Enlisted (TV Series 2014) Poster


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enjoyable and sweet
Rachelm004 February 2014
Let me start off saying that I know next to nothing about the US military so Im purely looking at this from an enjoyment factor. i started this show having no idea really what it was about (or even that it was a comedy) but I found it really fun. it feels like it could verge on being stupid but I haven't found that yet. I love the relationship between the brothers, it's both sweet and cheeky and there's a lot of love there. I also like how they do cover real issues such as how soldiers can feel returning from a war zone. This issue was treated with respect which I approved of. Overall I love it and will definitely keep watching
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Fun and refreshing an escape from all the dumb reality shows
databris13 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My husband (who is currently Military) and I thought it was fun and refreshing. A good laugh. I admit when I first saw the previews I was worried and wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. TV today is full of sex,violence or stupid reality shows, and I for one am glad that something with just good old fashion humor has come around. Should anyone take any part of this as actual Military life no of course not,but is it a way to just escape and have fun for a half hour with the family yep. Reminds me of the 80's.. the year of Stripes and Private Benjamin. If you like goofy humor then I think you will enjoy this show. I am looking forward to the next episode.
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Enjoyed watching this show
ilovemarkos198623 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My father was in the Canadian Forces for over 25 years. The Royal Canadian Air Force or RCAF. We also spent 3 years in Duluth Minnesota and at times Dad was flown with his Colonel to some of the best golf courses in the United States because he was a Scratch Golfer. So yes I do know a little about military life. I am really amazed at how many of the reviewers thought this television show would depict Enlisted as a documentary of military life.

What these reviewers don't realize is Enlisted is a comedy; a tongue in cheek comedy. Comedies are not about fact.

Military shows like these are all about breaking the rules and engaging in activities that would never happen in the military. It is about someone punching a colonel and being sent home, wearing the uniforms incorrectly or not meeting the weight requirement.

I compared this show to the likes of Gomer Pyle, McHale's Navy, MASH, Stripes and Private Benjamin. Of which I enjoyed for their entertainment value and not for their authenticity. Most of us realized these shows and movies were not how military really was.

So for all you negative reviewers sit back and enjoy the show and remember that it is a comedy and not a documentary.
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Awesome show!
luke-fausnaugh19 January 2014
First, I've been in the Army for 18 years. This show truly is awesome. I can find the same personalities from the characters in multiple Soldiers I've met, supervised, and been over the years. The over zealous, always amped troop; the guy filled with potential but barely does the minimum; the hoah guy who is better than everyone else etc.

I read a lot of reviews that said what I was thinking initially until I found out that all of the errors in the first episode were intentional and that a contest had been advertised prior to the air date that invited people to find the ar 670-1 errors. Even Geoff Stults apologizing because he knew how wrong the violations were. He knew this because he and the other cast members went to a miniature basic training and hung out with Soldiers about to deploy who were going through an IES defeat lane.

Bottom line, I know the cast and writers are doing their best to represent the Army while at the same time producing a comedy. After all it's a COMEDY and a good one at that.
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a good giggle
sheepgrazing11 January 2014
Thank goodness I watched this. I needed a good giggle after previously watching one of the worst ever so called comedies I have ever seen....Spoils of Babylon. This new comedy 'Enlisted' was a laugh and nothing to be taken seriously. It should be taken in the same vein as 'Stripes' was back in it's day. I know a lot of serving men and women will love this here in Australia as they don't have their heads up their bums when it comes to a good 'p*ss-take' comedy, which this one seems to be heading that way. Hubby and I both thoroughly enjoyed it. We will definitely be watching more of this one for the sheer light hearted humour that is intended.
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Why was this canceled?!
gretchenellena5 March 2022
I just found this show on Hulu and I'm so disappointed there is only 1 season! I rarely laugh out loud at tv shows and often find these types of shows more annoying than funny but Enlisted has great one liners and I laughed throughout each episode. I wish there was more to watch.
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Took time to develop chemistry
SnoopyStyle2 February 2014
Sgt. Pete Hill (Geoff Stults) is a war hero reassigned back Stateside to a Florida base where his incompetent brothers Derrick (Chris Lowell) and Randy (Parker Young) are stationed. The base is filled with wacky rejects and inferior soldiers.

