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witster1831 July 2015
Granted, they had me at Donnie Yen, but then they gave me incredible production values, a fairly competent storyline, and met the action/fight-sequence quality of the first two IPman's.

This was ranked 6.4 this morning, 6.5 this afternoon, and could be headed higher.

It deserves it. It's a freakin' blast!

The final fight is as good as the alleyway in Killzone, and a clear lack of the all-too-present drama silliness found in many of these HK action flicks. Some of the serious stuff is handled quite well.

Albeit the fight scenes are still gloriously over-the-top(not sure what some were expecting reading some negative reviews - i mean isn't that wHY you rent a kung fu flick? Geesh).

The "filler" is solid, decently acted fare that keeps at an even pace and keeps the audiences interested in the fate of its lead characters. If u want realism go rent "the gunman" and be bored to death with a more basic plot, realism, and seasoned actors. It will fry your brain and send u back to the redbox faster than "Get Hard". Or have fun watching a mindless, unrealistic kung fu flick - which flies by like an F-16, and is a 90-minute adrenaline rush.

Highly recommend this! 65/100

I will be purchasing this. You should know where u stand before u hit play. If u enjoyed "true Legend", the "police stories", "supercop" or SPL:Killzone.. Or any modern kung fu flick.. You will love this!
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It was a great Kung fu movie
subxerogravity25 April 2015
Old school style narrative for contemporary times.

A physically challenged man who could be an inspiration to anyone (if he was not the bad guy) over comes his uneven legs to become a super strong Kung fu master with the goal of killing seven of the greatest masters of their styles.

The legendary action movie star, Donne Yen plays a prisoner released from jail to find him and stop his killing spree.

The movie is a who's who in Hong Kong action cinema with cameos from some of the biggest and best in the business like Raymond Chow, who was the only one I really recognized by face to go oh wow! (Some of these cameos are from action stars who date back to the 1960s, so they don't look the same)

It's a real modern take on a classic style of Kung fu storytelling, with the Kung fu killer going from land to land village to village to find the masters and kill them, but now the village is the urban jungle of china.

One of my favorite scenes is when the kung fu killer goes up against the master swords man, who is an action hero faking his blade skills on camera. Possible the best example in the movie of how contemporary the village has become.

Everybody's Kung fu fighting, but it's also a cool police drama about hunting one the most interesting serial killers in cinema history. The Don does it again!!
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Donnie's still got it.
BA_Harrison10 January 2021
Kung fu instructor Hahou Mo (Donnie Yen) is serving a prison sentence for the accidental death of an opponent during a duel. When he sees a news report on the prison TV about the murder of a top martial artist, he believes that he can help the police to find the person responsible (who turns out to be a highly skilled fighter with a gimpy leg, as played by Baoqiang Wang).

While not exactly boasting the most inspired or original of plots (the story is reminiscent of all those old school kung fu films in which a villainous martial artist kills the good guys to prove he's number one), Kung Fu Killer is still a case of Donnie Yen proving to his detractors that he's still got it. Almost two and a half decades after he wowed audiences in In the Line of Duty IV, he is more than capable of choreographing and performing jaw-dropping scenes of martial arts mayhem.

I admit I was a tad doubtful at first, the initial fight scenes not grabbing me in the way I had hoped, but with each successive battle getting more and more elaborate and increasingly brutal, the film eventually won me over, the final showdown on a busy freeway being an incredible tour-de-force of kung fu excellence (with a truly wonderful spot of pole fighting midway). Admittedly, the fights are not without their use of CGI and wirework, but that's become fairly standard for modern action films, and the technology is used well in this instance. I for one am just happy to see Donnie still leaping about and doing what he does best. May he long continue to do so.
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Kung Fu kills it
YohjiArmstrong9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Donnie Yen's modern day releases are always a treasure and KUNG FU KILLER is no exception. This time there's a mysterious kung fu killer - with an amazing scrunched up face - murdering martial artists using their own skills. Donnie is a former martial arts superstar in jail and all broken up about killing someone in a duel. Obviously the cops let him out to track down the killer. It's a simple but brilliant plot used as a springboard for a variety of super-cool fights across HK. Yes the whole thing is cliché - from the gal he has to protect to the cop ally whose superiors just don't understand her - but forgivable. To add to the charm, the production is packed with old-time HK movie stars in bit roles. The only let-downs are that the plot means that Donnie only gets in one big MMA mass brawl (when he takes on a whole prison gang) and that Donnie is once again a rather boring goodie-two-shoes (the ending is a message about how being No.1 is lonely so it's better to be part of a team, comrade). Still, how many other films feature a fight on top of an enormous plaster recreation of a human skeleton?
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Good premise... bad kung fu...
icetech613 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love kung fu movies and was really looking forward to this, in no way is it a bad movie.. i love the storyline. would have prefer it to not be dubber in English. But thats just personal preference..

