RWBY (TV Series 2012– ) Poster

(2012– )

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Amazing show
trypflowers3 November 2021
Ahhh where to begin I just love almost everything about rwby ,but i will talk about the flaws first. First the animation can get clunky at times ,but most of the time it provides amazing action and fight scenes. Second the story its in no way bad ,but its not top tier yet. I have hope for volume 9 ,but overall its a solid story and lastly when it comes to the characters I love most of them ,but I hope they use some characters more and improve a few of the villains a bit ,but other than that this show is amazing and highly recommend it to anyone. When it comes to the seasons I think they were well paced and really good they are all good. RWBY has everything good animation, great action scenes, amazing characters, well told lore and story and so much more. And I cant wait for volume 9.
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1 & 2 are interesting but 3 is amazing
posingasmeontumblr6 November 2020
So I really only watched this because it wasn't my turn to choose our next family show. I don't care for anime in general, but I do love a good story told well. The animation is rough at first, but even that is just kind of cool. Seasons 1 and 2 are character and world building. Then season 3+, the show gets truly amazing. They're artful with the death and gore instead of bloody and gross, so even though the fights are intense (and definitely have consequences for the warrior heroes), it isn't bloody and realistic. Beasts break into ash when killed, and blood is shown like rose petals most of the time. The story is extremely good as it moves forward. I went in just thinking I would watch because my daughter and husband liked it, but I truly liked it far more than I thought I would.
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Well thought plot, good interaction between characters but not enough visuals
Artific20 March 2019
The plot is amazing and the characters development is so believable and great, but we know that Rooster Teeth could have done better (or at least improve) it's graphics. While turning the 3d characters and environment the graphics got a bit confusing. No matter what i love RWBY and will always watch it.
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A RWBY in the rough
legendoftotalwar4 April 2021
When I first heard of this show I never thought I would watch it beyond just curiosity at this indie passion project, let alone review it professionally. I was barely interested in the first volume, but the more I watched the more the setting and cast captivated me. In fact, the sheer grandeur of the most recent volume convinced me to actually review it. I will admit that I wasn't impressed by RWBY's start, but honestly, when it started who expected this indie web series to become the astounding masterpiece it is now?

Story: The story starts out very straight forward but gets deeper and more complex as time goes on. It has a way of taking very common storylines/themes and while sticking to the typical guns with them in a lot of ways the show provides a unique spin on them. A big way it does this is with the characters, which definitely fit certain archetypes but have a depth and emotional connection strong enough to make any used plot line feel fresh and new. It's a high fantasy that methodically unveils the secret history of the world through multiple characters and at different points in the plot. All in all, RWBY is one of the greatest western fantasies of all time, with spectacular action to boot. The action is also quick but easy to follow, none of that minute-long inner monologue during the fight garbage.

Art: I was not a fan of the early volume's art style, however the later volumes are some of the best in western animation. But the show doesn't have enough sakuga scenes. When it does shine, though, it does so nigh-perfectly. Action packed moments that are animated well in the show are great, and its Monty and the RoosterTeeth animators doing their job right.

Character and world-building: The characters designs are great. The characters themselves are constantly growing and each offer a unique perspective, whilst the world-building is simply phenomenal and really differentiates itself from the lazy world-building in modern western animation. There is a huge learning curve for the main characters, and you are really able to see them grow in terms of ability and character. All the characters learn and grow through their character arcs which is incredibly relatable. Ironwood is an amazing character and his philosophical dissension with Oz is wonderful.

Music: The music is god-tier and fits every moment perfectly. The opening and closing credits also contain excellent songs and imagery that change to match the tone of each arc. The intro's and outro's, rather than being a jumble of random scenes like most shows, give subtle hints as to how the story will unfold. Only as you progress will you be able to appreciate how much thought and intelligence went into making them. Plenty of shows make a custom soundtrack for the show, but RWBY is the best and Jeff Williams masterfully incorporates the show's themes and the character's psychology into the soundtracks.

Criticism: RWBY has a really slow start, I only watched the whole thing by accident. But I do appreciate the attention to detail in the early volumes, I only caught most of the mythological and fairy tale allusions and foreshadowing on my second viewing. Many viewers don't understand the character interactions, world-building and set ups in the early volumes, leading them to drop or hate the show. The arcs are also very long for how short each volume is, and some viewers might have already lost interest or forgotten vital information foreshadowed before by that point. It's necessary for the pay offs later but many viewers might have already dropped the show and missed its greatness.