It takes awhile for the group to gel. It probably took too long. Most people don't give a show much of a chance, and TV execs are even less patient. It's not a terribly original show, and a military comedy show may not be what people want to see. It's unlikely to be renewed. The brothers' chemistry do improve as the show progress. Of the wacky squad, Tania Gunadi stands out a little as the manic Private Park. The group has potential if they allow them to grow as characters.
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Bring back this show Fox!
Ima_talker30 June 2014
I absolutely love this show and my husband is in Rear D in the Army for now. So many times watching this we got to laugh at all their job requirements that my husband wished were actually that fun. I've also seen soldiers reflecting each and every character in the show. Its a comedy and I treated it like any other comedy show just waiting for a chance to laugh. Fox canceled this show even though it received high ratings I say hey fox bring it back. These men need a good laugh at the end of a long day. A few of the episodes even had me in tears reminiscing emotions about deployment. Never was a fan of military shows like "Army wives" which I found offending and ridiculous but this never claimed accuracy as their forte but instead embraced the fact it was developed by civilians. They even ran a contest to ask viewers what they missed. Definitely worth the watch.
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Would it kill you to hire one Army veteran as a consultant?
sandymike13 January 2014
Why real soldiers will never like this show.... 1. Soldiers don't put their hands in their pockets. 2. Soldiers don't walk around with their blouses unbuttoned. 3. Soldiers always wear their hats outside. 4. Combat scenes are never funny. 5. Soldiers are not allowed to have a five o-clock shadow. 6. During training, rifles make a loud noise instead of a beeping sound because they fire blanks with real gun powder. Next time, hire an Army veteran to make sure the actors act like soldiers. Heck, I would had done it for free. I predict this show will last 4 episodes before it is canceled. If you want to see an accurate military show that has some truly funny moments, see Generation Kill on DVD.
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Hard to watch but has potential
seals_jay17 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As a current active-duty Army Soldier, I can honestly say that watching the pilot episode almost put me in a coma. My wife warned me that there would be MANY "mistakes" and that there was a contest to spot them all in the pilot show. I gave up after counting 40 of them in the first 10 minutes and just settled for trying to understand the characters themselves (it was really, really difficult, though... those discrepancies were VERY distracting!). After the pilot episode, though, it seemed like the producers started to get things at least a LITTLE closer to right, even if there were still some glaringly bad mistakes. Maybe it's because I suffer from a touch of masochism within, but I kept watching each new episode in the hope that things would improve- and they have, albeit marginally.

At this point, I've come to accept the fact that this whole series is probably just set in a completely different universe. That's the only way I can allow myself to enjoy it at all... and, surprisingly, that works for me. So far.

I agree that getting a squared-away, long-time veteran Soldier would go a long way towards making the show more appealing/accurate. I liked the fact that some of the actors went through a mini-Basic course, but I think it's the WRITERS who would benefit most from such an experience. This show has a lot of potential and could become a fantastic Go-To for military comedy, but it needs a serious overhaul in order for that to happen. Not an overhaul of the story, mind you, but an overhaul of purpose. Some characters ought to be dropped entirely and some ought to be fleshed out more. The one thing that bugs me MOST about character interactions is the total lack of discipline:

1) Every time I see the Rear D platoon in formation I simply want to scream.

2) Just about the ONLY time I see anyone going to Parade Rest is when there's a scene in the CSM's (Command Sergeant Major) office. Side note: why is that character a CSM? I could totally get it if he was a First Sergeant, but CSM? Really? I mean, REALLY? The actor who plays the role is former military, for cryin' out loud- he should've been strangling the producers from day one of filming for this kind of stuff!

3) When a CSM comes into an area of operations a Soldier should shout out "AT EASE!" and everyone within earshot should go to Parade Rest until the CSM tells them to relax or says, "As you were."

Those kinds of things are ingrained in Soldiers during Basic Combat Training. If there was some sort of backstory to explain WHY all of these boneheaded Soldiers managed to graduate from Basic, I MIGHT be able to accept their presence in the show... but right now I'm wondering why the majority of them haven't been Chaptered out of the service yet.

I WANT to enjoy the show more. I truly and honestly do. I even like some of the characters. If they'd simply fix the more glaring issues with how Soldiers behave, I'd be able to.
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olive_oil1311 January 2014
This is the worst portrayal of military life imaginable. It isn't realistic in any sense. It is offensive to me as a veteran. The uniforms are incorrect, the duties they are doing are ridiculous and it isn't even a funny show. They don't wear headgear outside, sometimes wear it inside. The men have long hair, people show no respect for others who outrank them and there was no part of it that was even partially entertaining. I watched the pilot until the end hoping it would get better but it just got worse. Took this off my DVR immediately. If you don't care about any of that and just looking for a good laugh, you have chosen the wrong show. Don't waste your time. I was hoping for a good military show with an accurate picture of military life and entertaining at the same time. This show is neither.
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The best show on Television
jtungsten1620 October 2014
what can I say about a show so great? Plenty! Enlisted is a half hour of pure fun, from start to finish the audience is entertained and entertained I mean with great writing and superb acting. Enlisted was cancelled by Fox Television, why? Because of poor promotion and a bad night to air as typically Friday night is a bad night for a show to air. So why did Fox do this to such a great show? Your guess is as good as mine. One can only hope that this gem of a show will be put on DVD so that we all can watch the 13 episodes over and over, which I would do. Enlisted was a show that had heart and it seems Fox only likes to keep shows that are dramatic in nature, not thinking the fans would want a show that actually makes you laugh and cry. So if you have not had the pleasure of watching Enlisted you really should if Fox is nice enough to make a DVD so we can relive the memories. Thanks Fox Television for airing a great show even if it was just 13 episodes.
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Awful, Without Excuse
xenomorph847210 January 2014
As an Army vet, there's plenty to make fun of about the Army, and military in general.