My issue is kung fu with wire work and CGI.. And i can't be the only one that feels this way.. I would rather watch 100 bad 70's kung fu movies with real fighting (and bad sound effects) over these wire fests.

On the upside this movie isn't so bad with it. but it does take away from it.

For fighting i believe dragon blade did better for a newer movie. But once again.. just opinion.. although this storyline is way better than dragon blade
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Donnie Yen, doing what he does best
Leofwine_draca2 April 2015
KUNG FU KILLER - aka KUNG FU JUNGLE - is the latest slice of martial arts madness from Donnie Yen, here playing a tough-as-nails convict who's released by the police in order to track down a serial killer who's been making it his business to kill Hong Kong's top martial arts fighters. What we have is a slim police procedural plot enlivened by tons of hard-hitting and well-choreographed kung fu fights.

What you see is what you get, and there's little to disappoint here. The production values make for a glossy, high-spirited production, and there's also plenty of the human drama you'd expect from the storyline. Donnie Yen always plays himself, really; whether he's a cop or a criminal, he's always the good-natured, good-moral hero who you're rooting for throughout. Charlie Yeung's female detective provides a good opponent for him to butt heads with though.

Really, though, the plot is just an excuse for the action, and it's plentiful indeed. Most of it consists of one-to-one bouts, although there's time for a riotous interlude inside a prison. All of it builds up to an extended finale in which Yen and the sneering villain beat seven shades of hell out of each other for what seems like an enternity, and it's all very entertaining, although not quite up there with the best of this genre (aka FLASH POINT and KILL ZONE).
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high up on the martial arts movie bar
urthpainter12 December 2015
If your a Donnie Yen fan, this film is an absolute must watch. He always delivers in the action scenes, but this movie also has solid characters and an interesting story.

Kung Fu Killer (or Kung Fu Jungle) is essentially about the quest of two men to be the best fighter alive. The villain is very overt in their quest of dominance, but the heroes journey is clouded by questions of conscience, family, honor, and pride. This gives each a destiny discovered through a series of fight scenes. The two inevitably end up pitted against one another in a test of skill, strength, and willpower. I really respect the use of the fight scenes to add depth to both characters and story.

If your watching this movie, it will be for the action. The martial arts is really well done, and while there certainly is some wire play and superhuman moments - the scenes follow their own stylistic rules which do not stray absurdly far from realism. Each dual features a different style, and the variation of techniques will be appreciated by the seasoned martial arts fan. I am especially fond of the fight highlighting weapons - especially it's introduction, style, and nod to the film industry.

The story isn't perfect, and this is what holds this movie back from being a true kung-fu classic. Everything is in the right place - Haunted villain, damaged hero in need of redemption, love interests, and surrounding characters trying to uphold the law. But it takes the viewers imagination to make all the pieces fit perfectly, and while I don't mind this myself, I certainly understand how someone who needs the all the roughed up puzzle pieces perfectly smooth would be left somewhat disappointed trying to fit it all together. I'd like to say the lessons learned make the ending perfectly epic, but really the films moral falls flat in comparison to the action, and the depth of the main two characters.

The villains character is especially deep. He overcomes both physical and mental anguish to become a master, but as a result of his life trials, is too damaged to be anything but a killing machine. The hero finds he has a choice in his destiny, which is one of the biggest points the film has to make.

