The Terror Live (2013) Poster

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Captivating n energetic thriller but without a shocking twist.
Fella_shibby3 January 2022
I saw this few days back. Was on my radar for a long time.

Well, we have seen much better movies with a bit similar theme, Phone Booth, A Wednesday, The Taking of Pelham 123, Speed, Man on a Ledge, Cellular, The Call, etc but this doesn't have that kinda shocking end.

Nonetheless it is a bearable thriller with enuff energy.

The budget is low n it is very evident by the effects n some of the scenes of the bridge collapsing are shown via television to hide the budget.

Statutory warning: avoid the Bollywood unofficial remake like plague.
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Almost Plausible
gothic_a6665 January 2014
The Terror Live is a very tight thriller in the best Korean tradition. It follows a former successful TV news anchor Yoon who has been demoted to a radio host. One day an upset caller threatens to blow up a bridge only to be dismissed, needless to say it was no mere idle threat and in a matter of seconds after the call is over a bridge does did explode.Thus begins a tense back and forth between Yoon and the terrorist while the nation watches in growing horror.

There are many good things going for this movie. The real time format never gives the viewer a break and the tension builds up to such a pitch as to be almost palpable. This comes across through the main's superb acting, the actor's voice and demeanor carry his distress as he scrambles for self-mastery in facing the cameras installed in his radio studio. What at first seemed like the chance of a lifetime as Yoon puts it, the perfect opportunity for going back to his television stardom, degenerates into a veritable nightmare on all fronts. Yoon pays greatly for his choice of exploiting the terrorist attack for his career.

It is interesting how The Terror Live focuses exclusively on domestic terror. The highly contentious neighbor country of North Korea is not even mentioned, the movie is firmly steeped in a South Korean reality through and through. The very premise of the media having such a swaying control fits well with South Korean society.

Strangely enough social media plays no part in this movie but it does feel very modern. The shooting style, with well thought out closeups to heighten intensity and almost exclusively centered on the studio, creates an atmosphere of claustrophobia.

This is a very Korean movie so one should expect a great blurring of the line between terrorism and highly corrupt authorities, there are no heroes here to speak of but the human element comes across through the haze of panic.

A few minor plot points keep this from reaching perfection but it is a remarkably well crafted movie and well worth watching. And it could happen in real life. Almost.
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Suspense that does not leave the room!
leviathantv26 January 2014
I have been waiting for this movie for sometime now,and my expectations were high.They were almost satisfied.

This is another one of the movies that everything happens in a small room/location and the film rarely leaves out of that.

Still the suspense is enough to keep you going.

Yeong-hwa Yoon, played beautifully by Jung-woo Ha, is a radio producer demoted(in lack of a better word) from national news anchorman.During his early show in radio he receives a call from a man , that claims he will bomb a nearby bridge.When the bridge explodes and everyone understands there was no prank call the wheels get in motion and what follows is a nice thriller.

Whereas the above plot is good,I would call for some changes during the middle of the film where you might get slightly bored.But the end will definitely make up for it.I promise you that!

The acting is very good and made me feel it was all happening in reality.

You will see few CG generated animations but this movie needs no more.

An excellent film overall,and I rated this so high due to the ending which I loved.If you like this genre then definitely watch this.Even if you don't, watch it,and you might get surprised.
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andrewchristianjr25 October 2021
A pretty entertaining, tense thriller. My favorite thing about it was how the main character was sleazy and pretty unlikeable, though you still sympathized with his predicament. It started to get a bit silly and over-the-top by the end unfortunately. Korean films continue to be hard hitting and brutal in execution and style compared to American films, and this is most effective in movies like these.
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A National Story in a Tiny Room
waileukwu5 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
AS all movie reviews should begin, I would like to describe what the technical details of this movie. This film is clipped in such a way that the pace is suffocating, crisp with constant camera angle tilts. The seldom use of 'on air' footage brings the immersion it needs to carry the audience away such that it brings about a spectacular effect. Special effects are reminiscence of the recent Korean special effects, which meant top quality Hollywood style full of explosions. In a way, this movie is the paradigm of Korea movies that involves minimal background...