I have no special place in my heart for the Army, nor keep it sacred in any way. I love making fun of Soldiers, the military experience, and patriotism in general.

But this is show is just dumb, and a cheap cash-in on the Army.

I can assure anyone watching, there is nothing even remotely authentic about this depiction of a platoon of losers.

Stripes probably even did a better job than this.

Get this garbage off the air, or do your damn homework, Fox.
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ericrocks618 January 2014
I just watched the first two episodes of this show, not expecting much for a FOX show, expecting another needless thriller from the network, however, I was pleasantly surprised with this show, expecting another FOX flop, but when viewing this new sitcom, it just astounded me as to how amazingly witty and hilarious it was!Truly I hope that this show stays on the air for a long time, and more people view it! Really the only problems with this show is the pacing and some of the dialogue, but really what show doesn't have these problems? I suggest this to anyone whose looking for a good laugh, detailed characters, and a just all around enjoyable experience.So go ahead, give it a look see. It may just be the laugh you need to brighten up your day.
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Loved Enlisted!
mdharri14 September 2015
This show has made my entire life. I was at Ft. Knox when it was cancelled. Sooooooooo.... disappointing. They took it off the air for more of the same boring other shows. I am hoping there is a comeback season. I would actually pay money to see that. I do not usually LOL but when I do, Enlisted is on. The show is not in sync with Army regs, but really? Who cares. The show is a great comedy. If one is too uptight to see that... then have a little laughter in life by watching enlisted. The actors in the show are so great. Good character actors and true to their roles. There are actual army time situations that are light hearted and even some that are heart felt.
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i absolutely love it!
aaronsodeman6 February 2014
This TV show is so funny. The humor in it reminds me of all my friends in the military proudly supporting our country who act and feel the same way as these characters. The TV show accurately depicts the life of a military personnel when they are with their other fellow men and woman. I hope this show stays on for many seasons to come. Not only do i love the story's in each episode, it reminds me and brings back memories of all my friends who i dearly miss. Many of my friends who have seen this show and also served think its a good show to watch and shows the people that they aren't only trained soldier's but friend's, mentor's, and most of all family. The creator should be happy knowing that so many of the men and woman who give their life every day and night to protect us and provide us with our freedom love and adore this show and are on the edge waiting for the new episode to air! thank you
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Lame Show
Travo7114 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I am ex army but wld nvr have a problem of a comedy written about the Military. This one however sux. Lets start with the fact that if someone punches a COL they r not going to be sent home (which is something many soldiers want) they would be under a court-Martial and be serving time. Also If you have a prosthetic foot ur not in active service, ur discharged under medical conditions. Also no one is ever in uniform and you can't just grab a tank for no reason. Also "Rear D" is not a unit for screw ups. Rear Detatchement is just units that are there to keep the base open. Also the jokes and situations and extremely cliché and poorly written. I can't believe this got green lit and I can't believe how some ppl actually like it. The writing is even less funny than Mama's family or full house.
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Could have had potential, but doesn't.
angieswenson934 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Being in the army I thought this would be a great show! However, upon watching it, I was let down. I understand that it's supposed to be a comedy and that not everything is supposed to be by the regs, but this show makes me cringe when I watch it!! First off, the soldiers are always walking around at parade rest...second off, they never follow their chain of command. For them having a CSM in charge (which I feel a 1SG would have been a better more logical fit) e2s and e3s are waltzing right into his office and acting like he's their BFF! If anyone ever did that in the army you would pretty much be dead! Third, their uniforms look like crap all of the time! It seriously drives me up a wall!! And when they are outside they don't wear their PCs (hats) half the time. There's so much more and I could go on all night! Like I said, I completely understand it's supposed to be a comedy but I really wish that they would have went by army regs a little more. If it weren't for that I would enjoy the show. I definitely like the 3 brothers and I like the plots of the episodes. I just die a little bit each time I watch it because of the things I constantly see wrong with the show!!
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A Sit-Com for People Who Hate Sit-Coms
ikcaj5 February 2014