Production values are very good. The camera work is especially well done, and the fight scenes gain a lot from this excellence. Always nice to see fight scenes from far enough back to really witness the action unfolding, and minimal edits to watch the actors preform their craft and stunts.

If your looking for an excellent martial arts movie with great characters, memorable fight scenes, and a solid story - then by all means, watch Kung Fu Killer.

Way above average: 7 out of 10
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Nice little mix of crime thriller and martial arts.
djangozelf-1235120 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Always loved Donnie Yen's work and especially the character Ip man which he played 2 times in recent years.

This is not that good but rather a nice contribution to an action packed movie with an adequate story to keep it all going.

The some what over the top scenes did not fit the film and dragged the totality of the film down.

It has the feel of a big production and it wanted to do to much with all the genres they messed up in writing an interesting story.

All the characters feel some how "off"in this movie and did not seem to matter,because in the end, they all get redemption anyway.

If you like action or martial arts than this is your flick.

Combination with thriller and drama was a let down according to me but some one might also see that as a plus.

I enjoyed watching it.it has a good entertainment value.

You should at least check it out if your a fan.

I like Donnie Yen movies can't wait to see the next 1.
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A stunning comeback for Donnie Yen, this well-plotted, character-driven embodiment of a contemporary martial arts movie is thrilling, gripping and poignant
moviexclusive19 October 2014
As much as we love the 'Ip Man' star, we'll be frank to admit that Donnie Yen needs a hit – bad. Which is why his latest, which reteams him with 'Bodyguards and Assassins' helmer Teddy Chen, is such a huge sigh of relief for us – it packs Yen's signature brand of hard- hitting action with a compelling narrative to be both thrilling and moving at the same time, and is indeed as good a comeback as we could have asked for.

The setup isn't complicated, and fuses the themes in a kung fu picture into a police procedural. A brief prologue which shows Yen turning himself in at the police station after killing his exponent in a fight frames the former, while the latter unfolds three years later with the emergence of a serial killer who is targeting experts in different martial arts disciplines, i.e. boxing, kicking, grappling, weaponry etc. Immediately after hearing a news report of one such victim, Yen's martial arts instructor Mo Hahou starts a prison brawl just to get the attention of its lead investigator (Charlie Yeung), proceeding to name the others whom he claims would be next.

As it turns out, Yen's portents come true one by one, and he gets a temporary release from prison to aid in the manhunt. To be sure, there is no doubt on who that is – an unhinged psychopath called Fung Yu- sae (Wang Baoqiang) who has just lost his wife to cancer and now possesses only a murderous motivation to prove himself the best of the best. Unsurprisingly, the film builds to an ultimate challenge between Yen and Wang, the former's motivations and the latter's intentions more personal and intertwined than what you are likely to have thought at the start.

Chan isn't a storyteller without purpose, and none of that seems lost in Lau Ho Leung and Mak Tin Shu's tight scripting from Chan's own story. Chan's character-driven tale depicts Yen and Wang's on- screen personas as two sides of the same coin, both of them highly trained pugilists tempted to use their skills to kill rather than to protect and whose personal quests for supremacy has blinded them to the consequences of getting there. It is a familiar conceit all right, but Chan's incredibly assured direction fleshes it out convincingly.

His ingenuity doesn't quite end there; by placing such themes within the context of a modern day setting, Chan has truly accomplished a rare feat of making a contemporary martial arts movie; in fact, we'd even go as far as to say that 'Kung Fu Jungle' is the very embodiment of such a movie. The use of martial arts here makes complete and perfect sense, woven beautifully into the plotting and given a gritty down-to-earth polish that makes it all the more authentic. Chan's aim here is also homage, and eagle-eyed fans of the genre will have a field day spotting – among others – Mang Hoi, Tony Leung Siu-Hung, Tsui Siu-Ming, Yuen Cheung Yan and Sharon Yeung in cameos.