And then . . . Well, after you watch this movie, you will know that what I just said is complete nonsense . . .Terror Live is so much more than that.

In a way, this movie is a cult film, though I always thought that cult movies' shooting style involves massive amount of makeup, black humor, but never thought of a backroom that ended up dealing with terrorist activities. No, this is a cult, but not a typical one. So the movie, to its genre, is a movie that is impeccable. It reveals how mass media works , talks openly about social problems, caring not to cover the most corrupted part of human nature.

I can't help but think if Hollywood was to shoot a movie like this, it would be about the anchor soloing the terrorist, which would be hilarious of course (and ridiculous).

But thank God Hollywood did not shoot this film, but rather, Korea. Spoiler ALERT: Let's talk about the plot. Starts off really simple, with a 'terrorist' calling a depressed anchor. This anchor is laidened with scandal and had recently divorced, but he had ambition still. When the terrorist detonated the bridge, he immediately took action, turning his tiny room into a live news room and went live with it. The terrorist breaks out a tale of poor workmen who died years earlier, and demanded the president of Korea to appear on stage to apologise. Anchor tried to negotiate, but found that his earpiece was also the sense that a bomb is installed inside, of which he was force to stay and broadcast (as he wanted to back out). Negotiation continued, but both the president and the terrorist refuse to give up what each other wanted, and the anchor was stuck. And as we all know that the longer stalemates continues, the worse it gets, the terrorist detonated places one by one, ending up with his possible lair, ending up is a tragedy, one that ends with a ka-boom that felt more like a punch to the heart than a joyous bang.

Indeed, short story short, the movie ambitiously takes up a front against the problem with the modern society, about who is in charge. Is it the people? The government? Or is it the media?

an anchor obsessed with taking bribes is demoted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a turnaround ; one because they were kicked and retaliation directed radio report leaked to the opponent ; leading a snc television ratings can be sacrificed for hostages and his own subordinates anchor ; Director of a headstrong police did not result in the eye of the terrorists were killed ; there is a frame of terrorism offenses and a director of the Office of Cheong Wa Dae refused to apologize, only to hear the sound of the last president, staged a safeguard their own interests in their respective positions on the play . No good nor bad is exactly labeled, but in the end, all who watched the movie will grimace at how humanity was presented. There is the government, but it only showed its arrogant and darkness. There are good folks, but ultimately they are, all of them, flawed. Indifferent president, ambitious anchor, greedy boss, arrogant police chief, the flaccid director against terrorism, and the terrorist.

Finally I have to commend Jung-woo Ha. His performance one of the most amazing I have seen in recent Korean film industry. In the first 10 minutes you will witness some of the most subtle yet stunning image change from a rather sloppy radio personality to a believable anchor man. Then, next hour you will spend gnawing your finger as the you witness his face turning from anticipation to fear to anger to regret, yet manage to keep his show alive. have the end. Well, that was surely a boss way to end the movie. Bravo, well done.

It is highly recommended for those thrill seekers who are sick of pure action. It is highly recommended for those who are sick of the government (no it is not promoting anarchy, but rather the helplessness of the general public, but it does make the gov look horrible). It is highly recommended for those who want to see some highly intelligent conversations. It is highly recommended for those who loves ending with a blast. It is a 'terrible'movie beautifully done for it encompass a nation within a simple TV room, and the movie itself is one of the best in recent Korea.
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How it ends disappointed me the most
Misss2529 April 2021
The movie is not as good as I heard of, so I'm a bit disappointed. But, somehow it surprises me with the suspense from the starting. It is amazing to watch a movie which is filmed in one room but still able to hold viewer's breathe.

From starting it is so breathe taking, I even couldn't take my eyes off. Besides,rising tension about who and why he did this was evolving in my mind that time. But,I really didn't expect it to end like this,I thought there will be an interesting reason behind all these things.

