fairly amateur actors; too, I think some may even have a future in acting.

The bad? A lot! But mainly 2 things:

1) This isn't "how it would really go down", this is a prepper's wet dream. Now, I have no doubt at all society would eventually break down during a global power outage, but not so fast. I know it was probably a narrative decision to cause a sense of panic, but the "let's kill for fun" faze would take at least a few months. Probably more.

Likely, in a situation like this, the national guard and police would keep order a few weeks, maybe some months. If supplies truly ran short nationwide, the breakdown of society would occur once cops left to fend for themselves, again probably months into this. The film "Into The Forest" does a far better job pacing out a scenario like this.

Especially in small towns, their isolated locations would make it take longer to break down. I live in the Midwest, I've lost power regionally for a week due to storms. No looting. People helped each other. Or in parts of Puerto Rico they lost power for a year+ due to the hurricane. No mass murdering.

Again, a nationwide breakdown would speed up the panic, but 3 days? The hordes "come out of the cities" (?) after 3 days? No.

2) I know the idea for this film is viewing "every day" people dealing with a global catastrophe, but some of the subplots were weirdly unnecessary. The teens going backpacking at the exact moment the disaster starts, just so they naively wander into a camp of psychos? Huh? What the hell was with this subplot? It created really odd pacing where the story jumped back and forth between their dumb teen bliss, and the crisis, for unknown narrative reasons. I suppose they represented "innocence" or whatever. But, it was just stupid.

My biggest frustration is that with the mostly competent cast and a decent premise, this film was a wasted opportunity.
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This Same Movie Has Been A Thousand Times
gregoryroman-8863519 July 2021
If you decide to watch this movie you'll soon be experiencing deja vu all over again. Only worse. Grade: D.
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Good acting, bad writing
wesperkins24 July 2023
As others have said, the total breakdown of society happens extremely quick in this movie. I think that's a problem a lot of people had watching it. I get they want to push the plot along but there are also so many moments when you're telling the characters to not do something logical. Movies that have to use dumb decisions to advance the plot or unrealistic scenarios are usually lazy writers. Add in some stereotypical stuff, like a pregnant woman in an end of times movie and teenagers making bad choices that also drag it down. I did want to like this movie, and the acting was pretty good outside of one college girl, But the plot is what did it in for me. I think if it did not have the college kids it could have been saved. I guess It's okay if you are watching it for free and need a couple of hours to kill, but you will not remember this movie long after you watch it. A good movie will make you think about it afterwards, this one just made me mad I watched it and wasted two hours. Especially the ending.
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I'm in between
markkbranson26 January 2018
Some of the user reviews raved about this film, while others trashed it. I' in between. There are some wonderful exterior shots. There is--at times--some well-earned tension. And there is an ending that might surprise some of you.

On the other hand: the acting is not really that good. There are not startling or unique effects. The pacing--which was OK for my during my lunch break--might be painstakingly slow from some.

Bottom line: If you have a free night and you can't find anything else that interests you, then check this one out. It isn't a complete waste of time (unlike "Aftershock" which I just saw and other than some laughs at some sick humor-e.g. a guy loses his hand--graphically--and his female partner picks it up and places it in her purse. On the way to the hospital with his injury, his female friend has her purse ripped off. Had to laugh at this bit--and a couple more.)

So for an OK night, with an OK movie--you could certainly do far worse than "The Blackout."
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Very realistic and intense movie
GlukeMore11 January 2016
I rented this from a redbox on a whim one night, not really giving it much thought. When I picked it out, it reminded me of the TV movie "American Blackout" that came out on nat geo a while back, which had a very similar plot. But "The Blackout" surprised me, it looked good, had solid acting, and above all it had a story was realistic and not over the top. Even minor things really stood out to me, like how loud the gunshots were (it's a pet peeve of mine when gunshots are too quiet in movies). It gave that same feeling the TV show "Jericho" did, where you don't know what's going on, so the anxiety levels are up there. This movie gave me a pretty good adrenaline rush on more than one occasion. I would have liked to have seen a little more of how the survivalist made use of his preparations though, but that's not something that took away from the movie.
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Much better than expected
njfilmsyndicate12 March 2022
A well paced, well acted movie with a plausible premise. Louis Mandylor does an excellent job in the directors chair. The cast is solid and believable. This movie does an excellent job depicting the collapse of basic humanity in a small town during a large scale power outage. Costas Mandylor is the real stand out of the film as the war veteran who has opted for a life of solitude and preparedness after losing his wife. His character never feels forced or over the top. His performance feels genuine and somber. Bill Sage also turns in a great performance as the town sheriff trying to keep order in a town full of fearful residents. All in all a very good and underrated movie. From its opening shots to its unsettling finale The Blackout is an unsettling that will have you rechecking your supplies to make sure you're ready to survive a long term power outage.
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