Yes, many of these stars have paved the ground on which Yen's stature as a martial arts actor stands on, and their appearances – no matter how brief – has clearly energised Yen. His work as action director here is among his best in years, but it is probably no coincidence that he is joined by other luminaries like Yuen Bun and Tung Wai. Each kill provides an expedient setting for a quick burst of adrenaline, with trained kung fu actors like Shi Yanneng and Louis Fan in brief but memorable supporting roles that Wang challenges to a one-on-one fight to the death.

Quick, clean but brutal – they pretty much establish the tone for the more elaborate setpieces to come, and it is in the latter that one is reminded why Yen is arguably the best active kung fu actor out there today. From a signature 'one against many' brawl in prison to a cat-and-mouse chase in and out of the stilt houses that form Lantau Island's fishing community to an exhilarating finish along the Container Port Road leading out of the Kwai Tsing Container Terminals, Yen impresses with his speed, agility and execution. In particular, the latter ranks as one of his best in intensity and inventiveness, especially with a wowing mid-section that sees Yen and Wang duelling with wooden poles.

If Wang ever seemed an odd choice for Yen's opponent given his filmography, the Shaolin-trained Mainland actor finally redeems himself here. This isn't their first match-up – that ignominy goes to the atrocious 'Iceman 3D' – but seeing Wang fight the way he does here is truly an eye-opener, firmly putting to rest any doubts of his ability in a physically demanding role like this. Wang is also chillingly good as the snarling murderer whose hood hides a deliberately scarred face, but is equally persuasive when portraying the part of a loving husband to his dying wife. Yen's acting is in equally fine form as an honourable man wracked by his past demons and trying to stop a monster for more personal reasons than he is willing to admit to anyone.

Truth be told, we weren't quite sold when we heard that Yen and Wang were re-teaming after 'Iceman 3D', and if you're having similar reservations, we're here to tell you that they are unfounded. 'Kung Fu Jungle' is a thrilling showcase of martial arts action and gripping storytelling, a shining example of a contemporary kung fu movie and an earnest and befitting tribute to a bedrock of Hong Kong cinema.
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Keep the WIRES out of Kung Fu!!
jakebrann17 May 2020
I really am sick and tired of these kung fu movies with all the wires and CGI. I was just Googling today to see if Jet Li had ever made a movie with no CGI nonsense? I couldn't find one. I would rather watch any Bruce Lee movie with bad dubbing and fight noises with actual fighting over most all the nonsense of today. The Ip Man movies one and two were really good about that but it seems for some reason they are all hung up on this horrible wiring idea and stupid CGI. Just be realistic. Nobody gets hit and flies 20 feet across a room. Nobody jumps up to do a roundhouse kick and throws 7 kicks in between the one main kick. Just keep it real! I don't think I'm the only one who finds it ridiculous and annoying! Keep the wires out of kung fu! Don't ruin it. Still worth the watch just because of Donnie!
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MadamWarden19 August 2021
An ok-ish Kung Fu movie but over the top fights, too much use of wire stunts, and bad bad CGI.

Terrible plot and acting. Not that you expect much from a Donnie Yen movie.