I'm truly disappointed by keeping high expectations.
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Profound and Entertaining
RealDuality27 January 2014
The Terror Live is not a film Hollywood is capable of making these days. It is the type of introspective, awe inspiring work that was plentiful in the 70's, but with the control from corporate executives now, it no longer exists there. The movie doesn't follow a politically correct or stereotypical path that they find necessary for deep themes. And, it is a real shame that this class of film is absent in LA, because most Americans don't watch many foreign movies, plus the country has struggled with understanding certain important issues, like the one this film has.

The incredible picture will move an audience with the terror, but it is the dialogue that makes the insides jump. Quentin Tarantino would be envious of its quality. The terrorist, who begins by blowing up a bridge, speaks in short, simple bursts. His anger is palpable, as is his singular focus. The news personality, who tries to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to him, has ambitions that cloud his mind, but his strong will gains one's sympathies. Ha Jung-woo, known for his work in The Chaser and The Yellow Sea, as this radio talk show host, is able to show us the character's great difficulties in his bout to maintain his professionalism while he and his love are in danger. He provides a window into seeing that these media folk are real people whose emotions are forced to be controlled in the name of journalism or impartiality subtly with great skill. The terrorist desperately wants the former anchor to show that he doesn't share everyone else's apathy, as well as expose the corruption in the media and government. Their battle mainly takes place in words, which are the real ultimate weapon.

Kim Byeong-woo's direction is almost on par with his writing. That the cuts come quickly in some moments and don't make the viewer dizzy, is a testament to his discipline. He uses it to heighten the suspense, choosing precise times and interesting angles. His take with news footage and shots of TV's gives the spectator the feel of what this aspect of the world is really like; and, even more compellingly, his selection of the look behind cameras at a couple turning points is inspired.

The film starts out fast, making it captivating right away, but it is the second and ultimately the third act, that makes this movie so special. The places that it manages to go is amazing, and the ending will leave one breathless.

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paulclaassen17 June 2018
Well, this was fascinating! The film effectively demonstrates the power of the media - radio, in this instance. This was very realistic and suspenseful, and became more and more intriguing as it progressed. Some really good visuals as well, especially the awesome ending! Loved it!
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Riveting Watch!
anikb-8709917 June 2021
"The Terror Live" is one prime example of how to make a riveting thrilling film seated in just one room. All the drama and action unfold inside one studio room where a news anchor is forced by a terrorist to fulfill his needs else he will blow up a bridge (which he actually does once to send his message out clear).

1.5 hrs and not a single dull moment. Performances by the lead is especially great. The ending kind of leaves you emotional. It leaves you thinking.

However, it is not perfect hence i reduced 2 stars. First, in the entire 1 hour there is no bomb squad which was talked about. Second, the entire story gets predictable very soon thanks to the terrorist revealing "why" he was doing such a thing. Third, never seen a police chief as dumb as the one shown in the film. A lot of events just happen without any reason which leaves several audience questions unanswered.

Nevertheless, this film is definitely for you if you love single room thrillers and if you can ignore the negatives.
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Suspenseful single location thriller
Leofwine_draca10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A good and inventive single location thriller from South Korea, feeling very much like their version of PHONE BOOTH or similar. This one has all of the political and cultural subtext that makes Korean movies so fascinating, while at the same time it tells a highly suspenseful tale of terrorism and the country's response to it. Ha Jung Woo is reliably good as the lead, essentially doing it all by himself, and holding everything together. Things do get rather preposterous at the climax, in which the CGI budget isn't quite up to the job, but I'm more than happy to forgive it that.
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You Will Love it If you watch it
sippankumar1 August 2021
You Will Love it If you watch it, the movie holds you for the entire time very few movie can do that to me Worthy of an Oscar.
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Not Bad
Foutainoflife4 June 2019
A former news anchor turned radio host, tries to negotiate with a terrorist who is bombing the city.