I just wish Monty could see the fruits of his passion project, thank you for creating this GOAT show.
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Rest In Peace Monty Oum
RealLifeRyan7 August 2021
Though late in this review, many akin to myself found solace in the world which Monty created. RWBY for me enlightened my Weltanschauung as it garnered the concept of what it means to be human by exploiting the extremities of fiction. I started RWBY a few years ago when one of my best friends kept on pestering me about it and from there I witnessed a journey of a lifetime unfold right in front of my eyes, the world of Remnant with the peerless action only enhanced what one would call perfection. I love RWBY too too much and the pain I felt, still feel with the death of Monty was beyond indescribable as he made me a better person. I cried, I cried for someone that I've never met in my life as he made me realize that the strongest weapon that we have in this world is storybooks. It can shape a man for the better or the worse. I've always wanted to meet Monty and give him the biggest hug as he helped me though some tough times within the confines of my life by intrinsically applying real world emotions to something so fantastical. His work captivated the hearts of millions with the utmost dedication that could only be fictional. I am a huge fan of his work, and it's sad to see that he passed away before completing his masterpiece. My deepest condolences for the great man, a legend, the creator of the most exceptional series for all of us.
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The Genuine Best Show
Maria_Escalante13 July 2021
The pacing is flawless, I've seen it 4 times and the only episode that kinda bores me now is episode 11. The story is something unique and special and is my pick for the best written anime ( this might change ). The dynamic between the cast is amazing and wrought with emotion, and all of the side characters you meet are always intriguing in their own way. The biggest strength is the MYSTERY! Finding out how this world works and getting to the bottom of what is really going on will keep you hooked. 10/10.
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Rough Beginning, KEEP WATCHING!
rebekahsto16 April 2021
This show definitely has a rough Beginning due to a very low budget. But as volume 2 begins, it picks up very quickly. I have never seen any other anime (working on it) but this was a great intro. It very quickly became my favorite show. I love the characters, I love seeing them grow. The fights are awesome. The story is amazing. Once you get past volume 1, it gets much better so just give it a chance.
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A nuanced and unique Faiytale
erosdil22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I always think about how something that intrigues me about RWBY with its storytelling.

No, it isn't perfect. Nothing ever is. It has flaws and things that could be improved.

But with the recent seasons I love the exploration and route of illustrating that literally everyone can make mistakes and the wrong choices can be made by anyone- hero or villain, protagonist or antagonist. No one person is completely perfect and can make a choice that will have immense consequences even if they were trying to achieve something good or what they saw as good.

Yes, even the main characters made mistakes. It's a complicated adventure they are in and things aren't going to go the way they hope. Even with the best intentions, things can still go wrong with what is chosen to do. Volume 8 especially highlighted this, the theme of "you won't be able to do everything. Focus on what you can and make a choice so that you do something at least; all you can do is try".

The protagonists want to do good and save people. Team RWBY and JNPR made mistakes, Qrow made mistakes, Robyn made mistakes, the Ace Ops made mistakes, Winter made mistakes, Ironwood made mistakes. It's not a situation of one person is right and one is wrong. It's supposed to be both have good and bad points, they're human and that's what happens. Things can end in tragedy or success.

Overall, I like this exploration in a show. It gives more nuance to the characters all around. And give a chance to really illustrate people with their flaws and mistakes alongside the good with them.
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In Monty Oum's 3D-animated series, we get a diamond in the rough
personalheyitao1 September 2020
The series is an ambitious project that has its shining moments. It introduces endearing characters that develop nicely, admirable fight scenes and overall quite fun. However, a lack of originality in the writing, as well as inconsistency in the quality whether that is voice acting or animation are a turn off.
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Let's stop pretending RWBY is awesome...
fadohacolu-451347 May 2016
RWBY is watchable. RWBY is enjoyable, even. In fact, I'm willing to admit that I really like the show.

However, RWBY does more things wrong than it does right.

First of all, the dialogue and characters are downright cringe- worthy awkward. At all times. Watching RWBY is like being at an anime convention, surrounded by people who are trying way too hard to behave "anime". The protagonist especially behaves this way. It almost feels like the creators of the show (who were clearly anime enthusiasts) put just a bit too much of themselves into the characters, instead of stepping back and simply creating art. They were living vicariously through the show they were creating.

Secondly, the animation is pretty rough in a lot of places, to the point of distraction. Watching the opening sequence really got me excited for this show, however usually the animations are akin to what you would expect to see on the cut scenes of a 3DS title. Not bad, just not... pleasing.

