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Lots of Wasted Potential Here
thalassafischer16 September 2023
For whatever reason I was swept up in the lesbian melodrama and I've frankly never seen Molly Ringwald looking so hot...but an opportunity was missed here. Instead of trying so hard to pretend this is The Shining (it's most definitely not The Shining) why not accept that Ruthie inherited a crappy motel and not a "hotel"? No one in their right mind thinks the building used in this film is a hotel, or that it was ever "the Four Seasons of the 80s." The motel portrayed here is a stock standard roadside motel and this movie could have been a lot scarier if it were treated as such. There is a lot more gritty dirt you can dig up in such a place - suicidal loners, teenaged drug-addled runaways, murders of street prostitutes in the days before GPS and cell phones (which was a real terrifying true thing, in the 70s and 80s - sex workers were constantly targeted before things like Internet and DNA testing). Plus on top of that there could have been the story about Ruthie's bad childhood and relationship with her mom.

But as it is, Bad Things is only fair-to-middling and because of the way it's presented it just keeps reminding you that it's Not the Shining, which is certainly a bad thing.
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This reminded me of a poor man's The if it took place in the Poconos.
kevin_robbins2 September 2023
Bad Things (2023) is a movie that was recently added to Shudder. The storyline follows a group of friends who are being supportive to a friend who recently inherited a hotel and hopes to either run it or sell it with her mom. It quickly becomes apparent that something isn't right and they believe it's someone not something causing their concern. Is the hotel haunted, is someone messing with them, or is it both?

This movie is written and directed by Stewart Thorndike (Lyle) and stars Gayle Rankin (Men), Hari Nef (Barbie), Annabelle Dexter-Jones (Ravage), Rad Pereira (Betty), Jared Abrahamson (Fear the Walking Dead) and Molly Ringwald (Sixteen Candles).

This had some unique elements and reminded me of a poor man's The if it took place in the Poconos. The acting was actually pretty solid. There's some mental state subplots that were interesting. The characters are pretty unique too. Unfortunately, there was little to no horror elements until the very ending...then the last 15 minutes was impressive. The twists at the end actually surprised me that it was worthwhile with such a poor setup. There's some cool kills at the very, very end...but other than that this is fairly stale. I would score this a 4.5-5/10 and recommend seeing it once only for horror enthusiasts.
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Not terrible, but this feels like wasted potential. [+40%]
arungeorge135 December 2023
It's easy to dismiss Bad Things as the queer version of The Shining but initially, at least, there are a few ideas worth appreciating here. This should ideally have been centered around Gayle Rankin's Ruthie.. and her trauma, manifestations, and slow descent into absolute chaos. Instead, writer-director Stewart Thorndike randomly shifts perspectives (especially when things begin to get interesting) to the other characters, taking us out of the one-woman-breakdown thread, and desperately trying to blur the lines between what's real and what's not. The entire episode then feels like a pointless exercise in the end, mostly because the perspective then transitions back to Ruthie's and we once again witness her losing her mind.

Also, the scenes that were supposed to induce a creepy feeling absolutely fail to do so. The shots of random people showing up at the restaurant, at the facade, and elsewhere, are laughably executed. If the hotel and its snowy surroundings had terrible history, then we ought to have known that because that'd have added to the atmospherics. I did like how the story incorporated Molly Ringwald's character into the film, and while not a surprise, it's nicely woven into the proceedings. When it comes to performances, I think the cast did a fairly decent job. That's one reason why the film is perfectly okay to sit through, even when it fails on the narrative and horror-inducing fronts.
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Its momentary glimmers of potential and its brief scenes generating interest, only makes its ultimate emptiness and disappointment more frustrating.
imdb-29461-3323923 August 2023
Watching this movie is like watching a car fire across the street. The only reason you keep watching is to see how bad it really is. You might hope it could become "so bad it's good", but no... it's just bad, but shows signs of possibly having had potential and that only makes it worse. I watched all the way to the end, unfortunately.

It feels like another film maker could have made a decent version of this film. There's some promising moments. (e.g. A super interesting "haunted" scene with a bunch of customers who probably aren't real.) However, the moments that are interesting only add to the disappointment of how bad the film ends up being, as a whole.

There are interesting characters here, none of whom are likeable because they are so terrible to each other, but that could have used somehow. Instead It's all just squandered opportunities.

I would have rated it a 1 except that a couple of the performers do a decent job. So, I'll give them points even though they can't save the script. (In the end I just felt embarrassed for them, having to have been in such a bad movie.) I'm sure the people playing the main character's trans/lesbian love interests could do well in other films. I'll actually look them up. I'd bet they are in better movies where their performances aren't wasted by bad writing/direction.