This isn't a bad film. I enjoyed it but I didn't think it was as good I had hoped it would be. There is a effort to have the story make sense but still had a couple of holes. The actors played their parts well and there is a fairly consistent level of suspense.

Overall I liked it.
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Unfortunately some things can't be overlooked
Mastur_Batsler8 January 2014
The movie has some serious potential, it is shot in one room (radio station) and I like those kinds of movies (Buried, Man from earth, Phone booth, even Pontypool ) because they are focused on the story rather than showing giant CGI robots fighting each other while the audience doesn't care about any of them, this one is prime example of how it is done.

This one starts with a bang, it quickly sucks you in and it doesn't get boring even for a minute. Through interesting story it critiques media and government showing what happens behind the curtains in one media house, and displays other side of the story that public is usually deprived of. There are only a few characters but they seem awfully real, throughout the movie you learn more about the anti-hero protagonist, who is really the highlight of the movie and of course he should be, might I add that Jung-woo Ha rose to the occasion. Though there are couple of cameras (in-movie cameras) in the room they are rarely used especially when the things get dramatic, thus creating more drama with the shaky cameras, good thing they didn't go for the trendy "found footage" nuisance. Sound editing, which is naturally important in movie based in radio station is good, music isn't over used, isn't cheesy and is it's great, gave me goose bumps.

Unfortunately after one moment it becomes comically ridiculous, I really wish I could have just shut my brain and enjoy the rest. Movie goes overboard and all I could think is that it would never happen in real life, it is like the script writer just didn't have time to work out the realistic aspect. I get that it is difficult to put a good idea in real life situation but that is what separates great movies from average ones.

It starts good, ends good, but messes up somewhere in the middle.
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The Terror Live is misfired at occasions but throws its big bombs perfectly at corrupt system and disloyal media.
SAMTHEBESTEST29 October 2021
The Terror Live (2013) : Brief Review -

The Terror Live is misfired at occasions but throws its big bombs perfectly at corrupt system and disloyal media. I am not a big fan of Korean cinema but i have loved watching major classics made there. Maybe that's why i expect every acclaimed/known Korean film to be damn sensible and intellectual and may be that's why The Terror Live seemed like a gun, misfired at some places. The film is close to 'real time thriller' term but as we progress with the characters, we start getting those regular vibes. A newsman discovers he's been rigged with a bomb after he has an exclusive interview with a terrorist who blew up a bridge. The story has a simple demand that the audience should stick to it for 95 minutes and if that's okay for you then this one is not a waste of time at all. I tried to think about the motive of the film and i realised that it was very important. But then i see what changes have we seen after that in system, politicians and media who are still walking corrupted with no fear of any sort? Then did the film really succeed to send a message? It has.. but i guess people are not interested about it after finishing those 90 minutes of viewing. So all that important topic and stuff I was talking about goes in vain. The film fails to match its own intelligence by making false promises at the beginning, however, i liked the point when it tries to find a new motive after losing that promised one. The performances and technical aspects are excellent. It keeps you on edge of your seats and it's quite possible that you might just end up bitting nails by the time it ends. It's true that a better writing would have made it a classic thriller and i had to say that it misses the tag by some noticeable distance. Nevertheless, it still worths every second of your watch time so don't miss it. I'm going with half-a-star extra only for attempting to do something different from mainstream filmmaking.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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The Terror Live Review: Won't let you move for even a second!
Achyut_Prashast_Singh18 July 2017
Movie: The Terror Live (15)

Rating: 4.75/5

South Korean cinema is getting better day-by-day. The best example includes this stunning action thriller THE TERROR LIVE. With a watertight screenplay and top notch production values along with terrific action sequences and razor sharp editing, this is the South Korean cinema at its best. Ha Jung-woo, one of my favourite actors, too leaves no stone unturned to prove it as his best film till date.