Thirdly, RWBY really tries to make itself into an anime, complete with all the tropes. Hell, the characters even attend a school. I have no issue with anime, but RWBY tries so hard that it seems to miss the potential it began with. The show could have been more interesting and more mature if it had avoided such an alarming amount of anime tropes and behaviors, and simply been itself.

All that said, I would certainly recommend watching it. It IS interesting, it IS different, and it's somewhat of an important meta-experience to watch an anime made by anime fans. It's like trying a new food. You might not like it, but the experience was worth it anyways.
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Refreshing and underated
arinamomiji1 August 2020
One of the most interesting things about the show is the fact that it does not care about originality. In a time where every other piece of media out there is trying to be new and original, RWBY accepts the fact that nothing is original. Everything has been done before. And it uses it's unoriginality to further it's story and it's themes.

In a volume all about whether or not Ironwood and his well-meaning authoritarianism can be trusted, how better to get the audience to doubt his benevolence than to introduce the legendary hero Robin Hood in opposition to him?

Want your audience to immediately doubt and distrust an authority figure? Make him the known con-man, the Wizard of Oz.

Want to imply a backstory of abuse years before it's going to be revealed to the audience? Why not Cinderella?

RWBY is a story written by people who understand their audience has seen other stories before. And it makes full use of it.
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About what I expected and still room to grow.
omarf199614 November 2013
Wow, I really don't understand the Rooster Teeth fan base raving on about this series. It's been enjoyable so far but no where near any animation series I have watched in the past. Obviously the people at Rooster Teeth have less budget than the regular cartoon/anime big shot company. But when watching this from an objective view and treating it like any other show I will say this.

  • Unique animation however it does look awkward to me in certain instances, this can be improved however as I said it's one season in. -Dialogue was passable whilst occasionally cheesy. - Characters still have room to grow. (not really a bad thing if I'm honest) -Fighting scenes were well choreographed but are often dragged and sometimes simply fodder driven with the occasional spark of creativity.

Overall I really liked it. A six star is a good rating I just don't think it deserves any more, obviously as a new series appears it can improve upon the score but as of now it's alright, it's no Red Vs Blue but soon enough it can reach those heights.
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Good if you want to shut off your brain
ciolekmango17 July 2022
I genuinely don't understand how some people say that this is the best anime they've ever seen though. While the show can definitely be fun to just play in the background and watch the fight scenes which are pretty good (no complaints here), when you actually start to analyze the show, you realize just how bad the writing is. Basically none of the main characters are well written(except one) and nearly the characters act completely out of character very often. A big problem that I see with this series is that there are no good or bad actions; there are only good and bad sides. Regardless of whatever terrible things the main characters do, they are always the good guys. Regardless of how good the actions of the villains(ironwood) are they are still the bad guys. The villains are also very boring for the most part(I actually enjoy Mercury and Emerald quite a bit), the social commentary is about as subtle as a brick, and the animation is pretty mid. Definitely not the worst thing I've seen, but certainly far from good.
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Consumable Anime type animation, for free!
silverkelt16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First , people, this was a web series more or less, and it was darn fun to just consume through, it has some tragedy in it, so be prepared to discuss that if you are watching it with your kids (at the end of volume 3 especially)

Considering these types of materiel heavily favors, those who want to watch it anyways, Im not surprised at such a high rating it has garnered, I would give it a very solid 8..

I know some are knocking this as a bit less professional quality then some other current anime projects, but frankly they are missing the overall concept and themes presented, while also glossing over the fact its western conceptualized, allowing you to listen without having to read subtitles all the time, is a nice change of pace.
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Continue Past Season 1
bamboards19 February 2019
The animation was suffering in season 1 however every season the animation gets better while maintaining its own style. The story is amazing and has plenty of twists and turns to keep you wanting more. I love RT but RWBY is one gem of theirs I think people who know nothing of their other content can enjoy.
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Go Team RWBY!
ivanjuarez-3282628 March 2022
RWBY has become Rooster Teeth's top series because of the characters they have brought to life are inspired by their fairy tale counterparts and explain how their origins can related to the plot elements of the fairy tales they are based on. My favorite protagonists so far are Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Lie Ren, and Ozpin while my antagonists would be Salem, Roman Torchwick, Cinder Fall, and Adam Taurus (who's such a vengeful commander of legions). I really want to it ends in the following years.