Ok Covid distraction I guess...
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6.5??? What's the problem with you all?
altersaege28 February 2016
This film has got by FAR the BEST fight scenes of any other Chinese Martial Art film I have ever seen in many many many many many years. It's new, merciless, crude, intense, the bad guy is really scary (most, the 98% of bad guys in all films, are ridiculous), the quality of the choreography and of the fight scenes is superb, the thrill is sincere, you can really feel the bad guy is powerful and able to harm anybody, so you feel all the time that this or that character is really in danger. I have just watched the second chapter of the Tiger/Dragon saga, wire- fu, which by chance also sees Yen as one of the main characters. And, well, it can't even dream of competing with the level of this movie. I very highly suggest this film to anybody even slightly interested in martial arts, and to anybody liking action/thrillers.
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Pure action
cdj-279254 July 2020
The story is good but the action is 10/10, perfect choreography, just a mix between classic martial art with moderns moves.
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Stereo-typical Donnie Yen movie
wmiphranum29 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The trouble with Donnie Yen movies lately is they're becoming too familiar. The movies may be different, but they somehow make you think it's the same Donnie Yen movie you've seen from last time. It's mostly because Donnie Yen casts the same actors with him again and again, and he keeps having the same movie flaws that keep his movies from becoming great. The movies usually starts off with a very promising plot with well thought of characters and story background, but then in his effort to create a deeper story he tends to lose the plot with outrageous circumstances, twists, or drama in the middle. It's no different with Kung Fu Jungle. The good thing, though, is he's still able to pull it through at the end of the movie. I can't help but feel disappointed since Donnie has so much potential to really make great movies with great fight scenes without sacrificing the story, but lately martial arts movies from Thailand or action movies from Korea and Japan are doing way much better. But, I think it's the point he makes in Kung Fu Jungle that he also wants to point out in his career: he no longer vies to be number one, he's just contented doing martial arts with the other masters in the industry.
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It's not outright bad, but it is a little disappointing.
Wizard-85 February 2016
I'm always up for a good old Hong Kong martial arts action film, so when I found the Blu-ray for this movie in my library, I snatched it up. But as I said in my summary line, I found the movie somewhat of a letdown. It's not a BAD movie; it does have some genuine merit. The production values are excellent, from the cinematography to the sets. And the fight sequences, particularly the climatic bout, do have some genuine excitement. But all the same, I felt the fights weren't as good as they could have been. They have the unfortunate trademark of many modern day Hong Kong martial arts movies - quick editing and the camera zoomed in really close. The best Hong Kong martial arts movies step back to see the performers in long takes. Another problem was that I didn't think that there were quite enough action sequences - a couple of more would have helped. This may explain why I often thought the plot to be slow moving, as well as lacking urgency. Die hard fans of Hong Kong martial arts movies might get enough out of this (not just with the many cameos of famous Hong Kong movie figures), but I would not recommend the movie to more casual viewers of Hong Kong filmmaking.
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Killer Kung Fu.
morrison-dylan-fan5 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching Drug War I decided to check on Shudder to see what other Chinese movies they have. Knowing him for Rogue One,I was happy to spot a Donnie Yen title,leading me to get set for some wicked Kung-Fu.

View on the film:

High- kicking the killer karate chopping up a body count, the screenplay by co-writer/(with Tin Shu Mak and Ho-Leung Lau) director Teddy Chan takes the enticingly odd outline of a serial killer who murders with his Kung-Fu skills,and sadly sands it down with a miss-judged,too serious tone, hacking back to the ghosts that haunt criminal turned investigator Hahou Mo, rather than going for the more off-beat offering of the killer targeting people who are each experts in different forms of martial arts.

Twisting out of the straight line style of the script, director Chan & John Woo's HK-era cinematographer Wing-Hang Wong unleash a barrage of ultra-stylised,peculiar action set-pieces,crunching bones onto and inside a human skeleton the size of a T-Rex dinosaur fossil (!) and the final,full-on fight between Hahou Mo, (played by a great, no nonsense Donnie Yen) and the killer sliding between slick wide-shots catching the duo use the environment around them for weapons, and burning red close-ups on Hahou unleashing killer Kung-Fu.
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7/10 woow
zainajurry7 September 2020
Woow ,,, AMAZING Film ! One of the best movies I have seen
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This is what "Man of Tai Chi" should have been
KineticSeoul29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a superb kung-fu flick that integrates generic kung-fu ingredients including a detective investigation revolving around murders and fighting. And the protagonist fighting for what he believes is right. But it does it well enough and entertaining enough to make it a worthy sit through. Donnie Yen is in his 50's and still killing it. The story is really comic book like, but I mean that in a good way for a movie such as this. Since it was immersive from start to finish, because of how they connected the story to the fight scenes. Even if there is quite a bit of plot holes. The plot is about this kung-fu killer that goes around killing other martial artist and the mystery surrounding the case and the motives why. It isn't a amazing story, even for a kung-fu flick standards but it works. And the actor that plays the antagonist role was the right pick in my opinion. He just does that believable expression of the man with nothing to lose who is filled with rage and has that psychotic vibe going for him. When it comes to the plot, they needed to pick the right actor to play the villain, because a lot of fight screen time is with him more than Donnie Yen. The fight choreography is very well done and brutal, you can actually see what is going on without any close shaky cam. And it still added the gripping feel to it. The cinematography is also crisp and clean, and really brings out the vibrant aspect of it all. Overall, this is a movie that is enjoyable. It isn't a mindblowing Kung-fu movie but it's still a kung-fu movie that shouldn't be missed if you like martial arts movies.