Better directing and writing could have resulted in a good movie, but in the end, this film just sucks. Its momentary glimmers of potential and its brief scenes generating interest, only makes its ultimate emptiness and disappointment more frustrating.
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Just Bad
meemee_723 August 2023
I give it 2 stars because it wasn't boring, precisely. It simply made no sense and wasn't scary in the least...that is, unless you count how frighteningly ugly and stupid the characters were. These people are friends?? I don't believe it. I was completely unable to suspend my disbelief and was acutely aware of the films shortcomings every moment.

Incredibly unlikeable characters (despite minimal development), a meandering and pointless plot that fleshed out exactly nothing, and an utter lack of logical support leave the film a nonsensical mishmash.

I'd seen the directors first offering, Lyle. A better film, though not good, it and Bad Things leaves me wondering if Thorndike is deliberately and actively trying to depict lesbians as unhinged, abusive, and dull-witted wastes-of-breath? And to ruin film?
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train wreck
Horror_Flick_Fanatic26 August 2023
Bad Things might just be the worse film I've seen all year, 2023. I don't think the makers of this film have the basic knowledge of how to make any film and certainly not a horror film.

The central characters' friendship and intersecting romantic relationships, which are meant to be the film's grounding center, are described as having flimsy connections and dead air. The performances lacking chemistry and genuine feeling, leaving the film lacking emotional investment. The acting performances were abysmal.

It looks like they were striving for something along the lines of The Shining since it draws a lot of its inspiration from the Kubrick film. But they failed miserably.
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georgio-2649014 April 2024
Wow. Where do you start with such dribbly doodoo ?

This was beyond awful, way past boring , and most of all it was not worth watching.

Cheaply made, rank rotten acting , no storyline whatsoever, annoying characters and to put it bluntly it's badly made.

I read reviews saying it had potential, I strongly disagree, this was doomed before the casting was set , oh the casting........each and everyone in this pantomime is skin crawlingly annoying, obnoxious whiny woke self righteous demons.

The character "cal" had a voice like he should've blown his nose or at least waited till the flu had left his system before filming.

There is no story, no scares, its boring , it's meh, seriously do not bother with this utter guff.
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Pretty Bad
daniela1115 January 2024
Not worth your time even though it´s less than 90 minutes of duration.

There is no actual plot in this film, it's just scene after scene with weird themes in the middle of them (by themes I mean schock value moments and cuestionable actions to keep the audience interested in the movie).

Not even a bad movie that it´s good, just terrible. The acting is mediocre at it´s best (incluiding the minimal Molly Ringwald scenes), the location was ok but very misused in the end, the writing is terrible because like I said: there is no structure to this film, and the ending just leaves no answers to be solved.

In the end if you want to watch a crappy movie just to kill some time then see this trash, if not don't waste your time nor subscribe to an exclusive platform that has this movie in their catalog.

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Solid and Creepy...
stevesinger-200121 August 2023
In "Bad Things", Ruthie has been left "The Comley Hotel" by her grandmother. Her grandmother's death has brought her back in contact with her mother, who just wants her to just sell the hotel. She's not so sure, but she travels to the hotel with her girlfriend Cal (who thinks Ruthie should keep the hotel and run it), their friend Maddie, and Fran, who seems to have an odd relationship with the other three women (although on the other hand, is absolutely gorgeous). The hotel is closed, and there are rumors that it is haunted by the ghosts of guests who have died there. And sure enough, once the women arrive, they start to see things that may or may not be real and begin to behave strangely...

The pitch for "Bad Things" is clearly "The Shining... but with lesbians." Writer/director Stewart Thorndike doesn't hide this, and the influences are clear -- she makes the hotel an important character in the film, duplicates some of Kubrick's tracking shots, and recreates/updates some of the classic images from the original film. And it's pretty effective and creepy, to be honest. But it's not at all a remake, so while the familiarity sets a mood, "Bad Things" moves in a quite a different direction. And the tension starts early on and doesn't really let up until the end. None of the characters are really "likeable" and the one that is closest to being likeable is the one that the other three treat the worst. As an aside, some viewers may be divided by the characters and how they behave. A lot of movies with LGBQT characters make sure they are all appealing, but not "Bad Things.") I'm not sure it truly "nails" the ending, but it certainly will generate plenty of conversations.

Technically, you really can't fault anything. Acting is uniformly excellent among the small cast, and the direction -- as noted above -- is solid and clever.

If you want a fun, creepy film that will get under your skin a bit, check it out.
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Painfully Boring
mojoguzzi-879-684989 March 2024
If this little gem is any indication, Shudder seems to have switched from producing horror films to producing horrific ones. The meager attempts to be scary in this script are bits lifted from other movies. Unfortunately these bits are so poorly directed they only serve to stir up unfavorable comparisons to the originals they were heisted from. Instead of the spooky little girls of The Shining, the hall of this film's hotel is haunted by two lithe young women jogging in place, looking like rejects from a failed aerobics program. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is also represented, and for more than one reason I wish the chainsaw wielding actor was wearing a mask like Leatherface.