One of the most important themes of the saga would be Ruby and her allies' relationship realizing they have become more of a family and how far they've come while taking many risks. Ruby is optimistic for being Remnant's only hope for she is so responsible for shine light through the darkness into the hearts of her loved ones. I also want Rooster Teeth to develop a crossover with King Kong focuses on both Blake and Kong since they are each an inspiration of Beauty and the Beast.
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Great Show
AsherMcCown121730 June 2018
Keep making episodes, the fighting is amazing, the story is amazing, sit back and relax and enjoy this fantastic story.
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Love it
pikachugirlgaming2 November 2019
Ahhh I love thus show so much excited for volume 7
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I don't like anime or cartoons, but this is extraordinary!
mynameis14048 July 2016
RWBY is just pure art, please take in consideration that it was made with very low budget (or none) and it's just so awesome in every aspect. It is addicting, my friend told me about it, I watched few first 2-3 episodes and after that I couldn't stop watching, so I watched entire season in one day, and I'm the person that doesn't like anime at all because I think it's too childish for me, but story-line is what kept me hooked. Atm. I watched all seasons, and I'm waiting for 4th season.

This series are just outstanding, You will not regret if you give it a try, after all, episodes are really short; in season 1 they're just 6 minutes per episode, but season 2 onward they are usually 13 minute episodes.
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Fun, a bit lacking, and a lot of potential
Arogath_Oblivion20 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I went into RWBY almost entirely blind as to what it was, and I've just finished the first season in a single sit-down. What initially caught my attention were two things, the fight scenes I'd found in some amv's, and the weapon Ruby uses. The fight scenes are incredible, at least the bigger ones (my unquestionable favorite was the group fight against the bird creature). They're fluid, creative, beautiful, and exciting. Unfortunately, that's the only time I could call the animation any of those things, but it's my understanding this show doesn't have the highest of budgets, so I can let that slide quite easily. Ruby's weapon is one of the coolest things I've seen in recent years in terms of weapon design, and the styles of each character in the show are usually just as visually pleasing to match. I'd love to see what this show could do with more money in the aesthetics alone.

My main problems with the show were the voice acting and the writing. The voice acting ranged from pretty good to terrible, while the writing, at times, felt a little too contrived and forcefully "anime-ish" in style. I understand the show is meant to take from that form of media, but a lot of the stereotypical tropes it tries to pull come off as out of place and uncomfortable, which may possibly become less of a problem with a better voice cast and quality of animation - maybe. Some characters are better than others. I absolutely hate Yang's character and actress, while I love Nora's, Jaune's, and - at times - Pyrrha's.

Yang as a character is boring and predictable, her lines are delivered dryly, too quickly, or just poorly in general. So poorly, in fact, there were times I had to stop the episode and go back a few seconds to understand what she'd said. Nora is genuinely funny, Jaune's lovable and is, even though he suffers from some of the previously mentioned overused anime tropes/clichés, maybe the the most human and relatable character on the show. His relationship with Pyrrha is fun and often cute to watch, and they have great chemistry together. There were moments from all characters that made me roll my eyes or wonder who thought it'd be a good idea to fit that embarrassing line into the script, but nothing that made me want to turn it off.

Conclusively, I found the show to be worth watching, not only for what it is right now, but for what it might be in the future. If you like exciting battles, cute girls, and creative ways to make those cute girls do exciting things, I recommend it. If you want incredible writing and peerless acting, look elsewhere or wait until the show improves - which I think and hope it will.
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errant-5278517 August 2022
If you enjoy plot and characters, look elsewhere. It is devoid of either. And what little there is of either is completely incoherent, inconsistent and doesn't follow any rational or internal logic.

It's pretty though.
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Unique visual style
briancham19941 June 2020
I really liked the hybrid 2D/3D art style. In fact, a lot of this series feels like a hybrid. There are influences from anime, science fiction, video games and other animated series. However, the story and style are very focused. The visual quality is not so great to start with but it improves as the series goes on. The characters are compelling and funny. This is a show that grows on you.
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love it but a ton of problems
Noodleshark18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love RWBY i mean i'm obsessed with it but, that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good show. First i am going to start off with the things i like about the show: 1. The characters: ESPECIALLY the side characters. I like how they help the main characters and their personalities. Although there is a lot of characters which i will come back too later. I also enjoy how every character (mostly) has their own story and aren't just shallow one off characters. The characters are probably why i continue this show. The excitement to see your favorite character again (the very reason i want volume 10 to be greenlight is so i can see my favorite character Marrow again). Their personalities lead you too want more of them to see more.