THE TERROR LIVE is a very gripping film since the very beginning. There are a lot of unexpected surprises that come on the way. The editing is very tight as there's not even a single second wasted in introducing or developing the characters. It doesn't take much of a time to connect to the film and the lead characters. At some portions, the thrills are so amazing that one might just not be able to move!

The story and screenplay of THE TERROR LIVE seem to be something never attempted in the history of cinema before. The film is quite unpredictable and takes you by surprise every second it unfolds. The action sequences are executed brilliantly and realistically along with tension being well built.

Ha Jung-woo is really excellent in his performance. Other supporting actors deliver good performances. The film has nothing that would disappoint you. The technical aspects and production values are top notch. The visuals and cinematography are impressive, and climax of the film is excellent.

There's no doubt that THE TERROR LIVE is South Korean cinema at its best. Do nothing: just go and watch this amazing, gripping, engaging and mindblowing action thriller as soon as you can!
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A different kind of terror
Film_Fan_Raja26 June 2020
I saw this downloaded Korean movie yesterday with family. The premise is live coverage of a bombing incident and the film is quite fast paced.

The thing I liked about this movie was the ability to keep the script tight so you can never guess where this goes. I should warn you this is not a feel good movie.

Shows the dark side of media and government and how any cause or coverage never actually helps the subject; media or government never suffers. There are only different scape goats!

Watch when you are in mood for something different.
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Surprisingly intense! one of the Koreans finest thriller I've seen. Who are the real terrorists ? ( B+ Movie) My Ratings 9/10
This is an awesome edge of your seat thriller, which raises lots of moral issues, about negotiation with terrorist, and role of the media. Ha Jung-woo in a practically one-man-show delivers a stellar performance.
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Will keep you super glued
ragingbull_200526 July 2020
This is a 95 minute long film, which captures 95 minutes of onscreen action that begins at 9.30 and ends at 11.05.

Excellent editing, clever screenplay, brilliant acting and a complementary background score that accentuates the constantly building tension ensure that the real time unfolding of events keeps you super glued to the scene.

The ugly underbelly of media houses, their manipulation to score higher TRPs and the general apathy of governments are the different subplots that serve to ratchet up the pressure.

I would have rated it even higher but for the finale that suits an action film more than it suits a thriller like this because of its slight implausiblity.

Recommended. Spikes, loads of them, in heart beat guaranteed.
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Actor acting burst
j-88061-992975 April 2020
The whole drama is wonderful and the rhythm is compact. The protagonist performs such a wonderful story in a space. The acting skills are very online.
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an innovative perspective
yoggwork21 February 2019
Indeed, from an innovative perspective, the contradiction between the devastation of terrorist attacks and the pursuit of personal interests by journalists in disregard of social security is vividly demonstrated, while satirizing the irresponsibility and inadequacy of the government.
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Can't take my eyes off for one second
TaylorYee949 October 2020
The story is very fast-paced with dynamics among characters and some actions & bombings. New events keep happening as the deadline of explosion approaches, and they accumulate the suspense. Also, those events are linearly organized based on time rather than being scattered sparsely, so the storyline is neat, and it is comfortable for the audience to follow till the big ending even though it flows fast.

Everything makes sense, plausible. Every character is connected, and things happen for a reason. A blackmailer is not just random guy on the street, but he also has justification for his wrongdoing, and it is well explained in the movie. I want to compliment the scriptwriter's ability to keep the story interesting, neat, and fast.
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conceited characters
Massimovic12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a political message, the writer want to focus on the reaction of government with the event, how it wants to vice versa (change chairs) how they can use all the legal and illegal ways they can lie on Korean people,even they can change the focus on the main event to another branch one. They also show how the police men have there conceited characters and how they deal when the matter with them glory.

Again and again the writer want to show how the media specially TV just a toy with the political people they say what just they have been allowed with.
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Starts great, ends mediocre.
rashid-popal28 May 2016
The movie starts with a good note and develop its main Character very well. Someone wants to be heard and will do anything to do so.