Production values are rock bottom. A potentially creepy location is completely wasted on the milksop screenplay. Why there's a "production designer" listed in the credits is a total head scratcher. I would love to know what exactly they did to transform what appears to be a recently vacated hotel into what appears to be a recently vacated hotel. But maybe I'm wrong. Despite one character describing the place as "the Four Seasons of the 80s" it looks more like a Target shopping center converted into a Holiday Inn.

The costumes are a mixed bag ranging from ridiculous to hot. In one scene an actress appears wearing what can only be described as a clown gown ripped straight from the pages of a Zippy the Pinhead comic book. Earlier in the film we're treated to the same trans actress prancing through the halls in her underpants. We also get Molly Ringwold in a scorching red ensemble, looking absolutely delicious for a woman of any age.

If you're a fan of Shudder's agenda, which puts more emphasis on promoting progressive social values than providing scares, you might enjoy this tale of young LGBTQ+ lovers and friends wasting time in an empty hotel. Just sprinkle some No-Doz on yiour popcorn.
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I see dead people
nogodnomasters28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ruthie Nodd (Gayle Rankin) inherits the Comphy Suites from her grandmother bypassing her mother (Molly Ringwald). Ruthie reluctantly spends some time at the empty hotel that has seen better times. She is there with her girlfriend Cal (Hari Nef). Another couple joins them. Fran (Annabelle Dexter-Jones) who we later discover has or had some cancer thing and she was once Ruthie's cheat on Cal. Cal is aware of it and they have moved on. Fran is joined by her girlfriend Maddie (Rad Pereira) who adds another person to the script. Brian (Jared Abrahamson) the handy man shows up. Ruthie tells him her mother is not there as it seems he has a thing going on with her. The girls settle in. Ruthie agrees to hear from a realtor even though the other girls in her party have big plans for the place. Odd things happen. Fran claims to see ghosts. Ruthie does not allow anyone on the third floor where her mother stayed because of a faucet leak. She is overly protective of that leak as things get weird.

The film has a good character introduction and a buildup to an ending that was a bit underwhelming. When using a chainsaw, one does not swing it like an axe. It has a good visual effect but so does spraying blood when using it like one should.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Bean-pole girls in bikinis.
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It May Be Slow Burning. And Super Weird. But It All Comes Around In The End!
meddlecore25 October 2023
This is such an interesting film.

At first, I wasn't super into it.

But, once the paranoia set had won me over.

The story revolves around a big city lesbian- named Ruthie- who has inherited her grandmother's rural hotel, and brought closest friends to check it out, before she sells it.

Ultimately, the whole thing is a psychological horror.

But it's not exactly clear that such is the case, right from the beginning.

Which is what has left many other reviewers confused, I suspect.

Cause things definitely get weird.

To the point where you question whether any of what you are watching is actually real.

What is clear, is that all the characters become paranoid, for different reasons, at different points in the film.

And that someone is attacking people.

Though, it's hard to pin down exactly who that is.

It's all quite Lynchian in nature.

Up until the point that things do actually become clear, in the end.

Where the film takes on a bit of an Argento vibe.

With an aura of extreme paranoia, induced by severe childhood trauma.

And the strained relationships you experience in life as a result of this.

While, no doubt, a bit confounding- and rather weird.

It's actually a quite cleverly constructed film.

That you could easily place in the company of films like Vertigo; Beau Is Afraid; and Raoul Ruiz's epic psychological masterpiece, Le Territoire.

Just...not quite on the same level.

Likewise, you could also place it alongside other recent lesbian oriented horrors, like Jagged Mind, and My Animal, from this year.

Which would make for an interesting marathon, if paired together.

In the end, once you let it simmer, and come to fruition...there's really nothing not to love about this film.

It may be a bit of a slow burner...and have a pretty bizarre plot.

But it's actually kind of a sleeper hit, in my opinion.

So it get's my seal of approval.

And emphatic recommendation.

Don't let the haters make you pass this one by.

Because it's most definitely worth a watch.

6.5 out of 10.
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Fairly good
S_Michael21 August 2023
Hey considering they likely didn't spend 8 billion dollars producing this movie it is pretty good. Is it scary? Hey I'm very hard to scare so don't ask me.... but for the average viewer I would say it might have moments. If you are a fan of or familiar with The Shining, you could easily find this very similar. In fact I am certain there was some intent to make several tributes in this film. For me personally it felt like the goal was to root for the "monster". Each character seemed to be drawn as unlikable and you may wonder why are they friends? If you like a movie that is not real obvious about what is going on, this one can make you wonder..... I would not watch it again but it was worth one viewing.
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