2. The plot: I am in the minority when i say i do actually enjoy the story of this show. I like the way the plot is taken (done well? More on that later) I like the atlas arc and the stories that are in it (Example: Penny's struggles with being the protector of Mantle).

3. First three seasons: I thought this area needed its own category as it's basically my favorite part of the show. If we are only judging the first three seasons then this show would be a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. But atlas it went on. Now that's not to say i didn't like the newer seasons. I still get overwhelmed with joy with every new episode and character moment i see. I (mostly) fall in love with new characters, hell my favorite character is Marrow from volume 7 and 8. But back on the topic of the first three seasons. The comedy is incredibly SOLID in so many ways. It actually made laugh honestly a few times.

4. THE MUSIC: The music honestly deserves its own category. The music in this show is honestly better than the show itself. The music in this show is honestly a solid 8/10. Every volume i am more eager for the soundtrack then the actual volume. There are so many bangers and not to mention it's mostly sung by one women! (Casey Lee Williams). Not only that (in the early seasons at least) the music played importantly in the background of moments and actually played into what was happening on screen. One of my favorite songs from any show is from RWBY (Friend; volume 8).

Now for the things i didn't like about this show...

1. Wasted potential: So much of this in the show. If it's with characters or plot lines you name it they fall flat on their face with it. Most namely with characters relationships. I am going to use Weiss and Ruby as an example. These two probably had the most important or one of the most important bonds in the first 3 seasons of the show. After that point though they barely interacted which was odd since they are literally each others partners on their team.

2. Forget plot lines or barely addresses important things: I thought this deserved its own category with how much this happens and how much it hurts the show and it's quality. One of the biggest cases of this is in Volume 5; where Weiss gets impaled in the back with a flaming pole thing by Cinder. Of course she is saved by Jaune (unlocking his semblance, which is really the only reason it happens) but her getting stabbed only really gets mentioned once by Ren in a throw away comment. It doesn't affect her at all emotionally nor does it affect any of her friends who literally watched her ALMOST DIE. It's not even that it's the fact that it could have happened to anyone else and it wouldn't have made a difference. The only reason they did this was so Jaune could unlock his semblance. This happens again in a severe manor in Volume 9. Where Ruby quite literally kill's herself (though she didn't die cause yknow plot armor) her teammates and family barely have a reaction after she dies and literally are all smiles and laughs after she dies in front of them?? It could be argued they know it didn't lead to death but she still felt like she wanted to kill herself and this fact is never brought up again. They don't even seem phased at her killing herself in front of them. That's not even the worst part in the episode where she does kill herself it is hinted that someone is gonna have a reaction (her death is filmed through Yangs eyes) but atlas nothing comes from it. It feels so out of character for the characters to have no reaction to their leader and their sister (in Yangs sense) to kill herself in front of them.

3. The characters (again): Remember when i said this was one of the best part of the show? It's also one of its weak points. There are so many characters in this show that it seems like the plot doesn't know where to put its focus on (it should be on the main characters but yknow). It's not only that there are so many characters that some important ones are just forgotten about or never seen or heard about again (Example: team CVFY). It gets too the point where some characters feel under developed or un needed in the story as they could of just used one of their already existing characters. Also when characters do come back it's more in a way that's like "har har har you remember them? Yeah they are here too" in a way that feels like a cameo rather than in a way to expand on the character.

Overall rating: 6/10; fine.
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Disappointment and Sadness
boydjonah3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I began watching the show when it aired its second volume. At that point, there is little to no plot and it was just a lot of fun. Upon the creation of the third season and the death of the creator, the show began to fall apart. It cracked like glass. One small mistake led to the creation of four characters known as the maidens that have little to nothing to do with the plot line other than the fact that they seem to be important. As of this moment volume eight has begun it's malevolent descent on humanity and little to nothing has happened to progress the plotline or characters of the main cast. The motivation of the main villain is lackluster, and completely justified. The only bad thing that the villain does, the only evil thing the villain does, the only thing the villain does that makes the villain a villain is kill people. You know who else kills people? Almost everyone in the show. Even Ruby Rose almost killed somebody in the third volume. There is no direction, there is little to no care put into the creation, and it is sad this is what the show has become.
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Absolutely amazing Anime
lubu-4235528 February 2019
It's one of the greatest shows ever. Captivating, thrills and lots of action. I must say that I'm the type who really appreciates good series. I was, by all means, Such a Great show . All the characters were much more involved and their development is wonderfully seen in the series. Also I liked the plot better, it had more meat to it.
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