I generally detest sit-coms, even supposedly brilliant ones. I don't even what possessed me to even watch the pilot ep but I'm glad I did as I watched the next three eps back-to-back, laughing out loud at the numerous quick-witted throw-away comments that never come across as contrived. There are large, obvious, in-your-face gags that I don't find particularly amusing but for the most part they work to progress the plot line. The best way I can describe it in terms of humor is to compare it to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which it has nothing whatsoever to do with in terms of plot, but the rhythm is similar: If you like the glaring attempts at humor at the "special reports" then you will find that aspect in Enlisted. As for me, those skits run a bit too long so I welcome the brevity of that style in Enlisted, since I prefer the sarcastic one- liners that whiz by so fast you can easily miss them. The best part, aside from some great talent, is the lack of laugh track.
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This show is garbage.
bill-kesler17 January 2014
There's obviously no one whoever served in the Army advising the producers/directors on anything. Uniforms, behavior, ceremony, terminology, customs and courtesies... All JACKED UP! It's sad that anyone would allow this to be a humorous representation of the Army. The military in general it's too easy to make fun of, but they aren't getting it right. What's up with the soldiers that couldn't pass weight and tape? How about privates talking to a Sergeant Major like they're drinking buddies? The producers obviously need to hire a First Sergeant or Sergeant Major to square this show away. Of course having "real" lower enlisted soldiers to write/advise would also help to make this program palatable.
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Best laughs ever...
katestorhaug21 September 2019
Found the show to be family friendly, hilarious and as a family member of a soldier, refreshing to have a show that embraces my heart & funny bone. I wish there were more episodes. Made the whole family laugh even after moments of sadness & fear. Perfect cast. Thank you all for giving us smiles, tears & bellyaching laughs!!
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Please make more!
There's not much irreverence left on TV, and shows like this need a chance to really shine. I want to buy all the DVD box sets, special editions, and baseball caps YET to be made about this show. I know this is a crap review, but I'm just so upset to hear it may be canceled. The maker of Me Myself and Irene, Scrubs etc - the guy has just shat pure gold again, but i guess American Karaoke (sic) is WAAAY better. How dumb is the American audience these days? Are all the interesting and funny people serving overseas or something. This show should be sent to all the troops overseas to show them we've not lost our sense of humor and we're still being funny for them back home. 3 more seasons - that's an ORDER son!!!
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One Of The Funniest TV Shows Ever
livvy0506-54-1490014 July 2014
This show truly helped me get through a very long, stressful, worrisome 9- month deployment. At moments where all I could do was cry, it literally had me laughing out loud, grinning from ear to ear. After the very first episode, I found myself looking forward to the next episode and the next one and the next one, which REALLY helped to pass the time. It's those silly little weekly goals we milso's (military significant others) make that help to speed up the countdown to homecoming and this was it for me. Obviously, as we all know, the show isn't completely accurate but who cares?!?! Every episode had a good message intertwined within all that hysterical humor, from loyalty and friendship to camaraderie and teaching the importance of always having each others' backs. I truly cannot thank everyone involved in "Enlisted" enough, especially the wonderfully talented and ridiculously funny Hill brothers, for unknowingly bringing me lots of smiles and laughter when I truly needed it the most. I don't know of a single person who didn't love this show and hopefully there will be a network out there smart enough to pick up the second season. I'll be waiting for as long as it takes :-)
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Terrible witing and dialog. Have interesting situations not stupid slapstick
rig58292 February 2014
The actors look good nd the idea has merit. The actions of the characters are like dumb out of control junior high kids and the dialogue is just stupid. IT IS NOT FUNNY.

It reminds me of the slapstick antics of the 60s sitcoms like I Love Lucy and Blondie. I think we are way beyond that now.

You have a tough sergeant and plausible characters in the plot. Why have all of them act so dumb and out of control. The writers need to give the character at least minimal intelligence and take them to funny or entertaining situations.I watched about 15 min of the pilot and couldn't take anymore. I don't know who the writers think acts this stupid but I have never seen this type of conduct except in old sitcoms.

Get new writers and change the story line and the series has a chance. Otherwise I give it one season at most.
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Great, light-hearted comedy
wdiceg13 May 2022
Therevare no many good, mindless comedies on anymore. It has the feeling of early Parks and Rec. Keith Davids Commander Cody has Ron Swanson/Micheal Scott potential. You have some great lead characters and an interesting menagerie of supporting second tier cast to build around.

Fox...if you dont pick this up for another season then hopefully Hulu or Netflix will. Its better than most of the shows on Disney plus and trust me it needs the content....bring it back.
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