The middle also continues with the suspense. However, its here when things get unreal and ridiculous. For example, the way the Police Commissioner handles the situation is very unreal and comically dramatic.

My major disappointment with the movie though was the ending. With all the built up suspense, the ending left me unsatisfied. I was waiting for something big. Something that could have justified the action of the protagonist. but it didn't.

I waited and waited for the plot twist, but never got it. Even with the director intended to, it was pretty obvious for me.

Great potential, but rather turned out to be another predictable drama then a thriller with a message. 1 time watch if you have nothing else to do and have seen all the other great Korean thrillers twice. :)
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Surprised me in a good way
jasminn_tan14 May 2022
I definitely did not expect to like this as much as I do. It was an act of terrorism but it was also the result of many things. I really liked the nuances in morality in this one and how there was no "happy" ending.
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postsenthil27 October 2019
Its just another normal day in Seoul as the visibly bored host of a current affairs show on radio, Yoon Young-hwa (Ha Jung-Woo) discusses some recent tax changes with his callers. He is going through a tough patch in his life after being unceremoniously shunted out of a popular TV show he had anchored for several years and also the aftermath of a recent divorce. He is annoyed when a pesky caller refuses to disconnect and insists on airing his views. When he shows his impatience towards the caller, the caller threatens that he would blow up the Mapo bridge which is near the radio station. Yoon dismisses the claim as just another hoax from a prankster seeking his few minutes of fame from being on air and tries to move over to the next caller. Alas, he is shaken when a bomb detonates on the Mapo bridge leaving the middle portion of a bridge in a precarious state by disconnecting it from both the ends. This sets Yoon's mind racing and he desists from following the natural course of reporting the caller to the police. He feels that interviewing the caller exclusively on live TV could well be a ticket to regain his erstwhile position as a premier TV show host. Yoon strikes a deal with his former boss who readily accedes as he too sees the call as a godsend to prop up the ratings of his TV channel which could fetch him more revenue through commercials.

The caller, still online, raises the gambit by demanding a ransom to go live on TV failing which he would switch another willing channel for a similar exclusive. When Yoon and his boss accede to this demand and transfer the money, the stakes get higher as the caller demands the public apology of the President through national television for an industrial accident that resulted in the death of his fellow construction workers while racing against time to complete some repairs on the Mapo bridge. It is also revealed that the caller has planted more bombs including one inside the headpiece of Yoon which would be detonated if he discloses the same to anyone or if he tries to remove the headpiece or if he fails to follow instructions. Meanwhile the government machinery is afoot on a frenzy to shield the President and neutralize the threat to its credibility.

What follows is an intriguing cat and mice game between the caller, Yoon, his boss and a desperate government which try to outsmart one other. Ha Jung-Woo (earlier seen in The Berlin File) playing Yoon, shoulders the entire movie on almost single-handedly and provides an impressive performance as he seamlessly transforms from a bored radio show host to somebody who has struck upon a career rejuvenating scoop and from someone in absolute control of the situation to a helpless prisoner trapped within the unfolding events.

Most of the movie happens within the confines of Yoon's studio and is designed to give the viewer a feel of a regular daily TV news show which aids in connecting to the viewer and gives one the feel of watching the unfolding terror in real time. The result is an intense, express paced edge-of-the-seat thriller that keeps the viewer completely hooked for its entire running time of about 100 minutes despite a finale that feels a tad contrived.

Writer-director Kim Byung-woo has weaved in a layered narrative which transcends being a taut thriller and explores several contemporary themes such as the growing moral bankruptcy of the media which sees ratings and money as its prime driving force resulting in a situations where most of the players in the media plumbing a fiercely competitive spiral seeking ever-more sensational stories, class struggles in a society riven deep fissures of income inequality as also the rising insensitivity of a state steeped in indifference towards the masses. Given the near universal resonance of its theme and its tense narrative, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bollywood / local language remake / inspired version soon.
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