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One of Donnie Yen's Best Films
monkeysgalore26 April 2020
A solid martial arts movie elevated by the lead performances, Kung Fu Jungle (Kung Fu Killer in some areas) boasts some serious fight choreography. Donnie Yen stages some next-level fight scenes while giving a great starring performance at the same time.

Donnie Yen is undoubtedly one of the best kung fu stars out there. He's actually a good actor, and that, coupled with his amazing fighting skills, make him a very bankable action star. His knowledge and skill in martial arts takes center stage, with some incredible fights, many of which showcase different styles of martial arts. Baoqiang Wang is actually really good as the antagonist, managing to appear imposing and intimidating despite his small height. He also displays much skill in martial arts, and he and Yen both do some great stunt work.

The story is ok, and basically just a standard serial killer thriller plot with a kung fu twist, but it's nothing you haven't seen before. It was enjoyable though, and held my attention.

The fight scenes are way cool. The prison fight scene is excellent and very well-staged, and the many fights between Wang and his victims were all really slick. There were also some cool chase scenes that were tightly shot and well-edited. The final fight is a treat for martial arts fans, and Yen and Wang give it their best. Pure kung fu mayhem.

I strongly recommend this to Eastern cinema fans, and kung fu enthusiasts. You get what you came for, which is Yen and Wang, and lots of fighting. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Surprisingly jaw dropping moves and stunts
sneakablez28 July 2015
Very fun to watch specially if you like Kung Fu martial arts flicks. KungFu style and moves used here are very surprisingly jaw dropping stunts. It may look bit unrealistic but just for the fun and imagination that Kung Fu is a whole lot on a different level of fighting style you will definitely love it.

If there's one thing I am missing on this movie is more challenging and long rival fights than easy to the top final match. Other rivals deserves something more too.

Anyway but still this is really a good one from Donnie yen. A must watch.
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Too many pulled punches!!!!
dbreezylol7 February 2021
I went into this expecting not ip man 1 or 2 but flashpoint, killzone type fight scenes...sadly I wasn't given that the fifth scenes were choreographed great at certain points, but they held back to much I didn't get the face crushing action I had hoped, little too much wire work without an Aggressive delivery of pain to add to wire fighting with unnecessary CGi, great story with incredible homages to the greats of the genre, just wasn't the Donnie Yen movie I was expecting, great cinematography of the city and glorious high definition but just not the face crushing jamboree you'd expect. Still a good watch but don't have your expectations too high
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Don't look for a fight, it will find you...
paul_haakonsen20 June 2016
"Kung Fu Killer" (aka "Yi ge ren de wu lin") is one of the absolute better Donnie Yen movies in years. I had very little expectations to the movie when I sat to watch it, expecting it to be little more than just another tough-guy-beating-up-all-the-bad-guys movies that Donnie Yen usually tends to make. However, I was more than genuinely and pleasantly surprised at the outcome of "Kung Fu Killer".

What makes "Kung Fu Killer" a good movie is a combination of several things, which include the action, the martial arts, the story, the acting, the setting and the atmosphere of the entire movie. I was really enjoying this movie from start to end. As with all Donnie Yen movies, then the martial arts and action sequences are tight, precise and well-choreographed and equally so executed. And I am a sucker for Hong Kong movies, so of course it was a treat to be back on the gritty streets midst worn-down old and sparkly new buildings at the heart of South-East Asia.

Donnie Yen does deliver his usual perfect set of fighting and action skills here in this movie, and he is joined alongside by Baoqiang Wang, whom I don't think I have noticed before. But wow, this guy was also quite amazing, and definitely a name to keep an eye on. There was a good feeling of brutality and honest, hard-hitting fighting throughout the entire movie, without excessive use of Wire Fu. Charlie Yeung also did add a good element to the movie with her acting talent.

The story is about an imprisoned martial arts instructor whom is given a deal to work with the Hong Kong police in order to find and stop a particularly brutal serial killer who is targeting the best of the best of martial artists.

The characters in the movie were a bit square, yes. And by square I mean that they were generic and as you would expect from a movie of this type. Nothing grandiose here or nothing innovative in terms of character building. But that is still alright, because they are enjoyable and well portrayed by the cast hired for the various roles and characters.

It should be said that director Teddy Chan does follow a strict how-to-make-an-action-thriller by the book. And that is one of the downsides to the movie, because it does give it a bit too much of a predictability to it.

If you enjoy Hong Kong cinema, then "Kung Fu Killer" is a definite must watch movie, especially in the latter years. I was quite surprised with how good the movie was, and am pleased to say that Donnie Yen is definitely back in top form. I am rating "Kung Fu Killer" a solid eight out of ten stars.
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good hardcore kung-fu movie
HotlineSF2 May 2015
if you're a big fan of old-school kung fu flicks (i.e, stuff with Shaolin monks, Iron monkey, people doing fancy kung fu moves) you'll probably enjoy this movie. If not, your mileage may vary, and this movie may be a 6 or 7 out of 10 for you. Don't expect the more "realistic" fight scenes we've seen lately out of stuff like "the Raid", Bourne flicks, or Jason Statham. Even though this movie takes place in present day, it's in many ways a homage to classic kung fu movies of the past.

Donnie Yen plays an imprisoned martial artist who's released on the condition that he helps the police apprehend a serial killer hunting kung-fu masters. The plot develops like something you'd expect from a kung-fu film taking place centuries ago. The villain chooses his victims based on their mastery of the arts. He wants to defeat the best kicker, the best grappler, the best weapon user, etc.. in order to prove he is the greatest fighter in the land. The action scenes are pretty good - fast and frenetic, minimal apparent cgi/wirework, and well choreographed. I should also note the producers do a nice job finding and designing creative set pieces for the action, with various scenes taking place on a busy freeway, inside a dinosaur museum, etc...

Another plus is the characterization and portrayal of the villain (played by Wang Baoqiang). He's given enough depth and backstory to separate him from the typical one-dimensional baddies we've all seen, and Wang's earnest (although somewhat melodramatic) performance is one of the highlights of this movie.

I think it's apparent from watching this that the filmmakers put a lot of effort into making this a quality kung-fu movie. Sure, maybe it falls prey to some of the usual action movie tropes (this ain't high art we're talking about after all), maybe there's cheesiness here and there, and Donnie Yen isn't a great actor, but it's easy to appreciate the little details and work invested into this film that elevate it above random xyz action movies that have good fight scenes, but are otherwise unmemorable.
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Even Donnie Yen couldn't save the movie
olcayozfirat22 November 2022
It is a 2014 Chinese martial-themed detective film. Normally, I don't watch movies with fantasy fights like this. I watched it for Donnie Yen's sake, but it was bad. The thing is so silly. There are two types. He kills martial masters. Our staff is also a master of masters. But he's in jail. While this killer kills ordinary, our man is helping the cops to find it. You acted in a legendary movie like Ip Man. Do you think people watched these movies as fighting movies? Even you couldn't save this movie. The IMDb rating of the movie is way higher than it should be.

There is no sex or nudity in the movie.
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Kung Fu Idol
kosmasp14 February 2016
Leave it to Donnie Yen, to pay respect and make a movie that is sort of a tribute to a lot of Martial Arts heroes of the past. Acting martial arts heroes that is of course. And this movie does have a lot of them. But it does pay respect to almost everyone in the credits too (stay seated or watch them through if you are a fan).

The movie also is a combination of different fighting styles. It's sort of a best of. The story is pretty decent for a movie like this too. The stunts action scenes are fantastic we knew that (if you've been aware of Donnie Yens body of work, if you'll excuse the pun). But it's also the story that you want to enjoy too. It might have a couple of bumps along the way, but overall a very good movie, especially for the martial arts fan
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